blob: e3e5c7e030c55a6a3ff6c843650810c8bbcdfb7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package datasource defines the interfaces a system must implement to support
// querying.
// The Database interface is used to get Table interfaces (by name).
// The Table interface is used to get a KeyValueStream (by key prefixes).
// The KeyValueStream interface is used to iterate over key-value pairs from a
// table.
// Note: Order, Index, GetIndexFields and the indexRanges arg to Scan
// are being provided in beta form for use by discovery. Currently only
// indexes of type string are supported and an index must comprise exactly
// one column. This API will change when secondary indexes are fully supported.
package datasource
import (
type Database interface {
// GetContext returns a context (used for creating error messages).
GetContext() *context.T
// GetTable returns an instance of the Table inteface for the table
// specified by name. If writeAccessReq is true, the Table needs
// to support the Delete function. If it cannot, the syncql.NotWritable
// error should be returned.
GetTable(name string, writeAccessReq bool) (Table, error)
type Table interface {
// Return the fields on which there exist secondary indexes.
// The possible ranges for these fields will be passed to Scan.
// Example:
// return []datasource.Index{
// datasource.Index{FieldName: "v.InterfaceName", Kind: vdl.String},
// datasource.Index{FieldName: "v.Address", Kind: vdl.String},
// }
// At present, the Kind MUST BE vdl.String
GetIndexFields() []Index
// Return a KeyValueStream where all k/v pairs fall within the range
// of the index ranges passed in (the first of which is for the key).
// Note: an empty string prefix (""), matches all keys.
// The index ranges will be sorted (low to high). The first index range
// will be for the key. After that will be ranges for any index returned
// from GetIndexFields. These will be returned in the same order as was
// present in the return value for GetIndexFields. Currently, only string indexes are
// supported. Index ranges include the index field name (in order to differentiate among
// multiple secondary indexes). Again, the first will always be the "k" field.
// If NilAllowed is true, nil values for the index field should be included in the
// return k/v pairs from Scan. If false, they should not be included.
// It's best to honor all index ranges. The datasource should honor the
// the ranges by not passing in k/v pairs that the ranges exclude. Future
// optimzation may cause incorrect answers if this contract is not kept.
Scan(indexRanges ...IndexRanges) (KeyValueStream, error)
// Delete deletes the k/v pair for key k.
// This will only be called if GetTable was called with writeAccessReq == true.
// If Delete is not supported, GetTable should have returned an error. If
// Delete is called anyway (logic error), the syncql.OperationNotSupported error
// should be returned.
Delete(k string) (bool, error)
type KeyValueStream interface {
// Advance stages an element so the client can retrieve it
// with KeyValue. Advance returns true iff there is an
// element to retrieve. The client must call Advance before
// calling KeyValue. The client must call Cancel if it does
// not iterate through all elements (i.e. until Advance
// returns false). Advance may block if an element is not
// immediately available.
Advance() bool
// KeyValue returns the element that was staged by Advance.
// KeyValue may panic if Advance returned false or was not
// called at all. KeyValue does not block.
KeyValue() (string, *vdl.Value)
// Err returns a non-nil error iff the stream encountered
// any errors. Err does not block.
Err() error
// Cancel notifies the stream provider that it can stop
// producing elements. The client must call Cancel if it does
// not iterate through all elements (i.e. until Advance
// returns false). Cancel is idempotent and can be called
// concurrently with a goroutine that is iterating via
// Advance/Value. Cancel causes Advance to subsequently
// return false. Cancel does not block.
// Implement sort interface for StringFieldRanges.
func (stringFieldRanges StringFieldRanges) Len() int {
return len(stringFieldRanges)
func (stringFieldRanges StringFieldRanges) Less(i, j int) bool {
return stringFieldRanges[i].Start < stringFieldRanges[j].Start
func (stringFieldRanges StringFieldRanges) Swap(i, j int) {
saveStart := stringFieldRanges[i].Start
saveLimit := stringFieldRanges[i].Limit
stringFieldRanges[i].Start = stringFieldRanges[j].Start
stringFieldRanges[i].Limit = stringFieldRanges[j].Limit
stringFieldRanges[j].Start = saveStart
stringFieldRanges[j].Limit = saveLimit
type StringFieldRange struct {
Start string
Limit string
type Index struct {
FieldName string
Kind vdl.Kind
type StringFieldRanges []StringFieldRange
type IndexRanges struct {
FieldName string
Kind vdl.Kind
NilAllowed bool // true if query could be true for a nil index value
StringRanges *StringFieldRanges
// TODO(jkline): add fields for other types of indexes.
// String() used in tests.
func (ir *IndexRanges) String() string {
str := fmt.Sprintf("IndexRanges{FieldName: %s, Kind: %v, NilAllowed: %v, ", ir.FieldName, ir.Kind, ir.NilAllowed)
for _, r := range *ir.StringRanges {
str += fmt.Sprintf("{%s,%s}", r.Start, r.Limit)
str += "}"
return str