blob: 6e99d4b503ca9a377a07bc05d412be420d8ec524 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package time
import (
const (
nanosPerSecond = 1000 * 1000 * 1000
secondsPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60
// Represent the unix epoch 1970-01-01 in terms of our epoch 0001-01-01, for
// easy conversions. Note that we use a proleptic Gregorian calendar; there
// is a leap year every 4 years, except for years divisible by 100, but
// including years divisible by 400.
unixEpoch = (1969*365 + 1969/4 - 1969/100 + 1969/400) * secondsPerDay
minInt64 = -(1 << 63)
maxInt64 = ((1 << 63) - 1)
minGoDurationSec = minInt64 / nanosPerSecond
maxGoDurationSec = maxInt64 / nanosPerSecond
// timeToNative is called by VDL for conversions from wire to native times.
func timeToNative(wire Time, native *time.Time) error {
*native = time.Unix(wire.Seconds-unixEpoch, int64(wire.Nanos)).UTC()
return nil
// timeFromNative is called by VDL for conversions from native to wire times.
func timeFromNative(wire *Time, native time.Time) error {
wire.Seconds = native.Unix() + unixEpoch
wire.Nanos = int32(native.Nanosecond())
*wire = wire.Normalize()
return nil
// Normalize returns the normalized representation of x. It makes a best-effort
// attempt to clean up invalid values, e.g. if Nanos is outside the valid range,
// or the sign of Nanos doesn't match the sign of Seconds. The behavior is
// undefined for large invalid values, e.g. {int64max,int32max}.
func (x Time) Normalize() Time {
return Time(Duration(x).Normalize())
// Now returns the current time.
func Now() Time {
var t Time
timeFromNative(&t, time.Now())
return t
// durationToNative is called by VDL for conversions from wire to native
// durations.
func durationToNative(wire Duration, native *time.Duration) error {
*native = 0
// Go represents duration as int64 nanoseconds, which has a much smaller range
// than VDL duration, so we catch these cases and return an error.
wire = wire.Normalize()
if wire.Seconds < minGoDurationSec ||
(wire.Seconds == minGoDurationSec && wire.Nanos < minInt64-minGoDurationSec*nanosPerSecond) ||
wire.Seconds > maxGoDurationSec ||
(wire.Seconds == maxGoDurationSec && wire.Nanos > maxInt64-maxGoDurationSec*nanosPerSecond) {
return fmt.Errorf("vdl duration %+v out of range of go duration", wire)
*native = time.Duration(wire.Seconds*nanosPerSecond + int64(wire.Nanos))
return nil
// durationFromNative is called by VDL for conversions from native to wire
// durations.
func durationFromNative(wire *Duration, native time.Duration) error {
wire.Seconds = int64(native / nanosPerSecond)
wire.Nanos = int32(native % nanosPerSecond)
return nil
// Normalize returns the normalized representation of x. It makes a best-effort
// attempt to clean up invalid values, e.g. if Nanos is outside the valid range,
// or the sign of Nanos doesn't match the sign of Seconds. The behavior is
// undefined for large invalid values, e.g. {int64max,int32max}.
func (x Duration) Normalize() Duration {
x.Seconds += int64(x.Nanos / nanosPerSecond)
x.Nanos = x.Nanos % nanosPerSecond
switch {
case x.Seconds < 0 && x.Nanos > 0:
x.Seconds += 1
x.Nanos -= nanosPerSecond
case x.Seconds > 0 && x.Nanos < 0:
x.Seconds -= 1
x.Nanos += nanosPerSecond
return x
// Deadline represents the deadline for an operation; it is the native
// representation for WireDeadline, and is automatically converted to/from
// WireDeadline during marshaling.
// Deadline represents the deadline as an absolute time, while WireDeadline
// represents the deadline as a relative duration from "now".
// To represent "no deadline", use the zero value for Deadline.
type Deadline struct {
// Time represents the deadline as an absolute point in time.
// wireDeadlineToNative is called by VDL for conversions from wire to native
// deadlines.
func wireDeadlineToNative(wire WireDeadline, native *Deadline) error {
if wire.NoDeadline {
native.Time = time.Time{}
} else {
native.Time = time.Now().Add(wire.FromNow)
return nil
// wireDeadlineFromNative is called by VDL for conversions from native to wire
// deadlines.
func wireDeadlineFromNative(wire *WireDeadline, native Deadline) error {
if native.IsZero() {
*wire = WireDeadline{NoDeadline: true}
} else {
*wire = WireDeadline{FromNow: native.Sub(time.Now())}
return nil