blob: 599bf2cf532920df180d0eeb73b601dd80f6efc5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vdl
import (
// Kind represents the kind of type that a Type represents.
type Kind uint
const (
// Variant kinds
Any Kind = iota // any type
Optional // value might not exist
// Scalar kinds
Bool // boolean
Byte // 8 bit unsigned integer
Uint16 // 16 bit unsigned integer
Uint32 // 32 bit unsigned integer
Uint64 // 64 bit unsigned integer
Int8 // 8 bit signed integer
Int16 // 16 bit signed integer
Int32 // 32 bit signed integer
Int64 // 64 bit signed integer
Float32 // 32 bit IEEE 754 floating point
Float64 // 64 bit IEEE 754 floating point
String // unicode string (encoded as UTF-8 in memory)
Enum // one of a set of labels
TypeObject // type represented as a value
// Composite kinds
Array // fixed-length ordered sequence of elements
List // variable-length ordered sequence of elements
Set // unordered collection of distinct keys
Map // unordered association between distinct keys and values
Struct // conjunction of an ordered sequence of (name,type) fields
Union // disjunction of an ordered sequence of (name,type) fields
// Internal kinds; they never appear in a *Type returned to the user.
internalNamed // placeholder for named types while they're being built.
func (k Kind) String() string {
switch k {
case Any:
return "any"
case Optional:
return "optional"
case Bool:
return "bool"
case Byte:
return "byte"
case Uint16:
return "uint16"
case Uint32:
return "uint32"
case Uint64:
return "uint64"
case Int8:
return "int8"
case Int16:
return "int16"
case Int32:
return "int32"
case Int64:
return "int64"
case Float32:
return "float32"
case Float64:
return "float64"
case String:
return "string"
case Enum:
return "enum"
case TypeObject:
return "typeobject"
case Array:
return "array"
case List:
return "list"
case Set:
return "set"
case Map:
return "map"
case Struct:
return "struct"
case Union:
return "union"
panic(fmt.Errorf("vdl: unhandled kind: %d", k))
type kindBitMask uint32
func (k *kindBitMask) Set(kind Kind) {
*k |= (1 << kind)
func (k kindBitMask) IsSet(kind Kind) bool {
return (k & (1 << kind)) != 0
// SplitIdent splits the given identifier into its package path and local name.
// a/b.Foo -> (a/b, Foo)
// a.b/c.Foo -> (a.b/c, Foo)
// Foo -> ("", Foo)
// a/b -> ("", a/b)
func SplitIdent(ident string) (pkgpath, name string) {
dot := strings.LastIndex(ident, ".")
if dot == -1 {
return "", ident
return ident[:dot], ident[dot+1:]
// Type is the representation of a vanadium type. Types are hash-consed; each
// unique type is represented by exactly one *Type instance, so to test for type
// equality you just compare the *Type instances.
// Not all methods apply to all kinds of types. Restrictions are noted in the
// documentation for each method. Calling a method inappropriate to the kind of
// type causes a run-time panic.
// Cyclic types are supported; e.g. you can represent a tree via:
// type Node struct {
// Val string
// Children []Node
// }
type Type struct {
kind Kind // used by all kinds
name string // used by all kinds
labels []string // used by Enum
len int // used by Array
elem *Type // used by Optional, Array, List, Map
key *Type // used by Set, Map
fields []Field // used by Struct, Union
unique string // used by all kinds, filled in by typeCons
containsKind kindBitMask // used to determine if this type recursively contains a kind
// Field describes a single field in a Struct or Union.
type Field struct {
Name string
Type *Type
// Kind returns the kind of type t.
func (t *Type) Kind() Kind { return t.kind }
// Name returns the name of type t. Empty names are allowed.
func (t *Type) Name() string { return }
// String returns a human-readable description of type t.
func (t *Type) String() string {
if t.unique != "" {
return t.unique
// The only time that t.unique isn't set is while we're in the process of
// building the type, and we're printing the type for errors. The type might
// have unnamed cycles, so we need to use short cycle names.
return uniqueTypeStr(t, make(map[*Type]bool), true)
// CanBeNil returns true iff values of t can be nil.
// Any and Optional values can be nil.
func (t *Type) CanBeNil() bool {
return t.kind == Any || t.kind == Optional
// CanBeNamed returns true iff t can be made into a named type.
// Any and TypeObject cannot be named.
func (t *Type) CanBeNamed() bool {
return t.kind != Any && t.kind != TypeObject
// CanBeKey returns true iff t can be used as a set or map key.
// Any, List, Map, Optional, Set and TypeObject cannot be keys, nor can
// composite types that contain these types.
func (t *Type) CanBeKey() bool {
return !t.ContainsKind(WalkAll, Any, List, Map, Optional, Set, TypeObject)
// CanBeOptional returns true iff t can be made into an optional type.
// Only named structs can be optional.
func (t *Type) CanBeOptional() bool {
// Our philosophy is that we should retain the full type information in our
// generated code, and generating annotations to distinguish optional from
// non-optional types is awkward for unnamed types.
// Allowing optionality for named types other than structs is also awkward.
// E.g. if we allowed optional named maps, it's unclear how we'd generate it
// in Go. We might just generate a map, which is already a reference type and
// may be nil, but then we can't distinguish optional map types from
// non-optional map types.
return != "" && t.kind == Struct
// IsBytes returns true iff the kind of type is []byte or [N]byte.
func (t *Type) IsBytes() bool {
return (t.kind == List || t.kind == Array) && t.elem.kind == Byte
var enumLabelAllowed = []Kind{Enum}
// EnumLabel returns the Enum label at the given index. It panics if the index
// is out of range.
func (t *Type) EnumLabel(index int) string {
t.checkKind("EnumLabel", enumLabelAllowed...)
return t.labels[index]
var enumIndexAllowed = []Kind{Enum}
// EnumIndex returns the Enum index for the given label. Returns -1 if the
// label doesn't exist.
func (t *Type) EnumIndex(label string) int {
t.checkKind("EnumIndex", enumIndexAllowed...)
// We typically have a small number of labels, so linear search is fine.
for index, l := range t.labels {
if l == label {
return index
return -1
var numEnumLabelAllowed = []Kind{Enum}
// NumEnumLabel returns the number of labels in an Enum.
func (t *Type) NumEnumLabel() int {
t.checkKind("NumEnumLabel", numEnumLabelAllowed...)
return len(t.labels)
var lenAllowed = []Kind{Array}
// Len returns the length of an Array.
func (t *Type) Len() int {
t.checkKind("Len", lenAllowed...)
return t.len
var elemAllowed = []Kind{Optional, Array, List, Map}
// Elem returns the element type of an Optional, Array, List or Map.
func (t *Type) Elem() *Type {
t.checkKind("Elem", elemAllowed...)
return t.elem
// NonOptional returns t.Elem() if t is Optional, otherwise returns t.
func (t *Type) NonOptional() *Type {
if t.kind == Optional {
return t.elem
return t
var keyAllowed = []Kind{Set, Map}
// Key returns the key type of a Set or Map.
func (t *Type) Key() *Type {
t.checkKind("Key", keyAllowed...)
return t.key
var fieldAllowed = []Kind{Struct, Union}
// Field returns a description of the Struct or Union field at the given index.
func (t *Type) Field(index int) Field {
t.checkKind("Field", fieldAllowed...)
return t.fields[index]
var fieldByNameAllowed = []Kind{Struct, Union}
// FieldByName returns a description of the Struct or Union field with the given
// name, and its integer field index. Returns -1 if the name doesn't exist.
func (t *Type) FieldByName(name string) (Field, int) {
t.checkKind("FieldByName", fieldByNameAllowed...)
// We typically have a small number of fields, so linear search is fine.
for index, f := range t.fields {
if f.Name == name {
return f, index
return Field{}, -1
var numFieldAllowed = []Kind{Struct, Union}
// NumField returns the number of fields in a Struct or Union.
func (t *Type) NumField() int {
t.checkKind("NumField", numFieldAllowed...)
return len(t.fields)
// AssignableFrom returns true iff values of t may be assigned from f:
// o Allowed if t and the type of f are identical.
// o Allowed if t is Any.
// o Allowed if t is Optional, and f is Any(nil).
// The first rule establishes strict static typing. The second rule relaxes
// things for Any, which is dynamically typed. The third rule relaxes things
// further, to allow implicit conversions from Any(nil) to all Optional types.
func (t *Type) AssignableFrom(f *Value) bool {
return t == f.t || t.kind == Any || (t.kind == Optional && f.t.kind == Any && f.IsNil())
// ptype implements the TypeOrPending interface.
func (t *Type) ptype() *Type { return t }
func (t *Type) errKind(method string, allowed ...Kind) error {
return fmt.Errorf("vdl: %s mismatched kind; got: %v, want: %v", method, t, allowed)
func (t *Type) errBytes(method string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("vdl: %s mismatched type; got: %v, want: bytes", method, t)
func (t *Type) checkKind(method string, allowed ...Kind) {
if t != nil {
for _, k := range allowed {
if k == t.kind {
panic(t.errKind(method, allowed...))
func (t *Type) checkIsBytes(method string) {
if !t.IsBytes() {
// ContainsKind returns true iff t or subtypes of t match any of the kinds.
func (t *Type) ContainsKind(mode WalkMode, kinds ...Kind) bool {
var containsKind bool
for _, kind := range kinds {
if t.containsKind.IsSet(kind) {
containsKind = true
if mode == WalkAll || containsKind == false {
return containsKind
return !t.Walk(mode, func(visit *Type) bool {
for _, kind := range kinds {
if kind == visit.kind {
return false
return true
// ContainsType returns true iff t or subtypes of t match any of the types.
func (t *Type) ContainsType(mode WalkMode, types ...*Type) bool {
return !t.Walk(mode, func(visit *Type) bool {
for _, ty := range types {
if ty == visit {
return false
return true
// Walk performs a DFS walk through the type graph starting from t, calling fn
// for each visited type. If fn returns false on a visited type, the walk is
// terminated early, and false is returned by Walk. The mode controls which
// types in the type graph we will visit.
func (t *Type) Walk(mode WalkMode, fn func(*Type) bool) bool {
return typeWalk(mode, t, fn, make(map[*Type]bool))
// WalkMode is the mode to perform a Walk through the type graph.
type WalkMode int
const (
// WalkAll indicates we should walk through all types in the type graph.
WalkAll WalkMode = iota
// WalkInline indicates we should only visit subtypes of array, struct and
// union. Values of array, struct and union always include values of their
// subtypes, thus the subtypes are considered to be inline. Values of
// optional, list, set and map might not include values of their subtypes, and
// are not considered to be inline.
func (t *Type) subTypesInline() bool {
switch t.kind {
case Array, Struct, Union:
return true
return false
func typeWalk(mode WalkMode, t *Type, fn func(*Type) bool, seen map[*Type]bool) bool {
if seen[t] {
return true
seen[t] = true
if !fn(t) {
return false
if mode == WalkInline && !t.subTypesInline() {
return true
switch t.kind {
case Optional, Array, List:
return typeWalk(mode, t.elem, fn, seen)
case Set:
return typeWalk(mode, t.key, fn, seen)
case Map:
return typeWalk(mode, t.key, fn, seen) && typeWalk(mode, t.elem, fn, seen)
case Struct, Union:
for _, field := range t.fields {
if !typeWalk(mode, field.Type, fn, seen) {
return false
return true