blob: 9895f214960344e6b20bc9389889e6486cb39238 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package access_test
import (
func authorize(authorizer security.Authorizer, params *security.CallParams) error {
ctx, cancel := context.RootContext()
defer cancel()
return authorizer.Authorize(ctx, security.NewCall(params))
func enforceable(al access.AccessList, p security.Principal) error {
ctx, cancel := context.RootContext()
defer cancel()
return al.Enforceable(ctx, p)
func TestAccessListAuthorizer(t *testing.T) {
var (
pali = newPrincipal(t)
pbob = newPrincipal(t)
pche = newPrincipal(t)
expired, _ = security.NewExpiryCaveat(time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute))
ali, _ = pbob.BlessSelf("ali")
bob, _ = pbob.BlessSelf("bob")
bobSelf, _ = pbob.BlessSelf("bob:self")
bobDelegate, _ = pbob.Bless(pche.PublicKey(), bob, "delegate:che", security.UnconstrainedUse())
bobDelegateBad, _ = pbob.Bless(pche.PublicKey(), bob, "delegate:badman", security.UnconstrainedUse())
bobDelegateExpired, _ = pbob.Bless(pche.PublicKey(), bob, "delegate:che", expired)
bobUnion, _ = security.UnionOfBlessings(bobDelegate, bobDelegateExpired)
bobBadUnion, _ = security.UnionOfBlessings(bobDelegateBad, bobDelegateExpired)
acl = access.AccessList{
In: []security.BlessingPattern{"bob:delegate", "bob:self"},
NotIn: []string{"bob:delegate:badman"},
tests = []struct {
B security.Blessings
Authorize bool
{bob, false},
{bobSelf, true},
{bobDelegate, true},
{bobDelegateBad, false},
{bobDelegateExpired, false},
{bobUnion, true},
{bobBadUnion, false},
for _, test := range tests {
err := authorize(acl, &security.CallParams{
LocalPrincipal: pali,
LocalBlessings: ali,
RemoteBlessings: test.B,
if test.Authorize && err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v: Got error %v", test.B, err)
} else if errid := verror.ErrorID(err); !test.Authorize && errid != access.ErrAccessListMatch.ID {
t.Errorf("%v: Got error %v (errorid=%v) want errorid %v", test.B, err, errid, access.ErrAccessListMatch.ID)
func TestAccessListEnforceable(t *testing.T) {
p := newPrincipal(t)
if key, err := p.PublicKey().MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
} else {
for _, pattern := range []security.BlessingPattern{"ali:spouse:$", "bob:friend"} {
if err := p.Roots().Add(key, pattern); err != nil {
type (
bp []security.BlessingPattern // shorthand
s []string // shorthand
tests := []struct {
al access.AccessList
errID verror.ID
rejected []security.BlessingPattern
al: access.AccessList{
In: bp{"$", "ali:spouse:$", "bob:friend:$", "bob:friend:colleague"},
NotIn: s{"ali:spouse:friend", "bob"}, // NotIn patterns don't matter.
al: access.AccessList{
In: bp{"bob:friend:$", "ali:$:spouse", "bob::friend", "bob:..."}, // invalid patterns are rejected
NotIn: s{"ali:spouse:friend", "bob"},
errID: access.ErrUnenforceablePatterns.ID,
rejected: bp{"ali:$:spouse", "bob::friend", "bob:..."},
al: access.AccessList{
In: bp{"ali:spouse:$", "bob:friend:$", "ali", "ali:$", "ali:spouse", "ali:spouse:friend", "bob", "bob:$", "bob:spouse"}, // unrecognized patterns are rejected
NotIn: s{"ali:spouse:friend", "bob"},
errID: access.ErrUnenforceablePatterns.ID,
rejected: bp{"ali", "ali:$", "ali:spouse", "ali:spouse:friend", "bob", "bob:$", "bob:spouse"},
al: access.AccessList{
In: bp{"..."},
NotIn: s{"bob:friend"},
errID: access.ErrInvalidOpenAccessList.ID,
al: access.AccessList{
In: bp{"...", "bob:friend"},
errID: access.ErrInvalidOpenAccessList.ID,
for _, test := range tests {
gotErr := enforceable(, p)
if (test.errID == "" && gotErr != nil) || (verror.ErrorID(gotErr) != test.errID) {
t.Errorf("%v.Enforceable(...): got error %v, want error with ID %v",, gotErr, test.errID)
if test.errID != access.ErrUnenforceablePatterns.ID {
gotRejected := access.IsUnenforceablePatterns(gotErr)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotRejected, test.rejected) {
t.Errorf("IsUnenforceablePatterns(%v): got rejected pattern %v, want %v", gotErr, gotRejected, test.rejected)
type byPattern []security.BlessingPattern
func (a byPattern) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byPattern) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a byPattern) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i] < a[j] }
// TestPermissionsAuthorizer is both a test and a demonstration of the use of
// the access.PermissionsAuthorizer and interaction with interface specification
// in VDL.
func TestPermissionsAuthorizer(t *testing.T) {
type P []security.BlessingPattern
type S []string
// access.Permissions to test against.
perms := access.Permissions{
"R": {
In: P{security.AllPrincipals},
"W": {
In: P{"ali:family", "bob", "che:$"},
NotIn: S{"bob:acquaintances"},
"X": {
In: P{"ali:family:boss:$", "superman:$"},
type testcase struct {
Method string
Client security.Blessings
authorizer, err := access.PermissionsAuthorizer(perms, vdl.TypeOf(internal.Read))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not create authorizer: %v", err)
var (
// Two principals: The "server" and the "client"
pserver = newPrincipal(t)
pclient = newPrincipal(t)
server, _ = pserver.BlessSelf("server")
// B generates the provided blessings for the client and ensures
// that the server will recognize them.
B = func(names ...string) security.Blessings {
var ret security.Blessings
for _, name := range names {
b, err := pclient.BlessSelf(name)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%q: %v", name, err)
// Since this test uses trustAllRoots, no need
// to call AddToRoots(pserver, b) to get the server
// to recognize the client.
if ret, err = security.UnionOfBlessings(ret, b); err != nil {
return ret
run = func(test testcase) error {
return authorize(authorizer, &security.CallParams{
LocalPrincipal: pserver,
LocalBlessings: server,
RemoteBlessings: test.Client,
Method: test.Method,
MethodTags: methodTags(test.Method),
// Test cases where access should be granted to methods with tags on
// them.
for _, test := range []testcase{
{"Get", security.Blessings{}},
{"Get", B("ali")},
{"Get", B("bob:friend", "che:enemy")},
{"Put", B("ali:family:mom")},
{"Put", B("bob:friends")},
{"Put", B("bob:acquantainces:carol", "che")}, // Access granted because of "che"
{"Resolve", B("superman")},
{"Resolve", B("ali:family:boss")},
} {
if err := run(test); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Access denied to method %q to %v: %v", test.Method, test.Client, err)
// Test cases where access should be denied.
for _, test := range []testcase{
// Nobody is denied access to "Get"
{"Put", B("ali", "bob:acquaintances", "bob:acquaintances:dave", "che:friend", "dave")},
{"Resolve", B("ali", "ali:friend", "ali:family", "ali:family:friend", "alice:family:boss:friend", "superman:friend")},
// Since there are no tags on the NoTags method, it has an
// empty AccessList. No client will have access.
{"NoTags", B("ali", "ali:family:boss", "bob", "che", "superman")},
} {
if err := run(test); err == nil {
t.Errorf("Access to %q granted to %v", test.Method, test.Client)
func TestPermissionsAuthorizerSelfRPCs(t *testing.T) {
var (
// Client and server are the same principal, though have
// different blessings.
p = newPrincipal(t)
client, _ = p.BlessSelf("client")
server, _ = p.BlessSelf("server")
// Authorizer with a access.Permissions that grants read access to
// anyone, write/execute access to noone.
typ internal.MyTag
authorizer, _ = access.PermissionsAuthorizer(access.Permissions{"R": {In: []security.BlessingPattern{"nobody:$"}}}, vdl.TypeOf(typ))
for _, test := range []string{"Put", "Get", "Resolve", "NoTags"} {
params := &security.CallParams{
LocalPrincipal: p,
LocalBlessings: server,
RemoteBlessings: client,
Method: test,
MethodTags: methodTags(test),
if err := authorize(authorizer, params); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Got error %v for method %q", err, test)
func TestPermissionsAuthorizerWithNilAccessList(t *testing.T) {
var (
authorizer, _ = access.PermissionsAuthorizer(nil, vdl.TypeOf(internal.Read))
pserver = newPrincipal(t)
pclient = newPrincipal(t)
server, _ = pserver.BlessSelf("server")
client, _ = pclient.BlessSelf("client")
for _, test := range []string{"Put", "Get", "Resolve", "NoTags"} {
params := &security.CallParams{
LocalPrincipal: pserver,
LocalBlessings: server,
RemoteBlessings: client,
Method: test,
MethodTags: methodTags(test),
if err := authorize(authorizer, params); err == nil {
t.Errorf("nil access.Permissions authorized method %q, %v", test, err)
func TestPermissionsAuthorizerFromFile(t *testing.T) {
file, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "TestPermissionsAuthorizerFromFile")
if err != nil {
filename := file.Name()
defer os.Remove(filename)
var (
authorizer, _ = access.PermissionsAuthorizerFromFile(filename, vdl.TypeOf(internal.Read))
pserver = newPrincipal(t)
pclient = newPrincipal(t)
server, _ = pserver.BlessSelf("alice")
alicefriend, _ = pserver.Bless(pclient.PublicKey(), server, "friend:bob", security.UnconstrainedUse())
params = &security.CallParams{
LocalPrincipal: pserver,
LocalBlessings: server,
RemoteBlessings: alicefriend,
Method: "Get",
MethodTags: methodTags("Get"),
// Since this test is using trustAllRoots{}, do not need
// AddToRoots(pserver, server) to make pserver recognize itself as an
// authority on blessings matching "alice".
// "alice:friend:bob" should not have access to internal.Read methods like Get.
if err := authorize(authorizer, params); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected authorization error as %v is not on the AccessList for Read operations", alicefriend)
// Rewrite the file giving access
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(`{"R": { "In":["alice:friend"] }}`), 0600); err != nil {
// Now should have access
if err := authorize(authorizer, params); err != nil {
func TestTagTypeMustBeString(t *testing.T) {
type I int
if auth, err := access.PermissionsAuthorizer(access.Permissions{}, vdl.TypeOf(I(0))); err == nil || auth != nil {
t.Errorf("Got (%v, %v), wanted error since tag type is not a string", auth, err)
if auth, err := access.PermissionsAuthorizerFromFile("does_not_matter", vdl.TypeOf(I(0))); err == nil || auth != nil {
t.Errorf("Got (%v, %v), wanted error since tag type is not a string", auth, err)
// TestMultipleTags will fail if PermissionsAuthorizer authorizes a request to
// a method with multiple tags. Alternatives considered were "must be present
// in access list for *all* tags", "must be present in access list for *any*
// tag" and "must be present in access list for *first* tag". Cases can be made
// for any of them and until there is more mileage on the use of multiple tags,
// take the conservative approach of considering multiple tags an error.
func TestMultipleTags(t *testing.T) {
var (
allowAll = access.AccessList{In: []security.BlessingPattern{security.AllPrincipals}}
perms = access.Permissions{
"R": allowAll,
"W": allowAll,
authorizer, _ = access.PermissionsAuthorizer(perms, vdl.TypeOf(internal.Read))
pserver = newPrincipal(t)
pclient = newPrincipal(t)
server, _ = pserver.BlessSelf("server")
client, _ = pclient.BlessSelf("client")
call = &security.CallParams{
LocalPrincipal: pserver,
LocalBlessings: server,
RemoteBlessings: client,
Method: "Get",
tags = []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(internal.Read), vdl.ValueOf(internal.Write)}
// Access should be granted if any of the two tags are present.
for _, tag := range tags {
call.MethodTags = []*vdl.Value{tag}
if err := authorize(authorizer, call); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v: %v", tag, err)
// But not if both the tags are present.
call.MethodTags = tags
if err := authorize(authorizer, call); err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected error since there are multiple tags on the method")
func methodTags(name string) []*vdl.Value {
server := internal.MyObjectServer(nil)
for _, iface := range server.Describe__() {
for _, method := range iface.Methods {
if method.Name == name {
return method.Tags
return nil
func newPrincipal(t *testing.T) security.Principal {
key, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
p, err := security.CreatePrincipal(
&trustAllRoots{dump: make(map[security.BlessingPattern][]security.PublicKey)},
if err != nil {
return p
type trustAllRoots struct {
dump map[security.BlessingPattern][]security.PublicKey
func (r *trustAllRoots) Add(root []byte, pattern security.BlessingPattern) error {
key, err := security.UnmarshalPublicKey(root)
if err != nil {
return err
r.dump[pattern] = append(r.dump[pattern], key)
return nil
func (r *trustAllRoots) Recognized(root []byte, blessing string) error {
return nil
func (r *trustAllRoots) Dump() map[security.BlessingPattern][]security.PublicKey {
return r.dump
func (r *trustAllRoots) DebugString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", r)