blob: 83cea3898c796114c60e149f6f326ef3831269fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package namespace defines an interface for resolving and managing names.
package namespace
import (
// T is the interface for namespace operations; it is the client side library
// for the MountTable service
type T interface {
// Mount the server object address under the object name, expiring after
// the ttl. ttl of zero implies an implementation-specific high value
// (essentially, forever).
Mount(ctx *context.T, name, server string, ttl time.Duration, opts ...naming.NamespaceOpt) error
// Unmount the server object address from the object name, or if server
// is empty, unmount all server OAs from the object name.
Unmount(ctx *context.T, name, server string, opts ...naming.NamespaceOpt) error
// Delete the name from a mount table. If the name has any children in its mount table,
// it (and its chidren) will only be removed if deleteSubtree is true.
Delete(ctx *context.T, name string, deleteSubtree bool, opts ...naming.NamespaceOpt) error
// Resolve the object name into its mounted servers.
Resolve(ctx *context.T, name string, opts ...naming.NamespaceOpt) (entry *naming.MountEntry, err error)
// ResolveToMountTable resolves the object name into the mounttables
// directly responsible for the name.
ResolveToMountTable(ctx *context.T, name string, opts ...naming.NamespaceOpt) (entry *naming.MountEntry, err error)
// FlushCacheEntry flushes resolution information cached for the name. If
// anything was flushed it returns true.
FlushCacheEntry(ctx *context.T, name string) bool
// CacheCtl sets controls and returns the current control values.
CacheCtl(ctls ...naming.CacheCtl) []naming.CacheCtl
// Glob returns MountEntry's whose name matches the pattern and GlobError's
// for any piece of the space that can't be traversed.
// Two special patterns:
// prefix/... means all names below prefix.
// prefix/*** is like prefix/... but doesn't traverse into non-mounttable servers.
// The returned channel must be drained until it is closed, otherwise a goroutine
// (that publishes to the channel) may be leaked.
// Example:
// rc, err := ns.Glob(ctx, pattern)
// if err != nil {
// boom(t, "Glob(%s): %s", pattern, err)
// }
// for s := range rc {
// switch v := s.(type) {
// case *naming.MountEntry:
// fmt.Printf("%s: %v\n", v.Name, v.Servers)
// case *naming.GlobError:
// fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "%s can't be traversed: %s\n", v.Name, v.Error)
// }
// }
Glob(ctx *context.T, pattern string, opts ...naming.NamespaceOpt) (<-chan naming.GlobReply, error)
// SetRoots sets the roots that the local Namespace is
// relative to. All relative names passed to the methods above
// will be interpreted as relative to these roots. The roots
// will be tried in the order that they are specified in the parameter
// list for SetRoots. Calling SetRoots with no arguments will clear the
// currently configured set of roots.
SetRoots(roots ...string) error
// Roots returns the currently configured roots. An empty slice is
// returned if no roots are configured.
Roots() []string
// SetPermissions sets the Permissions in a node in a mount table.
// If the caller tries to Set a perms that removes them from Admin, the
// caller's original Admin blessings will be retained.
SetPermissions(ctx *context.T, name string, perms access.Permissions, version string, opts ...naming.NamespaceOpt) error
// GetPermissions returns the Permissions in a node in a mount table.
GetPermissions(ctx *context.T, name string, opts ...naming.NamespaceOpt) (perms access.Permissions, version string, err error)