blob: ce32b3060fc9a7c28e772026506bd281591f3d21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package flow
// Implementors of the flow interfaces guarantee to return one of the verror codes defined
// here, their messages are constructed so as to avoid embedding a component/method name
// and are thus more suitable for inclusion in other verrors.
// This practiced of omitting {1}{2} should be used throughout the flow implementations
// since all of their errors are intended to be used as arguments to higher level errors.
// TODO(suharshs,toddw): Allow skipping of {1}{2} in vdl generated errors.
error (
Auth(err error) {"en":"{:err}"}
NotTrusted(err error) {"en":"{:err}"}
Network(err error) {"en":"{:err}"}
DialFailed(err error) {"en":"{:err}"}
ResolveFailed(err error) {"en":"{:err}"}
Proxy(err error) {"en":"{:err}"}
BadArg(err error) {"en":"{:err}"}
BadState(err error) {"en":"{:err}"}
Aborted(err error) {"en":"{:err}"}