blob: 297f74967991ff45b16fd5976841098d4c776467 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vdl
// This file contains a collection of types, constants and functions used for
// testing. All identifiers are exported, so they may be accessed via tests in
// the vdl_test package. Note that since this is a *_test.go file, these
// identifiers are still only visible in tests.
// TODO(toddw): Merge with vdl/opconst/testutil_test.go
import (
const (
// These constants are the same as the ones defined in overflow.go.
Float64MaxInt = (1 << 53)
Float64MinInt = -(1 << 53)
Float32MaxInt = (1 << 24)
Float32MinInt = -(1 << 24)
// CallAndRecover calls the function f and returns the result of recover().
// This minimizes the scope of the deferred recover, to ensure f is actually the
// function that paniced.
func CallAndRecover(f func()) (result interface{}) {
defer func() {
result = recover()
func ExpectErr(t *testing.T, err error, wantstr string, format string, args ...interface{}) bool {
gotstr := fmt.Sprint(err)
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
if wantstr != "" && !strings.Contains(gotstr, wantstr) {
t.Errorf(`%s got error %q, want substr %q`, msg, gotstr, wantstr)
return false
if wantstr == "" && err != nil {
t.Errorf(`%s got error %q, want nil`, msg, gotstr)
return false
return true
func ExpectPanic(t *testing.T, f func(), wantstr string, format string, args ...interface{}) {
got := CallAndRecover(f)
gotstr := fmt.Sprint(got)
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
if wantstr != "" && !strings.Contains(gotstr, wantstr) {
t.Errorf(`%s got panic %q, want substr %q`, msg, gotstr, wantstr)
if wantstr == "" && got != nil {
t.Errorf(`%s got panic %q, want nil`, msg, gotstr)
func ExpectMismatchedKind(t *testing.T, f func()) {
ExpectPanic(t, f, "mismatched kind", "")
// Define a bunch of regular Go types used in tests.
type (
// Scalars
NInterface interface{}
NType *Type
NBool bool
NByte byte
NUint16 uint16
NUint32 uint32
NUint64 uint64
NUint uint
NUintptr uintptr
NInt8 int8
NInt16 int16
NInt32 int32
NInt64 int64
NInt int
NFloat32 float32
NFloat64 float64
NComplex64 complex64
NComplex128 complex128
NString string
// Arrays
NArray3Interface [3]NInterface
NArray3TypeObject [3]*Type
NArray3Bool [3]bool
NArray3Byte [3]byte
NArray3Uint16 [3]uint16
NArray3Uint32 [3]uint32
NArray3Uint64 [3]uint64
NArray3Uint [3]uint
NArray3Uintptr [3]uintptr
NArray3Int8 [3]int8
NArray3Int16 [3]int16
NArray3Int32 [3]int32
NArray3Int64 [3]int64
NArray3Int [3]int
NArray3Float32 [3]float32
NArray3Float64 [3]float64
NArray3Complex64 [3]complex64
NArray3Complex128 [3]complex128
NArray3String [3]string
// Structs
NStructInterface struct{ X NInterface }
NStructTypeObject struct{ X *Type }
NStructBool struct{ X bool }
NStructByte struct{ X byte }
NStructUint16 struct{ X uint16 }
NStructUint32 struct{ X uint32 }
NStructUint64 struct{ X uint64 }
NStructUint struct{ X uint }
NStructUintptr struct{ X uintptr }
NStructInt8 struct{ X int8 }
NStructInt16 struct{ X int16 }
NStructInt32 struct{ X int32 }
NStructInt64 struct{ X int64 }
NStructInt struct{ X int }
NStructFloat32 struct{ X float32 }
NStructFloat64 struct{ X float64 }
NStructComplex64 struct{ X complex64 }
NStructComplex128 struct{ X complex128 }
NStructString struct{ X string }
NStructOptionalStruct struct{ X *NStructInt }
NStructOptionalAny struct{ X interface{} }
// Slices
NSliceInterface []NInterface
NSliceTypeObject []*Type
NSliceBool []bool
NSliceByte []byte
NSliceUint16 []uint16
NSliceUint32 []uint32
NSliceUint64 []uint64
NSliceUint []uint
NSliceUintptr []uintptr
NSliceInt8 []int8
NSliceInt16 []int16
NSliceInt32 []int32
NSliceInt64 []int64
NSliceInt []int
NSliceFloat32 []float32
NSliceFloat64 []float64
NSliceComplex64 []complex64
NSliceComplex128 []complex128
NSliceString []string
// Sets
NSetInterface map[NInterface]struct{}
NSetTypeObject map[*Type]struct{}
NSetBool map[bool]struct{}
NSetByte map[byte]struct{}
NSetUint16 map[uint16]struct{}
NSetUint32 map[uint32]struct{}
NSetUint64 map[uint64]struct{}
NSetUint map[uint]struct{}
NSetUintptr map[uintptr]struct{}
NSetInt8 map[int8]struct{}
NSetInt16 map[int16]struct{}
NSetInt32 map[int32]struct{}
NSetInt64 map[int64]struct{}
NSetInt map[int]struct{}
NSetFloat32 map[float32]struct{}
NSetFloat64 map[float64]struct{}
NSetComplex64 map[complex64]struct{}
NSetComplex128 map[complex128]struct{}
NSetString map[string]struct{}
// Maps
NMapInterface map[NInterface]NInterface
NMapTypeObject map[*Type]*Type
NMapBool map[bool]bool
NMapByte map[byte]byte
NMapUint16 map[uint16]uint16
NMapUint32 map[uint32]uint32
NMapUint64 map[uint64]uint64
NMapUint map[uint]uint
NMapUintptr map[uintptr]uintptr
NMapInt8 map[int8]int8
NMapInt16 map[int16]int16
NMapInt32 map[int32]int32
NMapInt64 map[int64]int64
NMapInt map[int]int
NMapFloat32 map[float32]float32
NMapFloat64 map[float64]float64
NMapComplex64 map[complex64]complex64
NMapComplex128 map[complex128]complex128
NMapString map[string]string
// Recursive types
NRecurseSelf struct{ X []NRecurseSelf }
NRecurseA struct{ B []NRecurseB }
NRecurseB struct{ A []NRecurseA }
// Composite types representing sets of numbers.
NMapByteEmpty map[NByte]struct{}
NMapUint64Empty map[NUint64]struct{}
NMapInt64Empty map[NUint64]struct{}
NMapFloat64Empty map[NUint64]struct{}
NMapComplex64Empty map[NUint64]struct{}
NMapByteBool map[NByte]NBool
NMapUint64Bool map[NUint64]NBool
NMapInt64Bool map[NInt64]NBool
NMapFloat64Bool map[NFloat64]NBool
NMapComplex64Bool map[NComplex64]NBool
// Composite types representing sets of strings.
NMapStringEmpty map[NString]struct{}
NMapStringBool map[NString]NBool
NStructXYZBool struct{ X, Y, Z NBool }
NStructXYZBoolUnexported struct{ a, X, b, Y, c, Z, d NBool }
NStructWXBool struct{ W, X NBool }
// Composite types representing maps of strings to numbers.
NMapStringByte map[NString]NByte
NMapStringUint64 map[NString]NUint64
NMapStringInt64 map[NString]NInt64
NMapStringFloat64 map[NString]NFloat64
NMapStringComplex64 map[NString]NComplex64
NStructVWXByte struct{ V, W, X NByte }
NStructVWXUint64 struct{ V, W, X NUint64 }
NStructVWXInt64 struct{ V, W, X NInt64 }
NStructVWXFloat64 struct{ V, W, X NFloat64 }
NStructVWXComplex64 struct{ V, W, X NComplex64 }
NStructVWXMixed struct {
// Interleave unexported fields, which are ignored.
a bool
V int64
b string
W float64
c []byte
X complex64
d interface{}
NStructUVByte struct{ U, V NByte }
NStructUVUint64 struct{ U, V NUint64 }
NStructUVInt64 struct{ U, V NInt64 }
NStructUVFloat64 struct{ U, V NFloat64 }
NStructUVComplex64 struct{ U, V NComplex64 }
NStructUVMixed struct {
// Interleave unexported fields, which are ignored.
a bool
U int64
b string
V float64
c []byte
// Types that cannot be converted to sets. We represent sets as
// map[key]struct{} on the Go side, but don't allow map[key]NEmpty.
NEmpty struct{}
NMapStringNEmpty map[NString]NEmpty
NStructXYZEmpty struct{ X, Y, Z struct{} }
NStructXYZNEmpty struct{ X, Y, Z NEmpty }
func RecurseSelfType() *Type {
var builder TypeBuilder
n := builder.Named("")
n.AssignBase(builder.Struct().AppendField("X", builder.List().AssignElem(n)))
t, err := n.Built()
if err != nil {
return t
func RecurseABTypes() [2]*Type {
var builder TypeBuilder
a := builder.Named("")
b := builder.Named("")
a.AssignBase(builder.Struct().AppendField("B", builder.List().AssignElem(b)))
b.AssignBase(builder.Struct().AppendField("A", builder.List().AssignElem(a)))
aT, err := a.Built()
if err != nil {
bT, err := b.Built()
if err != nil {
return [2]*Type{aT, bT}
func RecurseAType() *Type { return RecurseABTypes()[0] }
func RecurseBType() *Type { return RecurseABTypes()[1] }
// Special case enum isn't regularly expressible in Go.
type NEnum int
const (
NEnumA NEnum = iota
func (x *NEnum) Set(label string) error {
switch label {
case "A":
*x = NEnumA
return nil
case "B":
*x = NEnumB
return nil
case "C":
*x = NEnumC
return nil
case "ABC":
*x = NEnumABC
return nil
*x = -1
return fmt.Errorf("unknown label %q in NEnum", label)
func (x NEnum) String() string {
switch x {
case NEnumA:
return "A"
case NEnumB:
return "B"
case NEnumC:
return "C"
case NEnumABC:
return "ABC"
return ""
func (NEnum) __VDLReflect(struct{ Enum struct{ A, B, C, ABC string } }) {}
var EnumTypeN = NamedType("NEnum", EnumType("A", "B", "C", "ABC"))
// union{A bool;B string;C NStructInt64}
type (
NUnionABC interface {
Index() int
Name() string
NUnionABCA struct{ Value bool }
NUnionABCB struct{ Value string }
NUnionABCC struct{ Value NStructInt64 }
__NUnionABCReflect struct {
Type NUnionABC
Union struct {
func (NUnionABCA) Name() string { return "A" }
func (NUnionABCA) Index() int { return 0 }
func (NUnionABCA) __VDLReflect(__NUnionABCReflect) {}
func (NUnionABCB) Name() string { return "B" }
func (NUnionABCB) Index() int { return 1 }
func (NUnionABCB) __VDLReflect(__NUnionABCReflect) {}
func (NUnionABCC) Name() string { return "C" }
func (NUnionABCC) Index() int { return 2 }
func (NUnionABCC) __VDLReflect(__NUnionABCReflect) {}
// union{B string;C NStructInt64;D int64}
type (
NUnionBCD interface {
Index() int
Name() string
NUnionBCDB struct{ Value string }
NUnionBCDC struct{ Value NStructInt64 }
NUnionBCDD struct{ Value int64 }
__NUnionBCDDesc struct {
Type NUnionBCD
Union struct {
func (NUnionBCDB) Name() string { return "B" }
func (NUnionBCDB) Index() int { return 0 }
func (NUnionBCDB) __VDLReflect(__NUnionBCDDesc) {}
func (NUnionBCDC) Name() string { return "C" }
func (NUnionBCDC) Index() int { return 1 }
func (NUnionBCDC) __VDLReflect(__NUnionBCDDesc) {}
func (NUnionBCDD) Name() string { return "D" }
func (NUnionBCDD) Index() int { return 2 }
func (NUnionBCDD) __VDLReflect(__NUnionBCDDesc) {}
// Special-case error types
type NonPtrError struct{}
type PtrError struct{}
func (NonPtrError) Error() string { return "" }
func (*PtrError) Error() string { return "" }
// NWire and NNative are used to test native type support.
type NWire struct{ Str string }
type NNative int64
func nWireToNative(x NWire, n *NNative) error {
*n = 0
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(x.Str, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
*n = NNative(i)
return nil
func nWireFromNative(x *NWire, n NNative) error {
x.Str = strconv.FormatInt(int64(n), 10)
return nil
func init() {
RegisterNative(nWireToNative, nWireFromNative)
// NUnionWire and NUnionNative are used to test native type support for unions.
type (
NUnionWire interface {
Index() int
Interface() interface{}
Name() string
NUnionWireA struct{ Value bool }
NUnionWireB struct{ Value int64 }
__NUnionWireReflect struct {
Type NUnionWire
Union struct {
A NUnionWireA
B NUnionWireB
NUnionNative string
func (x NUnionWireA) Name() string { return "A" }
func (x NUnionWireA) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x NUnionWireA) Index() int { return 0 }
func (x NUnionWireA) __VDLReflect(__NUnionWireReflect) {}
func (x NUnionWireB) Name() string { return "B" }
func (x NUnionWireB) Interface() interface{} { return x.Value }
func (x NUnionWireB) Index() int { return 1 }
func (x NUnionWireB) __VDLReflect(__NUnionWireReflect) {}
func nUnionWireToNative(w NUnionWire, n *NUnionNative) error {
*n = NUnionNative(fmt.Sprintf("%s=%v", w.Name(), w.Interface()))
return nil
func nUnionWireFromNative(w *NUnionWire, n NUnionNative) error {
kv := strings.Split(string(n), "=")
if len(kv) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid NUnionNative, no '=': %v", n)
switch kv[0] {
case "A":
var value bool
if _, err := fmt.Sscan(kv[1], &value); err != nil {
return err
*w = NUnionWireA{value}
return nil
case "B":
var value int64
if _, err := fmt.Sscan(kv[1], &value); err != nil {
return err
*w = NUnionWireB{value}
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("invalid NUnionNative, unknown key: %v", n)
func init() {
RegisterNative(nUnionWireToNative, nUnionWireFromNative)
var (
StructInt64TypeN = NamedType("", StructType(Field{"X", Int64Type}))
UnionABCTypeN = NamedType("", UnionType([]Field{{"A", BoolType}, {"B", StringType}, {"C", StructInt64TypeN}}...))
UnionBCDTypeN = NamedType("", UnionType([]Field{{"B", StringType}, {"C", StructInt64TypeN}, {"D", Int64Type}}...))
UnionXYTypeN = NamedType("", UnionType([]Field{{"X", StringType}, {"Y", StructInt64TypeN}}...))
// Define a bunch of *Type types used in tests.
var (
// Named scalar types
BoolTypeN = NamedType("NBool", BoolType)
ByteTypeN = NamedType("NByte", ByteType)
Uint16TypeN = NamedType("NUint16", Uint16Type)
Uint32TypeN = NamedType("NUint32", Uint32Type)
Uint64TypeN = NamedType("NUint64", Uint64Type)
Int8TypeN = NamedType("NInt8", Int8Type)
Int16TypeN = NamedType("NInt16", Int16Type)
Int32TypeN = NamedType("NInt32", Int32Type)
Int64TypeN = NamedType("NInt64", Int64Type)
Float32TypeN = NamedType("NFloat32", Float32Type)
Float64TypeN = NamedType("NFloat64", Float64Type)
Complex64TypeN = NamedType("NComplex64", Complex64Type)
Complex128TypeN = NamedType("NComplex128", Complex128Type)
StringTypeN = NamedType("NString", StringType)
// Composite types representing sequences of numbers.
Array3ByteType = ArrayType(3, ByteType)
Array3ByteTypeN = NamedType("NArray3Byte", ArrayType(3, ByteTypeN))
Array3Uint64Type = ArrayType(3, Uint64Type)
Array3Uint64TypeN = NamedType("NArray3Uint64", ArrayType(3, Uint64TypeN))
Array3Int64Type = ArrayType(3, Int64Type)
Array3Int64TypeN = NamedType("NArray3Int64", ArrayType(3, Int64TypeN))
Array3Float64Type = ArrayType(3, Float64Type)
Array3Float64TypeN = NamedType("NArray3Float64", ArrayType(3, Float64TypeN))
Array3Complex64Type = ArrayType(3, Complex64Type)
Array3Complex64TypeN = NamedType("NArray3Complex64", ArrayType(3, Complex64TypeN))
ListByteType = ListType(ByteType)
ListByteTypeN = NamedType("NListByte", ListType(ByteTypeN))
ListUint64Type = ListType(Uint64Type)
ListUint64TypeN = NamedType("NListUint64", ListType(Uint64TypeN))
ListInt64Type = ListType(Int64Type)
ListInt64TypeN = NamedType("NListInt64", ListType(Int64TypeN))
ListFloat64Type = ListType(Float64Type)
ListFloat64TypeN = NamedType("NListFloat64", ListType(Float64TypeN))
ListComplex64Type = ListType(Complex64Type)
ListComplex64TypeN = NamedType("NListComplex64", ListType(Complex64TypeN))
// Composite types representing sets of numbers.
SetByteType = SetType(ByteType)
SetByteTypeN = NamedType("NSetByte", SetType(ByteTypeN))
SetUint64Type = SetType(Uint64Type)
SetUint64TypeN = NamedType("NSetUint64", SetType(Uint64TypeN))
SetInt64Type = SetType(Int64Type)
SetInt64TypeN = NamedType("NSetInt64", SetType(Int64TypeN))
SetFloat64Type = SetType(Float64Type)
SetFloat64TypeN = NamedType("NSetFloat64", SetType(Float64TypeN))
SetComplex64Type = SetType(Complex64Type)
SetComplex64TypeN = NamedType("NSetComplex64", SetType(Complex64TypeN))
MapByteBoolType = MapType(ByteType, BoolType)
MapByteBoolTypeN = NamedType("NMapByteBool", MapType(ByteTypeN, BoolTypeN))
MapUint64BoolType = MapType(Uint64Type, BoolType)
MapUint64BoolTypeN = NamedType("NMapUint64Bool", MapType(Uint64TypeN, BoolTypeN))
MapInt64BoolType = MapType(Int64Type, BoolType)
MapInt64BoolTypeN = NamedType("NMapInt64Bool", MapType(Int64TypeN, BoolTypeN))
MapFloat64BoolType = MapType(Float64Type, BoolType)
MapFloat64BoolTypeN = NamedType("NMapFloat64Bool", MapType(Float64TypeN, BoolTypeN))
MapComplex64BoolType = MapType(Complex64Type, BoolType)
MapComplex64BoolTypeN = NamedType("NMapComplex64Bool", MapType(Complex64TypeN, BoolTypeN))
// Composite types representing sets of strings.
SetStringType = SetType(StringType)
SetStringTypeN = NamedType("NSetString", SetType(StringTypeN))
MapStringBoolType = MapType(StringType, BoolType)
MapStringBoolTypeN = NamedType("NMapStringBool", MapType(StringTypeN, BoolTypeN))
StructXYZBoolType = StructType(Field{"X", BoolType}, Field{"Y", BoolType}, Field{"Z", BoolType})
StructXYZBoolTypeN = NamedType("NStructXYZBool", StructType(Field{"X", BoolTypeN}, Field{"Y", BoolTypeN}, Field{"Z", BoolTypeN}))
StructWXBoolType = StructType(Field{"W", BoolType}, Field{"X", BoolType})
StructWXBoolTypeN = NamedType("NStructWXBool", StructType(Field{"W", BoolTypeN}, Field{"X", BoolTypeN}))
// Composite types representing maps of strings to numbers.
MapStringByteType = MapType(StringType, ByteType)
MapStringByteTypeN = NamedType("NMapStringByte", MapType(StringTypeN, ByteTypeN))
MapStringUint64Type = MapType(StringType, Uint64Type)
MapStringUint64TypeN = NamedType("NMapStringUint64", MapType(StringTypeN, Uint64TypeN))
MapStringInt64Type = MapType(StringType, Int64Type)
MapStringInt64TypeN = NamedType("NMapStringInt64", MapType(StringTypeN, Int64TypeN))
MapStringFloat64Type = MapType(StringType, Float64Type)
MapStringFloat64TypeN = NamedType("NMapStringFloat64", MapType(StringTypeN, Float64TypeN))
MapStringComplex64Type = MapType(StringType, Complex64Type)
MapStringComplex64TypeN = NamedType("NMapStringComplex64", MapType(StringTypeN, Complex64TypeN))
StructVWXByteType = StructType(Field{"V", ByteType}, Field{"W", ByteType}, Field{"X", ByteType})
StructVWXByteTypeN = NamedType("NStructVWXByte", StructType(Field{"V", ByteTypeN}, Field{"W", ByteTypeN}, Field{"X", ByteTypeN}))
StructVWXUint64Type = StructType(Field{"V", Uint64Type}, Field{"W", Uint64Type}, Field{"X", Uint64Type})
StructVWXUint64TypeN = NamedType("NStructVWXUint64", StructType(Field{"V", Uint64TypeN}, Field{"W", Uint64TypeN}, Field{"X", Uint64TypeN}))
StructVWXInt64Type = StructType(Field{"V", Int64Type}, Field{"W", Int64Type}, Field{"X", Int64Type})
StructVWXInt64TypeN = NamedType("NStructVWXInt64", StructType(Field{"V", Int64TypeN}, Field{"W", Int64TypeN}, Field{"X", Int64TypeN}))
StructVWXFloat64Type = StructType(Field{"V", Float64Type}, Field{"W", Float64Type}, Field{"X", Float64Type})
StructVWXFloat64TypeN = NamedType("NStructVWXFloat64", StructType(Field{"V", Float64TypeN}, Field{"W", Float64TypeN}, Field{"X", Float64TypeN}))
StructVWXComplex64Type = StructType(Field{"V", Complex64Type}, Field{"W", Complex64Type}, Field{"X", Complex64Type})
StructVWXComplex64TypeN = NamedType("NStructVWXComplex64", StructType(Field{"V", Complex64TypeN}, Field{"W", Complex64TypeN}, Field{"X", Complex64TypeN}))
StructUVByteType = StructType(Field{"U", ByteType}, Field{"V", ByteType})
StructUVByteTypeN = NamedType("NStructUVByte", StructType(Field{"U", ByteTypeN}, Field{"V", ByteTypeN}))
StructUVUint64Type = StructType(Field{"U", Uint64Type}, Field{"V", Uint64Type})
StructUVUint64TypeN = NamedType("NStructUVUint64", StructType(Field{"U", Uint64TypeN}, Field{"V", Uint64TypeN}))
StructUVInt64Type = StructType(Field{"U", Int64Type}, Field{"V", Int64Type})
StructUVInt64TypeN = NamedType("NStructUVInt64", StructType(Field{"U", Int64TypeN}, Field{"V", Int64TypeN}))
StructUVFloat64Type = StructType(Field{"U", Float64Type}, Field{"V", Float64Type})
StructUVFloat64TypeN = NamedType("NStructUVFloat64", StructType(Field{"U", Float64TypeN}, Field{"V", Float64TypeN}))
StructUVComplex64Type = StructType(Field{"U", Complex64Type}, Field{"V", Complex64Type})
StructUVComplex64TypeN = NamedType("NStructUVComplex64", StructType(Field{"U", Complex64TypeN}, Field{"V", Complex64TypeN}))
StructAIntType = StructType(Field{"A", Int64Type})
StructAIntTypeN = NamedType("NStructA", StructAIntType)
UnionTypeN = NameN("Union", UnionType([]Field{{"A", BoolType}, {"B", StringType}, {"C", Int32Type}}...))
WireTypeN = NameN("Wire", StructType(Field{"Str", StringType}))
// Types that cannot be converted to sets. Although we represent sets as
// map[key]struct{} on the Go side, we don't allow these as general
// conversions for val.Value.
EmptyType = StructType()
EmptyTypeN = NamedType("NEmpty", StructType())
MapStringEmptyType = MapType(StringType, EmptyType)
MapStringEmptyTypeN = NamedType("NMapStringEmpty", MapType(StringTypeN, EmptyTypeN))
StructXYZEmptyType = StructType(Field{"X", EmptyType}, Field{"Y", EmptyType}, Field{"Z", EmptyType})
StructXYZEmptyTypeN = NamedType("NStructXYZEmpty", StructType(Field{"X", EmptyTypeN}, Field{"Y", EmptyTypeN}, Field{"Z", EmptyTypeN}))
func NameN(suffix string, base *Type) *Type {
return NamedType(""+suffix, base)
func NameNArray(suffix string, base *Type) *Type {
return NamedType(""+suffix, ArrayType(3, base))
func NameNStruct(suffix string, base *Type) *Type {
return NamedType(""+suffix, StructType(Field{"X", base}))
func NameNSlice(suffix string, base *Type) *Type {
return NamedType(""+suffix, ListType(base))
func rtSet(base *Type) *Type {
return SetType(base)
func NameNSet(suffix string, base *Type) *Type {
return NamedType(""+suffix, rtSet(base))
func rtMap(base *Type) *Type {
return MapType(base, base)
func NameNMap(suffix string, base *Type) *Type {
return NamedType(""+suffix, rtMap(base))
func SetStringValue(t *Type, x ...string) *Value {
res := ZeroValue(t)
for _, vx := range x {
key := ZeroValue(t.Key()).AssignString(vx)
return res
type SB struct {
S string
B bool
func MapStringBoolValue(t *Type, x ...SB) *Value {
res := ZeroValue(t)
for _, sb := range x {
key := ZeroValue(t.Key()).AssignString(sb.S)
val := ZeroValue(t.Elem()).AssignBool(sb.B)
res.AssignMapIndex(key, val)
return res
func MapStringEmptyValue(t *Type, x ...string) *Value {
res := ZeroValue(t)
for _, vx := range x {
key := ZeroValue(t.Key()).AssignString(vx)
val := ZeroValue(t.Elem())
res.AssignMapIndex(key, val)
return res
func StructBoolValue(t *Type, x ...SB) *Value {
res := ZeroValue(t)
for _, sb := range x {
_, index := t.FieldByName(sb.S)
return res
func AssignNum(v *Value, num float64) *Value {
switch v.Kind() {
case Byte, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64:
case Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64:
case Float32, Float64:
case Complex64, Complex128:
v.AssignComplex(complex(num, 0))
panic(fmt.Errorf("vdl: AssignNum unhandled %v", v.Type()))
return v
func SeqNumValue(t *Type, x ...float64) *Value {
res := ZeroValue(t)
if t.Kind() == List {
for index, n := range x {
AssignNum(res.Index(index), n)
return res
func SetNumValue(t *Type, x ...float64) *Value {
res := ZeroValue(t)
for _, n := range x {
res.AssignSetKey(AssignNum(ZeroValue(t.Key()), n))
return res
type NB struct {
N float64
B bool
func MapNumBoolValue(t *Type, x ...NB) *Value {
res := ZeroValue(t)
for _, nb := range x {
key := AssignNum(ZeroValue(t.Key()), nb.N)
val := ZeroValue(t.Elem()).AssignBool(nb.B)
res.AssignMapIndex(key, val)
return res
type SN struct {
S string
N float64
func MapStringNumValue(t *Type, x ...SN) *Value {
res := ZeroValue(t)
for _, sn := range x {
key := ZeroValue(t.Key()).AssignString(sn.S)
val := AssignNum(ZeroValue(t.Elem()), sn.N)
res.AssignMapIndex(key, val)
return res
func StructNumValue(t *Type, x ...SN) *Value {
res := ZeroValue(t)
for _, sn := range x {
_, index := t.FieldByName(sn.S)
AssignNum(res.StructField(index), sn.N)
return res