blob: 202f6ed139825ff143962bb987f5c78aa15d8208 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package featuretests_test
import (
wire ""
tu ""
const (
openPerms = `{"Read": {"In":["..."]}, "Write": {"In":["..."]}, "Resolve": {"In":["..."]}, "Admin": {"In":["..."]}}`
var (
jan2015 = time.Date(2015, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
feb2015 = time.Date(2015, time.February, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
mar2015 = time.Date(2015, time.March, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
fiveSecs = 5 * time.Second
// Tests for local vclock updates
// Tests that the virtual clock moves forward.
func TestV23VClockMovesForward(t *testing.T) {
sh := v23test.NewShell(t, v23test.Opts{})
defer sh.Cleanup()
ctx := sh.ForkContext("c0")
s0Creds := sh.ForkCredentials("s0")
sh.StartSyncbase(s0Creds, "s0", "", openPerms, "--dev")
t0, err := sc("s0").DevModeGetTime(ctx)
ok(t, err)
t1, err := sc("s0").DevModeGetTime(ctx)
ok(t, err)
if !t0.Before(t1) {
t.Fatalf("expected t0 < t1: %v, %v", t0, t1)
// Tests that system clock updates affect the virtual clock.
func TestV23VClockSystemClockUpdate(t *testing.T) {
sh := v23test.NewShell(t, v23test.Opts{})
defer sh.Cleanup()
ctx := sh.ForkContext("c0")
s0Creds := sh.ForkCredentials("s0")
sh.StartSyncbase(s0Creds, "s0", "", openPerms, "--dev")
// Initialize system time.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
Now: jan2015,
ElapsedTime: 0,
DoLocalUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015)
// Move time and elapsed time forward by equal amounts. Syncbase should not
// detect any anomalies, and should reflect the new time.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
Now: jan2015.Add(time.Hour),
ElapsedTime: time.Hour,
DoLocalUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015.Add(time.Hour))
// Move time forward, and reset elapsed time to one second. Syncbase should
// detect a reboot, and should reflect the new time.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
Now: jan2015.Add(8 * time.Hour),
ElapsedTime: time.Second,
DoLocalUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015.Add(8*time.Hour))
// Move time backward, and reset elapsed time to 0. Syncbase should detect a
// reboot, and should reflect the new time.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
Now: jan2015.Add(-time.Hour),
ElapsedTime: 0,
DoLocalUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015.Add(-time.Hour))
// Move time forward 5 hours and set elapsed time to 3 hours. Syncbase should
// detect this as a system clock change (since the system clock time is not
// where it's expected to be) and adjust skew so that the new reported time is
// equal to the previous reported time plus the change in elapsed time.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
Now: jan2015.Add(5 * time.Hour),
ElapsedTime: 3 * time.Hour,
DoLocalUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015.Add(2*time.Hour))
// Tests that the virtual clock daemon checks for system clock updates at the
// expected frequency (loosely speaking).
func TestV23VClockSystemClockFrequency(t *testing.T) {
sh := v23test.NewShell(t, v23test.Opts{})
defer sh.Cleanup()
ctx := sh.ForkContext("c0")
s0Creds := sh.ForkCredentials("s0")
sh.StartSyncbase(s0Creds, "s0", "", openPerms, "--dev")
checkSbTimeNotEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015)
// Set system time but do not force a local update.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
Now: jan2015,
ElapsedTime: 0,
DoLocalUpdate: false,
// Sleep for two seconds. Note, VClockD checks for sysclock changes once per
// second.
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
// Virtual clock should reflect the sysclock change.
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015)
// Tests for NTP vclock updates
// Tests that NTP sync affects virtual clock state (e.g. clock can move
// backward).
func TestV23VClockNtpUpdate(t *testing.T) {
sh := v23test.NewShell(t, v23test.Opts{})
defer sh.Cleanup()
ctx := sh.ForkContext("c0")
s0Creds := sh.ForkCredentials("s0")
sh.StartSyncbase(s0Creds, "s0", "", openPerms, "--dev")
checkSbTimeNotEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015)
// Use NTP to set the clock to jan2015.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
NtpHost: startFakeNtpServer(t, sh, jan2015),
DoNtpUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015)
// Use NTP to move the clock forward to feb2015.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
NtpHost: startFakeNtpServer(t, sh, feb2015),
DoNtpUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", ctx, feb2015)
// Tests that NTP skew persists across reboots.
func TestV23VClockNtpSkewAfterReboot(t *testing.T) {
sh := v23test.NewShell(t, v23test.Opts{})
defer sh.Cleanup()
ctx := sh.ForkContext("c0")
s0Creds := sh.ForkCredentials("s0")
sh.StartSyncbase(s0Creds, "s0", "", openPerms, "--dev")
// Set s0's local clock.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
Now: jan2015.Add(-time.Hour),
ElapsedTime: 0,
DoLocalUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015.Add(-time.Hour))
// Do NTP at s0. As a result, s0 will think it has a one hour NTP skew, i.e.
// NTP time minus system clock time equals one hour.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
NtpHost: startFakeNtpServer(t, sh, jan2015),
DoNtpUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015)
// Move time forward at s0, and reset its elapsed time to 0. Syncbase should
// detect a reboot, and should reflect the new time. Note that the time
// reported by s0.GetTime should reflect its one hour NTP skew.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
Now: jan2015.Add(8 * time.Hour),
ElapsedTime: 0,
DoLocalUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015.Add(9*time.Hour))
// Tests that the virtual clock daemon checks in with NTP at the expected
// frequency (loosely speaking).
func TestV23VClockNtpFrequency(t *testing.T) {
sh := v23test.NewShell(t, v23test.Opts{})
defer sh.Cleanup()
ctx := sh.ForkContext("c0")
s0Creds := sh.ForkCredentials("s0")
sh.StartSyncbase(s0Creds, "s0", "", openPerms, "--dev")
t0, err := sc("s0").DevModeGetTime(ctx)
ok(t, err)
if t0.Sub(jan2015) < time.Hour {
t.Fatalf("unexpected time: %v", t0)
// Use NTP to set the clock to jan2015.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
NtpHost: startFakeNtpServer(t, sh, jan2015),
DoNtpUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015)
// Use NTP to move the clock forward to feb2015, but do not run
// vclockd.DoNtpUpdate(). Since NTP sync happens only once per hour, the
// virtual clock should continue reporting the old time, even after we sleep
// for several seconds.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(ctx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
NtpHost: startFakeNtpServer(t, sh, feb2015),
DoNtpUpdate: false,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", ctx, jan2015.Add(fiveSecs))
// Tests for p2p vclock updates
// Tests p2p clock sync where local is not NTP-synced and is 1, 2, or 3 hops
// away from an NTP-synced device.
func TestV23VClockSyncBasic(t *testing.T) {
sh := v23test.NewShell(t, v23test.Opts{})
defer sh.Cleanup()
sbs := setupSyncbases(t, sh, 4, "--dev")
checkSbTimeNotEq(t, "s0", sbs[0].clientCtx, jan2015)
// Do NTP at s0.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(sbs[0].clientCtx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
NtpHost: startFakeNtpServer(t, sh, jan2015),
DoNtpUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", sbs[0].clientCtx, jan2015)
// Set up a chain of syncgroups, then wait for a few seconds to allow the
// Syncbases to sync.
// TODO(sadovsky): Maybe add some sort of a "wait for sync" helper. Without
// that, we risk flakiness.
setupChain(t, sbs)
// s1 and s2 should sync s0's clock; s3 should not.
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s1", sbs[1].clientCtx, jan2015.Add(fiveSecs))
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s2", sbs[2].clientCtx, jan2015.Add(fiveSecs))
checkSbTimeNotEq(t, "s3", sbs[3].clientCtx, jan2015.Add(fiveSecs))
// Tests p2p clock sync where multiple devices are NTP-synced.
func TestV23VClockSyncWithLocalNtp(t *testing.T) {
sh := v23test.NewShell(t, v23test.Opts{})
defer sh.Cleanup()
sbs := setupSyncbases(t, sh, 3, "--dev")
// Do NTP at s0 and s2.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(sbs[0].clientCtx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
NtpHost: startFakeNtpServer(t, sh, jan2015),
DoNtpUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", sbs[0].clientCtx, jan2015)
ok(t, sc("s2").DevModeUpdateVClock(sbs[2].clientCtx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
NtpHost: startFakeNtpServer(t, sh, feb2015),
DoNtpUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s2", sbs[2].clientCtx, feb2015)
// Set up a chain of syncgroups, then wait for a few seconds to allow the
// Syncbases to sync.
// TODO(sadovsky): Maybe add some sort of a "wait for sync" helper. Without
// that, we risk flakiness.
setupChain(t, sbs)
// All Syncbases should now think it's feb2015, because that NTP sync happened
// most recently.
// NOTE(sadovsky): Writing this test made me realize our current scheme loses
// information. Suppose we have Syncbases {A,B,C,D} in a chain, where C and A
// have NTP'ed at times t0 and t1 respectively. If C transitively hears from A
// before talking to D, D will not pick up C's NTP time even though C is just
// one hop away. This probably doesn't matter much in practice.
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", sbs[0].clientCtx, feb2015.Add(fiveSecs))
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s1", sbs[1].clientCtx, feb2015.Add(fiveSecs))
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s2", sbs[2].clientCtx, feb2015.Add(fiveSecs))
// Do NTP at s0 again; the update should propagate through the existing
// syncgroups.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(sbs[0].clientCtx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
NtpHost: startFakeNtpServer(t, sh, mar2015),
DoNtpUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", sbs[0].clientCtx, mar2015.Add(fiveSecs))
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s1", sbs[1].clientCtx, mar2015.Add(fiveSecs))
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s2", sbs[2].clientCtx, mar2015.Add(fiveSecs))
// Tests p2p clock sync where local is not NTP-synced and is 1 hop away from an
// NTP-synced device with >0 reboots.
func TestV23VClockSyncWithReboots(t *testing.T) {
sh := v23test.NewShell(t, v23test.Opts{})
defer sh.Cleanup()
sbs := setupSyncbases(t, sh, 2, "--dev")
// Set s0's local clock.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(sbs[0].clientCtx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
Now: jan2015.Add(-time.Hour),
ElapsedTime: 0,
DoLocalUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", sbs[0].clientCtx, jan2015.Add(-time.Hour))
// Do NTP at s0. As a result, s0 will think it has a one hour NTP skew, i.e.
// NTP time minus system clock time equals one hour.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(sbs[0].clientCtx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
NtpHost: startFakeNtpServer(t, sh, jan2015),
DoNtpUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", sbs[0].clientCtx, jan2015)
// Set s1's local clock.
ok(t, sc("s1").DevModeUpdateVClock(sbs[1].clientCtx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
Now: feb2015,
ElapsedTime: 0,
DoLocalUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s1", sbs[1].clientCtx, feb2015)
// Move time forward at s0, and reset its elapsed time to 0. Syncbase should
// detect a reboot, and should reflect the new time. Note that the time
// reported by s0.GetTime should reflect its one hour NTP skew.
ok(t, sc("s0").DevModeUpdateVClock(sbs[0].clientCtx, wire.DevModeUpdateVClockOpts{
Now: jan2015.Add(8 * time.Hour),
ElapsedTime: 0,
DoLocalUpdate: true,
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", sbs[0].clientCtx, jan2015.Add(9*time.Hour))
// Since s0 thinks it has rebooted, s1 should not get s0's clock.
setupChain(t, sbs)
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s0", sbs[0].clientCtx, jan2015.Add(9*time.Hour).Add(fiveSecs))
checkSbTimeApproxEq(t, "s1", sbs[1].clientCtx, feb2015.Add(fiveSecs))
// Helper functions
func sc(name string) wire.ServiceClientStub {
return wire.ServiceClient(name)
// Creates a "chain" of syncgroups, where each adjacent pair of Syncbases {A,B}
// share a syncgroup with key prefix "AB".
func setupChain(t *testing.T, sbs []*testSyncbase) {
for i, _ := range sbs {
if i == len(sbs)-1 {
a, b := sbs[i], sbs[i+1]
sgName := naming.Join(a.sbName, util.SyncbaseSuffix, "syncgroup")
ok(t, createSyncgroup(a.clientCtx, a.sbName, sgName, testTable+":"+a.sbName+b.sbName, "", "root", nil))
ok(t, joinSyncgroup(b.clientCtx, b.sbName, sgName))
// Wait for a to see b.
ok(t, verifySyncgroupMembers(a.clientCtx, a.sbName, sgName, 2))
func startFakeNtpServer(t *testing.T, sh *v23test.Shell, now time.Time) string {
nowBuf, err := now.MarshalText()
ok(t, err)
ntpd := sh.BuildGoPkg("")
c := sh.Cmd(ntpd, "--now="+string(nowBuf))
host := c.S.ExpectVar("HOST")
if host == "" {
t.Fatalf("fake_ntp_server failed to start")
return host
// sbTimeDelta returns sbTime, abs(target-sbTime).
func sbTimeDelta(t *testing.T, sbName string, ctx *context.T, target time.Time) (time.Time, time.Duration) {
sbTime, err := sc(sbName).DevModeGetTime(ctx)
ok(t, err)
delta := target.Sub(sbTime)
if delta < 0 {
delta = -delta
return sbTime, delta
// checkSbTimeApproxEq checks that the given Syncbase's virtual clock time is
// within 10 seconds of target.
func checkSbTimeApproxEq(t *testing.T, sbName string, ctx *context.T, target time.Time) {
sbTime, delta := sbTimeDelta(t, sbName, ctx, target)
if delta > 10*time.Second {
tu.Fatalf(t, "unexpected time: got %v, target %v", sbTime, target)
// checkSbTimeNotEq checks that the given Syncbase's virtual clock time is not
// within 1 minute of target.
func checkSbTimeNotEq(t *testing.T, sbName string, ctx *context.T, target time.Time) {
sbTime, delta := sbTimeDelta(t, sbName, ctx, target)
if delta < time.Minute {
tu.Fatalf(t, "expected different times: got %v, target %v", sbTime, target)