blob: f4e23865d7de4ff64d98d5e8a80a78d8b06725ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package query_functions
import (
ds ""
func str(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
o := args[0]
if strOp, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(o); err == nil {
return strOp, nil
} else {
var c query_parser.Operand
c.Type = query_parser.TypStr
c.Off = o.Off
switch args[0].Type {
case query_parser.TypBigInt:
c.Str = o.BigInt.String()
case query_parser.TypBigRat:
c.Str = o.BigRat.String()
case query_parser.TypBool:
c.Str = strconv.FormatBool(o.Bool)
case query_parser.TypComplex:
c.Str = fmt.Sprintf("%g", o.Complex)
case query_parser.TypFloat:
c.Str = strconv.FormatFloat(o.Float, 'f', -1, 64)
case query_parser.TypInt:
c.Str = strconv.FormatInt(o.Int, 10)
case query_parser.TypTime:
c.Str = o.Time.Format("Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006")
case query_parser.TypUint:
c.Str = strconv.FormatUint(o.Uint, 10)
case query_parser.TypObject:
// A vdl.TypeObject?
// In this case, TypeObject().Name() is used (rather than Type().Name()
if o.Object.Kind() == vdl.TypeObject {
c.Str = o.Object.TypeObject().Name()
} else {
c.Str = fmt.Sprintf("%v", o.Object)
return &c, nil
func atoi(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
o := args[0]
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypStr:
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(o.Str, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeIntOp(off, i), nil
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert operand to int.")
func atof(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
o := args[0]
switch o.Type {
case query_parser.TypStr:
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(o.Str, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeFloatOp(off, f), nil
return nil, errors.New("Cannot convert operand to float.")
func htmlEscapeFunc(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
strOp, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeStrOp(off, html.EscapeString(strOp.Str)), nil
func htmlUnescapeFunc(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
strOp, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeStrOp(off, html.UnescapeString(strOp.Str)), nil
func lowerCase(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
strOp, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeStrOp(off, strings.ToLower(strOp.Str)), nil
func upperCase(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
strOp, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeStrOp(off, strings.ToUpper(strOp.Str)), nil
func typeFunc(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
// If operand is not an object, we can't get a type
if args[0].Type != query_parser.TypObject {
return nil, syncql.NewErrFunctionTypeInvalidArg(db.GetContext(), args[0].Off)
if args[0].Object.Kind() == vdl.TypeObject {
// Believe it or not, Name() doesn't return the name of the type if the type is TypeObject.
return makeStrOp(off, args[0].Object.Type().String()), nil
} else {
return makeStrOp(off, args[0].Object.Type().Name()), nil
func typeFuncFieldCheck(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) error {
// At this point, it is known that there is one arg. Make sure it is of type field
// and is a value field (i.e., it must begin with a v segment).
if args[0].Type != query_parser.TypField || len(args[0].Column.Segments) < 1 || args[0].Column.Segments[0].Value != "v" {
return syncql.NewErrArgMustBeField(db.GetContext(), args[0].Off)
return nil
// Split splits str (arg[0]) into substrings separated by sep (arg[1]) and returns an
// array of substrings between those separators. If sep is empty, Split splits after each
// UTF-8 sequence.
// e.g., Split("abc.def.ghi", ".") returns a list of "abc", "def", "ghi"
func split(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
strArg, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sepArg, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var o query_parser.Operand
o.Off = args[0].Off
o.Type = query_parser.TypObject
o.Object = vdl.ValueOf(strings.Split(strArg.Str, sepArg.Str))
return &o, nil
// Sprintf(<format-str>, arg...) string
// Sprintf is golang's Sprintf.
// e.g., Sprintf("The meaning of life is %s.", v.LifeMeaning) returns "The meaning of life is 42."
func sprintf(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
sprintfArgs := []interface{}{}
for _, arg := range args[1:] {
switch arg.Type {
case query_parser.TypBigInt:
sprintfArgs = append(sprintfArgs, arg.BigInt)
case query_parser.TypBigRat:
sprintfArgs = append(sprintfArgs, arg.BigRat)
case query_parser.TypBool:
sprintfArgs = append(sprintfArgs, arg.Bool)
case query_parser.TypComplex:
sprintfArgs = append(sprintfArgs, arg.Complex)
case query_parser.TypFloat:
sprintfArgs = append(sprintfArgs, arg.Float)
case query_parser.TypInt:
sprintfArgs = append(sprintfArgs, arg.Int)
case query_parser.TypStr:
sprintfArgs = append(sprintfArgs, arg.Str)
case query_parser.TypTime:
sprintfArgs = append(sprintfArgs, arg.Time)
case query_parser.TypObject:
sprintfArgs = append(sprintfArgs, arg.Object)
case query_parser.TypUint:
sprintfArgs = append(sprintfArgs, arg.Uint)
sprintfArgs = append(sprintfArgs, nil)
return makeStrOp(off, fmt.Sprintf(args[0].Str, sprintfArgs...)), nil
// StrCat(str1, str2,... string) string
// StrCat returns the concatenation of all the string args.
// e.g., StrCat("abc", ",", "def") returns "abc,def"
func strCat(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
val := ""
for _, arg := range args {
str, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(arg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
val += str.Str
return makeStrOp(off, val), nil
// StrIndex(s, sep string) int
// StrIndex returns the index of sep in s, or -1 is sep is not present in s.
// e.g., StrIndex("abc", "bc") returns 1.
func strIndex(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
s, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sep, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeIntOp(off, int64(strings.Index(s.Str, sep.Str))), nil
// StrLastIndex(s, sep string) int
// StrLastIndex returns the index of the last instance of sep in s, or -1 is sep is not present in s.
// e.g., StrLastIndex("abcbc", "bc") returns 3.
func strLastIndex(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
s, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sep, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeIntOp(off, int64(strings.LastIndex(s.Str, sep.Str))), nil
// StrRepeat(s string, count int) int
// StrRepeat returns a new string consisting of count copies of the string s.
// e.g., StrRepeat("abc", 3) returns "abcabcabc".
func strRepeat(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
s, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
count, err := conversions.ConvertValueToInt(args[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if count.Int >= 0 {
return makeStrOp(off, strings.Repeat(s.Str, int(count.Int))), nil
} else {
// golang strings.Repeat doesn't like count < 0
return makeStrOp(off, ""), nil
// StrReplace(s, old, new string) string
// StrReplace returns a copy of s with the first instance of old replaced by new.
// e.g., StrReplace("abcdef", "bc", "zzzzz") returns "azzzzzdef".
func strReplace(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
s, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
old, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
new, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[2])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeStrOp(off, strings.Replace(s.Str, old.Str, new.Str, 1)), nil
// Trim(s string) string
// Trim returns a copy of s with all leading and trailing white space removed, as defined by Unicode.
// e.g., Trim(" abc ") returns "abc".
func trim(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
s, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeStrOp(off, strings.TrimSpace(s.Str)), nil
// TrimLeft(s string) string
// TrimLeft returns a copy of s with all leading white space removed, as defined by Unicode.
// e.g., TrimLeft(" abc ") returns "abc ".
func trimLeft(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
s, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeStrOp(off, strings.TrimLeftFunc(s.Str, unicode.IsSpace)), nil
// TrimRight(s string) string
// TrimRight returns a copy of s with all leading white space removed, as defined by Unicode.
// e.g., TrimRight(" abc ") returns "abc ".
func trimRight(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
s, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeStrOp(off, strings.TrimRightFunc(s.Str, unicode.IsSpace)), nil
// RuneCount(s string) int
// RuneCount returns the number of runes in s.
// e.g., RuneCount("abc") returns 3.
func runeCount(db ds.Database, off int64, args []*query_parser.Operand) (*query_parser.Operand, error) {
s, err := conversions.ConvertValueToString(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return makeIntOp(off, int64(utf8.RuneCountInString(s.Str))), nil