blob: 28f5cd0530a6be43545d1d9eb099230a2b427f32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vdl
// This file contains the non-trivial "rep" types, which are the representation
// of values of certain types.
// repBytes represents []byte and [N]byte values. We special-case these kinds
// of types to easily support the Value.Bytes() and Value.CopyBytes() methods,
// which makes usage more convenient for the user. This is also a more
// efficient representation.
type repBytes []byte
// allZeroBytes is a buffer containing all 0 bytes. It's used for fast filling
// of 0 bytes after resizing.
var allZeroBytes = make(repBytes, 1024)
func copyRepBytes(rep repBytes) repBytes {
cp := make(repBytes, len(rep))
copy(cp, rep)
return cp
func (rep repBytes) IsZero(t *Type) bool {
switch t.kind {
case List:
return len(rep) == 0
case Array:
// TODO(toddw): Speed up the zero checking loop over each byte.
for _, b := range rep {
if b != 0 {
return false
return true
// repMap represents set and map values. There are two underlying
// representations depending on the key type. We decide which one to use based
// on the type of the map key, and never change representations thereafter.
// fast: Use a real Go map to associate keys with a kvPair
// slow: Just a slice of kvPairs.
// Fast has the same O(1) amortized complexity as regular Go maps for insert and
// lookup, while slow is O(N). Since fast uses a real Go map, it only works for
// maps whose key type is allowed in a real Go map; e.g. structs are implemented
// as a slice of fields, but slices aren't allowed as Go map keys, so that must
// use slow.
// The slowIndex is *[]kvPair rather than []kvPair because Value holds a repMap
// (and not a *repMap), and we need to update the slice.
// TODO(toddw): Slow is really slow; e.g. Equal is quadratic. Speed this up.
type repMap struct {
fastIndex map[interface{}]kvPair // maps with scalar keys use the fast rep
slowIndex *[]kvPair // everything else uses the slow rep
type kvPair struct {
key, val *Value
func copyKVPair(kv kvPair) kvPair {
return kvPair{CopyValue(kv.key), CopyValue(kv.val)}
func (kv kvPair) String() string {
s := stringRep(kv.key.t, kv.key.rep)
if kv.val != nil {
s += ": " + stringRep(kv.val.t, kv.val.rep)
return s
func useFastIndex(key *Type) bool {
// TODO(toddw): Structs with exactly 1 simple field may also use fast.
switch key.kind {
case Bool, Byte, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64, String, Enum:
return true
if key.IsBytes() {
return true
return false
// fastKeyRep returns a representation of key that may be used in a regular Go
// map. It's only called on keys where useFastIndex returns true.
func fastKeyRep(key *Value) interface{} {
if key.t.IsBytes() {
return string(key.Bytes())
return key.rep
func zeroRepMap(key *Type) repMap {
rep := repMap{}
if useFastIndex(key) {
rep.fastIndex = make(map[interface{}]kvPair)
} else {
slow := make([]kvPair, 0)
rep.slowIndex = &slow
return rep
func copyRepMap(rep repMap) repMap {
cp := repMap{}
if rep.fastIndex != nil {
cp.fastIndex = make(map[interface{}]kvPair, len(rep.fastIndex))
for keyrep, kv := range rep.fastIndex {
cp.fastIndex[keyrep] = copyKVPair(kv)
} else {
slow := make([]kvPair, len(*rep.slowIndex))
cp.slowIndex = &slow
for index, kv := range *rep.slowIndex {
(*cp.slowIndex)[index] = copyKVPair(kv)
return cp
func equalRepMap(a, b repMap) bool {
if a.Len() != b.Len() {
return false
if a.fastIndex != nil {
for _, akv := range a.fastIndex {
if !b.hasKV(akv) {
return false
} else {
for _, akv := range *a.slowIndex {
if !b.hasKV(akv) {
return false
return true
func (rep repMap) hasKV(kv kvPair) bool {
val, ok := rep.Index(kv.key)
if !ok {
return false
return EqualValue(kv.val, val)
func (rep repMap) Len() int {
if rep.fastIndex != nil {
return len(rep.fastIndex)
} else {
return len(*rep.slowIndex)
func (rep repMap) String() string {
s := "{"
if rep.fastIndex != nil {
first := true
for _, kv := range rep.fastIndex {
if !first {
s += ", "
s += kv.String()
first = false
} else {
for index, kv := range *rep.slowIndex {
if index > 0 {
s += ", "
s += kv.String()
return s + "}"
func (rep repMap) Keys() []*Value {
// TODO(toddw): Make returned keys immutable?
if rep.fastIndex != nil {
keys := make([]*Value, len(rep.fastIndex))
index := 0
for _, kv := range rep.fastIndex {
keys[index] = kv.key
return keys
} else {
keys := make([]*Value, len(*rep.slowIndex))
for index, kv := range *rep.slowIndex {
keys[index] = kv.key
return keys
func (rep repMap) Index(key *Value) (*Value, bool) {
if rep.fastIndex != nil {
if kv, ok := rep.fastIndex[fastKeyRep(key)]; ok {
return kv.val, true
} else {
for _, kv := range *rep.slowIndex {
if EqualValue(kv.key, key) {
return kv.val, true
return nil, false
func (rep repMap) Assign(key, elem *Value) {
if rep.fastIndex != nil {
rep.fastIndex[fastKeyRep(key)] = kvPair{key, elem}
} else {
for ix := 0; ix < len(*rep.slowIndex); ix++ {
if EqualValue((*rep.slowIndex)[ix].key, key) {
(*rep.slowIndex)[ix].val = elem
// The key doesn't exist in the slow index; append it.
*rep.slowIndex = append(*rep.slowIndex, kvPair{key, elem})
func (rep repMap) Delete(key *Value) {
if rep.fastIndex != nil {
delete(rep.fastIndex, fastKeyRep(key))
} else {
for ix := 0; ix < len(*rep.slowIndex); ix++ {
if EqualValue((*rep.slowIndex)[ix].key, key) {
// Delete entry ix by copying last entry into ix and shrinking by 1.
last := len(*rep.slowIndex) - 1
(*rep.slowIndex)[ix] = (*rep.slowIndex)[last]
(*rep.slowIndex) = (*rep.slowIndex)[:last]
// repSequence represents the elements of a list and array, and the fields of a
// struct. Each value is lazily initialized; the semantics dictate that nil is
// indistinguishable from zero values.
// Arrays and structs are initialized to their fixed-length, while lists are
// initialized to nil.
type repSequence []*Value
func copyRepSequence(rep repSequence) repSequence {
if rep == nil {
return nil
cp := make(repSequence, len(rep))
for index, val := range rep {
cp[index] = CopyValue(val)
return cp
func equalRepSequence(a, b repSequence) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for index, aval := range a {
// Handle cases where we're using nil to represent zero values.
switch bval := b[index]; {
case aval == nil && bval != nil:
if !bval.IsZero() {
return false
case aval != nil && bval == nil:
if !aval.IsZero() {
return false
case !EqualValue(aval, bval):
return false
return true
func (rep repSequence) AllValuesZero() bool {
for _, val := range rep {
if val != nil && !val.IsZero() {
return false
return true
func (rep repSequence) String(t *Type) string {
s := "{"
for index, val := range rep {
if index > 0 {
s += ", "
valtype := t.elem
if t.Kind() == Struct {
valtype = t.fields[index].Type
s += t.fields[index].Name
s += ": "
if val == nil {
s += stringRep(valtype, zeroRep(valtype))
} else {
s += stringRep(val.t, val.rep)
return s + "}"
func (rep repSequence) Index(t *Type, index int) *Value {
if oldval := rep[index]; oldval != nil {
return oldval
// Lazy initialization; create the new value upon first access.
newval := ZeroValue(t)
rep[index] = newval
return newval
// repUnion represents a Union value, which includes the field index of its
// type, and the underlying elem.
type repUnion struct {
index int
value *Value
func copyRepUnion(rep repUnion) repUnion {
return repUnion{rep.index, CopyValue(rep.value)}
func equalRepUnion(a, b repUnion) bool {
return a.index == b.index && EqualValue(a.value, b.value)
func (rep repUnion) IsZero() bool {
return rep.index == 0 && rep.value.IsZero()
func (rep repUnion) String(t *Type) string {
v := rep.value
return "{" + t.fields[rep.index].Name + ": " + stringRep(v.t, v.rep) + "}"