blob: a3fd9f5cafac95eaadfc49bae335cce2ad3f5f80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vdl
import (
var (
errNameNonEmpty = errors.New("any and typeobject cannot be renamed")
errNoLabels = errors.New("no enum labels")
errLabelEmpty = errors.New("empty enum label")
errHasLabels = errors.New("labels only valid for enum")
errLenZero = errors.New("negative or zero array length")
errLenNonZero = errors.New("length only valid for array")
errElemNil = errors.New("nil elem type")
errElemNonNil = errors.New("elem only valid for array, list and map")
errKeyNil = errors.New("nil key type")
errKeyNonNil = errors.New("key only valid for set and map")
errFieldTypeNil = errors.New("nil field type")
errFieldNameEmpty = errors.New("empty field name")
errNoFields = errors.New("no union fields")
errHasFields = errors.New("fields only valid for struct or union")
errBaseNil = errors.New("nil base type for named type")
errBaseCycle = errors.New("invalid named type cycle")
errNotBuilt = errors.New("TypeBuilder.Build must be called before Pending.Built")
// Primitive types, the basis for all other types. All have empty names.
var (
AnyType = primitiveType(Any)
BoolType = primitiveType(Bool)
ByteType = primitiveType(Byte)
Uint16Type = primitiveType(Uint16)
Uint32Type = primitiveType(Uint32)
Uint64Type = primitiveType(Uint64)
Int8Type = primitiveType(Int8)
Int16Type = primitiveType(Int16)
Int32Type = primitiveType(Int32)
Int64Type = primitiveType(Int64)
Float32Type = primitiveType(Float32)
Float64Type = primitiveType(Float64)
StringType = primitiveType(String)
TypeObjectType = primitiveType(TypeObject)
// ErrorType describes the built-in error type.
var ErrorType = OptionalType(NamedType("error", StructType(
Field{"Id", StringType},
Field{"RetryCode", EnumType("NoRetry", "RetryConnection", "RetryRefetch", "RetryBackoff")},
Field{"Msg", StringType},
Field{"ParamList", ListType(AnyType)},
// The ErrorType above must be kept in-sync with WireError.
func primitiveType(k Kind) *Type {
prim, err := typeCons(&Type{kind: k})
if err != nil {
return prim
// TypeOrPending only allows *Type or Pending values; other values cause a
// compile-time error. It's used as the argument type for TypeBuilder methods,
// to allow either fully built *Type values or Pending values as subtypes.
type TypeOrPending interface {
// ptype returns the pending type, which may be only partially built.
ptype() *Type
// PendingType represents a type that's being built by the TypeBuilder.
type PendingType interface {
// Built returns the final built and hash-consed type. Build must be called
// on the TypeBuilder before Built is called on any pending type. If any
// pending type has a build error, Built returns a nil type for all pending
// types, and returns non-nil errors for at least one pending type.
Built() (*Type, error)
// PendingOptional represents an Optional type that is being built. Given a base
// type that is non-optional, you can build a new type that is optional.
type PendingOptional interface {
// AssignElem assigns the Optional elem type.
AssignElem(elem TypeOrPending) PendingOptional
// PendingEnum represents an Enum type that is being built.
type PendingEnum interface {
// AppendLabel appends an Enum label. Every Enum must have at least one
// label, and each label must not be empty.
AppendLabel(label string) PendingEnum
// PendingArray represents an Array type that is being built.
type PendingArray interface {
// AssignLen assigns the Array length.
AssignLen(len int) PendingArray
// AssignElem assigns the Array element type.
AssignElem(elem TypeOrPending) PendingArray
// PendingList represents a List type that is being built.
type PendingList interface {
// AssignElem assigns the List element type.
AssignElem(elem TypeOrPending) PendingList
// PendingSet represents a Set type that is being built.
type PendingSet interface {
// AssignKey assigns the Set key type.
AssignKey(key TypeOrPending) PendingSet
// PendingMap represents a Map type that is being built.
type PendingMap interface {
// AssignKey assigns the Map key type.
AssignKey(key TypeOrPending) PendingMap
// AssignElem assigns the Map element type.
AssignElem(elem TypeOrPending) PendingMap
// PendingStruct represents a Struct type that is being built.
type PendingStruct interface {
// AppendField appends the Struct field with the given name and t. The name
// must not be empty. The ordering of fields is preserved; different
// orderings create different types.
AppendField(name string, t TypeOrPending) PendingStruct
// NumField returns the number of fields appended so far.
NumField() int
// PendingUnion represents a Union type that is being built.
type PendingUnion interface {
// AppendField appends the Union field with the given name and t. The name
// must not be empty. The ordering of fields is preserved; different
// orderings create different types.
AppendField(name string, t TypeOrPending) PendingUnion
// NumField returns the number of fields appended so far.
NumField() int
// PendingNamed represents a named type that is being built. Given a base type
// you can build a new type with an identical underlying structure, but a
// different name.
type PendingNamed interface {
// AssignBase assigns the base type of the named type. The resulting built
// type will have the same underlying structure as base, but with the given
// name.
AssignBase(base TypeOrPending) PendingNamed
type (
// pending implements common functionality for all pending objects.
pending struct {
*Type // Holds pending type pre-Build, and the result post-Build.
err error // Build error for this pending type.
// Each pending object holds a *Type that it fills in as the user calls
// methods to describe the type. When Build is called, the type is
// hash-consed to the final result.
pendingOptional struct{ *pending }
pendingEnum struct{ *pending }
pendingArray struct{ *pending }
pendingList struct{ *pending }
pendingSet struct{ *pending }
pendingMap struct{ *pending }
pendingStruct struct{ *pending }
pendingUnion struct{ *pending }
pendingNamed struct{ *pending }
func (p pendingOptional) AssignElem(elem TypeOrPending) PendingOptional {
p.elem = elem.ptype()
return p
func (p pendingEnum) AppendLabel(label string) PendingEnum {
p.labels = append(p.labels, label)
return p
func (p pendingArray) AssignLen(len int) PendingArray {
p.len = len
return p
func (p pendingArray) AssignElem(elem TypeOrPending) PendingArray {
p.elem = elem.ptype()
return p
func (p pendingList) AssignElem(elem TypeOrPending) PendingList {
p.elem = elem.ptype()
return p
func (p pendingSet) AssignKey(key TypeOrPending) PendingSet {
p.key = key.ptype()
return p
func (p pendingMap) AssignKey(key TypeOrPending) PendingMap {
p.key = key.ptype()
return p
func (p pendingMap) AssignElem(elem TypeOrPending) PendingMap {
p.elem = elem.ptype()
return p
func (p pendingStruct) AppendField(name string, t TypeOrPending) PendingStruct {
p.fields = append(p.fields, Field{name, t.ptype()})
return p
func (p pendingStruct) NumField() int {
return len(p.fields)
func (p pendingUnion) AppendField(name string, t TypeOrPending) PendingUnion {
p.fields = append(p.fields, Field{name, t.ptype()})
return p
func (p pendingUnion) NumField() int {
return len(p.fields)
func (p pendingNamed) AssignBase(base TypeOrPending) PendingNamed {
// Pending named types are special - they have the internalNamed kind, and put
// the base type in elem. See pending.finalize() for the extra logic.
p.elem = base.ptype()
return p
// TypeBuilder builds Types. There are two phases: 1) Create Pending* objects
// and describe each type, and 2) call Build. When Build is called, all types
// are created and may be retrieved by calling Built on the pending type. This
// two-phase building enables support for recursive types, and also makes it
// easy to construct a group of dependent types without determining their
// dependency ordering. The separation between Build and Built allows
// individual errors to be returned for each pending type, and easily associated
// with additional information for the pending type, e.g. position information
// in a compiler.
// Each TypeBuilder instance enforces the rule that type names are unique; each
// named type must be represented by exactly one Type or PendingType object.
// E.g. you can't create an enum "Foo" and a struct "Foo" via the same
// TypeBuilder, nor can you create two structs named "Foo", even if they have
// the same fields. This rule simplifies the hash consing logic.
// There is no enforcement of unique names across TypeBuilder instances; the val
// package allows different types with the same names. This allows support for
// a single named type with multiple versions, all handled within a single
// address space.
// The zero TypeBuilder represents an empty builder.
type TypeBuilder struct {
ptypes []*pending
func (b *TypeBuilder) add(t *Type) *pending {
// Every pending object starts with the errNotBuilt error, which will be
// overridden when the type is actually built.
p := &pending{Type: t, err: errNotBuilt}
b.ptypes = append(b.ptypes, p)
return p
// Optional returns PendingOptional, used to describe an Optional type.
func (b *TypeBuilder) Optional() PendingOptional {
return pendingOptional{b.add(&Type{kind: Optional})}
// Enum returns PendingEnum, used to describe an Enum type.
func (b *TypeBuilder) Enum() PendingEnum {
return pendingEnum{b.add(&Type{kind: Enum})}
// Array returns PendingArray, used to describe an Array type.
func (b *TypeBuilder) Array() PendingArray {
return pendingArray{b.add(&Type{kind: Array})}
// List returns PendingList, used to describe a List type.
func (b *TypeBuilder) List() PendingList {
return pendingList{b.add(&Type{kind: List})}
// Set returns PendingSet, used to describe a Set type.
func (b *TypeBuilder) Set() PendingSet {
return pendingSet{b.add(&Type{kind: Set})}
// Map returns PendingMap, used to describe a Map type.
func (b *TypeBuilder) Map() PendingMap {
return pendingMap{b.add(&Type{kind: Map})}
// Struct returns PendingStruct, used to describe a Struct type.
func (b *TypeBuilder) Struct() PendingStruct {
return pendingStruct{b.add(&Type{kind: Struct})}
// Union returns PendingUnion, used to describe a Union type.
func (b *TypeBuilder) Union() PendingUnion {
return pendingUnion{b.add(&Type{kind: Union})}
// Named returns PendingNamed, used to describe a named type based on another
// type.
func (b *TypeBuilder) Named(name string) PendingNamed {
return pendingNamed{b.add(&Type{kind: internalNamed, name: name})}
// Build builds all pending types. Build must be called before Built may be
// called on each pending type to retrieve the final result.
// Build guarantees that either all pending types are successfully built, or
// none of them are. I.e. all calls to Built will either return a non-nil Type
// and nil error, or nil Type. The pending type(s) that had build errors will
// return non-nil errors.
func (b *TypeBuilder) Build() {
// First finalize all types, indicating no more mutations will occur.
for _, p := range b.ptypes {
p.err = p.finalize()
// Now enforce the rule that type names are unique. This must occur before we
// hash cons anything, to catch tricky cases where hash consing is difficult.
// See uniqueTypeStr for more info.
names := make(map[string]*Type)
for _, p := range b.ptypes {
if err := enforceUniqueNames(p.Type, names); err != nil && p.err == nil {
p.err = err
// Now hash cons each pending type.
for _, p := range b.ptypes {
if p.err != nil {
continue // skip this type since it already has an error
p.Type, p.err = typeCons(p.Type)
// If any pending type has a build error, make sure all built types are nil.
for _, p := range b.ptypes {
if p.err != nil {
for _, q := range b.ptypes {
q.Type = nil
func (p *pending) ptype() *Type { return p.Type }
// finalize indicates Build has been called, and the pending type will not be
// mutated anymore.
func (p *pending) finalize() error {
if p.Type.kind == internalNamed {
// Now that the mutations have finished, we can copy the base type into
// p.Type, keeping the name of p.Type.
name, base :=, p.Type.elem
if name == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("PendingNamed used to build unnamed type based on %v", base)
// There may be a chain of named types, in which case we'll need to follow
// the chain to the first type that's not internalNamed. Watch out for
// cycles, which could arise due to corrupt input.
seen := map[*Type]bool{p.Type: true}
for {
if base == nil {
return errBaseNil
if base.kind != internalNamed {
if seen[base] {
return errBaseCycle
seen[base] = true
base = base.elem
*p.Type = *base = name
p.Type.unique = ""
return nil
func (p *pending) Built() (*Type, error) {
return p.Type, p.err
func checkedBuild(b TypeBuilder, p PendingType) *Type {
t, err := p.Built()
if err != nil {
return t
// OptionalType is a helper using TypeBuilder to create a single Optional type.
// Panics on all errors.
func OptionalType(elem *Type) *Type {
var b TypeBuilder
return checkedBuild(b, b.Optional().AssignElem(elem))
// EnumType is a helper using TypeBuilder to create a single Enum type.
// Panics on all errors.
func EnumType(labels ...string) *Type {
var b TypeBuilder
e := b.Enum()
for _, l := range labels {
return checkedBuild(b, e)
// ArrayType is a helper using TypeBuilder to create a single Array type.
// Panics on all errors.
func ArrayType(len int, elem *Type) *Type {
var b TypeBuilder
return checkedBuild(b, b.Array().AssignLen(len).AssignElem(elem))
// ListType is a helper using TypeBuilder to create a single List type. Panics
// on all errors.
func ListType(elem *Type) *Type {
var b TypeBuilder
return checkedBuild(b, b.List().AssignElem(elem))
// SetType is a helper using TypeBuilder to create a single Set type. Panics on
// all errors.
func SetType(key *Type) *Type {
var b TypeBuilder
return checkedBuild(b, b.Set().AssignKey(key))
// MapType is a helper using TypeBuilder to create a single Map type. Panics
// on all errors.
func MapType(key, elem *Type) *Type {
var b TypeBuilder
return checkedBuild(b, b.Map().AssignKey(key).AssignElem(elem))
// StructType is a helper using TypeBuilder to create a single Struct type.
// Panics on all errors.
func StructType(fields ...Field) *Type {
var b TypeBuilder
s := b.Struct()
for _, f := range fields {
s.AppendField(f.Name, f.Type)
return checkedBuild(b, s)
// UnionType is a helper using TypeBuilder to create a single Union type.
// Panics on all errors.
func UnionType(fields ...Field) *Type {
var b TypeBuilder
o := b.Union()
for _, f := range fields {
o.AppendField(f.Name, f.Type)
return checkedBuild(b, o)
// NamedType is a helper using TypeBuilder to create a single named type based
// on another type. Panics on all errors.
func NamedType(name string, base *Type) *Type {
var b TypeBuilder
return checkedBuild(b, b.Named(name).AssignBase(base))
// enforceUniqueNames ensures that t and its subtypes contain unique type names;
// every non-empty type name corresponds to exactly one *Type.
func enforceUniqueNames(t *Type, names map[string]*Type) error {
if t == nil || == "" {
return nil
if found := names[]; found != nil {
if found != t {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate type names %q and %q", found, t)
return nil
// First time seeing this type, put it in names and call recursively.
names[] = t
if err := enforceUniqueNames(t.elem, names); err != nil {
return err
if err := enforceUniqueNames(t.key, names); err != nil {
return err
for _, x := range t.fields {
if err := enforceUniqueNames(x.Type, names); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// uniqueTypeStr returns a unique string representing t, which is also its
// human-readable representation. Invariant: two types A and B have the same
// unique string iff they are equal, even if they haven't been hash-consed yet.
// Think of each type as a graph, where nodes represent each type, and edges
// point from composite type to subtype. Recursive types form a cycle in this
// graph. If two type graphs are the same, the two types are equal.
// There is a subtlety. Since we haven't hash-consed the types yet, it's
// possible that two different graphs also represent equal types. E.g. consider
// the type:
// type A struct {x []string;y []string}
// There are two different representations:
// A (not consed) A (hash-consed)
// x/ \y x/ \y
// / \ \ /
// []string []string []string
// Both of these representations must return the same unique string. To
// accomplish this, we recursively traverse the graph and dump the semantic
// contents of each type node. The seen map breaks infinite loops from
// recursive types. Since type cycles may only be created via named types, we
// keep track of seen types and only dump their names.
func uniqueTypeStr(t *Type, inCycle map[*Type]bool, shortCycleName bool) string {
if c, ok := inCycle[t]; ok {
if != "" {
// If the type is named, and we've seen the type at all, regardless of
// whether it's in a cycle, always return the name for brevity. If the
// type happens to be in a cycle, this is also necessary to break an
// infinite loop.
if c && shortCycleName {
// If we're in a cycle and we want short cycle names, we're only dumping
// the type to help debug errors. Note that the "..." means that the
// returned string is no longer unique, but breaks an infinite loop for
// unnamed cyclic types.
return "..."
inCycle[t] = true
defer func() {
inCycle[t] = false
s :=
if s != "" {
s += " "
switch t.kind {
case Optional:
return s + "?" + uniqueTypeStr(t.elem, inCycle, shortCycleName)
case Enum:
return s + "enum{" + strings.Join(t.labels, ";") + "}"
case Array:
return s + "[" + strconv.Itoa(t.len) + "]" + uniqueTypeStr(t.elem, inCycle, shortCycleName)
case List:
return s + "[]" + uniqueTypeStr(t.elem, inCycle, shortCycleName)
case Set:
return s + "set[" + uniqueTypeStr(t.key, inCycle, shortCycleName) + "]"
case Map:
return s + "map[" + uniqueTypeStr(t.key, inCycle, shortCycleName) + "]" + uniqueTypeStr(t.elem, inCycle, shortCycleName)
case Struct, Union:
if t.kind == Struct {
s += "struct{"
} else {
s += "union{"
for index, f := range t.fields {
if index > 0 {
s += ";"
s += f.Name + " " + uniqueTypeStr(f.Type, inCycle, shortCycleName)
return s + "}"
return s + t.kind.String()
var (
// typeReg holds a global set of hash-consed types. Hash-consing is based on
// the string representation of the type. See comments in uniqueType for an
// explanation of subtleties.
typeReg = map[string]*Type{}
typeRegMu sync.Mutex
// typeCons returns the hash-consed Type for a given Type t.
func typeCons(t *Type) (*Type, error) {
if err := validType(t); err != nil {
return nil, err
cons := typeConsLocked(t)
return cons, nil
func typeConsLocked(t *Type) *Type {
if t == nil {
return nil
// Look for the type in our registry, based on its unique string.
if t.unique == "" {
// Never use short cycle names; at this point the type is valid, and we need
// a fully unique string.
t.unique = uniqueTypeStr(t, make(map[*Type]bool), false)
if found := typeReg[t.unique]; found != nil {
return found
// Not found in the registry, add it and recursively cons subtypes. We cons
// the outer type first to deal with recursive types; otherwise we'd have an
// infinite loop.
typeReg[t.unique] = t
t.elem = typeConsLocked(t.elem)
if t.elem != nil {
t.containsKind |= t.elem.containsKind
t.key = typeConsLocked(t.key)
if t.key != nil {
t.containsKind |= t.key.containsKind
for index := range t.fields {
t.fields[index].Type = typeConsLocked(t.fields[index].Type)
t.containsKind |= t.fields[index].Type.containsKind
return t
// validType returns a nil error iff t and all subtypes are valid.
func validType(t *Type) error {
allTypes := make(map[*Type]bool)
if err := verifyAndCollectAllTypes(t, allTypes); err != nil {
return err
if err := existsUnnamedCycle(allTypes); err != nil {
return err
if err := existsStrictCycle(allTypes); err != nil {
return err
if err := existsInvalidKey(allTypes); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// existsInvalidKey returns a nil error iff the given Types all have valid set
// and map keys.
func existsInvalidKey(allTypes map[*Type]bool) error {
for t, _ := range allTypes {
if (t.kind == Map || t.kind == Set) && !t.key.CanBeKey() {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid key %q in %q", t.key, t)
return nil
// typeInStrictCycle returns a subtype that belongs to a strict cycle or nil if
// there are no strict cycles
func typeInStrictCycle(t *Type, inCycle map[*Type]bool) *Type {
if c, ok := inCycle[t]; ok {
if c {
return t
return nil
inCycle[t] = true
switch t.kind {
case Array:
if typeInCycle := typeInStrictCycle(t.elem, inCycle); typeInCycle != nil {
return typeInCycle
case Struct, Union:
for _, x := range t.fields {
if typeInCycle := typeInStrictCycle(x.Type, inCycle); typeInCycle != nil {
return typeInCycle
inCycle[t] = false
return nil
// existsStrictCycle returns a nil error iff the given type set has no strict
// cycles (e.g. type A struct{Elem: A})
func existsStrictCycle(allTypes map[*Type]bool) error {
inCycle := make(map[*Type]bool)
for t, _ := range allTypes {
if typeInCycle := typeInStrictCycle(t, inCycle); typeInCycle != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("type %q is inside of a strict cycle", typeInCycle)
return nil
func typeInUnnamedCycle(t *Type, inCycle map[*Type]bool) *Type {
if t == nil || != "" {
return nil
if c, ok := inCycle[t]; ok {
if c {
return t
return nil
inCycle[t] = true
if typeInCycle := typeInUnnamedCycle(t.key, inCycle); typeInCycle != nil {
return typeInCycle
if typeInCycle := typeInUnnamedCycle(t.elem, inCycle); typeInCycle != nil {
return typeInCycle
for _, x := range t.fields {
if typeInCycle := typeInUnnamedCycle(x.Type, inCycle); typeInCycle != nil {
return typeInCycle
inCycle[t] = false
return nil
// existsUnnamedCycle returns a nil error iff the given type set has no unnamed
// cycles; a cycle where no type is named. E.g. a PendingList with itself as
// the elem type. This can't occur in the VDL language, but can occur with
// invalid VOM encodings.
func existsUnnamedCycle(allTypes map[*Type]bool) error {
inCycle := make(map[*Type]bool)
for t, _ := range allTypes {
if typeInCycle := typeInUnnamedCycle(t, inCycle); typeInCycle != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("type %q is inside of an unnamed cycle", typeInCycle)
return nil
// verifyAndCollectAllTypes returns a nil error iff t and all subtypes are
// correctly defined. If all subtypes are correctly defined allTypes will be
// filled with all subtypes of the given Type t.
func verifyAndCollectAllTypes(t *Type, allTypes map[*Type]bool) error {
if t == nil || allTypes[t] {
return nil
allTypes[t] = true
// Check kind
switch t.kind {
case internalNamed:
return fmt.Errorf("internal kind %d used in verifyAndCollectAllTypes", t.kind)
// Check name
switch t.kind {
case Any, TypeObject:
if != "" {
return errNameNonEmpty
// Check len
switch t.kind {
case Array:
if t.len <= 0 {
return errLenZero
if t.len != 0 {
return errLenNonZero
// Check elem
switch t.kind {
case Array, List, Map:
if t.elem == nil {
return errElemNil
case Optional:
if t.elem == nil {
return errElemNil
if !t.elem.CanBeOptional() {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid optional type %q", t)
if t.elem != nil {
return errElemNonNil
// Check key
switch t.kind {
case Set, Map:
if t.key == nil {
return errKeyNil
if t.key != nil {
return errKeyNonNil
// Check labels
switch t.kind {
case Enum:
if len(t.labels) == 0 {
return errNoLabels
for _, l := range t.labels {
if l == "" {
return errLabelEmpty
if len(t.labels) > 0 {
return errHasLabels
// Check fields
switch t.kind {
case Struct, Union:
seenFields := make(map[string]bool, len(t.fields))
for _, f := range t.fields {
if f.Type == nil {
return errFieldTypeNil
if f.Name == "" {
return errFieldNameEmpty
if seenFields[f.Name] {
return fmt.Errorf("%q has duplicate field name %q",, f.Name)
seenFields[f.Name] = true
// We allow struct{} but not union{}; we rely on union having at least one
// field, and we special-case field 0. E.g. the zero value of union is the
// zero value of the type of field 0.
if t.kind == Union && len(t.fields) == 0 {
return errNoFields
if len(t.fields) > 0 {
return errHasFields
// Check subtypes recursively.
if err := verifyAndCollectAllTypes(t.elem, allTypes); err != nil {
return err
if err := verifyAndCollectAllTypes(t.key, allTypes); err != nil {
return err
for _, x := range t.fields {
if err := verifyAndCollectAllTypes(x.Type, allTypes); err != nil {
return err
return nil