blob: 0b1e61b343a546be85c2da339f759a98e371f3ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vdl
import (
// Register registers a type, identified by a value for that type. The type
// should be a type that will be sent over the wire. Subtypes are recursively
// registered. This creates a type name <-> reflect.Type bijective mapping.
// Type registration is only required for VDL conversion into interface{}
// values, so that values of the correct type may be generated. Conversion into
// interface{} values for types that are not registered will fill in *vdl.Value
// into the interface{} value.
// Panics if wire is not a valid wire type, or if the name<->type mapping is not
// bijective.
// Register is not intended to be called by end users; calls are auto-generated
// for all types defined in *.vdl files.
func Register(wire interface{}) {
if wire == nil {
if err := registerRecursive(reflect.TypeOf(wire)); err != nil {
func registerRecursive(rt reflect.Type) error {
// 1) Normalize and derive reflect information.
rt = normalizeType(rt)
for rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
rt = rt.Elem()
ri, added, err := deriveReflectInfo(rt)
if err != nil {
return err
if !added {
// Break cyles for recursive types.
// TODO(toddw): There is a glaring bug in this logic. Our first step is to
// call normalizeType, which itself calls deriveReflectInfo. Thus our
// subsequent call to deriveReflectInfo will always return added=false, and
// we will never run the logic below. In addition, deriveReflectInfo is
// also called outside of registerRecursive, with the same effect.
// The general philosophy for the fix:
// 1) Types may be registered explicitly via Register.
// 2) Types may be registered implicitly via all calls in vdl that take an
// interface{} argument.
// 3) RegisterNative registers both wire and native types.
// 4) Subtypes are always registered recursively.
// 5) Once a type is registered, decode/convert into an interface{} works
// as expected, returning the concrete Go value.
return nil
// 2) Recurse on subtypes contained in composite types.
if len(ri.UnionFields) > 0 {
// Special-case to recurse on union fields.
for _, field := range ri.UnionFields {
if err := registerRecursive(field.Type); err != nil {
return err
return nil
switch wt := ri.Type; wt.Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Ptr:
return registerRecursive(wt.Elem())
case reflect.Map:
if err := registerRecursive(wt.Key()); err != nil {
return err
return registerRecursive(wt.Elem())
case reflect.Struct:
for ix := 0; ix < wt.NumField(); ix++ {
if err := registerRecursive(wt.Field(ix).Type); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
// riRegistry holds the reflectInfo registry. Unlike rtRegistry (used for the
// rtCache), this information cannot be regenerated at will. We expect a
// limited number of types to be used within a single address space.
type riRegistry struct {
fromName map[string]*reflectInfo
fromType map[reflect.Type]*reflectInfo
var riReg = &riRegistry{
fromName: make(map[string]*reflectInfo),
fromType: make(map[reflect.Type]*reflectInfo),
// reflectInfoFromName returns the reflectInfo for the given vdl type name, or
// nil if Register has not been called for a type with the given name.
func reflectInfoFromName(name string) *reflectInfo {
ri := riReg.fromName[name]
return ri
// reflectInfo holds the reflection information for a type. All fields are
// populated via reflection over the Type.
// The type may include a special __VDLReflect function to describe metadata.
// This is only required for enum and union vdl types, which don't have a
// canonical Go representation. All other fields are optional.
// type Foo struct{}
// func (Foo) __VDLReflect(struct{
// // Type represents the base type. This is used by union to describe the
// // union interface type, as opposed to the concrete struct field types.
// Type Foo
// // Name holds the vdl type name, including the package path, in a tag.
// Name string "vdl/pkg.Foo"
// // Only one of Enum or Union should be set; they're both shown here for
// // explanatory purposes.
// // Enum describes the labels for an enum type.
// Enum struct { A, B string }
// // Union describes the union field names, along with the concrete struct
// // field types, which contain the actual field types.
// Union struct {
// A FieldA
// B FieldB
// }
// }
type reflectInfo struct {
// Type is the basis for all other information in this struct.
Type reflect.Type
// Name is the vdl type name including the vdl package path,
// e.g. "".
Name string
// EnumLabels holds the labels of an enum; it is non-empty iff the Type
// represents a vdl enum.
EnumLabels []string
// UnionFields holds the fields of a union; it is non-empty iff the Type
// represents a vdl union.
UnionFields []reflectField
// UnionFactoryTarget holds a factory that can construct targets that
// write to unions of this type.
// This is needed in addition to MakeVdlTarget because unions are
// based on interfaces, which can't directly have method bodies defined
// on them.
UnionTargetFactory unionTargetFactory
// reflectField describes the reflection info for a Union field.
type reflectField struct {
// Given a vdl type Foo union{A bool;B string}, we generate:
// type Foo interface{...}
// type FooA struct{ Value bool }
// type FooB struct{ Value string }
Name string // Field name, e.g. "A", "B"
Type reflect.Type // Field type, e.g. bool, string
RepType reflect.Type // Concrete type representing the field, e.g. FooA, FooB
type unionTargetFactory interface {
VDLMakeUnionTarget(union interface{}) (Target, error)
// deriveReflectInfo returns the reflectInfo corresponding to rt.
// REQUIRES: rt has been normalized, and pointers have been flattened.
func deriveReflectInfo(rt reflect.Type) (*reflectInfo, bool, error) {
if ri, ok := riReg.fromType[rt]; ok {
return ri, false, nil
// Set reasonable defaults for types that don't have the __VDLReflect method.
ri := new(reflectInfo)
ri.Type = rt
if rt.PkgPath() != "" {
ri.Name = rt.PkgPath() + "." + rt.Name()
// If rt is an non-interface type, methods include the receiver as the first
// in-arg, otherwise they don't.
offsetIn := 1
if rt.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
offsetIn = 0
// If rt has a __VDLReflect method, use it to extract metadata.
if method, ok := rt.MethodByName("__VDLReflect"); ok {
mtype := method.Type
if mtype.NumOut() != 0 || mtype.NumIn() != 1+offsetIn || mtype.In(offsetIn).Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("type %q invalid __VDLReflect (want __VDLReflect(struct{...}))", rt)
// rtReflect corresponds to the argument to __VDLReflect.
rtReflect := mtype.In(offsetIn)
if field, ok := rtReflect.FieldByName("Type"); ok {
ri.Type = field.Type
if wt := ri.Type; wt.PkgPath() != "" {
ri.Name = wt.PkgPath() + "." + wt.Name()
} else {
ri.Name = ""
if field, ok := rtReflect.FieldByName("Name"); ok {
ri.Name = field.Tag.Get("vdl")
if field, ok := rtReflect.FieldByName("Enum"); ok {
if err := describeEnum(field.Type, rt, ri); err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if field, ok := rtReflect.FieldByName("Union"); ok {
if err := describeUnion(field.Type, rt, ri); err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if field, ok := rtReflect.FieldByName("UnionTargetFactory"); ok {
if factory, ok := reflect.Zero(field.Type).Interface().(unionTargetFactory); ok {
ri.UnionTargetFactory = factory
if len(ri.EnumLabels) > 0 && len(ri.UnionFields) > 0 {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("type %q is both an enum and a union", rt)
defer riReg.Unlock()
if ri, ok := riReg.fromType[rt]; ok {
return ri, false, nil
if ri.Name != "" {
if riDup := riReg.fromName[ri.Name]; riDup != nil && ri.Type != riDup.Type {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("vdl: Register(%v) duplicate name %q: %#v and %#v", rt, ri.Name, ri, riDup)
riReg.fromName[ri.Name] = ri
riReg.fromType[rt] = ri
return ri, true, nil
// describeEnum fills in ri; we expect enumReflect has this format:
// struct {A, B, C Foo}
// Here's the full type for vdl type Foo enum{A;B}
// type Foo int
// const (
// FooA Foo = iota
// FooB
// )
// func (Foo) __VDLReflect(struct{
// Type Foo
// Enum struct { A, B Foo }
// }) {}
// func (Foo) String() string {}
// func (*Foo) Set(string) error {}
func describeEnum(enumReflect, rt reflect.Type, ri *reflectInfo) error {
if rt != ri.Type || rt.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
return fmt.Errorf("enum type %q invalid (mismatched type %q)", rt, ri.Type)
if enumReflect.Kind() != reflect.Struct || enumReflect.NumField() == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("enum type %q invalid (no labels)", rt)
for ix := 0; ix < enumReflect.NumField(); ix++ {
ri.EnumLabels = append(ri.EnumLabels, enumReflect.Field(ix).Name)
if s, ok := rt.MethodByName("String"); !ok ||
s.Type.NumIn() != 1 ||
s.Type.NumOut() != 1 || s.Type.Out(0) != rtString {
return fmt.Errorf("enum type %q must have method String() string", rt)
_, nonptr := rt.MethodByName("Set")
if a, ok := reflect.PtrTo(rt).MethodByName("Set"); !ok || nonptr ||
a.Type.NumIn() != 2 || a.Type.In(1) != rtString ||
a.Type.NumOut() != 1 || a.Type.Out(0) != rtError {
return fmt.Errorf("enum type %q must have pointer method Set(string) error", rt)
return nil
// describeUnion fills in ri; we expect unionReflect has this format:
// struct {
// A FooA
// B FooB
// }
// Here's the full type for vdl type Foo union{A bool; B string}
// type (
// // Foo is the union interface type, that can hold any field.
// Foo interface {
// Index() int
// Name() string
// __VDLReflect(__FooReflect)
// }
// // FooA and FooB are the concrete field types.
// FooA struct { Value bool }
// FooB struct { Value string }
// // __FooReflect lets us re-construct the union type via reflection.
// __FooReflect struct {
// Type Foo // Tells us the union interface type.
// Union struct {
// A FooA // Tells us field 0 has name A and concrete type FooA.
// B FooB // Tells us field 1 has name B and concrete type FooB.
// }
// }
// )
func describeUnion(unionReflect, rt reflect.Type, ri *reflectInfo) error {
if ri.Type.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
return fmt.Errorf("union type %q has non-interface type %q", rt, ri.Type)
if unionReflect.Kind() != reflect.Struct || unionReflect.NumField() == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("union type %q invalid (no fields)", rt)
for ix := 0; ix < unionReflect.NumField(); ix++ {
f := unionReflect.Field(ix)
if f.PkgPath != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("union type %q field %q.%q must be exported", rt, f.PkgPath, f.Name)
// f.Type corresponds to FooA and FooB in __FooReflect above.
if f.Type.Kind() != reflect.Struct || f.Type.NumField() != 1 || f.Type.Field(0).Name != "Value" {
return fmt.Errorf("union type %q field %q has bad concrete field type %q", rt, f.Name, f.Type)
ri.UnionFields = append(ri.UnionFields, reflectField{
Name: f.Name,
Type: f.Type.Field(0).Type,
RepType: f.Type,
// Check for Name method on interface and all concrete field structs.
if n, ok := ri.Type.MethodByName("Name"); !ok || n.Type.NumIn() != 0 ||
n.Type.NumOut() != 1 || n.Type.Out(0) != rtString {
return fmt.Errorf("union interface type %q must have method Name() string", ri.Type)
for _, f := range ri.UnionFields {
if n, ok := f.RepType.MethodByName("Name"); !ok || n.Type.NumIn() != 1 ||
n.Type.NumOut() != 1 || n.Type.Out(0) != rtString {
return fmt.Errorf("union field %q type %q must have method Name() string", f.Name, f.RepType)
return nil
// TypeToReflect returns the reflect.Type corresponding to t. We look up
// named types in our registry, and build the unnamed types that we can via the
// Go reflect package. Returns nil for types that can't be manufactured.
func TypeToReflect(t *Type) reflect.Type {
// TODO(toddw): This is broken, since it doesn't handle registered native
// error types correctly. But it's hard to fix with the old convert.go logic,
// so we'll wait until we get rid of that code completely.
if t.Name() != "" {
// Named types cannot be manufactured via Go reflect, so we lookup in our
// registry instead.
if ri := reflectInfoFromName(t.Name()); ri != nil {
if ni := nativeInfoFromWire(ri.Type); ni != nil {
return ni.NativeType
return ri.Type
return nil
// We can make some unnamed types via Go reflect. Return nil otherwise.
switch t.Kind() {
case Any, Enum, Union:
// We can't make unnamed versions of any of these types.
return nil
case Optional:
if elem := TypeToReflect(t.Elem()); elem != nil {
return reflect.PtrTo(elem)
return nil
case Array:
if elem := TypeToReflect(t.Elem()); elem != nil {
return reflect.ArrayOf(t.Len(), elem)
return nil
case List:
if elem := TypeToReflect(t.Elem()); elem != nil {
return reflect.SliceOf(elem)
return nil
case Set:
if key := TypeToReflect(t.Key()); key != nil {
return reflect.MapOf(key, rtUnnamedEmptyStruct)
return nil
case Map:
if key, elem := TypeToReflect(t.Key()), TypeToReflect(t.Elem()); key != nil && elem != nil {
return reflect.MapOf(key, elem)
return nil
case Struct:
if t.NumField() == 0 {
return rtUnnamedEmptyStruct
return nil
return rtFromKind[t.Kind()]
// TODO(toddw): Replace TypeToReflect with typeToReflectFixed after the old
// conversion logic is removed.
func typeToReflectFixed(t *Type) reflect.Type {
if t == ErrorType {
if ni, err := nativeInfoForError(); err == nil {
return reflect.PtrTo(ni.NativeType)
if t.Name() != "" {
// Named types cannot be manufactured via Go reflect, so we lookup in our
// registry instead.
if ri := reflectInfoFromName(t.Name()); ri != nil {
if ni := nativeInfoFromWire(ri.Type); ni != nil {
return ni.NativeType
return ri.Type
return nil
// We can make some unnamed types via Go reflect. Return nil otherwise.
switch t.Kind() {
case Any, Enum, Union:
// We can't make unnamed versions of any of these types.
return nil
case Optional:
if elem := typeToReflectFixed(t.Elem()); elem != nil {
return reflect.PtrTo(elem)
return nil
case Array:
if elem := typeToReflectFixed(t.Elem()); elem != nil {
return reflect.ArrayOf(t.Len(), elem)
return nil
case List:
if elem := typeToReflectFixed(t.Elem()); elem != nil {
return reflect.SliceOf(elem)
return nil
case Set:
if key := typeToReflectFixed(t.Key()); key != nil {
return reflect.MapOf(key, rtUnnamedEmptyStruct)
return nil
case Map:
if key, elem := typeToReflectFixed(t.Key()), typeToReflectFixed(t.Elem()); key != nil && elem != nil {
return reflect.MapOf(key, elem)
return nil
case Struct:
if t.NumField() == 0 {
return rtUnnamedEmptyStruct
return nil
return rtFromKind[t.Kind()]
var rtFromKind = [...]reflect.Type{
Bool: rtBool,
Byte: rtByte,
Uint16: rtUint16,
Uint32: rtUint32,
Uint64: rtUint64,
Int8: rtInt8,
Int16: rtInt16,
Int32: rtInt32,
Int64: rtInt64,
Float32: rtFloat32,
Float64: rtFloat64,
String: rtString,
TypeObject: rtPtrToType,