blob: b6a18e63fcefc3d3eb3d5e576a16c7127e7b6721 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vdl
import (
// rtCacheT is a map from reflect.Type to *Type. The only instance is rtCache,
// which is a global cache to speed up repeated lookups.
// All locking is performed in TypeFromReflect.
type rtCacheT struct {
rtmap map[reflect.Type]*Type
var (
rtCache = &rtCacheT{
rtmap: map[reflect.Type]*Type{
// Ensure TypeOf(WireError{}) returns the built-in VDL error type.
reflect.TypeOf(WireError{}): ErrorType.Elem(),
rtCacheEnabled = true
func (reg *rtCacheT) lookup(rt reflect.Type) *Type {
if !rtCacheEnabled {
return nil
return reg.rtmap[rt]
func (reg *rtCacheT) update(pending map[reflect.Type]TypeOrPending) {
if !rtCacheEnabled {
for rt, top := range pending {
t, _ := getBuiltType(top)
reg.rtmap[rt] = t
// getBuiltType returns the built type from top.
func getBuiltType(top TypeOrPending) (*Type, error) {
switch ttop := top.(type) {
case *Type:
return ttop, nil
case PendingType:
return ttop.Built()
panic(fmt.Errorf("vdl: unknown type in TypeOrPending: %T %v", top, top))
// TypeOf returns the type corresponding to v. It's a helper for calling
// TypeFromReflect, and panics on any errors.
func TypeOf(v interface{}) *Type {
t, err := TypeFromReflect(reflect.TypeOf(v))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("vdl: can't take TypeOf(%T): %v", v, err))
return t
// Normalize the rt type. The VDL type system Optional is represented as a Go
// pointer. Only structs may be optional in VDL, but we still allow the pointer
// forms of other types in Go. E.g. VDL doesn't allow ?map, but we do allow Go
// **map, and consider that to be a VDL map; the pointers are flattened away.
// In addition all Go interfaces are represented with the single Any type,
// except for Go interfaces that describe Union types.
// By normalizing the rt type we simplify type creation, and also reduce
// redundancy in the rtCache.
func normalizeType(rt reflect.Type) reflect.Type {
// Flatten rt to no pointers, and rtAtMostOnePtr to at most one pointer.
hasPtr := false
for rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if ni := nativeInfoFromNative(rt); ni != nil {
if hasPtr {
return normalizeType(reflect.PtrTo(ni.WireType))
return normalizeType(ni.WireType)
hasPtr = true
rt = rt.Elem()
if ni := nativeInfoFromNative(rt); ni != nil {
if hasPtr {
return normalizeType(reflect.PtrTo(ni.WireType))
return normalizeType(ni.WireType)
rtAtMostOnePtr := rt
if hasPtr {
rtAtMostOnePtr = reflect.PtrTo(rt)
if rt.ConvertibleTo(rtError) || rtAtMostOnePtr.ConvertibleTo(rtError) {
// TODO(bprosnitz) Remove this for new vdl error logic
return rtError
if rt == rtWireError || rt == rtError {
// Return if this is vdl.WireError or error because we want verror.E to be the
// type stored in reflect info.
// TODO(bprosnitz) Remove this special case.
return rtAtMostOnePtr
// Handle special cases. Union may be either an interface or a struct, and
// should be handled first.
if ri, _, _ := deriveReflectInfo(rt); ri != nil {
if len(ri.UnionFields) > 0 {
return rt
// Use the type defined in the reflect info. Typically this is the same as
// the original rt, but in some cases we use __VDLReflect to override the
// vdl type. E.g. vom.RawBytes claims that it is AnyType.
rt = ri.Type
switch {
case rt.Kind() == reflect.Interface:
// Collapse all interfaces to interface{}
return rtInterface
case rt.Kind() == reflect.Struct && rt.PkgPath() != "":
// Named structs may be optional, so we keep the pointer.
return rtAtMostOnePtr
return rt
// basicType returns the *Type corresponding to rt for basic types that cannot
// be named by the user, and have a well-known conversion.
func basicType(rt reflect.Type) *Type {
for rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
rt = rt.Elem()
switch rt {
case rtError:
// TODO(bprosnitz) Remove this for new vdl error logic
return ErrorType
case rtInterface, rtValue:
return AnyType
case rtType:
return TypeObjectType
return nil
// TypeFromReflect returns the type corresponding to rt. Not all reflect types
// have a valid type; reflect.Chan, reflect.Func and reflect.UnsafePointer are
// unsupported, as are maps with pointer keys, as well as structs with only
// unexported fields.
func TypeFromReflect(rt reflect.Type) (*Type, error) {
if rt == nil {
// Special case to avoid panic for nil rt.
return AnyType, nil
// Fastpath - grab the reader lock and check if rt is already in the cache.
if t := basicType(rt); t != nil {
return t, nil
t := rtCache.lookup(rt)
if t != nil {
return t, nil
// Slowpath - first register rt and all subtypes, to ensure they're known.
// This avoids some of the tricky ordering issues between vdl.Register and
// vdl.TypeFromReflect, when they are called in init functions.
if err := registerRecursive(rt); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Slowpath - grab the writer lock. We hold the lock even while building the
// type, since TypeBuilder requires that if two types are identical, they must
// be represented by the same Type or PendingType. Here's an example:
// type Str string
// type Foo struct { A, B Str }
// If we built type Foo without the lock, we might end up with this ordering:
// thread_1 build Foo
// thread_1 build Foo.A
// thread_2 build Foo
// thread_2 build Foo.A
// thread_2 build Foo.B
// thread_2 update map
// thread_1 build Foo.B // type Str found in map, different from Foo.A
// The problem is that thread_1 now has two different representations of Str
// in its TypeBuilder - it built type Str itself for Foo.A, and it found Str
// from the map for Foo.B. The TypeBuilder notices this inconsistency, and
// returns an error.
// Side note: you might think there's a simpler fix; if each thread updated
// the map (under the lock) as it built each type, we wouldn't need to lock
// the entire type-building operation. But note that TypeBuilder only returns
// PendingType as types are being built, and only returns the final Type when
// Build is called at the very end, in order to support cyclic types.
defer rtCache.Unlock()
// The strategy is to recursively populate the builder with the type and
// subtypes, keeping track of new types in pending. After all types have been
// populated, we build the types and update rtCache with all pending types.
builder := new(TypeBuilder)
pending := make(map[reflect.Type]TypeOrPending)
result, err := typeFromReflectLocked(rt, builder, pending)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
built, err := getBuiltType(result)
if built == nil {
// There must have been an error building one of the types. Return the
// first error we find, favoring errors from building the result itself.
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, top := range pending {
_, err := getBuiltType(top)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
panic(fmt.Errorf("vdl: inconsistent results from TypeBuilder.Build: %v", pending))
return built, nil
// typeFromReflectLocked returns the Type or PendingType corresponding to rt.
// It either returns the type directly from the cache or pending map, or makes
// the type based on rt.
// REQUIRES: rtCache is locked
func typeFromReflectLocked(rt reflect.Type, builder *TypeBuilder, pending map[reflect.Type]TypeOrPending) (TypeOrPending, error) {
rtOrig := rt
rt = normalizeType(rt)
if t := basicType(rt); t != nil {
pending[rtOrig] = t
return t, nil
if t := rtCache.lookup(rt); t != nil {
pending[rtOrig] = t
return t, nil
if p, ok := pending[rt]; ok {
// If the type is already in our pending map, we return it now. This breaks
// infinite loops from recursive types.
return p, nil
return makeTypeFromReflectLocked(rtOrig, rt, builder, pending)
// validateType returns a non-nil error if rt is not a valid vdl type.
func validateType(rt reflect.Type) error {
// Flatten pointers to simplify the checks.
for rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
rt = rt.Elem()
// Now check error conditions.
if rt == rtReflectValue {
return errTypeFromReflectValue
switch rt.Kind() {
case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.UnsafePointer:
return fmt.Errorf("reflect type %q not supported", rt)
return nil
// makeTypeFromReflectLocked makes the Type or PendingType corresponding to rt.
// Calls typeFromReflect to recursively generate subtypes.
// REQUIRES: rtCache is locked
// PRE-CONDITION: rt doesn't exist in rtCache or pending.
// POST-CONDITION: rt exists in pending.
func makeTypeFromReflectLocked(rtOrig, rt reflect.Type, builder *TypeBuilder, pending map[reflect.Type]TypeOrPending) (TypeOrPending, error) {
if err := validateType(rt); err != nil {
return nil, err
if rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
// Pointers are turned into Optional.
opt := builder.Optional()
pending[rt] = opt
pending[rtOrig] = opt
elem, err := typeFromReflectLocked(rt.Elem(), builder, pending)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return opt, nil
ri, _, err := deriveReflectInfo(rt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ri.Name == "" {
// Unnamed types are made directly. There's no way to create a recursive
// type based solely on unnamed types, so it's ok to to update pending
// *after* making the unnamed type.
unnamed, err := makeUnnamedFromReflectLocked(ri, builder, pending)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pending[ri.Type] = unnamed
pending[rtOrig] = unnamed
return unnamed, nil
// Named types are trickier, since they may be recursive. First create the
// named type and add it to pending. We must special-case union types; the
// interface type and all field types are keyed in the pending map to point to
// the created vdl type.
named := builder.Named(ri.Name)
pending[ri.Type] = named
pending[rtOrig] = named
for _, unionField := range ri.UnionFields {
pending[unionField.RepType] = named
// Now make the unnamed underlying type. Recursive types will find the
// existing entry in pending, and avoid the infinite loop.
unnamed, err := makeUnnamedFromReflectLocked(ri, builder, pending)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Finally assign the base type and we're done.
return named, nil
// makeUnnamedFromReflectLocked makes the underlying unnamed Type or PendingType
// corresponding to ri.
// REQUIRES: rtCache is locked
func makeUnnamedFromReflectLocked(ri *reflectInfo, builder *TypeBuilder, pending map[reflect.Type]TypeOrPending) (TypeOrPending, error) {
// Handle enum types
if len(ri.EnumLabels) > 0 {
enum := builder.Enum()
for _, label := range ri.EnumLabels {
return enum, nil
// Handle union types
if len(ri.UnionFields) > 0 {
union := builder.Union()
for _, f := range ri.UnionFields {
in, err := typeFromReflectLocked(f.Type, builder, pending)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
union.AppendField(f.Name, in)
return union, nil
// Handle composite types
rt := ri.Type
switch rt.Kind() {
case reflect.Array:
elem, err := typeFromReflectLocked(rt.Elem(), builder, pending)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return builder.Array().AssignLen(rt.Len()).AssignElem(elem), nil
case reflect.Slice:
elem, err := typeFromReflectLocked(rt.Elem(), builder, pending)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return builder.List().AssignElem(elem), nil
case reflect.Map:
if rt.Key().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid key %q in %q", rt.Key(), rt)
key, err := typeFromReflectLocked(rt.Key(), builder, pending)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if rt.Elem() == rtUnnamedEmptyStruct {
// The map actually represents a set
return builder.Set().AssignKey(key), nil
elem, err := typeFromReflectLocked(rt.Elem(), builder, pending)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return builder.Map().AssignKey(key).AssignElem(elem), nil
case reflect.Struct:
st := builder.Struct()
for fx := 0; fx < rt.NumField(); fx++ {
// TODO(toddw): How should we handle anonymous (aka embedded) fields?
// Note that unexported embedded fields may themselves have exported
// fields. See
rtField := rt.Field(fx)
if rtField.PkgPath != "" {
continue // field isn't exported
field, err := typeFromReflectLocked(rtField.Type, builder, pending)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
st.AppendField(rtField.Name, field)
if rt.NumField() > 0 && st.NumField() == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("type %q only has unexported fields", rt)
return st, nil
// Handle scalar types
if t := typeFromRTKind[rt.Kind()]; t != nil {
return t, nil
panic(fmt.Errorf("vdl: makeUnnamedFromReflectLocked unhandled %v %v", rt.Kind(), rt))
var (
errTypeFromReflectValue = errors.New("invalid vdl.TypeOf(reflect.Value{})")
rtInterface = reflect.TypeOf((*interface{})(nil)).Elem()
rtBool = reflect.TypeOf(false)
rtByte = reflect.TypeOf(byte(0))
rtByteList = reflect.TypeOf([]byte(nil))
rtUint16 = reflect.TypeOf(uint16(0))
rtUint32 = reflect.TypeOf(uint32(0))
rtUint64 = reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0))
rtInt8 = reflect.TypeOf(int8(0))
rtInt16 = reflect.TypeOf(int16(0))
rtInt32 = reflect.TypeOf(int32(0))
rtInt64 = reflect.TypeOf(int64(0))
rtFloat32 = reflect.TypeOf(float32(0))
rtFloat64 = reflect.TypeOf(float64(0))
rtString = reflect.TypeOf("")
rtError = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
rtWireError = reflect.TypeOf(WireError{})
rtType = reflect.TypeOf(Type{})
rtValue = reflect.TypeOf(Value{})
rtPtrToType = reflect.TypeOf((*Type)(nil))
rtPtrToValue = reflect.TypeOf((*Value)(nil))
rtReflectValue = reflect.TypeOf(reflect.Value{})
rtTargeter = reflect.TypeOf((*Targeter)(nil)).Elem()
rtNamer = reflect.TypeOf((*namer)(nil)).Elem()
rtIndexer = reflect.TypeOf((*indexer)(nil)).Elem()
rtIsZeroer = reflect.TypeOf((*IsZeroer)(nil)).Elem()
rtUnnamedEmptyStruct = reflect.TypeOf(struct{}{})
typeFromRTKind = [...]*Type{
reflect.Bool: BoolType,
reflect.Uint8: ByteType,
reflect.Uint16: Uint16Type,
reflect.Uint32: Uint32Type,
reflect.Uint64: Uint64Type,
reflect.Uint: uintType(8 * unsafe.Sizeof(uint(0))),
reflect.Uintptr: uintType(8 * unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))),
reflect.Int8: Int8Type,
reflect.Int16: Int16Type,
reflect.Int32: Int32Type,
reflect.Int64: Int64Type,
reflect.Int: intType(8 * unsafe.Sizeof(int(0))),
reflect.Float32: Float32Type,
reflect.Float64: Float64Type,
reflect.String: StringType,
func uintType(bitlen uintptr) *Type {
switch bitlen {
case 32:
return Uint32Type
return Uint64Type
func intType(bitlen uintptr) *Type {
switch bitlen {
case 32:
return Int32Type
return Int64Type