blob: f786ad346be045b0cba575bfc0880f64e71e9e44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vdltest
import (
// IsCanonical returns true iff e.Target == e.Source.
func (e EntryValue) IsCanonical() bool {
return vdl.EqualValue(e.Target, e.Source)
// EntryGenerator generates test entries.
type EntryGenerator struct {
// AllMaxMinTargets specifies that all max/min targets should be generated.
// By default max/min targets are only generated for numbers.
AllMaxMinTargets bool
// RandomTargetLimit limits the number of random targets that are generated.
RandomTargetLimit int
// Each of the *Entries fields configures, for each unique target, the
// number of non-canonical entries with the given label that are generated.
ZeroEntryLimit int
MaxMinEntryLimit int
FullEntryLimit int
RandomEntryLimit int
valueGen *ValueGenerator
hasher hash.Hash64
randSeed int64
rng *rand.Rand
// Keep the total set of types separated by kind, for quick filtering.
ttBool, ttStringEnum, ttNumber, ttArrayList, ttSet, ttMap, ttStruct, ttUnion []*vdl.Type
// NewEntryGenerator returns a new EntryGenerator, which uses a random number
// generator seeded to the current time. The sourceTypes specify the types to
// consider when creating source values for each entry.
func NewEntryGenerator(sourceTypes []*vdl.Type) *EntryGenerator {
now := time.Now().Unix()
g := &EntryGenerator{
RandomTargetLimit: 1,
ZeroEntryLimit: 2,
MaxMinEntryLimit: 2,
FullEntryLimit: 1,
RandomEntryLimit: 1,
valueGen: NewValueGenerator(sourceTypes),
hasher: fnv.New64a(),
randSeed: now,
rng: rand.New(rand.NewSource(now)),
for _, tt := range sourceTypes {
kind := tt.NonOptional().Kind()
if kind.IsNumber() {
g.ttNumber = append(g.ttNumber, tt)
switch kind {
case vdl.Bool:
g.ttBool = append(g.ttBool, tt)
case vdl.String, vdl.Enum:
g.ttStringEnum = append(g.ttStringEnum, tt)
case vdl.Array, vdl.List:
g.ttArrayList = append(g.ttArrayList, tt)
case vdl.Set:
g.ttSet = append(g.ttSet, tt)
case vdl.Map:
g.ttMap = append(g.ttMap, tt)
case vdl.Struct:
g.ttStruct = append(g.ttStruct, tt)
case vdl.Union:
g.ttUnion = append(g.ttUnion, tt)
return g
// RandSeed sets the seed for the random number generator used by g.
func (g *EntryGenerator) RandSeed(seed int64) {
g.randSeed = seed
// candidateTypes returns the types whose values might be convertible to values
// of the tt type. In theory we could run a compatibility check here for fewer
// false positives, but we'll need to check compatibility again when generating
// values anyways, to handle inner types of nested any, so we don't bother.
func (g *EntryGenerator) candidateTypes(tt *vdl.Type, mode sourceMode) []*vdl.Type {
var candidates []*vdl.Type
kind := tt.NonOptional().Kind()
if kind.IsNumber() {
candidates = g.ttNumber
switch kind {
case vdl.Bool:
candidates = g.ttBool
case vdl.String, vdl.Enum:
candidates = g.ttStringEnum
case vdl.Array, vdl.List:
candidates = g.ttArrayList
case vdl.Set:
candidates = g.ttSet
case vdl.Map:
candidates = g.ttMap
case vdl.Struct:
candidates = g.ttStruct
case vdl.Union:
candidates = g.ttUnion
case vdl.TypeObject:
candidates = []*vdl.Type{vdl.TypeObjectType}
if mode == sourceAll {
return candidates
var filtered []*vdl.Type
for _, c := range candidates {
if mode.Unnamed() && c.Name() == "" || mode.Named() && c.Name() != "" {
filtered = append(filtered, c)
return filtered
// GenAllPass generates a list of passing entries for all targetTypes.
func (g *EntryGenerator) GenAllPass(targetTypes []*vdl.Type) []EntryValue {
var entries []EntryValue
for _, tt := range targetTypes {
entries = append(entries, g.GenPass(tt)...)
return entries
// GenPass generates a list of passing entries for the tt type. Each entry has
// a target value of type tt. The source value of each entry is created with
// the property that, if the source value is converted to the target type, the
// result is exactly the target value.
func (g *EntryGenerator) GenPass(tt *vdl.Type) []EntryValue {
// Add entries for zero values.
ev := g.genPass("Zero", vdl.ZeroValue(tt), g.ZeroEntryLimit, sourceAll)
if tt.Kind() == vdl.Optional {
// Add entry to convert from any(nil) to optional(nil).
ev = append(ev, EntryValue{"NilAny", vdl.ZeroValue(tt), vdl.ZeroValue(vdl.AnyType)})
// Handle some special-cases.
switch {
case tt == vdl.AnyType:
// Don't create non-nil any values.
return ev
case tt.Kind() == vdl.Enum:
// Test all enum values exhaustively.
for ix := 1; ix < tt.NumEnumLabel(); ix++ {
ev = append(ev, g.genPass("Full", vdl.EnumValue(tt, ix), -1, sourceAll)...)
return ev
// Add entries for max/min number testing.
if needsGenPos(tt) && (g.AllMaxMinTargets || tt.Kind().IsNumber()) {
max := g.makeValue(tt, "+Max", GenPosMax)
min := g.makeValue(tt, "+Min", GenPosMin)
ev = append(ev, g.genPassMaxMin("+Max", max)...)
ev = append(ev, g.genPassMaxMin("+Min", min)...)
if needsGenNeg(tt) && (g.AllMaxMinTargets || tt.Kind().IsNumber()) {
max := g.makeValue(tt, "-Max", GenNegMax)
min := g.makeValue(tt, "-Min", GenNegMin)
ev = append(ev, g.genPassMaxMin("-Max", max)...)
ev = append(ev, g.genPassMaxMin("-Min", min)...)
// Add full entries, which are deterministic and recursively non-zero. As a
// special-case, for types that are part of a cycle, the values are still
// deterministic but will contain zero items.
if needsGenFull(tt) {
full := g.makeValue(tt, "Full", GenFull)
ev = append(ev, g.genPass("Full", full, g.FullEntryLimit, sourceAll)...)
// Add some random entries.
if needsGenRandom(tt) {
for ix := 0; ix < g.RandomTargetLimit; ix++ {
label := "Random" + strconv.Itoa(ix)
random := g.makeValue(tt, label, GenRandom)
ev = append(ev, g.genPass(label, random, g.RandomEntryLimit, sourceAll)...)
return ev
func (g *EntryGenerator) genPassMaxMin(label string, target *vdl.Value) []EntryValue {
var ev []EntryValue
switch ttTarget := target.Type(); {
case ttTarget.Kind().IsNumber():
// We test the boundaries of all unnamed (i.e. built-in) numbers with other
// unnamed numbers, and test the boundaries of all named numbers with other
// named numbers. We limit the entries otherwise.
if ttTarget.Name() == "" {
ev = append(ev, g.genPass(label, target, -1, sourceUnnamed)...)
ev = append(ev, g.genPass(label, target, g.MaxMinEntryLimit, sourceNamedNoCanonical)...)
} else {
ev = append(ev, g.genPass(label, target, -1, sourceNamed)...)
ev = append(ev, g.genPass(label, target, g.MaxMinEntryLimit, sourceUnnamedNoCanonical)...)
ev = append(ev, g.genPass(label, target, g.MaxMinEntryLimit, sourceAll)...)
return ev
type sourceMode int
const (
sourceAll sourceMode = iota // Consider all source types.
sourceUnnamed // Only unnamed types.
sourceUnnamedNoCanonical // Only unnamed types, no canonical.
sourceNamed // Only named types.
sourceNamedNoCanonical // Only named types, no canonical.
func (m sourceMode) String() string {
switch m {
case sourceAll:
return "All"
case sourceUnnamed:
return "Unnamed"
case sourceUnnamedNoCanonical:
return "UnnamedNoCanonical"
case sourceNamed:
return "Named"
case sourceNamedNoCanonical:
return "NamedNoCanonical"
panic(fmt.Errorf("vdltest: unhandled mode %d", m))
func (m sourceMode) Canonical() bool {
return m == sourceAll || m == sourceUnnamed || m == sourceNamed
func (m sourceMode) Unnamed() bool {
return m == sourceAll || m == sourceUnnamed || m == sourceUnnamedNoCanonical
func (m sourceMode) Named() bool {
return m == sourceAll || m == sourceNamed || m == sourceNamedNoCanonical
// genPass generates a list of passing entries, where each entry has the given
// target value. The given limit restricts the number of returned entries to
// that value; -1 returns all entries.
func (g *EntryGenerator) genPass(label string, target *vdl.Value, limit int, mode sourceMode) []EntryValue {
var ev []EntryValue
if mode.Canonical() {
// Add the canonical identity conversion for each target value.
ev = append(ev, EntryValue{label, target, target})
// Add up to limit conversion entries. The strategy is to add an entry for
// each source type where we can create a value that can convert to the
// target. We filter out all types that cannot possibly be convertible, and
// are left with candidates. The candidates still might not be convertible,
// so we try to mimic values for each type, and add the entry if it succeeds.
candidates := g.candidateTypes(target.Type(), mode)
switch {
case limit == 0:
candidates = nil
case limit != -1:
// Randomly permute the candidates if we're returning a limited number of
// entries, to cover more cases.
shuffled := make([]*vdl.Type, len(candidates))
for i, p := range g.perm(len(candidates), target.Type(), label, mode) {
shuffled[i] = candidates[p]
candidates = shuffled
num := 0
for _, ttSource := range candidates {
if ttSource == target.Type() {
continue // Skip the canonical case, which was handled above.
if source := MimicValue(ttSource, target); source != nil {
if limit > -1 && num >= limit {
ev = append(ev, EntryValue{label, target, source})
return ev
func (g *EntryGenerator) makeValue(tt *vdl.Type, label string, mode GenMode) *vdl.Value {
// ValueGenerator creates random values for us, but we'd like to ensure that
// the values don't change spuriously. I.e. adding new types or generating
// more values shouldn't change any existing values. To this end, we seed the
// random source with a hash of the unique type string, gen mode and iteration
// counter i.
g.valueGen.RandSeed(g.randSeed + int64(g.hasher.Sum64()))
return g.valueGen.Gen(tt, mode)
func (g *EntryGenerator) perm(n int, tt *vdl.Type, label string, mode sourceMode) []int {
// Similar to makeValue, we'd like to ensure that our choice of random
// candidate permutations don't change our test values spuriously.
g.rng.Seed(g.randSeed + int64(g.hasher.Sum64()))
return g.rng.Perm(n)
// GenAllFail generates a list of failing entries for all targetTypes.
func (g *EntryGenerator) GenAllFail(targetTypes []*vdl.Type) []EntryValue {
var entries []EntryValue
for _, tt := range targetTypes {
entries = append(entries, g.GenFail(tt)...)
return entries
// GenFail generates a list of failing entries for the tt type. Each entry has
// a target value of type tt. The source value of each entry is created with
// the property that, if the source value is converted to the target type, the
// conversion fails.
func (g *EntryGenerator) GenFail(tt *vdl.Type) []EntryValue {
// TODO(toddw): Implement this!
return nil