blob: f4db2da2fbca782c9dc7244f441ddcc8f5fa9d17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package conventions implements unenforced conventions for Vanadium.
package conventions
import (
const pkgPath = ""
// Special case user ids. They all have the identity provider "self" meaning that the server is poviding
// the identity and type "?" meaning that we don't know what type of Id this is.
const (
ServerUser = "self:?:ServerUser" // a client that has our public key
UnauthenticatedUser = "self:?:Unauthenticated" // a client which presents no blessing we trust
// GetClientUserIds returns a slice of ids for the client. Each Id is one of the special ones above or
// the string <identity provider>:<single letter type>:<actor>. Examples of types are "u" for user
// and "r" for role and "?" for unknown.
func GetClientUserIds(ctx *context.T, call security.Call) []string {
// If there is no call or context, we must be the user.
if ctx == nil || call == nil {
return []string{ServerUser}
// The convention is: the first 3 components of a blessing name are a user name
// if the second component is a single character. Otherwise, use just the first
// component.
var ids []string
rbn, _ := security.RemoteBlessingNames(ctx, call)
for _, b := range rbn {
if c := ParseUserId(b); c != nil {
ids = append(ids, strings.Join(c, security.ChainSeparator))
// If the client has our public key, we assume identity.
if l, r := call.LocalBlessings().PublicKey(), call.RemoteBlessings().PublicKey(); l != nil && reflect.DeepEqual(l, r) {
ids = append(ids, ServerUser)
if len(ids) > 0 {
return ids
} else {
return []string{UnauthenticatedUser}
// Parse the userId components from a blessing name or a userId string. Returns nil on failure.
func ParseUserId(s string) []string {
c := strings.Split(s, security.ChainSeparator)
if len(c) >= 3 && len(c[1]) == 1 {
// Identity provider conforms to conventions.
return c[0:3]
} else if len(c) >= 1 {
// Identity provider doesn't conform. Treat all his users as a single resource group.
// This has the side effect of making tests a bit easier to write since you can use
// "bob" and "alice" rather than "self:u:bob" and "self:u:alice" or some such.
return c[0:1]
return nil