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// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package flow defines interfaces for the management of authenticated bidirectional byte Flows.
// TODO(suharshs): This is a work in progress and can change without notice.
// A Flow represents a flow-controlled authenticated byte stream between two endpoints.
// A Manager manages the creation of Flows and the re-use of network connections.
// A Manager can Dial out to a specific remote end to receive a Flow to that end.
// A Manager can Listen on multiple protocols and addresses. Listening
// causes the Manager to accept flows from any of the specified protocols and addresses.
// Additionally a Manager will accept incoming Dialed out connections for their lifetime.
package flow
import (
// Manager is the interface for managing the creation of Flows.
type Manager interface {
// Listen causes the Manager to accept flows from the provided protocol and address.
// Listen may be called muliple times.
Listen(ctx *context.T, protocol, address string) error
// ProxyListen causes the Manager to accept flows from the specified endpoint.
// The endpoint must correspond to a vanadium proxy.
// If error != nil, establishing a connection to the Proxy failed.
// Otherwise, if error == nil, the returned chan will block until the
// connection to the proxy endpoint fails. The caller may then choose to retry
// the connection.
// name is a identifier of the proxy. It can be used to access errors
// in ListenStatus.ProxyErrors.
ProxyListen(ctx *context.T, name string, endpoint naming.Endpoint) (<-chan struct{}, error)
// Status returns the current ListenStatus of the manager.
Status() ListenStatus
// StopListening stops listening on all currently listening addresses and proxies.
// All outstanding calls to Accept will return an error.
// It is safe to begin listening again.
StopListening(ctx *context.T)
// Accept blocks until a new Flow has been initiated by a remote process.
// Flows are accepted from addresses that the Manager is listening on,
// including outgoing dialed connections.
// For example:
// err := m.Listen(ctx, "tcp", ":0")
// for {
// flow, err := m.Accept(ctx)
// // process flow
// }
// can be used to accept Flows initiated by remote processes.
Accept(ctx *context.T) (Flow, error)
// Dial creates a Flow to the provided remote endpoint, using 'auth' to
// determine the blessings that will be sent to the remote end.
// If the manager has a non-null RoutingID, the Manager will re-use connections
// by Listening on Dialed connections for the lifetime of the Dialed connection.
// channelTimeout specifies the duration we are willing to wait before determining
// that connections managed by this Manager are unhealthy and should be
// closed.
Dial(ctx *context.T, remote naming.Endpoint, auth PeerAuthorizer, channelTimeout time.Duration) (Flow, error)
// DialSideChannel behaves the same as Dial, except that the returned flow is
// not factored in when deciding the underlying connection's idleness, etc.
DialSideChannel(ctx *context.T, remote naming.Endpoint, auth PeerAuthorizer, channelTimeout time.Duration) (Flow, error)
// DialCached creates a Flow to the provided remote endpoint using only cached
// connections from previous Listen or Dial calls.
// If no cached connection exists, an error will be returned.
// 'auth' is used to determine the blessings that will be sent to the remote end.
// channelTimeout specifies the duration we are willing to wait before determining
// that connections managed by this Manager are unhealthy and should be
// closed.
DialCached(ctx *context.T, remote naming.Endpoint, auth PeerAuthorizer, channelTimeout time.Duration) (Flow, error)
// RoutingID returns the naming.Routing of the flow.Manager.
// If the RoutingID of the manager is naming.NullRoutingID, the manager can
// only be used to Dial outgoing calls.
RoutingID() naming.RoutingID
// Closed returns a channel that remains open for the lifetime of the Manager
// object. Once the channel is closed any operations on the Manager will
// necessarily fail.
Closed() <-chan struct{}
type ListenStatus struct {
// ListeningEndpoints contains the endpoints that the Manager has explicitly
// called Listen on. The Manager will accept new flows on these endpoints.
// Proxied endpoints are included in the results.
// If the Manager is not listening on any endpoints, an endpoint with the
// Manager's RoutingID will be returned for use in bidirectional RPC.
// Returned endpoints all have the Manager's unique RoutingID.
Endpoints []naming.Endpoint
// ProxyErrors contains the set of errors encountered when listening on
// proxies. Entries are keyed by the name provided to ProxyListen. If the
// entry exists and is nil, the ProxyListen was successful.
ProxyErrors map[string]error
// Dirty will be closed if a status change occurs. Callers should
// requery manager.Status() to get the fresh server status.
// Dirty will be nil once the manager is Closed.
Dirty <-chan struct{}
// PeerAuthorizer is the interface used in performing security authorization.
type PeerAuthorizer interface {
// AuthorizePeer authorizes the remote blessings and returns the remote
// blessing names, and those names rejected.
AuthorizePeer(ctx *context.T,
localEndpoint naming.Endpoint,
remoteEndpoint naming.Endpoint,
remoteBlessings security.Blessings,
remoteDischarges map[string]security.Discharge,
) (peerBlessingNames []string, rejectedPeerNames []security.RejectedBlessing, _ error)
// BlessingsForPeer returns the blessings and discharges that should be
// presented to the remote end with peerBlessingNames.
BlessingsForPeer(ctx *context.T, peerBlessingNames []string) (
security.Blessings, map[string]security.Discharge, error)
// ManagedConn represents the connection onto which this flow is multiplexed.
// Since this ManagedConn may be shared between many flows it wouldn't be safe
// to read and write to it directly. We just provide some metadata.
type ManagedConn interface {
// LocalEndpoint returns the local vanadium Endpoint.
LocalEndpoint() naming.Endpoint
// RemoteEndpoint returns the remote vanadium Endpoint.
RemoteEndpoint() naming.Endpoint
// RemoteBlessings returns the remote end's blessings presented during connection
// establishment. These may be different than those presented during flow creation.
RemoteBlessings() security.Blessings
// LocalBlessings returns the local end's blessings presented during connection
// establishment. These may be different than those presented during flow creation.
LocalBlessings() security.Blessings
// RemoteDischarges returns the discharges presented by the remote end of the
// connection during authentication.
// Discharges are organized in a map keyed by the discharge-identifier.
RemoteDischarges() map[string]security.Discharge
// LocalDischarges returns the discharges presented by the local end of the
// connection during authentication.
// Discharges are organized in a map keyed by the discharge-identifier.
LocalDischarges() map[string]security.Discharge
// CommonVersion returns the RPCVersion negotiated between the local and remote endpoints.
CommonVersion() version.RPCVersion
// RTT returns the last round-trip-time of the health-check sent on this connection.
// A zero duration is returned if a RTT is unavailable.
RTT() time.Duration
// LastUsed returns the last time the connection had bytes read or written on it.
LastUsed() time.Time
// Closed returns a channel that remains open until the connection has been closed.
Closed() <-chan struct{}
// PinnedConn represents a connection that is pinned to the managers cache.
// PinnedConn's will attempt to be automatically reconnected when the underlying
// connection is closed.
type PinnedConn interface {
// Conn returns an underlying ManagedConn for the PinnedConn. The returned
// ManagedConn may change due to reconnections. The returned value will always
// be non-nil.
Conn() ManagedConn
// Unpin unpins the conn from the Manager's cache, making it more susceptible
// for cache eviction. Any connection related opts passed to PinConnection
// (e.g ChannelTimeout) will become invalid when Unpin is called.
// It is idempotent.
// MsgWriter defines and interface for writing messages.
type MsgWriter interface {
// WriteMsg is like Write, but allows writing more than one buffer at a time.
// The data in each buffer is written sequentially onto the flow. Returns the
// number of bytes written. WriteMsg must return a non-nil error if it writes
// less than the total number of bytes from all buffers.
WriteMsg(data ...[]byte) (int, error)
// MsgReader defines an interface for reading messages.
type MsgReader interface {
// ReadMsg is like read, but it reads bytes in chunks. Depending on the
// implementation the batch boundaries might or might not be significant.
ReadMsg() ([]byte, error)
// MsgReadWriteCloser combines the MsgReader and MsgWriter interfaces and
// adds the Close method.
type MsgReadWriteCloser interface {
// Close closes the MsgReadWriteCloser. After Close is called all writes will
// return an error, but reads of already queued data may succeed.
Close() error
// Flow is the interface for a flow-controlled channel multiplexed over a Conn.
type Flow interface {
// WriteMsgAndClose performs WriteMsg and then closes the flow.
WriteMsgAndClose(data ...[]byte) (int, error)
// SetDeadlineContext sets the context associated with the flow.
// It derives a context from the passed in context and the passed in deadline.
// Typically this is used to set state that is only available after
// the flow is connected, such as the language of the request.
SetDeadlineContext(ctx *context.T, deadline time.Time) *context.T
// LocalEndpoint returns the local vanadium Endpoint.
LocalEndpoint() naming.Endpoint
// RemoteEndpoint returns the remote vanadium Endpoint.
RemoteEndpoint() naming.Endpoint
// LocalBlessings returns the blessings presented by the local end of the flow
// during authentication.
LocalBlessings() security.Blessings
// RemoteBlessings returns the blessings presented by the remote end of the
// flow during authentication.
RemoteBlessings() security.Blessings
// LocalDischarges returns the discharges presented by the local end of the
// flow during authentication.
// Discharges are organized in a map keyed by the discharge-identifier.
LocalDischarges() map[string]security.Discharge
// RemoteDischarges returns the discharges presented by the remote end of the
// flow during authentication.
// Discharges are organized in a map keyed by the discharge-identifier.
RemoteDischarges() map[string]security.Discharge
// Conn returns the connection the flow is multiplexed on.
Conn() ManagedConn
// Closed returns a channel that remains open until the flow has been closed or
// the ctx to the Dial or Accept call used to create the flow has been cancelled.
Closed() <-chan struct{}
// Conn is the connection onto which flows are mulitplexed.
// It contains information of the Conn's local network address. Other infomation
// is not available until the authentication handshake is complete.
type Conn interface {
// LocalAddr returns the Conn's network address.
LocalAddr() net.Addr
// Listener provides methods for accepting new Conns.
type Listener interface {
// Accept waits for and are returns new Conns.
Accept(ctx *context.T) (Conn, error)
// Addr returns Listener's network address.
Addr() net.Addr
// Close closes the Listener. After Close is called all Accept calls will fail.
Close() error