blob: 0a19106b40d20ad09cc5556e657d3fef6704ea1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vdltest
import (
// statsTable is a table of statistics, represented as a sequence of rows. Each
// row has a map of columns for easy updating.
type statsTable struct {
Rows []statRow
// statsTableInfo holds info used for nice formatting.
type statsTableInfo struct {
Headers []string // Sorted column headers
RowNameSize int // Size of row.Name column
ColumnSizes statColumns // Size of each data column
// ColumnSize returns the size of the column with the given header.
func (info statsTableInfo) ColumnSize(header string) int {
total := 0
for index, size := range info.ColumnSizes.Map[header] {
if index > 0 {
total += 1 // account for comma between each value
total += size
return total
func (t *statsTable) computeInfo() statsTableInfo {
var info statsTableInfo
// Gather max size information over all values in the table.
for _, row := range t.Rows {
if size := len(row.Name); size > info.RowNameSize {
info.RowNameSize = size
for header, slice := range row.Columns.Map {
for index, value := range slice {
// Update ColumnSizes with the size of the largest printed value.
old := info.ColumnSizes.Get(header, index)
if size := len(strconv.Itoa(value)); size > old {
info.ColumnSizes.Set(header, index, size)
// Collect Headers for sorting, and adjust ColumnSizes if necessary.
for header, sizes := range info.ColumnSizes.Map {
info.Headers = append(info.Headers, header)
// If the header size is bigger than the computed column size, add padding
// to ColumnSizes so that the table aligns correctly. Spread the padding
// evenly across each size, with leftover added to the first size.
// There's no need to adjust anything if the header size is smaller than
// what's computed; Print takes care of that.
if pad := len(header) - info.ColumnSize(header); pad > 0 {
total, padPerSize := 0, pad/len(sizes)
for index := range sizes {
sizes[index] += padPerSize
total += padPerSize
sizes[0] += pad - total
return info
func centerString(s string, size int) string {
if len(s) >= size {
return s
center := strings.Repeat(" ", (size-len(s))/2)
center += s
center += strings.Repeat(" ", size-len(center))
return center
func fp(w io.Writer, format string, args ...interface{}) error {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, format, args...)
return err
// Print prints t into a nicely formatted table.
func (t *statsTable) Print(w io.Writer) error {
info := t.computeInfo()
// Print column headers.
if err := fp(w, strings.Repeat(" ", info.RowNameSize)); err != nil {
return err
for _, header := range info.Headers {
centered := centerString(header, info.ColumnSize(header))
if err := fp(w, "|"+centered); err != nil {
return err
if err := fp(w, "|\n"); err != nil {
return err
// Print each row.
if err := t.printRow(w, info, statRowBreak); err != nil {
return err
for _, row := range t.Rows {
if err := t.printRow(w, info, row); err != nil {
return err
return t.printRow(w, info, statRowBreak)
func (t *statsTable) printRow(w io.Writer, info statsTableInfo, row statRow) error {
if row.IsBreak() {
// Print row break.
breakName := strings.Repeat("-", info.RowNameSize)
if err := fp(w, breakName); err != nil {
return err
for _, header := range info.Headers {
breakHeader := strings.Repeat("-", info.ColumnSize(header))
if err := fp(w, "+"+breakHeader); err != nil {
return err
return fp(w, "|\n")
// Print each column.
if err := fp(w, "%-[1]*[2]s", info.RowNameSize, row.Name); err != nil {
return err
for _, header := range info.Headers {
if err := fp(w, "|"); err != nil {
return err
for index, size := range info.ColumnSizes.Map[header] {
if index > 0 {
if err := fp(w, ","); err != nil {
return err
if err := fp(w, "%[1]*[2]d", size, row.Columns.Get(header, index)); err != nil {
return err
if err := fp(w, "|"); err != nil {
return err
// Print each property.
for _, prop := range row.Props {
if err := prop.Print(w); err != nil {
return err
return fp(w, "\n")
// statRow represents a single row in a statsTable. Each row contains columns
// of data, as well as a list of properties.
type statRow struct {
Name string
Columns statColumns
Props []statProp
var statRowBreak = statRow{Name: "-"}
func (r *statRow) IsBreak() bool {
return r.Name == statRowBreak.Name && r.Columns.IsEmpty() && len(r.Props) == 0
func (r *statRow) UpdateProp(name string, value int, accumulate bool) {
for ix, prop := range r.Props {
if name != prop.Name {
// Found an existing property, update it.
switch {
case accumulate:
// Min and max are always equal, so they act as a single value.
r.Props[ix].Min += value
r.Props[ix].Max += value
if value < prop.Min {
r.Props[ix].Min = value
if value > prop.Max {
r.Props[ix].Max = value
// Add a new property, init both min and max.
r.Props = append(r.Props, statProp{name, value, value})
// statColumns holds the columns for a single statRow, represented as a map from
// column headers to int values. Each column may hold multiple values.
type statColumns struct {
Map map[string][]int
func (x *statColumns) IsEmpty() bool {
return len(x.Map) == 0
func (x *statColumns) Get(header string, index int) int {
if len(x.Map[header]) <= index {
// The map entry doesn't exist, or the slice isn't big enough. Either way
// there isn't an existing value.
return 0
return x.Map[header][index]
func (x *statColumns) Set(header string, index, value int) {
if x.Map == nil {
x.Map = make(map[string][]int)
slice := x.Map[header]
for len(slice) <= index {
slice = append(slice, 0)
slice[index] = value
x.Map[header] = slice
func (x *statColumns) Delta(header string, index, delta int) {
if len(x.Map[header]) <= index {
x.Set(header, index, delta)
slice := x.Map[header]
slice[index] += delta
x.Map[header] = slice
// statProp is a single int property held in statRow. We maintain the min/max
// value of the property as it is collected.
type statProp struct {
Name string // Name of the property
Min int // Min value of the property
Max int // Max value of the property
func (p statProp) Print(w io.Writer) error {
if p.Min == p.Max {
return fp(w, " [%s=%d]", p.Name, p.Min)
return fp(w, " [%s min=%d max=%d]", p.Name, p.Min, p.Max)
// typePropFn gathers the value of a single type property, used to update the
// statProp in a statRow.
type typePropFn struct {
Name string // Name of the property
Fn func(*vdl.Type) int // Fn that extracts the property from a type
Accumulate bool // Accumulate results rather than min/max
// typeStatsCollector collects a statsTable over all given Types.
type typeStatsCollector struct {
Types []*vdl.Type
Table statsTable
// Collect collects stats across all types for the named stat row, given the
// predicate fn. We keep counts of the number of types that match the
// predicate, as well as the number of types containing a type that matches the
// predicate.
// The propFns are only run against types that match the predicate, where
// properties are either accumulated or compared for min/max.
func (c *typeStatsCollector) Collect(name string, fn func(*vdl.Type) bool, propFns ...typePropFn) {
row := statRow{Name: name}
for _, tt := range c.Types {
if fn(tt) {
// The predicate matches. Update the total count and the properties.
row.Columns.Delta(".Total", 0, 1)
for _, propFn := range propFns {
row.UpdateProp(propFn.Name, propFn.Fn(tt), propFn.Accumulate)
// Update the contains count by walking through tt until the predicate
// matches. We invert the predicate since tt.Walk will early-exit when we
// return false; thus false means that the predicate matched.
contains := !tt.Walk(vdl.WalkAll, func(visit *vdl.Type) bool {
return !fn(visit)
if contains {
row.Columns.Delta("Contains", 0, 1)
c.Table.Rows = append(c.Table.Rows, row)
// PrintTypeStats prints statistics gathered from types into w.
func PrintTypeStats(w io.Writer, types ...*vdl.Type) error {
stats := typeStatsCollector{Types: types}
// Collect stats by kind.
for kind := vdl.Any; kind <= vdl.Union; kind++ {
var fns []typePropFn
switch kind {
case vdl.Array:
fns = append(fns, typePropFn{Name: "len", Fn: (*vdl.Type).Len})
case vdl.List, vdl.Set, vdl.Map:
fn := func(tt *vdl.Type) int {
return predToProp(tt.Name() == "")
fns = append(fns, typePropFn{Name: "unnamed", Fn: fn, Accumulate: true})
case vdl.Enum:
fns = append(fns, typePropFn{Name: "labels", Fn: (*vdl.Type).NumEnumLabel})
case vdl.Struct, vdl.Union:
fns = append(fns, typePropFn{Name: "fields", Fn: (*vdl.Type).NumField})
stats.Collect(kind.String(), func(tt *vdl.Type) bool {
return tt.Kind() == kind
}, fns...)
stats.Table.Rows = append(stats.Table.Rows, statRowBreak)
// Collect stats by type predicate.
stats.Collect("IsNamed", func(tt *vdl.Type) bool {
return tt.Name() != ""
stats.Collect("IsUnnamed", func(tt *vdl.Type) bool {
return tt.Name() == ""
stats.Collect("IsNumber", func(tt *vdl.Type) bool {
return tt.Kind().IsNumber()
stats.Collect("IsErrorType", func(tt *vdl.Type) bool {
return tt == vdl.ErrorType || tt.Name() == "VError"
stats.Collect("IsBytes", (*vdl.Type).IsBytes)
stats.Collect("IsPartOfCycle", (*vdl.Type).IsPartOfCycle)
stats.Collect("CanBeNamed", (*vdl.Type).CanBeNamed)
stats.Collect("CanBeKey", (*vdl.Type).CanBeKey)
stats.Collect("CanBeNil", (*vdl.Type).CanBeNil)
stats.Collect("CanBeOptional", (*vdl.Type).CanBeOptional)
// Print stats table.
if err := fp(w, "Types: %d\n", len(types)); err != nil {
return err
return stats.Table.Print(w)
func predToProp(pred bool) int {
if pred {
return 1
return 0
// entryPropFn gathers the value of a single entry property, used to update the
// statProp in a statRow.
type entryPropFn struct {
Name string // Name of the property
Fn func(EntryValue) int // Fn that extracts the property from an entry
Accumulate bool // Accumulate results rather than min/max
// entryStatsCollector collects a statsTable over all given Entries.
type entryStatsCollector struct {
Entries []EntryValue
Table statsTable
// Collect collects stats across all entries for the named stat row, given the
// predicate fn.
// The propFns are only run against entries that match the predicate, where
// properties are either accumulated or compared for min/max.
func (c *entryStatsCollector) Collect(name string, fn func(EntryValue) bool, propFns ...entryPropFn) {
row := statRow{Name: name}
for _, e := range c.Entries {
if fn(e) {
// The predicate matches. Update the stats table.
index := 1
if e.IsCanonical() {
index = 0
row.Columns.Delta(".Total", index, 1)
row.Columns.Delta(e.Label, index, 1)
if e.Source.IsZero() {
row.Columns.Delta("isZero", index, 1)
// Update the properties.
for _, propFn := range propFns {
row.UpdateProp(propFn.Name, propFn.Fn(e), propFn.Accumulate)
// Add some error checking.
if e.Source.Kind() == vdl.String {
// TODO(toddw): Walk through source and check all strings.
if !utf8.ValidString(e.Source.RawString()) {
row.UpdateProp("ERROR: INVALID UTF8", 1, true)
c.Table.Rows = append(c.Table.Rows, row)
const targetEqSourceRowName = "target=src"
// PrintEntryStats prints statistics gathered from entries into w.
func PrintEntryStats(w io.Writer, entries ...EntryValue) error {
stats := entryStatsCollector{Entries: entries}
// Collect stats by entry predicate.
stats.Collect("total", func(e EntryValue) bool {
return true
stats.Collect("isZero", func(e EntryValue) bool {
return e.Source.IsZero()
stats.Collect(targetEqSourceRowName, func(e EntryValue) bool {
return vdl.EqualValue(e.Target, e.Source)
stats.Table.Rows = append(stats.Table.Rows, statRowBreak)
// Collect stats by source kind.
for kind := vdl.Any; kind <= vdl.Union; kind++ {
var fns []entryPropFn
switch kind {
case vdl.Array, vdl.List, vdl.Set, vdl.Map:
fns = append(fns, entryPropFn{Name: "len", Fn: func(e EntryValue) int {
return e.Source.Len()
case vdl.Any, vdl.Optional:
fn := func(e EntryValue) int {
return predToProp(e.Source.IsNil())
fns = append(fns, entryPropFn{Name: "nil", Fn: fn, Accumulate: true})
stats.Collect(kind.String(), func(e EntryValue) bool {
return e.Source.Kind() == kind
}, fns...)
// Print stats table.
if err := fp(w, "Entries: %d\n", len(entries)); err != nil {
return err
return stats.Table.Print(w)