blob: 959e4f14469125cc3e6d424ec39b4433e9c11df3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package conversions
import (
func ConvertValueToString(o *query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
// Other types must be explicitly converted to string with the Str() function.
var c query_parser.Operand
c.Type = query_parser.TypStr
c.Off = o.Off
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypStr:
c.Str = o.Str
c.Regex = o.Regex // non-empty for rhs of like expressions
c.CompRegex = o.CompRegex // non-nil for rhs of like expressions
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert operand to string.")
return &c, nil
func ConvertValueToTime(o *query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypTime:
return o, nil
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert operand to time.")
func ConvertValueToComplex(o *query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
var c query_parser.Operand
c.Type = query_parser.TypComplex
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypComplex:
return o, nil
case query_parser.TypFloat:
c.Complex = complex(o.Float, 0.0i)
case query_parser.TypInt:
c.Complex = complex(float64(o.Int), 0.0i)
case query_parser.TypUint:
c.Complex = complex(float64(o.Uint), 0.0i)
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert operand to Complex.")
return &c, nil
func ConvertValueToBigRat(o *query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
// operand cannot be string literal.
var c query_parser.Operand
c.Type = query_parser.TypBigRat
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypBigInt:
var b big.Rat
c.BigRat = b.SetInt(o.BigInt)
case query_parser.TypBigRat:
c.BigRat = o.BigRat
case query_parser.TypBool:
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert bool to big.Rat.")
case query_parser.TypFloat:
var b big.Rat
c.BigRat = b.SetFloat64(o.Float)
case query_parser.TypInt:
c.BigRat = big.NewRat(o.Int, 1)
case query_parser.TypUint:
var bi big.Int
var br big.Rat
c.BigRat = br.SetInt(&bi)
case query_parser.TypObject:
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert object to big.Rat.")
// TODO(jkline): Log this logic error and all other similar cases.
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert operand to big.Rat.")
return &c, nil
func ConvertValueToFloat(o *query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
// Operand cannot be literal, big.Rat or big.Int
var c query_parser.Operand
c.Type = query_parser.TypFloat
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypBool:
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert bool to float64.")
case query_parser.TypFloat:
c.Float = o.Float
case query_parser.TypInt:
c.Float = float64(o.Int)
case query_parser.TypUint:
c.Float = float64(o.Uint)
case query_parser.TypObject:
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert object to float64.")
// TODO(jkline): Log this logic error and all other similar cases.
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert operand to float64.")
return &c, nil
func ConvertValueToBool(o *query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
var c query_parser.Operand
c.Type = query_parser.TypBool
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypBool:
c.Bool = o.Bool
case query_parser.TypStr:
switch strings.ToLower(o.Str) {
case "true":
c.Bool = true
case "false":
c.Bool = false
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert object to bool.")
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert operand to bool.")
return &c, nil
func ConvertValueToBigInt(o *query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
// Operand cannot be literal, big.Rat or float.
var c query_parser.Operand
c.Type = query_parser.TypBigInt
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypBigInt:
c.BigInt = o.BigInt
case query_parser.TypBool:
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert bool to big.Int.")
case query_parser.TypInt:
c.BigInt = big.NewInt(o.Int)
case query_parser.TypUint:
var b big.Int
c.BigInt = &b
case query_parser.TypObject:
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert object to big.Int.")
// TODO(jkline): Log this logic error and all other similar cases.
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert operand to big.Int.")
return &c, nil
func ConvertValueToInt(o *query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
// Operand cannot be literal, big.Rat or float or uint64.
var c query_parser.Operand
c.Type = query_parser.TypInt
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypBool:
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert bool to int64.")
case query_parser.TypInt:
c.Int = o.Int
case query_parser.TypObject:
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert object to int64.")
// TODO(jkline): Log this logic error and all other similar cases.
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert operand to int64.")
return &c, nil
func ConvertValueToUint(o *query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
// Operand cannot be literal, big.Rat or float or int64.
var c query_parser.Operand
c.Type = query_parser.TypUint
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypBool:
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert bool to int64.")
case query_parser.TypUint:
c.Uint = o.Uint
case query_parser.TypObject:
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert object to int64.")
// TODO(jkline): Log this logic error and all other similar cases.
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert operand to int64.")
return &c, nil