blob: 220b494b373a779b90051bfdf6613871836154f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package build
// SetFromGoArch assigns the GOARCH string label to x. In particular,
// it takes care of mapping "386" to "x86" as the former is not a
// valid VDL enum value.
func (x *Architecture) SetFromGoArch(label string) error {
switch label {
case "386":
return x.Set("x86")
return x.Set(label)
// SetFromGoOS assigns the GOOS string label to x.
func (x *OperatingSystem) SetFromGoOS(label string) error {
return x.Set(label)
// ToGoArch returns a GOARCH string label for the given Architecture.
// In particular, it takes care of mapping "x86" to "386" as the latter
// is not a valid VDL enum value.
func (arch Architecture) ToGoArch() string {
switch arch {
case ArchitectureAmd64:
return "amd64"
case ArchitectureArm:
return "arm"
case ArchitectureX86:
return "386"
return "unknown"
// ToGoOS returns a GOOS string label for the given Architecture.
func (os OperatingSystem) ToGoOS() string {
switch os {
case OperatingSystemDarwin:
return "darwin"
case OperatingSystemLinux:
return "linux"
case OperatingSystemWindows:
return "windows"
case OperatingSystemAndroid:
return "android"
return "unknown"