blob: 93df732778e670b4f369462740fff98ea3260fc2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package context implements a mechanism to carry data across API boundaries.
// The context.T struct carries deadlines and cancellation as well as other
// arbitrary values.
// Application code receives contexts in two main ways:
// 1) A context.T is returned from v23.Init(). This will generally be
// used to set up servers in main, or for stand-alone client programs.
// func main() {
// ctx, shutdown := v23.Init()
// defer shutdown()
// doSomething(ctx)
// }
// 2) A context.T is passed to every server method implementation as the first
// parameter.
// func (m *myServer) Method(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) error {
// doSomething(ctx)
// }
// Once you have a context you can derive further contexts to change settings.
// for example to adjust a deadline you might do:
// func main() {
// ctx, shutdown := v23.Init()
// defer shutdown()
// // We'll use cacheCtx to lookup data in memcache
// // if it takes more than a second to get data from
// // memcache we should just skip the cache and perform
// // the slow operation.
// cacheCtx, cancel := WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second)
// if err := FetchDataFromMemcache(cacheCtx, key); err != nil {
// // Here we use the original ctx, not the derived cacheCtx
// // so we aren't constrained by the 1 second timeout.
// RecomputeData(ctx, key)
// }
// }
// Contexts form a tree where derived contexts are children of the
// contexts from which they were derived. Children inherit all the
// properties of their parent except for the property being replaced
// (the deadline in the example above).
// Contexts are extensible. The Value/WithValue functions allow you to attach
// new information to the context and extend its capabilities.
// In the same way we derive new contexts via the 'With' family of functions
// you can create methods to attach new data:
// package auth
// import ""
// type Auth struct{...}
// type key int
// const authKey = key(0)
// function WithAuth(parent *context.T, data *Auth) *context.T {
// return context.WithValue(parent, authKey, data)
// }
// function GetAuth(ctx *context.T) *Auth {
// data, _ := ctx.Value(authKey).(*Auth)
// return data
// }
// Note that a value of any type can be used as a key, but you should
// use an unexported value of an unexported type to ensure that no
// collisions can occur.
package context
import (
type internalKey int
const (
rootKey = internalKey(iota)
// ContextLogger is a logger that uses a passed in T to configure
// the logging behavior.
type ContextLogger interface {
// InfoDepth logs to the INFO log. depth is used to determine which call frame to log.
InfoDepth(ctx *T, depth int, args ...interface{})
// InfoStack logs the current goroutine's stack if the all parameter
// is false, or the stacks of all goroutines if it's true.
InfoStack(ctx *T, all bool)
// VDepth returns true if the configured logging level is greater than or equal to its parameter. depth
// is used to determine which call frame to test against.
VDepth(ctx *T, depth int, level int) bool
// VIDepth is like VDepth, except that it returns nil if there level is greater than the
// configured log level.
VIDepth(ctx *T, depth int, level int) ContextLogger
// CancelFunc is used to cancel a context. The first call will
// cause the paired context and all decendants to close their Done()
// channels. Further calls do nothing.
type CancelFunc func()
// Cancelled is returned by contexts which have been cancelled.
var Canceled = errors.New("context canceled")
// DeadlineExceeded is returned by contexts that have exceeded their
// deadlines and therefore been canceled automatically.
var DeadlineExceeded = errors.New("context deadline exceeded")
// T carries deadlines, cancellation and data across API boundaries.
// It is safe to use a T from multiple goroutines simultaneously. The
// zero-type of context is uninitialized and will panic if used
// directly by application code. It also implements v23/logging.Logger and
// hence can be used directly for logging (e.g. ctx.Infof(...)).
type T struct {
parent *T
logger logging.Logger
ctxLogger ContextLogger
key, value interface{}
// RootContext creates a new root context with no data attached.
// A RootContext is cancelable (see WithCancel).
// Typically you should not call this function, instead you should derive
// contexts from other contexts, such as the context returned from v23.Init
// or the result of the Context() method on a ServerCall. This function
// is sometimes useful in tests, where it is undesirable to initialize a
// runtime to test a function that reads from a T.
func RootContext() (*T, CancelFunc) {
return WithCancel(&T{logger: logging.Discard, key: rootKey})
// WithLogger returns a child of the current context that embeds the supplied
// logger.
func WithLogger(parent *T, logger logging.Logger) *T {
child := *parent
child.logger = logger
return &child
// WithContextLogger returns a child of the current context that embeds the supplied
// context logger
func WithContextLogger(parent *T, logger ContextLogger) *T {
child := *parent
child.ctxLogger = logger
return &child
// LoggerImplementation returns the implementation of the logger associated
// with this context. It should almost never need to be used by application
// code.
func (t *T) LoggerImplementation() interface{} {
return t.logger
// Initialized returns true if this context has been properly initialized
// by a runtime.
func (t *T) Initialized() bool {
return t != nil && t.key != nil
// Value is used to carry data across API boundaries. This should be
// used only for data that is relevant across multiple API boundaries
// and not just to pass extra parameters to functions and methods.
// Any type that supports equality can be used as a key, but an
// unexported type should be used to prevent collisions.
func (t *T) Value(key interface{}) interface{} {
for t != nil {
if key == t.key {
return t.value
t = t.parent
return nil
// Deadline returns the time at which this context will be automatically
// canceled.
func (t *T) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) {
if deadline, ok := t.Value(deadlineKey).(*deadlineState); ok {
return deadline.deadline, true
// After the channel returned by Done() is closed, Err() will return
// either Canceled or DeadlineExceeded.
func (t *T) Err() error {
if cancel, ok := t.Value(cancelKey).(*cancelState); ok {
return cancel.err
return nil
// Done returns a channel which will be closed when this context.T
// is canceled or exceeds its deadline. Successive calls will
// return the same value. Implementations may return nil if they can
// never be canceled.
func (t *T) Done() <-chan struct{} {
if cancel, ok := t.Value(cancelKey).(*cancelState); ok {
return cancel.done
return nil
// cancelState helps pass cancellation down the context tree.
type cancelState struct {
done chan struct{}
mu sync.Mutex
err error // GUARDED_BY(mu)
children map[*cancelState]bool // GUARDED_BY(mu)
func (c *cancelState) addChild(child *cancelState) {
if c.err != nil {
err := c.err
if c.children == nil {
c.children = make(map[*cancelState]bool)
c.children[child] = true
func (c *cancelState) removeChild(child *cancelState) {
delete(c.children, c)
func (c *cancelState) cancel(err error) {
var children map[*cancelState]bool
if c.err == nil {
c.err = err
children = c.children
c.children = nil
for child, _ := range children {
// A deadlineState helps cancel contexts when a deadline expires.
type deadlineState struct {
deadline time.Time
timer *time.Timer
// WithValue returns a child of the current context that will return
// the given val when Value(key) is called.
func WithValue(parent *T, key interface{}, val interface{}) *T {
if !parent.Initialized() {
panic("Trying to derive a context from an uninitialized context.")
if key == nil {
panic("Attempting to store a context value with an untyped nil key.")
return &T{logger: parent.logger, ctxLogger: parent.ctxLogger, parent: parent, key: key, value: val}
func withCancelState(parent *T) (*T, func(error)) {
cs := &cancelState{done: make(chan struct{})}
cancelParent, ok := parent.Value(cancelKey).(*cancelState)
if ok {
t := WithValue(parent, cancelKey, cs)
return t, func(err error) {
if t.V(4) {
t.Infof("context being cancelled:")
if ok {
// WithCancel returns a child of the current context along with
// a function that can be used to cancel it. After cancel() is
// called the channels returned by the Done() methods of the new context
// (and all context further derived from it) will be closed.
func WithCancel(parent *T) (*T, CancelFunc) {
t, cancel := withCancelState(parent)
return t, func() { cancel(Canceled) }
func withDeadlineState(parent *T, deadline time.Time, timeout time.Duration) (*T, CancelFunc) {
t, cancel := withCancelState(parent)
ds := &deadlineState{deadline, time.AfterFunc(timeout, func() { cancel(DeadlineExceeded) })}
return WithValue(t, deadlineKey, ds), func() {
// WithRootContext returns a context derived from parent, but that is
// detached from the deadlines and cancellation hierarchy so that this
// context will only ever be canceled when the returned CancelFunc is
// called, or the RootContext from which this context is ultimately
// derived is canceled.
func WithRootCancel(parent *T) (*T, CancelFunc) {
var root *cancelState
for ancestor := parent; ancestor != nil; ancestor = ancestor.parent {
if cs, ok := ancestor.value.(*cancelState); ok {
root = cs
cs := &cancelState{done: make(chan struct{})}
if root != nil {
return WithValue(parent, cancelKey, cs), func() {
if root != nil {
// WithDeadline returns a child of the current context along with a
// function that can be used to cancel it at any time (as from
// WithCancel). When the deadline is reached the context will be
// automatically cancelled.
// Contexts should be cancelled when they are no longer needed
// so that resources associated with their timers may be released.
func WithDeadline(parent *T, deadline time.Time) (*T, CancelFunc) {
return withDeadlineState(parent, deadline, deadline.Sub(time.Now()))
// WithTimeout is similar to WithDeadline except a Duration is given
// that represents a relative point in time from now.
func WithTimeout(parent *T, timeout time.Duration) (*T, CancelFunc) {
return withDeadlineState(parent, time.Now().Add(timeout), timeout)