blob: 5c751ac0714688eb0be796d9d20b1f03f4965463 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package query_functions
import (
ds ""
type queryFunc func(ds.Database, int64, []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error)
type checkArgsFunc func(ds.Database, int64, []*query_parser.Operand) error
type function struct {
argTypes []query_parser.OperandType // TypNil allows any.
hasVarArgs bool
varArgsType query_parser.OperandType // ignored if !hasVarArgs, TypNil allows any.
returnType query_parser.OperandType
funcAddr queryFunc
checkArgsAddr checkArgsFunc
var functions map[string]function
var lowercaseFunctions map[string]string // map of lowercase(funcName)->funcName
func init() {
functions = make(map[string]function)
// Time Functions
functions["Time"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypTime, timeFunc, nil}
functions["Now"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypTime, now, nil}
functions["Year"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypTime, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, year, secondArgLocationCheck}
functions["Month"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypTime, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, month, secondArgLocationCheck}
functions["Day"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypTime, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, day, secondArgLocationCheck}
functions["Hour"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypTime, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, hour, secondArgLocationCheck}
functions["Minute"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypTime, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, minute, secondArgLocationCheck}
functions["Second"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypTime, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, second, secondArgLocationCheck}
functions["Nanosecond"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypTime, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, nanosecond, secondArgLocationCheck}
functions["Weekday"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypTime, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, weekday, secondArgLocationCheck}
functions["YearDay"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypTime, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, yearDay, secondArgLocationCheck}
// String Functions
functions["Atoi"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, atoi, nil}
functions["Atof"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypFloat, atof, nil}
functions["HtmlEscape"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypStr, htmlEscapeFunc, nil}
functions["HtmlUnescape"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypStr, htmlUnescapeFunc, nil}
functions["Lowercase"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypStr, lowerCase, nil}
functions["Split"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypObject, split, nil}
functions["Type"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypObject}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypStr, typeFunc, typeFuncFieldCheck}
functions["Uppercase"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypStr, upperCase, nil}
functions["RuneCount"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, runeCount, nil}
functions["Sprintf"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr}, true, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypStr, sprintf, nil}
functions["Str"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypNil}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypStr, str, nil}
functions["StrCat"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr, query_parser.TypStr}, true, query_parser.TypStr, query_parser.TypStr, strCat, nil}
functions["StrIndex"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, strIndex, nil}
functions["StrRepeat"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr, query_parser.TypInt}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypStr, strRepeat, nil}
functions["StrReplace"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr, query_parser.TypStr, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypStr, strReplace, nil}
functions["StrLastIndex"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr, query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, strLastIndex, nil}
functions["Trim"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypStr, trim, nil}
functions["TrimLeft"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypStr, trimLeft, nil}
functions["TrimRight"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypStr}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypStr, trimRight, nil}
// Math functions
functions["Ceiling"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypFloat}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypFloat, ceilingFunc, nil}
functions["Complex"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypFloat, query_parser.TypFloat}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypComplex, complexFunc, nil}
functions["Floor"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypFloat}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypFloat, floorFunc, nil}
functions["Inf"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypInt}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypFloat, infFunc, nil}
functions["IsInf"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypFloat, query_parser.TypInt}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypBool, isInfFunc, nil}
functions["IsNaN"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypFloat}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypBool, isNanFunc, nil}
functions["Log"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypFloat}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypFloat, logFunc, nil}
functions["Log10"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypFloat}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypFloat, log10Func, nil}
functions["NaN"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypFloat, nanFunc, nil}
functions["Pow"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypFloat, query_parser.TypFloat}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypFloat, powFunc, nil}
functions["Pow10"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypInt}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypFloat, pow10Func, nil}
functions["Mod"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypFloat, query_parser.TypFloat}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypFloat, modFunc, nil}
functions["Real"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypComplex}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypFloat, realFunc, nil}
functions["Truncate"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypFloat}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypFloat, truncateFunc, nil}
functions["Remainder"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypFloat, query_parser.TypFloat}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypFloat, remainderFunc, nil}
// TODO(jkline): Make len work with more types.
functions["Len"] = function{[]query_parser.OperandType{query_parser.TypObject}, false, query_parser.TypNil, query_parser.TypInt, lenFunc, nil}
// Build lowercaseFuncName->funcName
lowercaseFunctions = make(map[string]string)
for f := range functions {
lowercaseFunctions[strings.ToLower(f)] = f
// Check that function exists and that the number of args passed matches the spec.
// Call query_functions.CheckFunction. This will check for, to the extent possible, correct types.
// Furthermore, it may execute the function if the function takes no args or
// takes only literal args (or an arg that is a function that is also executed
// early). CheckFunction will fill in arg types, return types and may fill in
// Computed and RetValue.
func CheckFunction(db ds.Database, f *query_parser.Function) error {
if entry, err := lookupFuncName(db, f); err != nil {
return err
} else {
f.ArgTypes = entry.argTypes
f.RetType = entry.returnType
if !entry.hasVarArgs && len(f.Args) != len(entry.argTypes) {
return syncql.NewErrFunctionArgCount(db.GetContext(), f.Off, f.Name, int64(len(f.ArgTypes)), int64(len(f.Args)))
if entry.hasVarArgs && len(f.Args) < len(entry.argTypes) {
return syncql.NewErrFunctionAtLeastArgCount(db.GetContext(), f.Off, f.Name, int64(len(f.ArgTypes)), int64(len(f.Args)))
// Standard check for types of fixed and var args
if err = argsStandardCheck(db, f.Off, entry, f.Args); err != nil {
return err
// Check if the function can be executed now.
// If any arg is not a literal and not a function that has been already executed,
// then okToExecuteNow will be set to false.
okToExecuteNow := true
for _, arg := range f.Args {
switch arg.Type {
case query_parser.TypBigInt, query_parser.TypBigRat, query_parser.TypBool, query_parser.TypComplex, query_parser.TypFloat, query_parser.TypInt, query_parser.TypStr, query_parser.TypTime, query_parser.TypUint:
// do nothing
case query_parser.TypFunction:
if !arg.Function.Computed {
okToExecuteNow = false
okToExecuteNow = false
// If all of the functions args are literals or already computed functions,
// execute this function now and save the result.
if okToExecuteNow {
op, err := ExecFunction(db, f, f.Args)
if err != nil {
return err
f.Computed = true
f.RetValue = op
return nil
} else {
// We can't execute now, but give the function a chance to complain
// about the arguments that it can check now.
return FuncCheck(db, f, f.Args)
func lookupFuncName(db ds.Database, f *query_parser.Function) (*function, error) {
if entry, ok := functions[f.Name]; !ok {
// No such function, is the case wrong?
if correctCase, ok := lowercaseFunctions[strings.ToLower(f.Name)]; !ok {
return nil, syncql.NewErrFunctionNotFound(db.GetContext(), f.Off, f.Name)
} else {
// the case is wrong
return nil, syncql.NewErrDidYouMeanFunction(db.GetContext(), f.Off, correctCase)
} else {
return &entry, nil
func FuncCheck(db ds.Database, f *query_parser.Function, args []*query_parser.Operand) error {
if entry, err := lookupFuncName(db, f); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if entry.checkArgsAddr != nil {
if err := entry.checkArgsAddr(db, f.Off, args); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func ExecFunction(db ds.Database, f *query_parser.Function, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
if entry, err := lookupFuncName(db, f); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
retValue, err := entry.funcAddr(db, f.Off, args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return retValue, nil
func ConvertFunctionRetValueToVdlValue(o *query_parser.Operand) *vdl.Value {
if o == nil {
return vdl.ValueOf(nil)
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypBool:
return vdl.ValueOf(o.Bool)
case query_parser.TypComplex:
return vdl.ValueOf(o.Complex)
case query_parser.TypFloat:
return vdl.ValueOf(o.Float)
case query_parser.TypInt:
return vdl.ValueOf(o.Int)
case query_parser.TypStr:
return vdl.ValueOf(o.Str)
case query_parser.TypTime:
return vdl.ValueOf(o.Time)
case query_parser.TypObject:
return vdl.ValueOf(o.Object)
case query_parser.TypUint:
return vdl.ValueOf(o.Uint)
// Other types can't be converted and *shouldn't* be returned
// from a function. This case will result in a nil for this
// column in the row.
return vdl.ValueOf(nil)
func makeStrOp(off int64, s string) *query_parser.Operand {
var o query_parser.Operand
o.Off = off
o.Type = query_parser.TypStr
o.Str = s
return &o
func makeBoolOp(off int64, b bool) *query_parser.Operand {
var o query_parser.Operand
o.Off = off
o.Type = query_parser.TypBool
o.Bool = b
return &o
func makeComplexOp(off int64, c complex128) *query_parser.Operand {
var o query_parser.Operand
o.Off = off
o.Type = query_parser.TypComplex
o.Complex = c
return &o
func makeIntOp(off int64, i int64) *query_parser.Operand {
var o query_parser.Operand
o.Off = off
o.Type = query_parser.TypInt
o.Int = i
return &o
func makeFloatOp(off int64, r float64) *query_parser.Operand {
var o query_parser.Operand
o.Off = off
o.Type = query_parser.TypFloat
o.Float = r
return &o
func checkArg(db ds.Database, off int64, argType query_parser.OperandType, arg *query_parser.Operand) error {
// We can't check unless the arg is a literal or an already computed function,
var operandToConvert *query_parser.Operand
switch arg.Type {
case query_parser.TypBigInt, query_parser.TypBigRat, query_parser.TypBool, query_parser.TypComplex, query_parser.TypFloat, query_parser.TypInt, query_parser.TypStr, query_parser.TypTime, query_parser.TypUint:
operandToConvert = arg
case query_parser.TypFunction:
if arg.Function.Computed {
operandToConvert = arg.Function.RetValue
} else {
return nil // arg is not yet resolved, we can't check
return nil // arg is not yet resolved, we can't check
// make sure it can be converted to argType.
var err error
switch argType {
case query_parser.TypBigInt:
_, err = conversions.ConvertValueToBigInt(operandToConvert)
if err != nil {
err = syncql.NewErrBigIntConversionError(db.GetContext(), arg.Off, err)
case query_parser.TypBigRat:
_, err = conversions.ConvertValueToBigRat(operandToConvert)
if err != nil {
err = syncql.NewErrBigRatConversionError(db.GetContext(), arg.Off, err)
case query_parser.TypBool:
_, err = conversions.ConvertValueToBool(operandToConvert)
if err != nil {
err = syncql.NewErrBoolConversionError(db.GetContext(), arg.Off, err)
case query_parser.TypComplex:
_, err = conversions.ConvertValueToComplex(operandToConvert)
if err != nil {
err = syncql.NewErrComplexConversionError(db.GetContext(), arg.Off, err)
case query_parser.TypFloat:
_, err = conversions.ConvertValueToFloat(operandToConvert)
if err != nil {
err = syncql.NewErrFloatConversionError(db.GetContext(), arg.Off, err)
case query_parser.TypInt:
_, err = conversions.ConvertValueToInt(operandToConvert)
if err != nil {
err = syncql.NewErrIntConversionError(db.GetContext(), arg.Off, err)
case query_parser.TypStr:
_, err = conversions.ConvertValueToString(operandToConvert)
if err != nil {
err = syncql.NewErrStringConversionError(db.GetContext(), arg.Off, err)
case query_parser.TypTime:
_, err = conversions.ConvertValueToTime(operandToConvert)
if err != nil {
err = syncql.NewErrTimeConversionError(db.GetContext(), arg.Off, err)
case query_parser.TypUint:
_, err = conversions.ConvertValueToUint(operandToConvert)
if err != nil {
err = syncql.NewErrUintConversionError(db.GetContext(), arg.Off, err)
return err
// Check types of fixed args. For functions that take varargs, check that the type of
// any varargs matches the type specified.
func argsStandardCheck(db ds.Database, off int64, f *function, args []*query_parser.Operand) error {
// Check types of required args.
for i := 0; i < len(f.argTypes); i++ {
if err := checkArg(db, off, f.argTypes[i], args[i]); err != nil {
return err
// Check types of varargs.
if f.hasVarArgs {
for i := len(f.argTypes); i < len(args); i++ {
if f.varArgsType != query_parser.TypNil {
if err := checkArg(db, off, f.varArgsType, args[i]); err != nil {
return err
return nil