blob: af80274938bd8d009a332071d57d31de178a0649 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package i18n implements internationalization of formatted message strings in
// different languages.
// Typical usage:
// cat := i18n.Cat() // get default Catalogue
// outputString = cat.Format(language, msgID, "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th")
// i18n.Catalogue maps language names and message identifiers to message format
// strings. The intent is to provide a primitive form of Sprintf(), where the
// format string can depend upon the language.
// i18n.MsgID is a string that identitifies a set of message format strings that
// have the same meaning, but may be available in multiple languages.
// i18n.Lang is a string that identifies a language.
// A message format string is a string containing substrings of the form
// {<number>} which are replaced by the corresponding position parameter
// (numbered from 1), or {_}, which is replaced by all otherwise unused
// parameters. If a substring is of the form {:<number>}, {<number>:},
// {:<number>:}, {:_}, {_:}, or {:_:}, and the corresponding parameters are not
// the empty string, the parameter is preceded by ": " or followed by ":" or
// both, respectively. For example, if the format:
// {3:} foo {2} bar{:_} ({3})
// is used with the cat.Format example above, it yields:
// 3rd: foo 2nd bar: 1st 4th (3rd)
// The positional parameters may have any type, and are printed in their default
// formatting. If particular formatting is desired, the parameter should be
// converted to a string first. In principle, the default formating for a
// parameter may depend on LangID.
package i18n
import "bufio"
import "fmt"
import "io"
import "os"
import "strconv"
import "strings"
import "sync"
import ""
// MsgID identifies a message, without specifying its language.
type MsgID string
// LangID represents the name of a language or locale.
// By convention it should be an IETF language tag:
type LangID string
// NoLangID is the empty LangID.
const NoLangID LangID = ""
// Catalogue maps (LangID, MsgID) pairs to message format strings.
type Catalogue struct {
lock sync.RWMutex // Protects remaining fields.
formats map[LangID]map[MsgID]string
// *defaultCatalogue is the default Catalogue of the process.
// It is initialized via oneTimeInit in Cat().
var (
defaultCatalogue *Catalogue
oneTimeInit sync.Once
// Cat returns the default Catalogue.
func Cat() (result *Catalogue) {
oneTimeInit.Do(func() { defaultCatalogue = new(Catalogue) })
return defaultCatalogue
// Format applies FormatParams to the result of Lookup(langID, msgId) and the
// parameters v. If Lookup fails, the result is the text of the MsgID, and if
// there are any positional parameters, a colon followed by those parameters.
func (cat *Catalogue) Format(langID LangID, msgID MsgID, v ...interface{}) string {
formatStr := cat.Lookup(langID, msgID)
if formatStr == "" {
formatStr = string(msgID)
if len(v) != 0 {
formatStr += "{:_}"
return FormatParams(formatStr, v...)
// langIDKey is used as a key for context.T's Value() map.
type langIDKey struct{}
// GetLangID returns the LangID associated with a context.T,
// or the empty LangID if there is none.
func GetLangID(ctx *context.T) (langID LangID) {
if ctx != nil {
v := ctx.Value(langIDKey{})
langID, _ = v.(LangID)
return langID
// WithLangID returns a context based on ctx that has the
// language ID langID.
func WithLangID(ctx *context.T, langID LangID) *context.T {
return context.WithValue(ctx, langIDKey{}, langID)
// Lookup returns the format corresponding to a particular language and MsgID.
// If no such message is known, any message for BaseLangID(langID) is
// retrievied. If no such message exists, empty string is returned.
func (cat *Catalogue) Lookup(langID LangID, msgID MsgID) (result string) {
result = cat.formats[langID][msgID]
if result == "" {
result = cat.formats[BaseLangID(langID)][msgID]
return result
// FormatParams returns a copy of format with instances of "{1}", "{2}", ...
// replaced by the default string representation of v[0], v[1], ...
// The last instance of the string "{_}" is replaced with a space-separated
// list of positional parameters unused by other {...} sequences.
// Missing parameters are replaced with "?".
func FormatParams(formatStr string, v ...interface{}) (result string) {
prefix := "" // The text before {_}, if any.
underbar := false // Whether {_} appears in formatStr.
underbarLeadingColon := false // true if {:_}
underbarTrailingColon := false // true if {_:}
used := make([]bool, len(v)) // used[i] indicates whether v[i] has been used.
for i := 0; i != len(formatStr); {
if braceIndex := skipNotIn(formatStr, i, "{"); braceIndex == len(formatStr) {
// No more positional parameters.
result += formatStr[i:]
i = len(formatStr)
} else {
digitsIndex := braceIndex + 1
leadingColon := (digitsIndex < len(formatStr) && formatStr[digitsIndex] == ':')
if leadingColon {
if strings.HasPrefix(formatStr[digitsIndex:], "_}") || strings.HasPrefix(formatStr[digitsIndex:], "_:}") {
underbar = true
underbarLeadingColon = leadingColon
prefix += result + formatStr[i:braceIndex]
result = ""
underbarTrailingColon = false
i = digitsIndex + 2
if formatStr[digitsIndex+1] == ':' {
underbarTrailingColon = true
} else if endIndex := skipIn(formatStr, digitsIndex, "0123456789"); endIndex != len(formatStr) &&
endIndex != digitsIndex && (formatStr[endIndex] == '}' || strings.HasPrefix(formatStr[endIndex:], ":}")) {
// Well-formed {digits}.
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(formatStr[digitsIndex:endIndex])
formattedParameter := "?" // Used if no such positional parmeter.
if 1 <= n && n < len(v)+1 {
formattedParameter = fmt.Sprint(v[n-1])
used[n-1] = true
result += formatStr[i:braceIndex]
if leadingColon && formattedParameter != "" {
result += ": "
result += formattedParameter
i = endIndex + 1
if formatStr[endIndex] == ':' {
if formattedParameter != "" {
result += ":"
} else { // No digits, or no '}'; add the '{' to result.
result += formatStr[i : braceIndex+1]
i = braceIndex + 1
if underbar { // insert unused parameters
first := true
paramStr := ""
for i := 0; i != len(v); i++ {
if !used[i] {
if !first {
paramStr += " "
first = false
paramStr += fmt.Sprint(v[i])
if paramStr != "" {
if underbarLeadingColon {
paramStr = ": " + paramStr
if underbarTrailingColon {
paramStr += ":"
result = prefix + paramStr + result
return result
// setUnlocked is like Set(), but does not acquire locks.
func (cat *Catalogue) setUnlocked(langID LangID, msgID MsgID, newFormat string) (oldFormat string) {
idToFmt := cat.formats[langID]
if idToFmt == nil && newFormat != "" {
if cat.formats == nil {
cat.formats = make(map[LangID]map[MsgID]string)
idToFmt = make(map[MsgID]string)
cat.formats[langID] = idToFmt
oldFormat = idToFmt[msgID]
if newFormat != "" {
idToFmt[msgID] = newFormat
} else {
delete(idToFmt, msgID)
if len(idToFmt) == 0 {
delete(cat.formats, langID)
return oldFormat
// Set sets the format corresponding to msgID in the specified language to
// formatStr. If formatStr is empty, the corresponding entry is removed. Any
// previous string is returned.
func (cat *Catalogue) Set(langID LangID, msgID MsgID, newFormat string) (oldFormat string) {
oldFormat = cat.setUnlocked(langID, msgID, newFormat)
return oldFormat
// SetWithBase is like Set, but if newFormat != "", also sets the message for
// the base language ID if not already set. Equivalent to:
// baseLangID := BaseLangID(langID)
// if newFormat != "" && baseLangID != langID && cat.Lookup(baseLangID, msgID) == "" {
// cat.Set(baseLangID, msgID, newFormat)
// }
// return cat.Set(langID, msgID, newFormat)
func (cat *Catalogue) SetWithBase(langID LangID, msgID MsgID, newFormat string) (oldFormat string) {
oldFormat = cat.setUnlocked(langID, msgID, newFormat)
baseLangID := BaseLangID(langID)
if newFormat != "" && baseLangID != langID && cat.formats[baseLangID][msgID] == "" {
cat.setUnlocked(baseLangID, msgID, newFormat)
return oldFormat
// skipIn returns the highest i where each byte in s[pos..i) exists and is in set.
func skipIn(s string, pos int, set string) int {
for ; 0 <= pos && pos < len(s) && strings.IndexByte(set, s[pos]) != -1; pos++ {
return pos
// skipNotIn returns the highest i where each byte in s[pos..i) exists and is not in set.
func skipNotIn(s string, pos int, set string) int {
for ; 0 <= pos && pos < len(s) && strings.IndexByte(set, s[pos]) == -1; pos++ {
return pos
// Merge merges the data in the lines from *r reader into *cat.
// Each line from *r is parsed with Scanf("%s %s %q"); that is,
// the first two fields are whitespace separated, and the third is quoted and escaped.
// If a line starts with a #, or cannot be parsed, the line is ignored.
// If the line contains at least three non-discarded fields, the first field is
// treated as LangID, the second as a i18n.MsgID, and the third as a format
// string in the specified language.
func (cat *Catalogue) Merge(r io.Reader) error {
bufReader := bufio.NewReader(r)
lineStr, err := bufReader.ReadString('\n')
for len(lineStr) != 0 {
var langID LangID
var msgID MsgID
var formatStr string
var fields int
fields, err = fmt.Sscanf(lineStr, "%s %s %q", &langID, &msgID, &formatStr)
if fields == 3 && !strings.HasPrefix(string(langID), "#") {
cat.SetWithBase(langID, msgID, formatStr)
lineStr, err = bufReader.ReadString('\n')
if err == io.EOF { // EOF is expected
err = nil
return err
// MergeFromFile calls Merge() on the contents of the named file.
func (cat *Catalogue) MergeFromFile(filename string) (err error) {
var f *os.File
if f, err = os.Open(filename); err == nil {
err = cat.Merge(f)
return err
// Output emits the contents of *cat to *w in the format expected by Merge().
func (cat *Catalogue) Output(w io.Writer) error {
defer cat.lock.RUnlock()
for langID, idToFmt := range cat.formats {
for msgID, formatStr := range idToFmt {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s %s %q\n", langID, msgID, formatStr)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// NormalizeLangID normalizes a LangID. Currently, the only normalization
// performed is to translate underbars into hyphens.
func NormalizeLangID(langID string) LangID {
result := ""
for _, ch := range langID {
if ch == '_' {
ch = '-'
result += string(ch)
return LangID(result)
// BaseLangID returns a base language identifier. It is the first hyphen-separated
// segment of an IETF Language ID.
func BaseLangID(langID LangID) LangID {
return langID[:skipNotIn(string(langID), 0, "-")]
// LangIDFromEnv returns a language ID for messages based on the programme's
// environment variables. This is suitable only for code not running in the
// context of an RPC; code in an RPC context should use language information
// from the RPC context.
func LangIDFromEnv() LangID {
// The order of precedence of these environment variables is taken from
// the POSIX definitions in IEEE Std 1003.1-2001.
langID := os.Getenv("LC_ALL")
if langID == "" {
langID = os.Getenv("LC_MESSAGES")
if langID == "" {
langID = os.Getenv("LANG")
if langID == "C" || langID == "" {
langID = "en-US"
return NormalizeLangID(langID)