blob: 7306d3c9b9d054b06f68a8aca12207acc63e8aa9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package query_parser is a parser to parse a simplified select statement (a la SQL) for the
// Vanadium key value store (a.k.a., syncbase).
// The select is of the form:
// <query_specification> ::=
// <select_statement>
// | <delete_statement>
// <select_statement> ::=
// <select_clause> <from_clause> [<where_clause>] [<escape_limit_offset_clause>...]
// <delete_statement> ::=
// delete <from_clause> [<where_clause>] [<escape_limit_clause>...]
// <select_clause> ::= SELECT <selector> [{<comma><selector>}...]
// <from_clause> ::= FROM <table>
// <where_clause> ::= WHERE <expression>
// <escape_limit_offset_clause> ::=
// ESCAPE <char_literal>
// | LIMIT <int_literal>
// | OFFSET <int_literal>
// <escape_limit_clause> ::=
// ESCAPE <char_literal>
// | LIMIT <int_literal>
// <selector> ::= <column> [AS <string_literal>]
// <column> ::=
// k
// | v[<period><field>]
// | <function>
// <field> ::= <segment>[{<period><segment>}...]
// <segment> ::= <identifier>[<keys>]
// <keys> ::= <key>...
// <key> ::= <left_bracket> <operand> <right_bracket>
// <function> ::= <identifier><left_paren>[<operand>[{<comma><operand>}...]<right_paren>
// <table> ::= <identifier>
// <expression> ::=
// <left_paren> <expression> <right_paren>
// | <logical_expression>
// | <binary_expression>
// <logical_expression> ::=
// <expression> <logical_op> <expression>
// <logical_op> ::=
// AND
// | OR
// <binary_expression> ::=
// <operand> <binary_op> <operand>
// | v[<period><field>] IS [NOT] NIL
// <operand> ::=
// k
// | v[<period><field>]
// | <literal>
// | <function>
// <binary_op> ::=
// =
// | EQUAL
// | <>
// | LIKE
// | <
// | <=
// | >=
// | >
// <literal> ::=
// <string_literal>
// | <bool_literal>
// | <int_literal>
// | <float_literal>
// Example:
// select v.Foo.Far, v.Baz[2] from Foobarbaz where Type(v) like "%.Customer" and (v.Foo = 42 and v.Bar not like "abc%) or (k >= "100" and k < "200")
package query_parser