blob: 291c335abe25d4419009a1f26c77ed2814515ead [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package syncbase
import (
wire ""
// NOTE(sadovsky): Various methods below may end up needing additional options.
// One can add options to a Go method in a backwards-compatible way by making
// the method variadic.
// TODO(sadovsky): Document the access control policy for every method where
// it's not obvious.
// Service represents a Vanadium Syncbase service.
// Use syncbase.NewService to get a Service.
type Service interface {
// FullName returns the object name (escaped) of this Service.
FullName() string
// App returns the App with the given name.
App(relativeName string) App
// ListApps returns a list of all App names.
ListApps(ctx *context.T) ([]string, error)
// SetPermissions and GetPermissions are included from the AccessController
// interface.
// App represents the data for a specific app instance (possibly a combination
// of user, device, and app).
type App interface {
// Name returns the relative name of this App.
Name() string
// FullName returns the object name (escaped) of this App.
FullName() string
// Exists returns true only if this App exists. Insufficient permissions
// cause Exists to return false instead of an error.
Exists(ctx *context.T) (bool, error)
// Database returns the Database with the given name.
// relativeName must not contain slashes.
// schema can be nil only if schema was never set for the database in the
// first place. See Schema for more details.
Database(relativeName string, schema *Schema) Database
// ListDatabases returns a list of all Database names.
ListDatabases(ctx *context.T) ([]string, error)
// Create creates this App.
// If perms is nil, we inherit (copy) the Service perms.
Create(ctx *context.T, perms access.Permissions) error
// Destroy destroys this App.
Destroy(ctx *context.T) error
// SetPermissions and GetPermissions are included from the AccessController
// interface.
// DatabaseHandle is the set of methods that work both with and without a batch.
// It allows clients to pass the handle to helper methods that are
// batch-agnostic.
type DatabaseHandle interface {
// Name returns the relative name of this DatabaseHandle.
Name() string
// FullName returns the object name (escaped) of this DatabaseHandle.
FullName() string
// Collection returns the Collection with the given name.
// relativeName must not contain slashes.
Collection(relativeName string) Collection
// ListCollections returns a list of all Collection names.
ListCollections(ctx *context.T) ([]string, error)
// Exec executes a syncQL query.
// A value must be provided for every positional parameter ('?' placeholder)
// in the query.
// For select statements:
// If no error is returned, Exec returns an array of headers (i.e., column
// names) and a result stream which contains an array of values for each row
// that matches the query. The number of values returned in each row of the
// result stream will match the size of the headers string array.
// For delete statements:
// If no error is returned, Exec returns an array of headers with exactly
// one column: "Count" and a result stream which contains an array of length
// one, with a single element of type vdl.Int64. The value represents
// the number of k/v pairs deleted by the statement.
// Concurrency semantics: It is legal to perform writes concurrently with
// Exec. The returned stream reads from a consistent snapshot taken at the
// time of the RPC, and will not reflect subsequent writes to keys not yet
// reached by the stream.
Exec(ctx *context.T, query string, params ...interface{}) ([]string, ResultStream, error)
// GetResumeMarker returns the ResumeMarker that points to the current end
// of the event log.
GetResumeMarker(ctx *context.T) (watch.ResumeMarker, error)
// Close cleans up any state associated with this client handle including
// shutting down any open conflict resolution stream.
// Database represents a set of Collections. Batches, queries, sync, watch,
// etc. all operate at the Database level.
type Database interface {
// Create creates this Database.
// If perms is nil, we inherit (copy) the App perms.
Create(ctx *context.T, perms access.Permissions) error
// Destroy destroys this Database, permanently removing all of its data.
Destroy(ctx *context.T) error
// Exists returns true only if this Database exists. Insufficient permissions
// cause Exists to return false instead of an error.
// TODO(ivanpi): Exists may fail with an error if higher levels of hierarchy
// do not exist.
Exists(ctx *context.T) (bool, error)
// BeginBatch creates a new batch. Instead of calling this function directly,
// clients are encouraged to use the RunInBatch() helper function, which
// detects "concurrent batch" errors and handles retries internally.
// Default concurrency semantics:
// - Reads (e.g. gets, scans) inside a batch operate over a consistent
// snapshot taken during BeginBatch(), and will see the effects of prior
// writes performed inside the batch.
// - Commit() may fail with ErrConcurrentBatch, indicating that after
// BeginBatch() but before Commit(), some concurrent routine wrote to a key
// that matches a key or row-range read inside this batch.
// - Other methods will never fail with error ErrConcurrentBatch, even if it
// is known that Commit() will fail with this error.
// Once a batch has been committed or aborted, subsequent method calls will
// fail with no effect.
// Concurrency semantics can be configured using BatchOptions.
// TODO(sadovsky): Maybe use varargs for options.
BeginBatch(ctx *context.T, opts wire.BatchOptions) (BatchDatabase, error)
// SetPermissions and GetPermissions are included from the AccessController
// interface.
// Watch allows a client to watch for updates to the database. For each watch
// request, the client will receive a reliable stream of watch events without
// re-ordering. See watch.GlobWatcher for a detailed explanation of the
// behavior.
// If a nil ResumeMarker is provided, the WatchStream will begin with a Change
// batch containing the initial state. Otherwise, the WatchStream will contain
// only changes since the provided ResumeMarker.
// TODO(sadovsky): Watch should return just a WatchStream, similar to how Scan
// returns just a ScanStream.
Watch(ctx *context.T, collection, prefix string, resumeMarker watch.ResumeMarker) (WatchStream, error)
// Syncgroup returns a handle to the syncgroup with the given name.
Syncgroup(sgName string) Syncgroup
// GetSyncgroupNames returns the global names of all syncgroups attached to
// this database.
GetSyncgroupNames(ctx *context.T) ([]string, error)
// CreateBlob returns a handle to the new Blob instantiated by Syncbase.
CreateBlob(ctx *context.T) (Blob, error)
// Blob returns a handle to the blob with the given BlobRef.
Blob(br wire.BlobRef) Blob
// EnforceSchema compares the current schema version of the database
// with the schema version provided while creating this database handle and
// updates the schema metadata if required.
// This method also registers a conflict resolver with syncbase to receive
// conflicts. Note: schema can be nil, in which case this method should not
// be called and the caller is responsible for maintaining schema sanity.
EnforceSchema(ctx *context.T) error
// PauseSync pauses sync for this database. Incoming sync, as well as
// outgoing sync of subsequent writes, will be disabled until ResumeSync
// is called. PauseSync is idempotent.
PauseSync(ctx *context.T) error
// ResumeSync resumes sync for this database. ResumeSync is idempotent.
ResumeSync(ctx *context.T) error
// BatchDatabase is a handle to a set of reads and writes to the database that
// should be considered an atomic unit. See BeginBatch() for concurrency
// semantics.
// TODO(sadovsky): If/when needed, add a CommitWillFail() method so that clients
// can avoid doing extra work inside a doomed batch.
type BatchDatabase interface {
// Commit persists the pending changes to the database.
// If the batch is readonly, Commit() will fail with ErrReadOnlyBatch; Abort()
// should be used instead.
Commit(ctx *context.T) error
// Abort notifies the server that any pending changes can be discarded.
// It is not strictly required, but it may allow the server to release locks
// or other resources sooner than if it was not called.
Abort(ctx *context.T) error
// Collection represents a set of Rows.
// TODO(sadovsky): Currently we provide Get/Put/Delete methods on both
// Collection and Row, because we're not sure which will feel more natural.
// Eventually, we'll need to pick one.
type Collection interface {
// Name returns the relative name of this Collection.
Name() string
// FullName returns the object name (escaped) of this Collection.
FullName() string
// Exists returns true only if this Collection exists. Insufficient permissions
// cause Exists to return false instead of an error.
// TODO(ivanpi): Exists may fail with an error if higher levels of hierarchy
// do not exist.
Exists(ctx *context.T) (bool, error)
// Create creates this Collection.
// If perms is nil, we inherit (copy) the Database perms.
// Create must not be called from within a batch.
Create(ctx *context.T, perms access.Permissions) error
// Destroy destroys this Collection, permanently removing all of its data.
// Destroy must not be called from within a batch.
Destroy(ctx *context.T) error
// GetPermissions returns the current Permissions for the Collection.
GetPermissions(ctx *context.T) (access.Permissions, error)
// SetPermissions replaces the current Permissions for the Collection.
SetPermissions(ctx *context.T, perms access.Permissions) error
// Row returns the Row with the given primary key.
Row(key string) Row
// Get stores the value for the given primary key in value. If value's type
// does not match the stored type, Get will return an error. Expected usage:
// var val mytype
// if err := collection.Get(ctx, key, &val); err != nil {
// return err
// }
Get(ctx *context.T, key string, value interface{}) error
// Put writes the given value to this Collection. The value's primary key field
// must be set.
// TODO(kash): Can VOM handle everything that satisfies interface{}?
// Need to talk to Todd.
// TODO(sadovsky): Maybe distinguish insert from update (and also offer
// upsert) so that last-one-wins can have deletes trump updates.
Put(ctx *context.T, key string, value interface{}) error
// Delete deletes the row for the given primary key.
Delete(ctx *context.T, key string) error
// DeleteRange deletes all rows in the given half-open range [start, limit).
// If limit is "", all rows with keys >= start are included.
// See helpers Prefix(), Range(), SingleRow().
DeleteRange(ctx *context.T, r RowRange) error
// Scan returns all rows in the given half-open range [start, limit). If limit
// is "", all rows with keys >= start are included.
// Concurrency semantics: It is legal to perform writes concurrently with
// Scan. The returned stream reads from a consistent snapshot taken at the
// time of the RPC (or at the time of BeginBatch, if in a batch), and will not
// reflect subsequent writes to keys not yet reached by the stream.
// See helpers Prefix(), Range(), SingleRow().
Scan(ctx *context.T, r RowRange) ScanStream
// Row represents a single row in a Collection.
type Row interface {
// Key returns the primary key for this Row.
Key() string
// FullName returns the object name (escaped) of this Row.
FullName() string
// Exists returns true only if this Row exists. Insufficient permissions
// cause Exists to return false instead of an error.
// TODO(ivanpi): Exists may fail with an error if higher levels of hierarchy
// do not exist.
Exists(ctx *context.T) (bool, error)
// Get returns the value for this Row.
Get(ctx *context.T, value interface{}) error
// Put writes the given value for this Row.
Put(ctx *context.T, value interface{}) error
// Delete deletes this Row.
Delete(ctx *context.T) error
// Stream is an interface for iterating through a collection of elements.
type Stream interface {
// Advance stages an element so the client can retrieve it. Advance returns
// true iff there is an element to retrieve. The client must call Advance
// before retrieving the element. The client must call Cancel if it does not
// iterate through all elements (i.e. until Advance returns false).
// Advance may block if an element is not immediately available.
Advance() bool
// Err returns a non-nil error iff the stream encountered any errors. Err does
// not block.
Err() error
// Cancel notifies the stream provider that it can stop producing elements.
// The client must call Cancel if it does not iterate through all elements
// (i.e. until Advance returns false). Cancel is idempotent and can be called
// concurrently with a goroutine that is iterating via Advance.
// Cancel causes Advance to subsequently return false. Cancel does not block.
// ScanStream is an interface for iterating through a collection of key-value
// pairs.
type ScanStream interface {
// Key returns the key of the element that was staged by Advance.
// Key may panic if Advance returned false or was not called at all.
// Key does not block.
Key() string
// Value returns the value of the element that was staged by Advance, or an
// error if the value could not be decoded.
// Value may panic if Advance returned false or was not called at all.
// Value does not block.
Value(value interface{}) error
// ResultStream is an interface for iterating through rows resulting from an
// Exec.
type ResultStream interface {
// ResultCount returns the number of results for the stream element
// prepared by the most recent call to Advance(). Requires that the
// last call to Advance() was successful.
ResultCount() int
// ResultValue places in value the result numbered i.
// Requires 0 <= i < ResultCount(), and that the last call to Advance()
// was successful.
// Errors represent possible decoding errors for individual values,
// rather than errors that would necessarily terminate the stream.
Result(i int, value interface{}) error
// WatchStream is an interface for receiving database updates.
type WatchStream interface {
// Change returns the element that was staged by Advance.
// Change may panic if Advance returned false or was not called at all.
// Change does not block.
Change() WatchChange
// ChangeType describes the type of the row change: Put or Delete.
// TODO(rogulenko): Add types to represent changes to ACLs and syncgroups in
// this database. Also, consider adding the Shell type.
type ChangeType uint32
const (
PutChange ChangeType = iota
// WatchChange is the new value for a watched entity.
type WatchChange struct {
// Collection is the name of the collection that contains the changed row.
Collection string
// Row is the key of the changed row.
Row string
// ChangeType describes the type of the change. If the ChangeType equals to
// PutChange, then the row exists in the collection and the Value contains the new
// value for this row. If the state equals to DeleteChange, then the row was
// removed from the collection.
ChangeType ChangeType
// value is the new value for the row if the ChangeType is Put or nil
// otherwise.
value *vom.RawBytes
// ResumeMarker provides a compact representation of all the messages
// that have been received by the caller for the given Watch call.
// This marker can be provided in the Request message to allow the caller
// to resume the stream watching at a specific point without fetching the
// initial state.
ResumeMarker watch.ResumeMarker
// FromSync indicates whether the change came from sync. If FromSync is
// false, then the change originated from the local device.
FromSync bool
// If true, this WatchChange is followed by more WatchChanges that are in the
// same batch as this WatchChange.
Continued bool
// Value decodes the new value of the watched element. Panics if the change type
// is DeleteChange.
func (c *WatchChange) Value(value interface{}) error {
if c.ChangeType == DeleteChange {
panic("invalid change type")
return c.value.ToValue(value)
// Syncgroup is the interface for a syncgroup in the store.
type Syncgroup interface {
// Create creates a new syncgroup with the given spec.
// Requires: Client must have at least Read access on the Database; all
// Collections specified in prefixes must exist; Client must have at least
// Read access on each of the Collection ACLs.
Create(ctx *context.T, spec wire.SyncgroupSpec, myInfo wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo) error
// Join joins a syncgroup.
// Requires: Client must have at least Read access on the Database and on the
// syncgroup ACL.
Join(ctx *context.T, myInfo wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo) (wire.SyncgroupSpec, error)
// Leave leaves the syncgroup. Previously synced data will continue
// to be available.
// Requires: Client must have at least Read access on the Database.
Leave(ctx *context.T) error
// Destroy destroys the syncgroup. Previously synced data will
// continue to be available to all members.
// Requires: Client must have at least Read access on the Database, and must
// have Admin access on the syncgroup ACL.
Destroy(ctx *context.T) error
// Eject ejects a member from the syncgroup. The ejected member
// will not be able to sync further, but will retain any data it has already
// synced.
// Requires: Client must have at least Read access on the Database, and must
// have Admin access on the syncgroup ACL.
Eject(ctx *context.T, member string) error
// GetSpec gets the syncgroup spec. version allows for atomic
// read-modify-write of the spec - see comment for SetSpec.
// Requires: Client must have at least Read access on the Database and on the
// syncgroup ACL.
GetSpec(ctx *context.T) (spec wire.SyncgroupSpec, version string, err error)
// SetSpec sets the syncgroup spec. version may be either empty or
// the value from a previous Get. If not empty, Set will only succeed if the
// current version matches the specified one.
// Requires: Client must have at least Read access on the Database, and must
// have Admin access on the syncgroup ACL.
SetSpec(ctx *context.T, spec wire.SyncgroupSpec, version string) error
// GetMembers gets the info objects for members of the syncgroup.
// Requires: Client must have at least Read access on the Database and on the
// syncgroup ACL.
GetMembers(ctx *context.T) (map[string]wire.SyncgroupMemberInfo, error)
// Blob is the interface for a Blob in the store.
type Blob interface {
// Ref returns Syncbase's BlobRef for this blob.
Ref() wire.BlobRef
// Put appends the byte stream to the blob.
Put(ctx *context.T) (BlobWriter, error)
// Commit marks the blob as immutable.
Commit(ctx *context.T) error
// Size returns the count of bytes written as part of the blob
// (committed or uncommitted).
Size(ctx *context.T) (int64, error)
// Delete locally deletes the blob (committed or uncommitted).
Delete(ctx *context.T) error
// Get returns the byte stream from a committed blob starting at offset.
Get(ctx *context.T, offset int64) (BlobReader, error)
// Fetch initiates fetching a blob if not locally found. priority
// controls the network priority of the blob. Higher priority blobs are
// fetched before the lower priority ones. However an ongoing blob
// transfer is not interrupted. Status updates are streamed back to the
// client as fetch is in progress.
Fetch(ctx *context.T, priority uint64) (BlobStatus, error)
// Pin locally pins the blob so that it is not evicted.
Pin(ctx *context.T) error
// Unpin locally unpins the blob so that it can be evicted if needed.
Unpin(ctx *context.T) error
// Keep locally caches the blob with the specified rank. Lower
// ranked blobs are more eagerly evicted.
Keep(ctx *context.T, rank uint64) error
// BlobWriter is an interface for putting a blob.
type BlobWriter interface {
// Send places the bytes given by the client onto the output
// stream. Returns errors encountered while sending. Blocks if there is
// no buffer space.
Send([]byte) error
// Close indicates that no more bytes will be sent.
Close() error
// BlobReader is an interface for getting a blob.
type BlobReader interface {
// Advance() stages bytes so that they may be retrieved via
// Value(). Returns true iff there are bytes to retrieve. Advance() must
// be called before Value() is called. The caller is expected to read
// until Advance() returns false, or to call Cancel().
Advance() bool
// Value() returns the bytes that were staged by Advance(). May panic if
// Advance() returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() []byte
// Err() returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// Cancel notifies the stream provider that it can stop producing
// elements. The client must call Cancel if it does not iterate through
// all elements (i.e. until Advance returns false). Cancel is idempotent
// and can be called concurrently with a goroutine that is iterating via
// Advance. Cancel causes Advance to subsequently return false. Cancel
// does not block.
// BlobStatus is an interface for getting the status of a blob transfer.
type BlobStatus interface {
// Advance() stages an item so that it may be retrieved via
// Value(). Returns true iff there are items to retrieve. Advance() must
// be called before Value() is called. The caller is expected to read
// until Advance() returns false, or to call Cancel().
Advance() bool
// Value() returns the item that was staged by Advance(). May panic if
// Advance() returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() wire.BlobFetchStatus
// Err() returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// Cancel notifies the stream provider that it can stop producing
// elements. The client must call Cancel if it does not iterate through
// all elements (i.e. until Advance returns false). Cancel is idempotent
// and can be called concurrently with a goroutine that is iterating via
// Advance. Cancel causes Advance to subsequently return false. Cancel
// does not block.
// Each database has a Schema associated with it which defines the current
// version of the database. When a new version of app wishes to change
// its data in a way that it is not compatible with the old app's data,
// the app must change the schema version and perform relevant upgrade logic.
// The conflict resolution rules are also associated with the
// schema version. Hence if the conflict resolution rules change then the schema
// version also must be bumped.
// Schema provides metadata and a ConflictResolver for a given database.
// ConflictResolver is purely local and not persisted.
type Schema struct {
Metadata wire.SchemaMetadata
Resolver ConflictResolver
// ConflictResolver interface allows the App to define resolution of conflicts
// that it requested to handle.
type ConflictResolver interface {
OnConflict(ctx *context.T, conflict *Conflict) Resolution
// Get takes a reference to an instance of a type that is expected to be
// represented by Value.
func (v *Value) Get(value interface{}) error {
return vom.Decode(v.Val, value)
// NewValue creates a new Value to be added to Resolution.
func NewValue(ctx *context.T, data interface{}) (*Value, error) {
if data == nil {
return nil, verror.New(verror.ErrBadArg, ctx, "data cannot be nil")
bytes, err := vom.Encode(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Value{
Val: bytes,
WriteTs: time.Now(), // ignored by syncbase
Selection: wire.ValueSelectionOther,
}, nil