blob: 9b8dbd4d8fe05c1442a8dd1b8dd0455ea7729bdd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package syncbase_test
import (
wire ""
_ ""
tu ""
// TODO(rogulenko): Test perms checking for Glob and Exec.
// Tests various Id, Name, FullName, and Key methods.
func TestIdNameAndKey(t *testing.T) {
s := syncbase.NewService("s")
d := s.DatabaseForId(wire.Id{"a", "d"}, nil)
c := d.CollectionForId(wire.Id{"u", "c"})
r := c.Row("r")
if s.FullName() != "s" {
t.Errorf("Wrong full name: %q", s.FullName())
if d.Id() != (wire.Id{"a", "d"}) {
t.Errorf("Wrong id: %v", d.Id())
if d.FullName() != naming.Join("s", "a,d") {
t.Errorf("Wrong full name: %q", d.FullName())
if c.Id() != (wire.Id{"u", "c"}) {
t.Errorf("Wrong id: %v", c.Id())
if c.FullName() != naming.Join("s", "a,d", "u,c") {
t.Errorf("Wrong full name: %q", c.FullName())
if r.Key() != "r" {
t.Errorf("Wrong key: %q", r.Key())
if r.FullName() != naming.Join("s", "a,d", "u,c", "r") {
t.Errorf("Wrong full name: %q", r.FullName())
// Tests that Service.ListDatabases works as expected.
func TestListDatabases(t *testing.T) {
_, ctx, sName, rootp, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDieCustom("u:client", "server", tu.DefaultPerms(access.AllTypicalTags(), "root"))
defer cleanup()
tu.TestListChildIds(t, ctx, rootp, syncbase.NewService(sName), tu.OkAppUserBlessings, tu.OkDbCxNames)
// Tests that Service.{Set,Get}Permissions work as expected.
func TestServicePerms(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
tu.TestPerms(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName))
// Tests that Database.Create works as expected.
func TestDatabaseCreate(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
tu.TestCreate(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName))
// Tests name-checking on database creation.
// TODO(sadovsky): Also test blessing validation. We should rewrite some of
// these tests. Let's do this after we update collections to use ids.
func TestDatabaseCreateNameValidation(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
tu.TestCreateNameValidation(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), tu.OkDbCxNames, tu.NotOkDbCxNames)
// Tests that Database.Destroy works as expected.
func TestDatabaseDestroy(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
tu.TestDestroy(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName))
// Tests that Database.Exec works as expected.
// Note: The Exec method is tested more thoroughly in exec_test.go.
// Also, the query package is tested in its entirety in v23/query/...
func TestExec(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
c := tu.CreateCollection(t, ctx, d, "c")
foo := Foo{I: 4, S: "f"}
if err := c.Put(ctx, "foo", foo); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() failed: %v", err)
bar := Bar{F: 0.5, S: "b"}
// NOTE: not best practice, but store bar as
// optional (by passing the address of bar to Put).
// This tests auto-dereferencing.
if err := c.Put(ctx, "bar", &bar); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() failed: %v", err)
baz := Baz{Name: "John Doe", Active: true}
if err := c.Put(ctx, "baz", baz); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() failed: %v", err)
tu.CheckExec(t, ctx, d, "select k, v.Name from c where Type(v) like \"%.Baz\"",
[]string{"k", "v.Name"},
{vom.RawBytesOf("baz"), vom.RawBytesOf(baz.Name)},
tu.CheckExec(t, ctx, d, "select k, v from c",
[]string{"k", "v"},
{vom.RawBytesOf("bar"), vom.RawBytesOf(bar)},
{vom.RawBytesOf("baz"), vom.RawBytesOf(baz)},
{vom.RawBytesOf("foo"), vom.RawBytesOf(foo)},
tu.CheckExec(t, ctx, d, "select k, v from c where k like \"ba%\"",
[]string{"k", "v"},
{vom.RawBytesOf("bar"), vom.RawBytesOf(bar)},
{vom.RawBytesOf("baz"), vom.RawBytesOf(baz)},
tu.CheckExec(t, ctx, d, "select k, v from c where v.Active = true",
[]string{"k", "v"},
{vom.RawBytesOf("baz"), vom.RawBytesOf(baz)},
tu.CheckExec(t, ctx, d, "select k, v from c where Type(v) like \"%.Bar\"",
[]string{"k", "v"},
{vom.RawBytesOf("bar"), vom.RawBytesOf(bar)},
tu.CheckExec(t, ctx, d, "select k, v from c where v.F = 0.5",
[]string{"k", "v"},
{vom.RawBytesOf("bar"), vom.RawBytesOf(bar)},
tu.CheckExec(t, ctx, d, "select k, v from c where Type(v) like \"%.Baz\"",
[]string{"k", "v"},
{vom.RawBytesOf("baz"), vom.RawBytesOf(baz)},
// Delete baz.
tu.CheckExec(t, ctx, d, "delete from c where Type(v) like \"%.Baz\"",
// Check that baz is no longer in the collection.
tu.CheckExec(t, ctx, d, "select k, v from c",
[]string{"k", "v"},
{vom.RawBytesOf("bar"), vom.RawBytesOf(bar)},
{vom.RawBytesOf("foo"), vom.RawBytesOf(foo)},
tu.CheckExecError(t, ctx, d, "select k, v from foo", syncql.ErrTableCantAccess.ID)
// Tests that Database.ListCollections works as expected.
func TestListCollections(t *testing.T) {
_, ctx, sName, rootp, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDieCustom("u:client", "server", tu.DefaultPerms(access.AllTypicalTags(), "root"))
defer cleanup()
d := syncbase.NewService(sName).DatabaseForId(wire.Id{"root", "d"}, nil)
if err := d.Create(ctx, tu.DefaultPerms(wire.AllDatabaseTags, "root")); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.Create() failed: %v", err)
tu.TestListChildIds(t, ctx, rootp, d, tu.OkAppUserBlessings, tu.OkDbCxNames)
// Tests that Database.{Set,Get}Permissions work as expected.
func TestDatabasePerms(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
tu.TestPerms(t, ctx, d)
// Tests that Collection.Create works as expected.
func TestCollectionCreate(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
tu.TestCreate(t, ctx, d)
// Tests name-checking on collection creation.
// TODO(sadovsky): Also test blessing validation. We should rewrite some of
// these tests. Let's do this after we update collections to use ids.
func TestCollectionCreateNameValidation(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
tu.TestCreateNameValidation(t, ctx, d, tu.OkDbCxNames, tu.NotOkDbCxNames)
// Tests that Collection.Destroy works as expected.
func TestCollectionDestroy(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
tu.TestDestroy(t, ctx, d)
// Tests that Collection.Destroy deletes all rows in the collection.
func TestCollectionDestroyAndRecreate(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
c := tu.CreateCollection(t, ctx, d, "c")
// Write some data.
if err := c.Put(ctx, "bar/baz", "A"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() failed: %v", err)
if err := c.Put(ctx, "foo", "B"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() failed: %v", err)
// Remove write permissions from collection.
fullPerms := tu.DefaultPerms(wire.AllCollectionTags, "root:u:client")
readPerms := fullPerms.Copy().Clear("root:u:client", string(access.Write))
if err := c.SetPermissions(ctx, readPerms); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.SetPermissions() failed: %v", err)
// Verify we have no write access to "bar" anymore.
if err := c.Put(ctx, "bar/bat", "C"); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoAccess.ID {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() should have failed with ErrNoAccess, got: %v", err)
// Destroy collection. Destroy needs only admin permissions on the collection,
// so it shouldn't be affected by the lack of Write access.
// TODO(ivanpi): Destroy currently needs Write, reenable code above when fixed.
if err := c.Destroy(ctx); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Destroy() failed: %v", err)
// Recreate the collection.
if err := c.Create(ctx, nil); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Create() (recreate) failed: %v", err)
// Verify collection is empty.
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Prefix(""), []string{}, []interface{}{})
// Verify we again have write access to "bar".
if err := c.Put(ctx, "bar/bat", "C"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() failed: %v", err)
// Tests involving rows
type Foo struct {
I int
S string
type Bar struct {
F float32
S string
type Baz struct {
Name string
Active bool
// Tests that Collection.Scan works as expected.
func TestCollectionScan(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
c := tu.CreateCollection(t, ctx, d, "c")
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Prefix(""), []string{}, []interface{}{})
fooWant := Foo{I: 4, S: "f"}
if err := c.Put(ctx, "foo", &fooWant); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() failed: %v", err)
barWant := Bar{F: 0.5, S: "b"}
if err := c.Put(ctx, "bar", &barWant); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() failed: %v", err)
// Match all keys.
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Prefix(""), []string{"bar", "foo"}, []interface{}{&barWant, &fooWant})
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Range("", ""), []string{"bar", "foo"}, []interface{}{&barWant, &fooWant})
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Range("", "z"), []string{"bar", "foo"}, []interface{}{&barWant, &fooWant})
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Range("a", ""), []string{"bar", "foo"}, []interface{}{&barWant, &fooWant})
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Range("a", "z"), []string{"bar", "foo"}, []interface{}{&barWant, &fooWant})
// Match "bar" only.
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Prefix("b"), []string{"bar"}, []interface{}{&barWant})
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Prefix("bar"), []string{"bar"}, []interface{}{&barWant})
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Range("bar", "baz"), []string{"bar"}, []interface{}{&barWant})
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Range("bar", "foo"), []string{"bar"}, []interface{}{&barWant})
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Range("", "foo"), []string{"bar"}, []interface{}{&barWant})
// Match "foo" only.
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Prefix("f"), []string{"foo"}, []interface{}{&fooWant})
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Prefix("foo"), []string{"foo"}, []interface{}{&fooWant})
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Range("foo", "fox"), []string{"foo"}, []interface{}{&fooWant})
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Range("foo", ""), []string{"foo"}, []interface{}{&fooWant})
// Match nothing.
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Range("a", "bar"), []string{}, []interface{}{})
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Range("bar", "bar"), []string{}, []interface{}{})
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Prefix("z"), []string{}, []interface{}{})
// Tests that Collection.DeleteRange works as expected.
func TestCollectionDeleteRange(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
c := tu.CreateCollection(t, ctx, d, "c")
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Prefix(""), []string{}, []interface{}{})
// Put foo and bar.
fooWant := Foo{I: 4, S: "f"}
if err := c.Put(ctx, "foo", &fooWant); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() failed: %v", err)
barWant := Bar{F: 0.5, S: "b"}
if err := c.Put(ctx, "bar", &barWant); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() failed: %v", err)
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Prefix(""), []string{"bar", "foo"}, []interface{}{&barWant, &fooWant})
// Delete foo.
if err := c.DeleteRange(ctx, syncbase.Prefix("f")); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.DeleteRange() failed: %v", err)
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Prefix(""), []string{"bar"}, []interface{}{&barWant})
// Restore foo.
if err := c.Put(ctx, "foo", &fooWant); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() failed: %v", err)
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Prefix(""), []string{"bar", "foo"}, []interface{}{&barWant, &fooWant})
// Delete everything.
if err := c.DeleteRange(ctx, syncbase.Prefix("")); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.DeleteRange() failed: %v", err)
tu.CheckScan(t, ctx, c, syncbase.Prefix(""), []string{}, []interface{}{})
// Tests that Collection.{Get,Put,Delete} work as expected.
func TestCollectionRowMethods(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
c := tu.CreateCollection(t, ctx, d, "c")
got, want := Foo{}, Foo{I: 4, S: "foo"}
if err := c.Get(ctx, "f", &got); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoExist.ID {
t.Fatalf("c.Get() should have failed: %v", err)
if err := c.Put(ctx, "f", &want); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() failed: %v", err)
if err := c.Get(ctx, "f", &got); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Get() failed: %v", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Fatalf("Values do not match: got %v, want %v", got, want)
// Overwrite value.
want.I = 6
if err := c.Put(ctx, "f", &want); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Put() failed: %v", err)
if err := c.Get(ctx, "f", &got); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Get() failed: %v", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Fatalf("Values do not match: got %v, want %v", got, want)
if err := c.Delete(ctx, "f"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.Delete() failed: %v", err)
if err := c.Get(ctx, "f", &got); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoExist.ID {
t.Fatalf("r.Get() should have failed: %v", err)
// Tests that Row.{Get,Put,Delete} work as expected.
func TestRowMethods(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
c := tu.CreateCollection(t, ctx, d, "c")
r := c.Row("f")
got, want := Foo{}, Foo{I: 4, S: "foo"}
if err := r.Get(ctx, &got); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoExist.ID {
t.Fatalf("r.Get() should have failed: %v", err)
if err := r.Put(ctx, &want); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("r.Put() failed: %v", err)
if err := r.Get(ctx, &got); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("r.Get() failed: %v", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Fatalf("Values do not match: got %v, want %v", got, want)
// Overwrite value.
want.I = 6
if err := r.Put(ctx, &want); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("r.Put() failed: %v", err)
if err := r.Get(ctx, &got); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("r.Get() failed: %v", err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Fatalf("Values do not match: got %v, want %v", got, want)
if err := r.Delete(ctx); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("r.Delete() failed: %v", err)
if err := r.Get(ctx, &got); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoExist.ID {
t.Fatalf("r.Get() should have failed: %v", err)
// Tests name-checking on row creation.
func TestRowKeyValidation(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
c := tu.CreateCollection(t, ctx, d, "c")
tu.TestCreateNameValidation(t, ctx, c, tu.OkRowKeys, tu.NotOkRowKeys)
// Test permission checking in Row.{Get,Put,Delete} and
// Collection.{Scan, DeleteRange}.
// TODO(ivanpi): Redundant with permissions_test?
func TestRowPermissions(t *testing.T) {
_, clientACtx, sName, _, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDieCustom("u:clientA", "server", nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, clientACtx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
c := tu.CreateCollection(t, clientACtx, d, "c")
// Add some key-value pairs.
r := c.Row("foo")
if err := r.Put(clientACtx, Foo{}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("r.Put() failed: %v", err)
// Lock A out of c.
bOnly := tu.DefaultPerms(wire.AllCollectionTags, "root:u:clientB")
if err := c.SetPermissions(clientACtx, bOnly); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.SetPermissions() failed: %v", err)
// Check A doesn't have access.
if err := r.Get(clientACtx, &Foo{}); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoAccess.ID {
t.Fatalf("rb.Get() should have failed: %v", err)
if err := r.Put(clientACtx, Foo{}); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoAccess.ID {
t.Fatalf("rb.Put() should have failed: %v", err)
if err := r.Delete(clientACtx); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoAccess.ID {
t.Fatalf("rb.Delete() should have failed: %v", err)
// Test Collection.DeleteRange and Scan.
if err := c.DeleteRange(clientACtx, syncbase.Prefix("")); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoAccess.ID {
t.Fatalf("c.DeleteRange should have failed: %v", err)
s := c.Scan(clientACtx, syncbase.Prefix(""))
if s.Advance() {
t.Fatalf("Stream advanced unexpectedly")
if err := s.Err(); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoAccess.ID {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected stream error: %v", err)
// Tests collection perms where get is allowed but put is not.
// TODO(ivanpi): Redundant with permissions_test?
func TestMixedCollectionPerms(t *testing.T) {
ctx, clientACtx, sName, rootp, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDieCustom("u:clientA", "server", nil)
defer cleanup()
clientBCtx := tu.NewCtx(ctx, rootp, "u:clientB")
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, clientACtx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
c := tu.CreateCollection(t, clientACtx, d, "c")
// Set permissions.
aAllBRead := tu.DefaultPerms(wire.AllCollectionTags, "root:u:clientA")
aAllBRead.Add(security.BlessingPattern("root:u:clientB"), string(access.Read))
if err := c.SetPermissions(clientACtx, aAllBRead); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.SetPermissions() failed: %v", err)
// Test GetPermissions.
if got, err := c.GetPermissions(clientACtx); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("c.GetPermissions() failed: %v", err)
} else if want := aAllBRead; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected collection permissions: got %v, want %v", got, want)
// Both A and B can read row key "a", but only A can write it.
r := c.Row("a")
if err := r.Put(clientACtx, Foo{}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("client A r.Put() failed: %v", err)
if err := r.Put(clientBCtx, Foo{}); verror.ErrorID(err) != verror.ErrNoAccess.ID {
t.Fatalf("client B r.Put() should have failed: %v", err)
if err := r.Get(clientACtx, &Foo{}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("client A r.Get() failed: %v", err)
if err := r.Get(clientBCtx, &Foo{}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("client B r.Get() failed: %v", err)
// TestWatchBasic tests the basic client watch functionality: no perms,
// no batches.
func TestWatchBasic(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
c := tu.CreateCollection(t, ctx, d, "c")
var resumeMarkers []watch.ResumeMarker
// Generate the data and resume markers.
// Initial state.
resumeMarker, err := d.GetResumeMarker(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
resumeMarkers = append(resumeMarkers, resumeMarker)
// Put "abc%".
r := c.Row("abc%")
if err := r.Put(ctx, "value"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("r.Put() failed: %v", err)
if resumeMarker, err = d.GetResumeMarker(ctx); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
resumeMarkers = append(resumeMarkers, resumeMarker)
// Delete "abc%".
if err := r.Delete(ctx); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("r.Delete() failed: %v", err)
if resumeMarker, err = d.GetResumeMarker(ctx); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
resumeMarkers = append(resumeMarkers, resumeMarker)
// Put "a".
r = c.Row("a")
if err := r.Put(ctx, "value"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("r.Put() failed: %v", err)
if resumeMarker, err = d.GetResumeMarker(ctx); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
resumeMarkers = append(resumeMarkers, resumeMarker)
allChanges := []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(c.Id(), "abc%", "value", resumeMarkers[1]),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowDelete(c.Id(), "abc%", resumeMarkers[2]),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(c.Id(), "a", "value", resumeMarkers[3]),
ctxWithTimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
wstream := d.Watch(ctxWithTimeout, resumeMarkers[0], []wire.CollectionRowPattern{util.RowPrefixPattern(c.Id(), "a")})
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstream, allChanges)
wstream = d.Watch(ctxWithTimeout, resumeMarkers[1], []wire.CollectionRowPattern{util.RowPrefixPattern(c.Id(), "a")})
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstream, allChanges[1:])
wstream = d.Watch(ctxWithTimeout, resumeMarkers[2], []wire.CollectionRowPattern{util.RowPrefixPattern(c.Id(), "a")})
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstream, allChanges[2:])
wstream = d.Watch(ctxWithTimeout, resumeMarkers[0], []wire.CollectionRowPattern{util.RowPrefixPattern(c.Id(), "abc")})
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstream, allChanges[:2])
wstream = d.Watch(ctxWithTimeout, resumeMarkers[1], []wire.CollectionRowPattern{util.RowPrefixPattern(c.Id(), "abc")})
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstream, allChanges[1:2])
// TestWatchWithBatchAndInitialState tests that the client watch correctly
// handles batches, perms, and fetching initial state on empty resume marker.
func TestWatchWithBatchAndInitialState(t *testing.T) {
ctx, adminCtx, sName, rootp, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDieCustom("u:admin", "server", nil)
defer cleanup()
clientCtx := tu.NewCtx(ctx, rootp, "u:client")
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, adminCtx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
cp := tu.CreateCollection(t, adminCtx, d, "cpublic")
ch := tu.CreateCollection(t, adminCtx, d, "chidden")
// Set permissions. Lock client out of ch.
openAcl := tu.DefaultPerms(wire.AllCollectionTags, "root:u:admin", "root:u:client")
adminAcl := tu.DefaultPerms(wire.AllCollectionTags, "root:u:admin")
if err := cp.SetPermissions(adminCtx, openAcl); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cp.SetPermissions() failed: %v", err)
if err := ch.SetPermissions(adminCtx, adminAcl); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ch.SetPermissions() failed: %v", err)
// === 1) Initial changes ===
// -> Put cp:"a/1" and ch:"b/1" in a batch.
if err := syncbase.RunInBatch(adminCtx, d, wire.BatchOptions{}, func(b syncbase.BatchDatabase) error {
cp := b.Collection(adminCtx, "cpublic")
if err := cp.Put(adminCtx, "a/1", "value"); err != nil {
return err
ch := b.Collection(adminCtx, "chidden")
return ch.Put(adminCtx, "b/1", "value")
}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("RunInBatch failed: %v", err)
// -> Put cp:"c/1".
if err := cp.Put(adminCtx, "c/1", "value"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cp.Put() failed: %v", err)
ctxWithTimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(clientCtx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
adminCtxWithTimeout, cancelAdmin := context.WithTimeout(adminCtx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancelAdmin()
// Start watches with empty resume marker.
wstreamAll := d.Watch(ctxWithTimeout, nil, []wire.CollectionRowPattern{
util.RowPrefixPattern(cp.Id(), ""),
util.RowPrefixPattern(ch.Id(), ""),
wstreamD := d.Watch(ctxWithTimeout, nil, []wire.CollectionRowPattern{
util.RowPrefixPattern(cp.Id(), "d"),
wstreamAllAdmin := d.Watch(adminCtxWithTimeout, nil, []wire.CollectionRowPattern{
util.RowPrefixPattern(cp.Id(), ""),
util.RowPrefixPattern(ch.Id(), ""),
resumeMarkerInitial, err := d.GetResumeMarker(clientCtx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
// Check 1) Initial changes
// Admin watch with empty prefix should have seen the full initial state as
// one batch.
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstreamAllAdmin, []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(ch.Id(), "b/1", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cp.Id(), "a/1", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cp.Id(), "c/1", "value", resumeMarkerInitial),
// Watch with empty prefix should have seen the initial state as one batch,
// omitting the row in the hidden collection.
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstreamAll, []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cp.Id(), "a/1", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cp.Id(), "c/1", "value", resumeMarkerInitial),
// === 2) More writes ===
// -> Put cp:"a/2" and ch:"b/2" in a batch.
if err := syncbase.RunInBatch(adminCtx, d, wire.BatchOptions{}, func(b syncbase.BatchDatabase) error {
cp := b.Collection(adminCtx, "cpublic")
if err := cp.Put(adminCtx, "a/2", "value"); err != nil {
return err
ch := b.Collection(adminCtx, "chidden")
return ch.Put(adminCtx, "b/2", "value")
}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("RunInBatch failed: %v", err)
resumeMarkerAfterB2A2, err := d.GetResumeMarker(clientCtx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
// -> Put cp:"d/1" and cp:"a/1" (overwrite) in a batch.
if err := syncbase.RunInBatch(adminCtx, d, wire.BatchOptions{}, func(b syncbase.BatchDatabase) error {
cp := b.Collection(adminCtx, "cpublic")
if err := cp.Put(adminCtx, "d/1", "value"); err != nil {
return err
return cp.Put(adminCtx, "a/1", "value")
}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("RunInBatch failed: %v", err)
resumeMarkerAfterA1rD1, err := d.GetResumeMarker(clientCtx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
// Check 2) More writes
// Admin watch with empty prefix should have seen all the continued changes as
// separate batches.
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstreamAllAdmin, []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cp.Id(), "a/2", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(ch.Id(), "b/2", "value", resumeMarkerAfterB2A2),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cp.Id(), "d/1", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cp.Id(), "a/1", "value", resumeMarkerAfterA1rD1),
// Watch with empty prefix should have seen the continued changes as separate
// batches, omitting rows in the hidden collection. Batches should be properly
// terminated.
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstreamAll, []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cp.Id(), "a/2", "value", resumeMarkerAfterB2A2),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cp.Id(), "d/1", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cp.Id(), "a/1", "value", resumeMarkerAfterA1rD1),
// Watch with prefix "d" should have seen only the "d/1" change. Batch should
// be properly terminated.
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstreamD, []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cp.Id(), "d/1", "value", resumeMarkerAfterA1rD1),
// === 3) Writes and permissions change ===
// -> Put ch:"b/3", set permissions on ch, put ch:"b/4" in a batch.
newPerms := access.Permissions{}.
Add("root:u:admin", access.TagStrings(access.Write, access.Admin)...).
Add("root:u:client", access.TagStrings(access.Read, access.Admin)...)
if err := syncbase.RunInBatch(adminCtx, d, wire.BatchOptions{}, func(b syncbase.BatchDatabase) error {
ch := b.Collection(adminCtx, "chidden")
if err := ch.Put(adminCtx, "b/3", "value"); err != nil {
return err
if err := ch.SetPermissions(adminCtx, newPerms); err != nil {
return err
return ch.Put(adminCtx, "b/4", "value")
}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("RunInBatch failed: %v", err)
resumeMarkerAfterB3BspB4, err := d.GetResumeMarker(clientCtx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
// Check 3) Writes and permissions change
// Watch with empty prefix should have seen the continued changes since it has
// Read access on the hidden collection now. The ACL is checked when scanning
// the log after commit, so the new ACL applies to the entire batch.
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstreamAll, []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(ch.Id(), "b/3", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(ch.Id(), "b/4", "value", resumeMarkerAfterB3BspB4),
// Admin batch no longer has Read access on the hidden collection, so it sees
// nothing (this is checked later, when there are more rows to see). The ACL
// is checked when scanning the log after commit, so the new ACL applies to
// the entire batch.
// === 4) Writes and collection destroy ===
// -> Put ch:"b/5", destroy ch, put cp:"a/3" in a batch.
if err := syncbase.RunInBatch(adminCtx, d, wire.BatchOptions{}, func(b syncbase.BatchDatabase) error {
ch := b.Collection(adminCtx, "chidden")
if err := ch.Put(adminCtx, "b/5", "value"); err != nil {
return err
if err := ch.Destroy(adminCtx); err != nil {
return err
cp := b.Collection(adminCtx, "cpublic")
return cp.Put(adminCtx, "a/3", "value")
}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("RunInBatch failed: %v", err)
resumeMarkerAfterB5BdA3, err := d.GetResumeMarker(clientCtx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
// -> Delete cp:"a/3".
if err := cp.Delete(adminCtx, "a/3"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cp.Delete() failed: %v", err)
resumeMarkerAfterA3d, err := d.GetResumeMarker(clientCtx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
// Check 4) Writes and collection destroy
// Both watches do not see any of the hidden collection changes since the
// collection has been destroyed and there is no ACL to check against. They
// see only the public collection changes.
finalChangesBoth := []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cp.Id(), "a/3", "value", resumeMarkerAfterB5BdA3),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowDelete(cp.Id(), "a/3", resumeMarkerAfterA3d),
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstreamAll, finalChangesBoth)
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstreamAllAdmin, finalChangesBoth)
// TestBlockingWatch tests that the server side of the client watch correctly
// blocks until new updates to the database arrive.
func TestBlockingWatch(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
c := tu.CreateCollection(t, ctx, d, "c")
resumeMarker, err := d.GetResumeMarker(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
ctxWithTimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
wstream := d.Watch(ctxWithTimeout, resumeMarker, []wire.CollectionRowPattern{
util.RowPrefixPattern(c.Id(), "a"),
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
// Put "abc".
r := c.Row("abc")
if err := r.Put(ctx, "value"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("r.Put() failed: %v", err)
if resumeMarker, err = d.GetResumeMarker(ctx); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
if !wstream.Advance() {
t.Fatalf("wstream.Advance() reached the end: %v", wstream.Err())
want := tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(c.Id(), "abc", "value", resumeMarker)
if got := wstream.Change(); !tu.WatchChangeEq(&got, &want) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected watch change: got %v, want %v", got, want)
// TestBlockedWatchCancel tests that the watch call blocked on the server side
// can be successfully canceled from the client.
func TestBlockedWatchCancel(t *testing.T) {
ctx, sName, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDie(nil)
defer cleanup()
d := tu.CreateDatabase(t, ctx, syncbase.NewService(sName), "d")
resumeMarker, err := d.GetResumeMarker(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
ctxWithTimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
wstream := d.Watch(ctxWithTimeout, resumeMarker, []wire.CollectionRowPattern{
util.RowPrefixPattern(wire.Id{"root:o:app:client", "c"}, "a"),
if err := wstream.Err(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.Watch() failed: %v", err)
time.AfterFunc(500*time.Millisecond, wstream.Cancel)
if wstream.Advance() {
t.Fatal("wstream should not have advanced")
if got, want := verror.ErrorID(wstream.Err()), verror.ErrCanceled.ID; got != want {
t.Errorf("Unexpected wstream error ID: got %v, want %v", got, want)
// TestWatchMulti tests that watch properly filters collections and includes
// matching rows only once per update.
func TestWatchMulti(t *testing.T) {
_, ctx, sName, rootp, cleanup := tu.SetupOrDieCustom("x", "server", nil)
defer cleanup()
d := syncbase.NewService(sName).DatabaseForId(wire.Id{"root:x", "d"}, nil)
if err := d.Create(ctx, tu.DefaultPerms(wire.AllDatabaseTags, "root:x")); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.Create() failed: %v", err)
// Create three collections.
cxPerms := tu.DefaultPerms(wire.AllCollectionTags, "root:x")
cAFoo := d.CollectionForId(wire.Id{"root:x:alice", "foo"})
if err := cAFoo.Create(tu.NewCtx(ctx, rootp, "x:alice"), cxPerms); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cAFoo.Create() failed: %v", err)
cAFoobar := d.CollectionForId(wire.Id{"root:x:alice", "foobar"})
if err := cAFoobar.Create(tu.NewCtx(ctx, rootp, "x:alice"), cxPerms); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cAFoobar.Create() failed: %v", err)
cBFoo := d.CollectionForId(wire.Id{"root:x:%", "foo"})
if err := cBFoo.Create(tu.NewCtx(ctx, rootp, "x:%"), cxPerms); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cBFoo.Create() failed: %v", err)
// Prepopulate data.
for _, key := range []string{"a", "abc", "abcd", "cd", "ef", "zcd_"} {
if err := cAFoo.Put(ctx, key, "value"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cAFoo.Put() failed: %v", err)
for _, key := range []string{"a", "abc", "cd", "ef%", "xv"} {
if err := cAFoobar.Put(ctx, key, "value"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cAFoobar.Put() failed: %v", err)
for _, key := range []string{"ab", "ef", "efg", "pq", "x\\yz"} {
if err := cBFoo.Put(ctx, key, "value"); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("cBFoo.Put() failed: %v", err)
ctxWithTimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// Start watches with empty resume marker.
// non-overlapping - collections 'foo' and '%bar'
wstream1 := d.Watch(ctxWithTimeout, nil, []wire.CollectionRowPattern{
{"%:alice", "foo", "%c_"},
{"%", "%bar", "a%"},
// prefix pattern - only literal 'root:\%'
wstream2 := d.Watch(ctxWithTimeout, nil, []wire.CollectionRowPattern{
util.RowPrefixPattern(wire.Id{"root:x:%", "foo"}, "e"),
// partially overlapping - '%:alice' and 'root:x:%', '%cd' and 'ab%'
wstream3 := d.Watch(ctxWithTimeout, nil, []wire.CollectionRowPattern{
{"%:alice", "%", "%cd"},
{"root:x:%", "%", "ab%"},
{"root:x:\\%", "%", "x%"},
resumeMarkerInitial, err := d.GetResumeMarker(ctxWithTimeout)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstream1, []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoobar.Id(), "a", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoobar.Id(), "abc", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoo.Id(), "abcd", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoo.Id(), "cd", "value", resumeMarkerInitial),
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstream2, []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cBFoo.Id(), "ef", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cBFoo.Id(), "efg", "value", resumeMarkerInitial),
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstream3, []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cBFoo.Id(), "ab", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cBFoo.Id(), "x\\yz", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoobar.Id(), "abc", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoobar.Id(), "cd", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoo.Id(), "abc", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoo.Id(), "abcd", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoo.Id(), "cd", "value", resumeMarkerInitial),
// More writes.
// Put root:x:alice,foo:"abcd" and root:x:alice,foobar:"abcd", delete root:x:%,foo:"ef%" in a batch.
if err := syncbase.RunInBatch(ctxWithTimeout, d, wire.BatchOptions{}, func(b syncbase.BatchDatabase) error {
if err := b.CollectionForId(wire.Id{"root:x:alice", "foo"}).Put(ctxWithTimeout, "abcd", "value"); err != nil {
return err
if err := b.CollectionForId(wire.Id{"root:x:alice", "foobar"}).Put(ctxWithTimeout, "abcd", "value"); err != nil {
return err
return b.CollectionForId(wire.Id{"root:x:%", "foo"}).Delete(ctxWithTimeout, "ef%")
}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("RunInBatch failed: %v", err)
resumeMarkerAfterBatch1, err := d.GetResumeMarker(ctxWithTimeout)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
// Create collection root:x:bob,foobar and put "xyz", "acd", "abcd", root:x:alice,foo:"bcd" in a batch.
ctxBob := tu.NewCtx(ctxWithTimeout, rootp, "x:bob")
cNewId := wire.Id{"root:x:bob", "foobar"}
if err := syncbase.RunInBatch(ctxBob, d, wire.BatchOptions{}, func(b syncbase.BatchDatabase) error {
cNew := b.CollectionForId(cNewId)
if err := cNew.Create(ctxBob, cxPerms); err != nil {
return err
if err := cNew.Put(ctxBob, "xyz", "value"); err != nil {
return err
if err := cNew.Put(ctxBob, "acd", "value"); err != nil {
return err
if err := cNew.Put(ctxBob, "abcd", "value"); err != nil {
return err
return b.CollectionForId(wire.Id{"root:x:alice", "foo"}).Put(ctxBob, "bcd", "value")
}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("RunInBatch failed: %v", err)
resumeMarkerAfterBatch2, err := d.GetResumeMarker(ctxWithTimeout)
_ = resumeMarkerAfterBatch2
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("d.GetResumeMarker() failed: %v", err)
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstream1, []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoo.Id(), "abcd", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoobar.Id(), "abcd", "value", resumeMarkerAfterBatch1),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cNewId, "acd", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cNewId, "abcd", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoo.Id(), "bcd", "value", resumeMarkerAfterBatch2),
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstream2, []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowDelete(cBFoo.Id(), "ef%", resumeMarkerAfterBatch1),
tu.CheckWatch(t, wstream3, []tu.WatchChangeTest{
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoo.Id(), "abcd", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoobar.Id(), "abcd", "value", resumeMarkerAfterBatch1),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cNewId, "abcd", "value", nil),
tu.WatchChangeTestRowPut(cAFoo.Id(), "bcd", "value", resumeMarkerAfterBatch2),