blob: 562550c26ed3e41ed052b741b2f79092ae52fb7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was auto-generated by the vanadium vdl tool.
// Source: types.vdl
package nosql
import (
// VDL system imports
// VDL user imports
_ ""
// Conflict contains information to fully specify a conflict. Since syncbase
// supports batches there can be one or more rows within the batch that has a
// conflict. Each of these rows will be sent together as part of a single
// conflict. Each row contains an Id of the batch to which it belongs,
// enabling the client to group together rows that are part of a batch. Note
// that a single row can be part of more than one batch.
// WriteSet contains rows that were written.
// ReadSet contains rows that were read within a batch corresponding to a row
// within the write set.
// ScanSet contains scans performed within a batch corresponding to a row
// within the write set.
// Batches is a map of unique ids to BatchInfo objects. The id is unique only in
// the context of a given conflict and is otherwise meaningless.
type Conflict struct {
ReadSet *ConflictRowSet
WriteSet *ConflictRowSet
ScanSet *ConflictScanSet
Batches map[uint64]nosql.BatchInfo
func (Conflict) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
// ConflictRowSet contains a set of rows under conflict. It provides two different
// ways to access the same set.
// ByKey is a map of ConflictRows keyed by the row key.
// ByBatch is a map of []ConflictRows keyed by batch id. This map lets the client
// access all ConflictRows within this set that contain a given hint.
type ConflictRowSet struct {
ByKey map[string]ConflictRow
ByBatch map[uint64][]ConflictRow
func (ConflictRowSet) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
// ConflictScanSet contains a set of scans under conflict.
// ByBatch is a map of array of ScanOps keyed by batch id.
type ConflictScanSet struct {
ByBatch map[uint64][]nosql.ScanOp
func (ConflictScanSet) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
// ConflictRow represents a row under conflict.
// Key is the key for the row.
// LocalValue is the value present in the local db.
// RemoteValue is the value received via sync.
// AncestorValue is the value for the key which is the lowest common
// ancestor of the two values represented by LocalValue and RemoteValue.
// AncestorValue's state is NoExists if the ConflictRow is a part of the read set.
// BatchIds is a list of ids of all the batches that this row belongs to.
type ConflictRow struct {
Key string
LocalValue Value
RemoteValue Value
AncestorValue Value
BatchIds []uint64
func (ConflictRow) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
// Resolution contains the application’s reply to a conflict. It must contain a
// resolved value for each conflict row within the WriteSet of the given
// conflict.
// ResultSet is a map of row key to ResolvedRow.
type Resolution struct {
ResultSet map[string]ResolvedRow
func (Resolution) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
// ResolvedRow represents a result of resolution of a row under conflict.
// Key is the key for the row.
// Result is the result of the conflict resolution. Delete is represented
// by nil.
type ResolvedRow struct {
Key string
Result *Value
func (ResolvedRow) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
// Value contains a specific version of data for the row under conflict along
// with the write timestamp and hints associated with the version.
// State defines whether the value is empty or not. It can be empty for
// reasons like Deleted or Unknown.
// WriteTs is the write timestamp for this value.
type Value struct {
State nosql.ValueState
Val []byte
WriteTs time.Time
// TODO(jlodhia): Since field Selection cannot be package private in VDL,
// review the ConflictResolution API to see if we should keep this field
// or not.
Selection nosql.ValueSelection
func (Value) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
func init() {