blob: d8699a00d4e3d0498703c5163029f09c85240bb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package rpc
import (
// Client represents the interface for making RPC calls. There may be multiple
// outstanding Calls associated with a single Client, and a Client may be
// used by multiple goroutines concurrently.
type Client interface {
// StartCall starts an asynchronous call of the method on the server instance
// identified by name, with the given input args (of any arity). The returned
// Call object manages streaming args and results, and finishes the call.
// StartCall accepts at least the following options:
StartCall(ctx *context.T, name, method string, args []interface{}, opts ...CallOpt) (ClientCall, error)
// Call makes a synchronous call that will retry application level
// verrors that have verror.ActionCode RetryBackoff.
Call(ctx *context.T, name, method string, inArgs, outArgs []interface{}, opts ...CallOpt) error
// PinConnection returns a flow.PinnedConn to the remote end if it is successful
// connecting to it within the context’s timeout, or if the connection is
// already in the cache.
// Connection related opts passed to PinConnection are valid until the
// PinnedConn.Unpin() is called.
PinConnection(ctx *context.T, name string, opts ...CallOpt) (flow.PinnedConn, error)
// Close discards all state associated with this Client. In-flight calls may
// be terminated with an error.
// TODO(mattr): This method is deprecated with the new RPC system.
// Closed returns a channel that will be closed after the client is shut down.
Closed() <-chan struct{}
// Call defines the interface for each in-flight call on the client.
// Finish must be called to finish the call; all other methods are optional.
type ClientCall interface {
// CloseSend indicates to the server that no more items will be sent; server
// Recv calls will receive io.EOF after all items are sent. Subsequent calls to
// Send on the client will fail. This is an optional call - it is used by
// streaming clients that need the server to receive the io.EOF terminator.
CloseSend() error
// Finish blocks until the server has finished the call, and fills resultptrs
// with the positional output results (of any arity).
Finish(resultptrs ...interface{}) error
// RemoteBlesesings returns the blessings that the server provided to authenticate
// with the client.
// It returns both the string blessings and a handle to the object that contains
// cryptographic proof of the validity of those blessings.
// TODO(ashankar): Make this RemoteBlessingNames and remove the second result
// since that is the same as ClientCall.Security().RemoteBlessings()
RemoteBlessings() ([]string, security.Blessings)
// Security returns the security-related state associated with the call.
Security() security.Call
// Stream defines the interface for a bidirectional FIFO stream of typed values.
type Stream interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream, blocking if there is no buffer
// space available.
Send(item interface{}) error
// Recv fills itemptr with the next item in the input stream, blocking until
// an item is available. Returns io.EOF to indicate graceful end of input.
Recv(itemptr interface{}) error
// ListenAddrs is the set of protocol, address pairs to listen on.
// An anonymous struct is used to more easily initialize a ListenSpec
// from a different package.
// For TCP, the address must be in <ip>:<port> format. The <ip> may be
// omitted, but the <port> cannot. Use port 0 to have the system
// allocate one for you.
type ListenAddrs []struct {
Protocol, Address string
// AddressChooser determines the preferred addresses to publish into the mount
// table when one is not otherwise specified.
type AddressChooser interface {
ChooseAddresses(protocol string, candidates []net.Addr) ([]net.Addr, error)
// AddressChooserFunc is a convenience for implementations that wish to supply
// a function literal implementation of AddressChooser.
type AddressChooserFunc func(protocol string, candidates []net.Addr) ([]net.Addr, error)
func (f AddressChooserFunc) ChooseAddresses(protocol string, candidates []net.Addr) ([]net.Addr, error) {
return f(protocol, candidates)
// ListenSpec specifies the information required to create a set of listening
// network endpoints for a server and, optionally, the name of a proxy
// to use in conjunction with that listener.
type ListenSpec struct {
// The addresses to listen on.
Addrs ListenAddrs
// The name of a proxy to be used to proxy connections to this listener.
Proxy string
// The address chooser to use for determining preferred publishing
// addresses.
func (l ListenSpec) String() string {
s := ""
for _, a := range l.Addrs {
s += fmt.Sprintf("(%q, %q) ", a.Protocol, a.Address)
if len(l.Proxy) > 0 {
s += "proxy(" + l.Proxy + ") "
return strings.TrimSpace(s)
// Copy clones a ListenSpec. The cloned spec has its own copy of the array of
// addresses to listen on.
func (l ListenSpec) Copy() ListenSpec {
l.Addrs = append(ListenAddrs(nil), l.Addrs...)
return l
// Server defines the interface for managing a server that receives RPC calls.
type Server interface {
// AddName adds the specified name to the mount table for this server.
// AddName may be called multiple times.
AddName(name string) error
// RemoveName removes the specified name from the mount table. RemoveName may
// be called multiple times.
RemoveName(name string)
// Status returns the current status of the server, see ServerStatus for
// details.
Status() ServerStatus
// Stop gracefully stops all services on this Server. New calls are rejected,
// but any in-flight calls are allowed to complete. All published mountpoints
// are unmounted. This call waits for this process to complete, and returns
// once the server has been shut down.
// TODO(mattr): This method is deprecated in the new RPC system.
Stop() error
// Closed returns a channel that will be closed after the server is shut down.
Closed() <-chan struct{}
// ServerState represents the 'state' of the Server.
type ServerState int
const (
// ServerActive indicates that the server is 'active'.
ServerActive ServerState = iota
// ServerStopping indicates that the server has been asked to stop and is
// in the process of doing so. It may take a while for the server to
// complete this process since it will wait for outstanding operations
// to complete gracefully.
// ServerStopped indicates that the server has stopped. It can no longer be
// used.
func (i ServerState) String() string {
switch i {
case ServerActive:
return "Active"
case ServerStopping:
return "Stopping"
case ServerStopped:
return "Stopped"
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%T=%d)", "%!s", i, i)
// PublisherNames returns the current set of names being published by the publisher.
// These names are not rooted at the mounttable.
func PublisherNames(e []PublisherEntry) []string {
m := map[string]bool{}
var r []string
for _, v := range e {
if s := v.Name; !m[s] {
m[s] = true
r = append(r, s)
return r
// PublisherServers returns the current set of server addresses being published
// by the publisher.
func PublisherServers(e []PublisherEntry) []string {
m := map[string]bool{}
var r []string
for _, v := range e {
if s := v.Server; !m[s] {
m[s] = true
r = append(r, s)
return r
// PublisherState indicates the state of a PublisherEntry.
type PublisherState int
const (
// PublisherUnmounted indicates that the PublisherEntry is not mounted.
PublisherUnmounted PublisherState = iota
// PublisherMounting indicates that the PublisherEntry is in the process of mounting.
// PublisherMounted indicates that the PublisherEntry is mounted.
// PublisherUnmounting indicates that the PublisherEntry is in the process of unmounting.
// String returns a string representation of the PublisherState.
func (s PublisherState) String() string {
switch s {
case PublisherUnmounted:
return "Unmounted"
case PublisherMounting:
return "Mounting"
case PublisherMounted:
return "Mounted"
case PublisherUnmounting:
return "Unmounting"
return "Unknown"
// PublisherEntry contains the status of a given mount operation.
type PublisherEntry struct {
// The Name and Server 'address' of this mount table request.
Name, Server string
// LastMount records the time of the last attempted mount request.
LastMount time.Time
// LastMountErr records any error reported by the last attempted mount.
LastMountErr error
// TTL is the TTL supplied for the last mount request.
TTL time.Duration
// LastUnmount records the time of the last attempted unmount request.
LastUnmount time.Time
// LastUnmountErr records any error reported by the last attempted unmount.
LastUnmountErr error
// LastState is the last known publisher state of the entry.
LastState PublisherState
// DesiredState is the current desired state of the entry.
// This will be either PublisherMounted or PublisherUnmounted.
DesiredState PublisherState
func (e PublisherEntry) String() string {
r := ""
if !e.LastMount.IsZero() {
r += "Mounted @ " + e.LastMount.String() + " TTL " + e.TTL.String()
if e.LastMountErr != nil {
r += " " + e.LastMountErr.Error()
if !e.LastUnmount.IsZero() {
r += "Unmounted @ " + e.LastUnmount.String()
if e.LastUnmountErr != nil {
r += " " + e.LastUnmountErr.Error()
return r
type ServerStatus struct {
// The current state of the server.
State ServerState
// ServesMountTable is true if this server serves a mount table.
ServesMountTable bool
// PublisherStatus returns the status of the last mount or unmount
// operation for every combination of name and server address being
// published by this Server.
PublisherStatus []PublisherEntry
// Endpoints contains the set of endpoints currently registered with the
// mount table for the names published using this server including all
// proxied addresses.
Endpoints []naming.Endpoint
// ListenErrors contains the set of errors encountered when listening on
// the network. Entries are keyed by the protocol, address specified in
// the ListenSpec.
ListenErrors map[struct{ Protocol, Address string }]error
// ProxyErrors contains the set of errors encountered when listening on
// proxies. Entries are keyed by the name of the proxy specified in the
// ListenSpec.
ProxyErrors map[string]error
// Valid will be closed if a status change occurs. Callers should
// requery server.Status() to get the fresh server status.
Valid <-chan struct{}
// Dispatcher defines the interface that a server must implement to handle
// method invocations on named objects.
type Dispatcher interface {
// Lookup returns the service implementation for the object identified
// by the given suffix.
// Reflection is used to match requests to the service object's method
// set. As a special-case, if the object returned by Lookup implements
// the Invoker interface, the Invoker is used to invoke methods
// directly, without reflection.
// Returning a nil object indicates that this Dispatcher does not
// support the requested suffix.
// An Authorizer is also returned to allow control over authorization
// checks. Returning a nil Authorizer indicates the default
// authorization checks should be used.
// Returning any non-nil error indicates the dispatch lookup has failed.
// The error will be delivered back to the client.
// Lookup may be called concurrently by the underlying RPC system, and
// hence must be thread-safe.
Lookup(ctx *context.T, suffix string) (interface{}, security.Authorizer, error)
// Invoker defines the interface used by the server for invoking methods on
// named objects. Typically ReflectInvoker(object) is used, which makes all
// exported methods on the given object invocable.
// Advanced users may implement this interface themselves for finer-grained
// control. E.g. an RPC gateway that enables bindings for other languages (like
// javascript) may use this interface to support serving methods without an
// explicit intermediate object.
type Invoker interface {
// Prepare is the first stage of method invocation, based on the given method
// name. The given numArgs specifies the number of input arguments sent by
// the client, which may be used to support method overloading or generic
// processing.
// Returns argptrs which will be filled in by the caller; e.g. the server
// framework calls Prepare, and decodes the input arguments sent by the client
// into argptrs.
// If the Invoker has access to the underlying Go values, it should return
// argptrs containing pointers to the Go values that will receive the
// arguments. This is the typical case, e.g. the ReflectInvoker.
// If the Invoker doesn't have access to the underlying Go values, but knows
// the expected types, it should return argptrs containing *vdl.Value objects
// initialized to each expected type. For purely generic decoding each
// *vdl.Value may be initialized to vdl.AnyType.
// The returned method tags provide additional information associated with the
// method. E.g. the security system uses tags to configure AccessLists. The tags
// are typically configured in the VDL specification of the method.
Prepare(ctx *context.T, method string, numArgs int) (argptrs []interface{}, tags []*vdl.Value, _ error)
// Invoke is the second stage of method invocation. It is passed the
// in-flight context and call, the method name, and the argptrs returned by
// Prepare, filled in with decoded arguments. It returns the results from the
// invocation, and any errors in invoking the method.
// Note that argptrs is a slice of pointers to the argument objects; each
// pointer must be dereferenced to obtain the actual argument value.
Invoke(ctx *context.T, call StreamServerCall, method string, argptrs []interface{}) (results []interface{}, _ error)
// Signature corresponds to the reserved __Signature method; it returns the
// signatures of the interfaces the underlying object implements.
Signature(ctx *context.T, call ServerCall) ([]signature.Interface, error)
// MethodSignature corresponds to the reserved __MethodSignature method; it
// returns the signature of the given method.
MethodSignature(ctx *context.T, call ServerCall, method string) (signature.Method, error)
// Globber allows objects to take part in the namespace.
// Globber allows objects to take part in the namespace. Service objects may
// choose to implement either the AllGlobber interface, or the ChildrenGlobber
// interface.
// The AllGlobber interface lets the object handle complex glob requests for
// the entire namespace below the receiver object, i.e. "a/b".Glob__("...")
// must return the name of all the objects under "a/b".
// The ChildrenGlobber interface is simpler. Each object only has to return
// a list of the objects immediately below itself in the namespace graph.
type Globber interface {
// Globber returns a GlobState with references to the interface that the
// object implements. Only one implementation is needed to participate
// in the namespace.
Globber() *GlobState
// GlobState indicates which Glob interface the object implements.
type GlobState struct {
AllGlobber AllGlobber
ChildrenGlobber ChildrenGlobber
// AllGlobber is a powerful interface that allows the object to enumerate the
// the entire namespace below the receiver object. Every object that implements
// it must be able to handle glob requests that could match any object below
// itself. E.g. "a/b".Glob__("*/*"), "a/b".Glob__("c/..."), etc.
type AllGlobber interface {
// Glob__ returns a GlobReply for the objects that match the given
// glob pattern in the namespace below the receiver object. All the
// names returned are relative to the receiver.
Glob__(ctx *context.T, call GlobServerCall, g *glob.Glob) error
// GlobServerCall defines the in-flight context for a Glob__ call, including the
// method to stream the results.
type GlobServerCall interface {
SendStream() interface {
Send(reply naming.GlobReply) error
// ChildrenGlobber allows the object to enumerate the namespace immediately
// below the receiver object.
type ChildrenGlobber interface {
// GlobChildren__ returns a GlobChildrenReply for the receiver's
// immediate children that match the glob pattern element.
// It should return an error if the receiver doesn't exist.
GlobChildren__(ctx *context.T, call GlobChildrenServerCall, matcher *glob.Element) error
// GlobChildrenServerCall defines the in-flight context for a GlobChildren__
// call, including the method to stream the results.
type GlobChildrenServerCall interface {
SendStream() interface {
Send(reply naming.GlobChildrenReply) error
// StreamServerCall defines the in-flight context for a server method
// call, including methods to stream args and results.
type StreamServerCall interface {
// ServerCall defines the in-flight context for a server method call, not
// including methods to stream args and results.
type ServerCall interface {
// Security returns the security-related state associated with the call.
Security() security.Call
// Suffix returns the object name suffix for the request.
Suffix() string
// LocalEndpoint returns the Endpoint at the local end of
// communication.
LocalEndpoint() naming.Endpoint
// RemoteEndpoint returns the Endpoint at the remote end of
// communication.
RemoteEndpoint() naming.Endpoint
// GrantedBlessings are blessings granted by the client to the server
// (bound to the server). Typically provided by a client to delegate
// to the server, allowing the server to use the client's authority to
// pursue some task.
// Can be nil, indicating that the client did not delegate any
// authority to the server for this request.
// This is distinct from the blessings used by the client and
// server to authenticate with each other (RemoteBlessings
// and LocalBlessings respectively).
GrantedBlessings() security.Blessings
// Server returns the Server that this context is associated with.
Server() Server
// CallOpt is the interface for all Call options.
type CallOpt interface {
// ClientOpt is the interface for all Client options.
type ClientOpt interface {
// ServerOpt is the interface for all Server options.
type ServerOpt interface {
// Granter is a ClientCallOpt that is used to provide blessings to
// the server when making an RPC.
// It gets passed a context.T with parameters of the RPC call set on
// it.
type Granter interface {
Grant(ctx *context.T, call security.Call) (security.Blessings, error)