blob: f3a1a0835df87f945780491c31f8f95d4b8c1146 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vom
import (
// Encode writes the value v and returns the encoded bytes. The semantics of
// value encoding are described by Encoder.Encode.
// This is a "single-shot" encoding; full type information is always included in
// the returned encoding, as if a new encoder were used for each call.
func Encode(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return VersionedEncode(DefaultVersion, v)
// VersionedEncode performs single-shot encoding to a specific version of VOM
func VersionedEncode(version Version, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := NewVersionedEncoder(version, &buf).Encode(v); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
// Decode reads the value from the given data, and stores it in value v. The
// semantics of value decoding are described by Decoder.Decode.
// This is a "single-shot" decoding; the data must have been encoded by a call
// to vom.Encode.
func Decode(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
// The implementation below corresponds (logically) to the following:
// return NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(data)).Decode(valptr)
// However decoding type messages is expensive, so we cache typeDecoders to
// skip the decoding in the common case.
key, err := computeTypeDecoderCacheKey(data)
if err != nil {
return err
var buf *decbuf
typeDec := singleShotTypeDecoderCache.lookup(key)
cacheMiss := false
if typeDec == nil {
// Cache miss; start decoding at the beginning of all type messages with a
// new TypeDecoder.
cacheMiss = true
buf = newDecbufFromBytes(data)
typeDec = newTypeDecoderInternal(buf)
} else {
version := Version(data[0])
data = data[len(key):] // skip the already-read types
buf = newDecbufFromBytes(data)
buf.version = version
typeDec = newDerivedTypeDecoderInternal(buf, typeDec)
// Decode the value message.
decoder := &Decoder{
buf: buf,
typeDec: typeDec,
if err := decoder.Decode(v); err != nil {
return err
// Populate the typeDecoder cache for future re-use.
if cacheMiss {
singleShotTypeDecoderCache.insert(key, typeDec)
return nil
// singleShotTypeDecoderCache is a global cache of TypeDecoders keyed by the
// bytes of the sequence of type messages before the value message. A sequence
// of type messages that is byte-equal doesn't guarantee the same types in the
// general case, since type ids are scoped to a single Encoder/Decoder stream;
// different streams may represent different types using the same type ids.
// However the single-shot vom.Encode is guaranteed to generate the same bytes
// for a given vom version.
// TODO(toddw): This cache grows without bounds, use a fixed-size cache instead.
var singleShotTypeDecoderCache = typeDecoderCache{
decoders: make(map[string]*TypeDecoder),
type typeDecoderCache struct {
decoders map[string]*TypeDecoder
func (x *typeDecoderCache) insert(key string, dec *TypeDecoder) {
defer x.Unlock()
if x.decoders[key] != nil {
// There was a race between concurrent calls to vom.Decode, and another
// goroutine already populated the cache. It doesn't matter which one we
// use, so there's nothing more to do.
x.decoders[key] = dec
func (x *typeDecoderCache) lookup(key string) *TypeDecoder {
dec := x.decoders[key]
return dec
// computeTypeDecoderCacheKey computes the cache key for the typeDecoderCache.
// The logic is similar to Decoder.decodeValueType.
func computeTypeDecoderCacheKey(message []byte) (string, error) {
// TODO(bprosnitz) Should we canonicalize the cache key by stripping the continuation control codes?
readPos := 0
if len(message) == 0 {
return "", io.EOF
if !isAllowedVersion(Version(message[0])) {
return "", verror.New(errBadVersionByte, nil, message[0])
// Walk through bytes until we get to a value message.
for {
if len(message) < readPos {
return "", verror.New(errIndexOutOfRange, nil)
switch id, cr, byteLen, err := byteSliceBinaryPeekIntWithControl(message[readPos:]); {
case err != nil:
return "", err
case id > 0:
// This is a value message. The bytes read so far include the version
// byte and all type messages; use all of these bytes as the cache key.
// TODO(toddw): Take a fingerprint of these bytes to reduce memory usage.
return string(message[:readPos]), nil
case id < 0:
// This is a type message. Skip the bytes for the id or control code, and
// decode the message length (which always exists for wireType), and skip
// those bytes too to move to the next message.
readPos += byteLen
msgLen, byteLen, err := byteSliceBinaryPeekLen(message[readPos:])
if err != nil {
return "", err
readPos += byteLen + msgLen
case cr == WireCtrlTypeIncomplete:
readPos += byteLen
case cr > 0:
return "", verror.New(errBadControlCode, nil)
return "", verror.New(errDecodeZeroTypeID, nil)