blob: 1b6b9d56bd9ed702ab99ca2828de93c44380939f [file] [log] [blame]
// The vdl.config file for the standard time package configures idiomatic native
// types in each generated language.
config = vdltool.Config{
Go: {
WireToNativeTypes: {
// VDL type time.Duration is represented as Go time.Duration.
"Duration": {
Type: "time.Duration",
Imports: {{Path: "time", Name: "time"}},
// VDL type time.Time is represented as Go time.Time.
"Time": {
Type: "time.Time",
Imports: {{Path: "time", Name: "time"}},
// VDL type time.WireDeadline is represented as VDL native time.Deadline.
"WireDeadline": {
Type: "time.Deadline",
Imports: {{Path: "", Name: "time"}},
Java: {
WireToNativeTypes: {
"Duration": "org.joda.time.Duration",
"Time": "org.joda.time.DateTime",
// TODO(toddw): Add native type support for Javascript.