blob: 8cb29fbd12f823e76027b8c688130ae4c1479f06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// reflect_invoker_test is the main unit test for relfelct_invoker.go, but see also
// reflect_invoker_internal_test, which tests some things internal to the module.
package rpc_test
import (
_ ""
// TODO(toddw): Add multi-goroutine tests of reflectCache locking.
func testContext() *context.T {
ctx, _ := context.RootContext()
return ctx
type FakeStreamServerCall struct{}
var _ rpc.StreamServerCall = (*FakeStreamServerCall)(nil)
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) Server() rpc.Server { return nil }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) GrantedBlessings() security.Blessings { return security.Blessings{} }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) Closed() <-chan struct{} { return nil }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) IsClosed() bool { return false }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) Send(item interface{}) error { return nil }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) Recv(itemptr interface{}) error { return nil }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) Timestamp() time.Time { return time.Time{} }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) Method() string { return "" }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) MethodTags() []*vdl.Value { return nil }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) Suffix() string { return "" }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) LocalDischarges() map[string]security.Discharge { return nil }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) RemoteDischarges() map[string]security.Discharge { return nil }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) LocalPrincipal() security.Principal { return nil }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) LocalBlessings() security.Blessings { return security.Blessings{} }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) RemoteBlessings() security.Blessings { return security.Blessings{} }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) LocalEndpoint() naming.Endpoint { return nil }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) RemoteEndpoint() naming.Endpoint { return nil }
func (*FakeStreamServerCall) Security() security.Call { return nil }
var (
ctx1 = testContext()
ctx2 = testContext()
ctx3 = testContext()
ctx4 = testContext()
ctx5 = testContext()
ctx6 = testContext()
call1 = &FakeStreamServerCall{}
call2 = &FakeStreamServerCall{}
call3 = &FakeStreamServerCall{}
call4 = &FakeStreamServerCall{}
call5 = &FakeStreamServerCall{}
call6 = &FakeStreamServerCall{}
// test tags.
var (
tagAlpha = vdl.StringValue("alpha")
tagBeta = vdl.StringValue("beta")
tagGamma = vdl.StringValue("gamma")
tagDelta = vdl.StringValue("gamma")
tagEpsilon = vdl.StringValue("epsilon")
// All objects used for success testing are based on testObj, which captures the
// state from each invocation, so that we may test it against our expectations.
type testObj struct {
ctx *context.T
call rpc.ServerCall
func (o testObj) LastContext() *context.T { return o.ctx }
func (o testObj) LastCall() rpc.ServerCall { return }
type testObjIface interface {
LastContext() *context.T
LastCall() rpc.ServerCall
var errApp = errors.New("app error")
type notags struct{ testObj }
func (o *notags) Method1(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) error {
o.ctx = ctx = call
return nil
func (o *notags) Method2(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) (int, error) {
o.ctx = ctx = call
return 0, nil
func (o *notags) Method3(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, _ int) error {
o.ctx = ctx = call
return nil
func (o *notags) Method4(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, i int) (int, error) {
o.ctx = ctx = call
return i, nil
func (o *notags) Error(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) error {
o.ctx = ctx = call
return errApp
type tags struct{ testObj }
func (o *tags) Alpha(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) error {
o.ctx = ctx = call
return nil
func (o *tags) Beta(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) (int, error) {
o.ctx = ctx = call
return 0, nil
func (o *tags) Gamma(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, _ int) error {
o.ctx = ctx = call
return nil
func (o *tags) Delta(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, i int) (int, error) {
o.ctx = ctx = call
return i, nil
func (o *tags) Epsilon(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, i int, s string) (int, string, error) {
o.ctx = ctx = call
return i, s, nil
func (o *tags) Error(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) error {
o.ctx = ctx = call
return errApp
func (o *tags) Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc {
return []rpc.InterfaceDesc{{
Methods: []rpc.MethodDesc{
{Name: "Alpha", Tags: []*vdl.Value{tagAlpha}},
{Name: "Beta", Tags: []*vdl.Value{tagBeta}},
{Name: "Gamma", Tags: []*vdl.Value{tagGamma}},
{Name: "Delta", Tags: []*vdl.Value{tagDelta}},
{Name: "Epsilon", Tags: []*vdl.Value{tagEpsilon}},
func TestReflectInvoker(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := test.TestContext()
defer shutdown()
type v []interface{}
type testcase struct {
obj testObjIface
method string
ctx *context.T
call rpc.StreamServerCall
// Expected results:
tag *vdl.Value
args v
results v
err error
tests := []testcase{
{&notags{}, "Method1", ctx1, call1, nil, nil, nil, nil},
{&notags{}, "Method2", ctx2, call2, nil, nil, v{0}, nil},
{&notags{}, "Method3", ctx3, call3, nil, v{0}, nil, nil},
{&notags{}, "Method4", ctx4, call4, nil, v{11}, v{11}, nil},
{&notags{}, "Error", ctx5, call5, nil, nil, nil, errApp},
{&tags{}, "Alpha", ctx1, call1, tagAlpha, nil, nil, nil},
{&tags{}, "Beta", ctx2, call2, tagBeta, nil, v{0}, nil},
{&tags{}, "Gamma", ctx3, call3, tagGamma, v{0}, nil, nil},
{&tags{}, "Delta", ctx4, call4, tagDelta, v{11}, v{11}, nil},
{&tags{}, "Epsilon", ctx5, call5, tagEpsilon, v{11, "b"}, v{11, "b"}, nil},
{&tags{}, "Error", ctx6, call6, nil, nil, nil, errApp},
name := func(test testcase) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%T.%s()", test.obj, test.method)
testInvoker := func(test testcase, invoker rpc.Invoker) {
// Call Invoker.Prepare and check results.
argptrs, tags, err := invoker.Prepare(ctx, test.method, len(test.args))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s Prepare unexpected error: %v", name(test), err)
if !equalPtrValTypes(argptrs, test.args) {
t.Errorf("%s Prepare got argptrs %v, want args %v", name(test), printTypes(argptrs), printTypes(toPtrs(test.args)))
var tag *vdl.Value
if len(tags) > 0 {
tag = tags[0]
if tag != test.tag {
t.Errorf("%s Prepare got tags %v, want %v", name(test), tags, []*vdl.Value{test.tag})
// Call Invoker.Invoke and check results.
results, err := invoker.Invoke(test.ctx,, test.method, toPtrs(test.args))
if err != test.err {
t.Errorf(`%s Invoke got error "%v", want "%v"`, name(test), err, test.err)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(v(results), test.results) {
t.Errorf("%s Invoke got results %v, want %v", name(test), results, test.results)
if got, want := test.obj.LastContext(), test.ctx; got != want {
t.Errorf("%s Invoke got ctx %v, want %v", name(test), got, want)
if got, want := test.obj.LastCall(),; got != want {
t.Errorf("%s Invoke got call %v, want %v", name(test), got, want)
for _, test := range tests {
invoker := rpc.ReflectInvokerOrDie(test.obj)
testInvoker(test, invoker)
invoker, err := rpc.ReflectInvoker(test.obj)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s ReflectInvoker got error: %v", name(test), err)
testInvoker(test, invoker)
// equalPtrValTypes returns true iff the types of each value in valptrs is
// identical to the types of the pointers to each value in vals.
func equalPtrValTypes(valptrs, vals []interface{}) bool {
if len(valptrs) != len(vals) {
return false
for ix, val := range vals {
valptr := valptrs[ix]
if reflect.TypeOf(valptr) != reflect.PtrTo(reflect.TypeOf(val)) {
return false
return true
// printTypes returns a string representing the type of each value in vals.
func printTypes(vals []interface{}) string {
s := "["
for ix, val := range vals {
if ix > 0 {
s += ", "
s += reflect.TypeOf(val).String()
return s + "]"
// toPtrs takes the given vals and returns a new slice, where each item V at
// index I in vals has been copied into a new pointer value P at index I in the
// result. The type of P is a pointer to the type of V.
func toPtrs(vals []interface{}) []interface{} {
valptrs := make([]interface{}, len(vals))
for ix, val := range vals {
rvValPtr := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(val))
valptrs[ix] = rvValPtr.Interface()
return valptrs
type (
sigTest struct{}
stringBoolCall struct{ rpc.ServerCall }
func (*stringBoolCall) Init(rpc.StreamServerCall) {}
func (*stringBoolCall) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() string
Err() error
} {
return nil
func (*stringBoolCall) SendStream() interface {
Send(item bool) error
} {
return nil
func (sigTest) Sig1(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) error { return nil }
func (sigTest) Sig2(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall, int32, string) error { return nil }
func (sigTest) Sig3(*context.T, *stringBoolCall, float64) ([]uint32, error) { return nil, nil }
func (sigTest) Sig4(*context.T, rpc.StreamServerCall, int32, string) (int32, string, error) {
return 0, "", nil
func (sigTest) Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc {
return []rpc.InterfaceDesc{
Name: "Iface1",
PkgPath: "a/b/c",
Doc: "Doc Iface1",
Embeds: []rpc.EmbedDesc{
{Name: "Iface1Embed1", PkgPath: "x/y", Doc: "Doc embed1"},
Methods: []rpc.MethodDesc{
Name: "Sig3",
Doc: "Doc Sig3",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{{Name: "i0_3", Doc: "Doc i0_3"}},
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{{Name: "o0_3", Doc: "Doc o0_3"}},
InStream: rpc.ArgDesc{Name: "is_3", Doc: "Doc is_3"},
OutStream: rpc.ArgDesc{Name: "os_3", Doc: "Doc os_3"},
Tags: []*vdl.Value{tagAlpha, tagBeta},
Name: "Iface2",
PkgPath: "d/e/f",
Doc: "Doc Iface2",
Methods: []rpc.MethodDesc{
// The same Sig3 method is described here in a different interface.
Name: "Sig3",
Doc: "Doc Sig3x",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{{Name: "i0_3x", Doc: "Doc i0_3x"}},
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{{Name: "o0_3x", Doc: "Doc o0_3x"}},
InStream: rpc.ArgDesc{Name: "is_3x", Doc: "Doc is_3x"},
OutStream: rpc.ArgDesc{Name: "os_3x", Doc: "Doc os_3x"},
// Must have the same tags as every other definition of this method.
Tags: []*vdl.Value{tagAlpha, tagBeta},
Name: "Sig4",
Doc: "Doc Sig4",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{Name: "i0_4", Doc: "Doc i0_4"}, {Name: "i1_4", Doc: "Doc i1_4"}},
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{Name: "o0_4", Doc: "Doc o0_4"}, {Name: "o1_4", Doc: "Doc o1_4"}},
func TestReflectInvokerSignature(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
Method string // empty to invoke Signature rather than MethodSignature
Want interface{}
// Tests of MethodSignature.
{"Sig1", signature.Method{Name: "Sig1"}},
{"Sig2", signature.Method{
Name: "Sig2",
InArgs: []signature.Arg{{Type: vdl.Int32Type}, {Type: vdl.StringType}},
{"Sig3", signature.Method{
Name: "Sig3",
Doc: "Doc Sig3",
InArgs: []signature.Arg{
{Name: "i0_3", Doc: "Doc i0_3", Type: vdl.Float64Type}},
OutArgs: []signature.Arg{
{Name: "o0_3", Doc: "Doc o0_3", Type: vdl.ListType(vdl.Uint32Type)}},
InStream: &signature.Arg{
Name: "is_3", Doc: "Doc is_3", Type: vdl.StringType},
OutStream: &signature.Arg{
Name: "os_3", Doc: "Doc os_3", Type: vdl.BoolType},
Tags: []*vdl.Value{tagAlpha, tagBeta},
{"Sig4", signature.Method{
Name: "Sig4",
Doc: "Doc Sig4",
InArgs: []signature.Arg{
{Name: "i0_4", Doc: "Doc i0_4", Type: vdl.Int32Type},
{Name: "i1_4", Doc: "Doc i1_4", Type: vdl.StringType}},
OutArgs: []signature.Arg{
{Name: "o0_4", Doc: "Doc o0_4", Type: vdl.Int32Type},
{Name: "o1_4", Doc: "Doc o1_4", Type: vdl.StringType}},
// Since rpc.StreamServerCall is used, we must assume streaming with any.
InStream: &signature.Arg{Type: vdl.AnyType},
OutStream: &signature.Arg{Type: vdl.AnyType},
// Test Signature, which always returns the "true" information collected via
// reflection, and enhances it with user-provided descriptions.
{"", []signature.Interface{
Name: "Iface1",
PkgPath: "a/b/c",
Doc: "Doc Iface1",
Embeds: []signature.Embed{
{Name: "Iface1Embed1", PkgPath: "x/y", Doc: "Doc embed1"},
Methods: []signature.Method{
Name: "Sig3",
Doc: "Doc Sig3",
InArgs: []signature.Arg{
{Name: "i0_3", Doc: "Doc i0_3", Type: vdl.Float64Type},
OutArgs: []signature.Arg{
{Name: "o0_3", Doc: "Doc o0_3", Type: vdl.ListType(vdl.Uint32Type)},
InStream: &signature.Arg{
Name: "is_3", Doc: "Doc is_3", Type: vdl.StringType},
OutStream: &signature.Arg{
Name: "os_3", Doc: "Doc os_3", Type: vdl.BoolType},
Tags: []*vdl.Value{tagAlpha, tagBeta},
Name: "Iface2",
PkgPath: "d/e/f",
Doc: "Doc Iface2",
Methods: []signature.Method{
Name: "Sig3",
Doc: "Doc Sig3x",
InArgs: []signature.Arg{
{Name: "i0_3x", Doc: "Doc i0_3x", Type: vdl.Float64Type},
OutArgs: []signature.Arg{
{Name: "o0_3x", Doc: "Doc o0_3x", Type: vdl.ListType(vdl.Uint32Type)},
InStream: &signature.Arg{
Name: "is_3x", Doc: "Doc is_3x", Type: vdl.StringType},
OutStream: &signature.Arg{
Name: "os_3x", Doc: "Doc os_3x", Type: vdl.BoolType},
Tags: []*vdl.Value{tagAlpha, tagBeta},
Name: "Sig4",
Doc: "Doc Sig4",
InArgs: []signature.Arg{
{Name: "i0_4", Doc: "Doc i0_4", Type: vdl.Int32Type},
{Name: "i1_4", Doc: "Doc i1_4", Type: vdl.StringType},
OutArgs: []signature.Arg{
{Name: "o0_4", Doc: "Doc o0_4", Type: vdl.Int32Type},
{Name: "o1_4", Doc: "Doc o1_4", Type: vdl.StringType},
InStream: &signature.Arg{Type: vdl.AnyType},
OutStream: &signature.Arg{Type: vdl.AnyType},
Doc: "The empty interface contains methods not attached to any interface.",
Methods: []signature.Method{
{Name: "Sig1"},
Name: "Sig2",
InArgs: []signature.Arg{{Type: vdl.Int32Type}, {Type: vdl.StringType}},
for _, test := range tests {
invoker := rpc.ReflectInvokerOrDie(sigTest{})
var got interface{}
var err error
if test.Method == "" {
got, err = invoker.Signature(nil, nil)
} else {
got, err = invoker.MethodSignature(nil, nil, test.Method)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%q got error %v", test.Method, err)
if want := test.Want; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("%q got %#v, want %#v", test.Method, got, want)
type (
badcall struct{}
noInitCall struct{ rpc.ServerCall }
badInit1Call struct{ rpc.ServerCall }
badInit2Call struct{ rpc.ServerCall }
badInit3Call struct{ rpc.ServerCall }
noSendRecvCall struct{ rpc.ServerCall }
badSend1Call struct{ rpc.ServerCall }
badSend2Call struct{ rpc.ServerCall }
badSend3Call struct{ rpc.ServerCall }
badRecv1Call struct{ rpc.ServerCall }
badRecv2Call struct{ rpc.ServerCall }
badRecv3Call struct{ rpc.ServerCall }
badoutargs struct{}
badGlobber struct{}
badGlob1 struct{}
badGlob2 struct{}
badGlob3 struct{}
badGlob4 struct{}
badGlob5 struct{}
badGlob6 struct{}
badGlob7 struct{}
badGlobChildren1 struct{}
badGlobChildren2 struct{}
badGlobChildren3 struct{}
badGlobChildren4 struct{}
badGlobChildren5 struct{}
badGlobChildren6 struct{}
func (badcall) notExported(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) error { return nil }
func (badcall) NonRPC1() error { return nil }
func (badcall) NonRPC2(int) error { return nil }
func (badcall) NonRPC3(int, string) error { return nil }
func (badcall) NonRPC4(*badcall) error { return nil }
func (badcall) NonRPC5(context.T, *badcall) error { return nil }
func (badcall) NonRPC6(*context.T, *badcall) error { return nil }
func (badcall) NoInit(*context.T, *noInitCall) error { return nil }
func (badcall) BadInit1(*context.T, *badInit1Call) error { return nil }
func (badcall) BadInit2(*context.T, *badInit2Call) error { return nil }
func (badcall) BadInit3(*context.T, *badInit3Call) error { return nil }
func (badcall) NoSendRecv(*context.T, *noSendRecvCall) error { return nil }
func (badcall) BadSend1(*context.T, *badSend1Call) error { return nil }
func (badcall) BadSend2(*context.T, *badSend2Call) error { return nil }
func (badcall) BadSend3(*context.T, *badSend3Call) error { return nil }
func (badcall) BadRecv1(*context.T, *badRecv1Call) error { return nil }
func (badcall) BadRecv2(*context.T, *badRecv2Call) error { return nil }
func (badcall) BadRecv3(*context.T, *badRecv3Call) error { return nil }
func (*badInit1Call) Init() {}
func (*badInit2Call) Init(int) {}
func (*badInit3Call) Init(rpc.StreamServerCall, int) {}
func (*noSendRecvCall) Init(rpc.StreamServerCall) {}
func (*badSend1Call) Init(rpc.StreamServerCall) {}
func (*badSend1Call) SendStream() {}
func (*badSend2Call) Init(rpc.StreamServerCall) {}
func (*badSend2Call) SendStream() interface {
Send() error
} {
return nil
func (*badSend3Call) Init(rpc.StreamServerCall) {}
func (*badSend3Call) SendStream() interface {
} {
return nil
func (*badRecv1Call) Init(rpc.StreamServerCall) {}
func (*badRecv1Call) RecvStream() {}
func (*badRecv2Call) Init(rpc.StreamServerCall) {}
func (*badRecv2Call) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() int
} {
return nil
func (*badRecv3Call) Init(rpc.StreamServerCall) {}
func (*badRecv3Call) RecvStream() interface {
Value() int
Error() error
} {
return nil
func (badoutargs) NoFinalError1(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) {}
func (badoutargs) NoFinalError2(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) string { return "" }
func (badoutargs) NoFinalError3(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) (bool, string) { return false, "" }
func (badoutargs) NoFinalError4(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) (error, string) { return nil, "" }
func (badGlobber) Globber() {}
func (badGlob1) Glob__() {}
func (badGlob2) Glob__(*context.T) {}
func (badGlob3) Glob__(*context.T, rpc.GlobServerCall) {}
func (badGlob4) Glob__(*context.T, rpc.GlobServerCall, *glob.Glob) {}
func (badGlob5) Glob__(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall, *glob.Glob) error { return nil }
func (badGlob6) Glob__() error { return nil }
func (badGlobChildren1) GlobChildren__() {}
func (badGlobChildren2) GlobChildren__(*context.T) {}
func (badGlobChildren3) GlobChildren__(*context.T, rpc.GlobChildrenServerCall) {}
func (badGlobChildren4) GlobChildren__(*context.T, rpc.GlobChildrenServerCall, *glob.Element) {}
func (badGlobChildren5) GlobChildren__(*context.T, rpc.GlobChildrenServerCall) error { return nil }
func TestReflectInvokerPanic(t *testing.T) {
type testcase struct {
obj interface{}
regexp string
tests := []testcase{
{nil, `ReflectInvoker\(nil\) is invalid`},
{struct{}{}, "no compatible methods"},
{badcall{}, "invalid streaming call"},
{badoutargs{}, "final out-arg must be error"},
{badGlobber{}, "Globber must have signature"},
{badGlob1{}, "Glob__ must have signature"},
{badGlob2{}, "Glob__ must have signature"},
{badGlob3{}, "Glob__ must have signature"},
{badGlob4{}, "Glob__ must have signature"},
{badGlob5{}, "Glob__ must have signature"},
{badGlob6{}, "Glob__ must have signature"},
{badGlobChildren1{}, "GlobChildren__ must have signature"},
{badGlobChildren2{}, "GlobChildren__ must have signature"},
{badGlobChildren3{}, "GlobChildren__ must have signature"},
{badGlobChildren4{}, "GlobChildren__ must have signature"},
{badGlobChildren5{}, "GlobChildren__ must have signature"},
for _, test := range tests {
re := regexp.MustCompile(test.regexp)
invoker, err := rpc.ReflectInvoker(test.obj)
if invoker != nil {
t.Errorf(`ReflectInvoker(%T) got non-nil invoker`, test.obj)
if !re.MatchString(fmt.Sprint(err)) {
t.Errorf(`ReflectInvoker(%T) got error %v, want regexp "%v"`, test.obj, err, test.regexp)
recov := testutil.CallAndRecover(func() { rpc.ReflectInvokerOrDie(test.obj) })
if !re.MatchString(fmt.Sprint(recov)) {
t.Errorf(`ReflectInvokerOrDie(%T) got panic %v, want regexp "%v"`, test.obj, recov, test.regexp)
func TestReflectInvokerErrors(t *testing.T) {
ctx, shutdown := test.TestContext()
defer shutdown()
type v []interface{}
type testcase struct {
obj interface{}
method string
args v
prepareErr verror.ID
invokeErr verror.ID
tests := []testcase{
{&notags{}, "UnknownMethod", v{}, verror.ErrUnknownMethod.ID, verror.ErrUnknownMethod.ID},
{&tags{}, "UnknownMethod", v{}, verror.ErrUnknownMethod.ID, verror.ErrUnknownMethod.ID},
name := func(test testcase) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%T.%s()", test.obj, test.method)
testInvoker := func(test testcase, invoker rpc.Invoker) {
// Call Invoker.Prepare and check error.
_, _, err := invoker.Prepare(ctx, test.method, len(test.args))
if verror.ErrorID(err) != test.prepareErr {
t.Errorf(`%s Prepare got error "%v", want id %v`, name(test), err, test.prepareErr)
// Call Invoker.Invoke and check error.
_, err = invoker.Invoke(ctx1, call1, test.method, test.args)
if verror.ErrorID(err) != test.invokeErr {
t.Errorf(`%s Invoke got error "%v", want id %v`, name(test), err, test.invokeErr)
for _, test := range tests {
invoker := rpc.ReflectInvokerOrDie(test.obj)
testInvoker(test, invoker)
invoker, err := rpc.ReflectInvoker(test.obj)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf(`%s ReflectInvoker got error %v`, name(test), err)
testInvoker(test, invoker)
type vGlobberObject struct {
gs *rpc.GlobState
func (o *vGlobberObject) Globber() *rpc.GlobState {
type allGlobberObject struct{}
func (allGlobberObject) Glob__(*context.T, rpc.GlobServerCall, *glob.Glob) error {
return nil
type childrenGlobberObject struct{}
func (childrenGlobberObject) GlobChildren__(*context.T, rpc.GlobChildrenServerCall, *glob.Element) error {
return nil
func TestReflectInvokerGlobber(t *testing.T) {
allGlobber := allGlobberObject{}
childrenGlobber := childrenGlobberObject{}
gs := &rpc.GlobState{AllGlobber: allGlobber}
vGlobber := &vGlobberObject{gs}
testcases := []struct {
obj interface{}
expected *rpc.GlobState
{vGlobber, gs},
{allGlobber, &rpc.GlobState{AllGlobber: allGlobber}},
{childrenGlobber, &rpc.GlobState{ChildrenGlobber: childrenGlobber}},
for _, tc := range testcases {
ri := rpc.ReflectInvokerOrDie(tc.obj)
if got := ri.Globber(); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tc.expected) {
t.Errorf("Unexpected result for %#v. Got %#v, want %#v", tc.obj, got, tc.expected)