blob: 0d5fa3e89c493472258d5c01316fbbadbd383459 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was auto-generated by the vanadium vdl tool.
// Source: repository.vdl
// Package repository defines interfaces for storing and retrieving device,
// application and binary management related information.
package repository
import (
// VDL system imports
// VDL user imports
// MediaInfo contains the metadata information for a binary.
type MediaInfo struct {
Type string // The media-type (RFC 2046)
Encoding string // The file encoding is optional and can be either "gzip" or "bzip2".
func (MediaInfo) __VDLReflect(struct {
Name string `vdl:""`
}) {
func init() {
// ApplicationClientMethods is the client interface
// containing Application methods.
// Application provides access to application envelopes. An
// application envelope is identified by an application name and an
// application version, which are specified through the object name,
// and a profile name, which is specified using a method argument.
// Example:
// /apps/search/v1.Match([]string{"base", "media"})
// returns an application envelope that can be used for downloading
// and executing the "search" application, version "v1", runnable
// on either the "base" or "media" profile.
type ApplicationClientMethods interface {
// Object provides access control for Vanadium objects.
// Vanadium services implementing dynamic access control would typically embed
// this interface and tag additional methods defined by the service with one of
// Admin, Read, Write, Resolve etc. For example, the VDL definition of the
// object would be:
// package mypackage
// import ""
// import ""
// type MyObject interface {
// permissions.Object
// MyRead() (string, error) {access.Read}
// MyWrite(string) error {access.Write}
// }
// If the set of pre-defined tags is insufficient, services may define their
// own tag type and annotate all methods with this new type.
// Instead of embedding this Object interface, define SetPermissions and
// GetPermissions in their own interface. Authorization policies will typically
// respect annotations of a single type. For example, the VDL definition of an
// object would be:
// package mypackage
// import ""
// type MyTag string
// const (
// Blue = MyTag("Blue")
// Red = MyTag("Red")
// )
// type MyObject interface {
// MyMethod() (string, error) {Blue}
// // Allow clients to change access via the access.Object interface:
// SetPermissions(perms access.Permissions, version string) error {Red}
// GetPermissions() (perms access.Permissions, version string, err error) {Blue}
// }
// Tidyable specifies that a service can be tidied.
// Match checks if any of the given profiles contains an application
// envelope for the given application version (specified through the
// object name suffix) and if so, returns this envelope. If multiple
// profile matches are possible, the method returns the first
// matching profile, respecting the order of the input argument.
// If the version is not specified in the suffix, the envelope
// corresponding to the latest version that matches any of the given
// profiles is returned. If several profiles match this version, the
// envelope for the first matching profile is returned, respecting the
// order of the input argument.
Match(_ *context.T, profiles []string, _ ...rpc.CallOpt) (application.Envelope, error)
// ApplicationClientStub adds universal methods to ApplicationClientMethods.
type ApplicationClientStub interface {
// ApplicationClient returns a client stub for Application.
func ApplicationClient(name string) ApplicationClientStub {
return implApplicationClientStub{name, permissions.ObjectClient(name), tidyable.TidyableClient(name)}
type implApplicationClientStub struct {
name string
func (c implApplicationClientStub) Match(ctx *context.T, i0 []string, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (o0 application.Envelope, err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "Match", []interface{}{i0}, []interface{}{&o0}, opts...)
// ApplicationServerMethods is the interface a server writer
// implements for Application.
// Application provides access to application envelopes. An
// application envelope is identified by an application name and an
// application version, which are specified through the object name,
// and a profile name, which is specified using a method argument.
// Example:
// /apps/search/v1.Match([]string{"base", "media"})
// returns an application envelope that can be used for downloading
// and executing the "search" application, version "v1", runnable
// on either the "base" or "media" profile.
type ApplicationServerMethods interface {
// Object provides access control for Vanadium objects.
// Vanadium services implementing dynamic access control would typically embed
// this interface and tag additional methods defined by the service with one of
// Admin, Read, Write, Resolve etc. For example, the VDL definition of the
// object would be:
// package mypackage
// import ""
// import ""
// type MyObject interface {
// permissions.Object
// MyRead() (string, error) {access.Read}
// MyWrite(string) error {access.Write}
// }
// If the set of pre-defined tags is insufficient, services may define their
// own tag type and annotate all methods with this new type.
// Instead of embedding this Object interface, define SetPermissions and
// GetPermissions in their own interface. Authorization policies will typically
// respect annotations of a single type. For example, the VDL definition of an
// object would be:
// package mypackage
// import ""
// type MyTag string
// const (
// Blue = MyTag("Blue")
// Red = MyTag("Red")
// )
// type MyObject interface {
// MyMethod() (string, error) {Blue}
// // Allow clients to change access via the access.Object interface:
// SetPermissions(perms access.Permissions, version string) error {Red}
// GetPermissions() (perms access.Permissions, version string, err error) {Blue}
// }
// Tidyable specifies that a service can be tidied.
// Match checks if any of the given profiles contains an application
// envelope for the given application version (specified through the
// object name suffix) and if so, returns this envelope. If multiple
// profile matches are possible, the method returns the first
// matching profile, respecting the order of the input argument.
// If the version is not specified in the suffix, the envelope
// corresponding to the latest version that matches any of the given
// profiles is returned. If several profiles match this version, the
// envelope for the first matching profile is returned, respecting the
// order of the input argument.
Match(_ *context.T, _ rpc.ServerCall, profiles []string) (application.Envelope, error)
// ApplicationServerStubMethods is the server interface containing
// Application methods, as expected by rpc.Server.
// There is no difference between this interface and ApplicationServerMethods
// since there are no streaming methods.
type ApplicationServerStubMethods ApplicationServerMethods
// ApplicationServerStub adds universal methods to ApplicationServerStubMethods.
type ApplicationServerStub interface {
// Describe the Application interfaces.
Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc
// ApplicationServer returns a server stub for Application.
// It converts an implementation of ApplicationServerMethods into
// an object that may be used by rpc.Server.
func ApplicationServer(impl ApplicationServerMethods) ApplicationServerStub {
stub := implApplicationServerStub{
impl: impl,
ObjectServerStub: permissions.ObjectServer(impl),
TidyableServerStub: tidyable.TidyableServer(impl),
// Initialize GlobState; always check the stub itself first, to handle the
// case where the user has the Glob method defined in their VDL source.
if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(stub); gs != nil { = gs
} else if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(impl); gs != nil { = gs
return stub
type implApplicationServerStub struct {
impl ApplicationServerMethods
gs *rpc.GlobState
func (s implApplicationServerStub) Match(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, i0 []string) (application.Envelope, error) {
return s.impl.Match(ctx, call, i0)
func (s implApplicationServerStub) Globber() *rpc.GlobState {
func (s implApplicationServerStub) Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc {
return []rpc.InterfaceDesc{ApplicationDesc, permissions.ObjectDesc, tidyable.TidyableDesc}
// ApplicationDesc describes the Application interface.
var ApplicationDesc rpc.InterfaceDesc = descApplication
// descApplication hides the desc to keep godoc clean.
var descApplication = rpc.InterfaceDesc{
Name: "Application",
PkgPath: "",
Doc: "// Application provides access to application envelopes. An\n// application envelope is identified by an application name and an\n// application version, which are specified through the object name,\n// and a profile name, which is specified using a method argument.\n//\n// Example:\n// /apps/search/v1.Match([]string{\"base\", \"media\"})\n// returns an application envelope that can be used for downloading\n// and executing the \"search\" application, version \"v1\", runnable\n// on either the \"base\" or \"media\" profile.",
Embeds: []rpc.EmbedDesc{
{"Object", "", "// Object provides access control for Vanadium objects.\n//\n// Vanadium services implementing dynamic access control would typically embed\n// this interface and tag additional methods defined by the service with one of\n// Admin, Read, Write, Resolve etc. For example, the VDL definition of the\n// object would be:\n//\n// package mypackage\n//\n// import \"\"\n// import \"\"\n//\n// type MyObject interface {\n// permissions.Object\n// MyRead() (string, error) {access.Read}\n// MyWrite(string) error {access.Write}\n// }\n//\n// If the set of pre-defined tags is insufficient, services may define their\n// own tag type and annotate all methods with this new type.\n//\n// Instead of embedding this Object interface, define SetPermissions and\n// GetPermissions in their own interface. Authorization policies will typically\n// respect annotations of a single type. For example, the VDL definition of an\n// object would be:\n//\n// package mypackage\n//\n// import \"\"\n//\n// type MyTag string\n//\n// const (\n// Blue = MyTag(\"Blue\")\n// Red = MyTag(\"Red\")\n// )\n//\n// type MyObject interface {\n// MyMethod() (string, error) {Blue}\n//\n// // Allow clients to change access via the access.Object interface:\n// SetPermissions(perms access.Permissions, version string) error {Red}\n// GetPermissions() (perms access.Permissions, version string, err error) {Blue}\n// }"},
{"Tidyable", "", "// Tidyable specifies that a service can be tidied."},
Methods: []rpc.MethodDesc{
Name: "Match",
Doc: "// Match checks if any of the given profiles contains an application\n// envelope for the given application version (specified through the\n// object name suffix) and if so, returns this envelope. If multiple\n// profile matches are possible, the method returns the first\n// matching profile, respecting the order of the input argument.\n//\n// If the version is not specified in the suffix, the envelope\n// corresponding to the latest version that matches any of the given\n// profiles is returned. If several profiles match this version, the\n// envelope for the first matching profile is returned, respecting the\n// order of the input argument.",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"profiles", ``}, // []string
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"", ``}, // application.Envelope
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Read"))},
// BinaryClientMethods is the client interface
// containing Binary methods.
// Binary can be used to store and retrieve vanadium application
// binaries.
// To create a binary, clients first invoke the Create() method that
// specifies the number of parts the binary consists of. Clients then
// uploads the individual parts through the Upload() method, which
// identifies the part being uploaded. To resume an upload after a
// failure, clients invoke the UploadStatus() method, which returns a
// slice that identifies which parts are missing.
// To download a binary, clients first invoke Stat(), which returns
// information describing the binary, including the number of parts
// the binary consists of. Clients then download the individual parts
// through the Download() method, which identifies the part being
// downloaded. Alternatively, clients can download the binary through
// HTTP using a transient URL available through the DownloadUrl()
// method.
// To delete the binary, clients invoke the Delete() method.
type BinaryClientMethods interface {
// Object provides access control for Vanadium objects.
// Vanadium services implementing dynamic access control would typically embed
// this interface and tag additional methods defined by the service with one of
// Admin, Read, Write, Resolve etc. For example, the VDL definition of the
// object would be:
// package mypackage
// import ""
// import ""
// type MyObject interface {
// permissions.Object
// MyRead() (string, error) {access.Read}
// MyWrite(string) error {access.Write}
// }
// If the set of pre-defined tags is insufficient, services may define their
// own tag type and annotate all methods with this new type.
// Instead of embedding this Object interface, define SetPermissions and
// GetPermissions in their own interface. Authorization policies will typically
// respect annotations of a single type. For example, the VDL definition of an
// object would be:
// package mypackage
// import ""
// type MyTag string
// const (
// Blue = MyTag("Blue")
// Red = MyTag("Red")
// )
// type MyObject interface {
// MyMethod() (string, error) {Blue}
// // Allow clients to change access via the access.Object interface:
// SetPermissions(perms access.Permissions, version string) error {Red}
// GetPermissions() (perms access.Permissions, version string, err error) {Blue}
// }
// Create expresses the intent to create a binary identified by the
// object name suffix consisting of the given number of parts. The
// mediaInfo argument contains metadata for the binary. If the suffix
// identifies a binary that has already been created, the method
// returns an error.
Create(_ *context.T, nparts int32, mediaInfo MediaInfo, _ ...rpc.CallOpt) error
// Delete deletes the binary identified by the object name
// suffix. If the binary that has not been created, the method
// returns an error.
Delete(*context.T, ...rpc.CallOpt) error
// Download opens a stream that can used for downloading the given
// part of the binary identified by the object name suffix. If the
// binary part has not been uploaded, the method returns an
// error. If the Delete() method is invoked when the Download()
// method is in progress, the outcome the Download() method is
// undefined.
Download(_ *context.T, part int32, _ ...rpc.CallOpt) (BinaryDownloadClientCall, error)
// DownloadUrl returns a transient URL from which the binary
// identified by the object name suffix can be downloaded using the
// HTTP protocol. If not all parts of the binary have been uploaded,
// the method returns an error.
DownloadUrl(*context.T, ...rpc.CallOpt) (url string, ttl int64, _ error)
// Stat returns information describing the parts of the binary
// identified by the object name suffix, and its RFC 2046 media type.
// If the binary has not been created, the method returns an error.
Stat(*context.T, ...rpc.CallOpt) (Parts []binary.PartInfo, MediaInfo MediaInfo, _ error)
// Upload opens a stream that can be used for uploading the given
// part of the binary identified by the object name suffix. If the
// binary has not been created, the method returns an error. If the
// binary part has been uploaded, the method returns an error. If
// the same binary part is being uploaded by another caller, the
// method returns an error.
Upload(_ *context.T, part int32, _ ...rpc.CallOpt) (BinaryUploadClientCall, error)
// BinaryClientStub adds universal methods to BinaryClientMethods.
type BinaryClientStub interface {
// BinaryClient returns a client stub for Binary.
func BinaryClient(name string) BinaryClientStub {
return implBinaryClientStub{name, permissions.ObjectClient(name)}
type implBinaryClientStub struct {
name string
func (c implBinaryClientStub) Create(ctx *context.T, i0 int32, i1 MediaInfo, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "Create", []interface{}{i0, i1}, nil, opts...)
func (c implBinaryClientStub) Delete(ctx *context.T, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "Delete", nil, nil, opts...)
func (c implBinaryClientStub) Download(ctx *context.T, i0 int32, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (ocall BinaryDownloadClientCall, err error) {
var call rpc.ClientCall
if call, err = v23.GetClient(ctx).StartCall(ctx,, "Download", []interface{}{i0}, opts...); err != nil {
ocall = &implBinaryDownloadClientCall{ClientCall: call}
func (c implBinaryClientStub) DownloadUrl(ctx *context.T, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (o0 string, o1 int64, err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "DownloadUrl", nil, []interface{}{&o0, &o1}, opts...)
func (c implBinaryClientStub) Stat(ctx *context.T, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (o0 []binary.PartInfo, o1 MediaInfo, err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "Stat", nil, []interface{}{&o0, &o1}, opts...)
func (c implBinaryClientStub) Upload(ctx *context.T, i0 int32, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (ocall BinaryUploadClientCall, err error) {
var call rpc.ClientCall
if call, err = v23.GetClient(ctx).StartCall(ctx,, "Upload", []interface{}{i0}, opts...); err != nil {
ocall = &implBinaryUploadClientCall{ClientCall: call}
// BinaryDownloadClientStream is the client stream for Binary.Download.
type BinaryDownloadClientStream interface {
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the Binary.Download client stream.
RecvStream() interface {
// Advance stages an item so that it may be retrieved via Value. Returns
// true iff there is an item to retrieve. Advance must be called before
// Value is called. May block if an item is not available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the item that was staged by Advance. May panic if Advance
// returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() []byte
// Err returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// BinaryDownloadClientCall represents the call returned from Binary.Download.
type BinaryDownloadClientCall interface {
// Finish blocks until the server is done, and returns the positional return
// values for call.
// Finish returns immediately if the call has been canceled; depending on the
// timing the output could either be an error signaling cancelation, or the
// valid positional return values from the server.
// Calling Finish is mandatory for releasing stream resources, unless the call
// has been canceled or any of the other methods return an error. Finish should
// be called at most once.
Finish() error
type implBinaryDownloadClientCall struct {
valRecv []byte
errRecv error
func (c *implBinaryDownloadClientCall) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() []byte
Err() error
} {
return implBinaryDownloadClientCallRecv{c}
type implBinaryDownloadClientCallRecv struct {
c *implBinaryDownloadClientCall
func (c implBinaryDownloadClientCallRecv) Advance() bool {
c.c.errRecv = c.c.Recv(&c.c.valRecv)
return c.c.errRecv == nil
func (c implBinaryDownloadClientCallRecv) Value() []byte {
return c.c.valRecv
func (c implBinaryDownloadClientCallRecv) Err() error {
if c.c.errRecv == io.EOF {
return nil
return c.c.errRecv
func (c *implBinaryDownloadClientCall) Finish() (err error) {
err = c.ClientCall.Finish()
// BinaryUploadClientStream is the client stream for Binary.Upload.
type BinaryUploadClientStream interface {
// SendStream returns the send side of the Binary.Upload client stream.
SendStream() interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream. Returns errors
// encountered while sending, or if Send is called after Close or
// the stream has been canceled. Blocks if there is no buffer
// space; will unblock when buffer space is available or after
// the stream has been canceled.
Send(item []byte) error
// Close indicates to the server that no more items will be sent;
// server Recv calls will receive io.EOF after all sent items.
// This is an optional call - e.g. a client might call Close if it
// needs to continue receiving items from the server after it's
// done sending. Returns errors encountered while closing, or if
// Close is called after the stream has been canceled. Like Send,
// blocks if there is no buffer space available.
Close() error
// BinaryUploadClientCall represents the call returned from Binary.Upload.
type BinaryUploadClientCall interface {
// Finish performs the equivalent of SendStream().Close, then blocks until
// the server is done, and returns the positional return values for the call.
// Finish returns immediately if the call has been canceled; depending on the
// timing the output could either be an error signaling cancelation, or the
// valid positional return values from the server.
// Calling Finish is mandatory for releasing stream resources, unless the call
// has been canceled or any of the other methods return an error. Finish should
// be called at most once.
Finish() error
type implBinaryUploadClientCall struct {
func (c *implBinaryUploadClientCall) SendStream() interface {
Send(item []byte) error
Close() error
} {
return implBinaryUploadClientCallSend{c}
type implBinaryUploadClientCallSend struct {
c *implBinaryUploadClientCall
func (c implBinaryUploadClientCallSend) Send(item []byte) error {
return c.c.Send(item)
func (c implBinaryUploadClientCallSend) Close() error {
return c.c.CloseSend()
func (c *implBinaryUploadClientCall) Finish() (err error) {
err = c.ClientCall.Finish()
// BinaryServerMethods is the interface a server writer
// implements for Binary.
// Binary can be used to store and retrieve vanadium application
// binaries.
// To create a binary, clients first invoke the Create() method that
// specifies the number of parts the binary consists of. Clients then
// uploads the individual parts through the Upload() method, which
// identifies the part being uploaded. To resume an upload after a
// failure, clients invoke the UploadStatus() method, which returns a
// slice that identifies which parts are missing.
// To download a binary, clients first invoke Stat(), which returns
// information describing the binary, including the number of parts
// the binary consists of. Clients then download the individual parts
// through the Download() method, which identifies the part being
// downloaded. Alternatively, clients can download the binary through
// HTTP using a transient URL available through the DownloadUrl()
// method.
// To delete the binary, clients invoke the Delete() method.
type BinaryServerMethods interface {
// Object provides access control for Vanadium objects.
// Vanadium services implementing dynamic access control would typically embed
// this interface and tag additional methods defined by the service with one of
// Admin, Read, Write, Resolve etc. For example, the VDL definition of the
// object would be:
// package mypackage
// import ""
// import ""
// type MyObject interface {
// permissions.Object
// MyRead() (string, error) {access.Read}
// MyWrite(string) error {access.Write}
// }
// If the set of pre-defined tags is insufficient, services may define their
// own tag type and annotate all methods with this new type.
// Instead of embedding this Object interface, define SetPermissions and
// GetPermissions in their own interface. Authorization policies will typically
// respect annotations of a single type. For example, the VDL definition of an
// object would be:
// package mypackage
// import ""
// type MyTag string
// const (
// Blue = MyTag("Blue")
// Red = MyTag("Red")
// )
// type MyObject interface {
// MyMethod() (string, error) {Blue}
// // Allow clients to change access via the access.Object interface:
// SetPermissions(perms access.Permissions, version string) error {Red}
// GetPermissions() (perms access.Permissions, version string, err error) {Blue}
// }
// Create expresses the intent to create a binary identified by the
// object name suffix consisting of the given number of parts. The
// mediaInfo argument contains metadata for the binary. If the suffix
// identifies a binary that has already been created, the method
// returns an error.
Create(_ *context.T, _ rpc.ServerCall, nparts int32, mediaInfo MediaInfo) error
// Delete deletes the binary identified by the object name
// suffix. If the binary that has not been created, the method
// returns an error.
Delete(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) error
// Download opens a stream that can used for downloading the given
// part of the binary identified by the object name suffix. If the
// binary part has not been uploaded, the method returns an
// error. If the Delete() method is invoked when the Download()
// method is in progress, the outcome the Download() method is
// undefined.
Download(_ *context.T, _ BinaryDownloadServerCall, part int32) error
// DownloadUrl returns a transient URL from which the binary
// identified by the object name suffix can be downloaded using the
// HTTP protocol. If not all parts of the binary have been uploaded,
// the method returns an error.
DownloadUrl(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) (url string, ttl int64, _ error)
// Stat returns information describing the parts of the binary
// identified by the object name suffix, and its RFC 2046 media type.
// If the binary has not been created, the method returns an error.
Stat(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) (Parts []binary.PartInfo, MediaInfo MediaInfo, _ error)
// Upload opens a stream that can be used for uploading the given
// part of the binary identified by the object name suffix. If the
// binary has not been created, the method returns an error. If the
// binary part has been uploaded, the method returns an error. If
// the same binary part is being uploaded by another caller, the
// method returns an error.
Upload(_ *context.T, _ BinaryUploadServerCall, part int32) error
// BinaryServerStubMethods is the server interface containing
// Binary methods, as expected by rpc.Server.
// The only difference between this interface and BinaryServerMethods
// is the streaming methods.
type BinaryServerStubMethods interface {
// Object provides access control for Vanadium objects.
// Vanadium services implementing dynamic access control would typically embed
// this interface and tag additional methods defined by the service with one of
// Admin, Read, Write, Resolve etc. For example, the VDL definition of the
// object would be:
// package mypackage
// import ""
// import ""
// type MyObject interface {
// permissions.Object
// MyRead() (string, error) {access.Read}
// MyWrite(string) error {access.Write}
// }
// If the set of pre-defined tags is insufficient, services may define their
// own tag type and annotate all methods with this new type.
// Instead of embedding this Object interface, define SetPermissions and
// GetPermissions in their own interface. Authorization policies will typically
// respect annotations of a single type. For example, the VDL definition of an
// object would be:
// package mypackage
// import ""
// type MyTag string
// const (
// Blue = MyTag("Blue")
// Red = MyTag("Red")
// )
// type MyObject interface {
// MyMethod() (string, error) {Blue}
// // Allow clients to change access via the access.Object interface:
// SetPermissions(perms access.Permissions, version string) error {Red}
// GetPermissions() (perms access.Permissions, version string, err error) {Blue}
// }
// Create expresses the intent to create a binary identified by the
// object name suffix consisting of the given number of parts. The
// mediaInfo argument contains metadata for the binary. If the suffix
// identifies a binary that has already been created, the method
// returns an error.
Create(_ *context.T, _ rpc.ServerCall, nparts int32, mediaInfo MediaInfo) error
// Delete deletes the binary identified by the object name
// suffix. If the binary that has not been created, the method
// returns an error.
Delete(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) error
// Download opens a stream that can used for downloading the given
// part of the binary identified by the object name suffix. If the
// binary part has not been uploaded, the method returns an
// error. If the Delete() method is invoked when the Download()
// method is in progress, the outcome the Download() method is
// undefined.
Download(_ *context.T, _ *BinaryDownloadServerCallStub, part int32) error
// DownloadUrl returns a transient URL from which the binary
// identified by the object name suffix can be downloaded using the
// HTTP protocol. If not all parts of the binary have been uploaded,
// the method returns an error.
DownloadUrl(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) (url string, ttl int64, _ error)
// Stat returns information describing the parts of the binary
// identified by the object name suffix, and its RFC 2046 media type.
// If the binary has not been created, the method returns an error.
Stat(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) (Parts []binary.PartInfo, MediaInfo MediaInfo, _ error)
// Upload opens a stream that can be used for uploading the given
// part of the binary identified by the object name suffix. If the
// binary has not been created, the method returns an error. If the
// binary part has been uploaded, the method returns an error. If
// the same binary part is being uploaded by another caller, the
// method returns an error.
Upload(_ *context.T, _ *BinaryUploadServerCallStub, part int32) error
// BinaryServerStub adds universal methods to BinaryServerStubMethods.
type BinaryServerStub interface {
// Describe the Binary interfaces.
Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc
// BinaryServer returns a server stub for Binary.
// It converts an implementation of BinaryServerMethods into
// an object that may be used by rpc.Server.
func BinaryServer(impl BinaryServerMethods) BinaryServerStub {
stub := implBinaryServerStub{
impl: impl,
ObjectServerStub: permissions.ObjectServer(impl),
// Initialize GlobState; always check the stub itself first, to handle the
// case where the user has the Glob method defined in their VDL source.
if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(stub); gs != nil { = gs
} else if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(impl); gs != nil { = gs
return stub
type implBinaryServerStub struct {
impl BinaryServerMethods
gs *rpc.GlobState
func (s implBinaryServerStub) Create(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, i0 int32, i1 MediaInfo) error {
return s.impl.Create(ctx, call, i0, i1)
func (s implBinaryServerStub) Delete(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) error {
return s.impl.Delete(ctx, call)
func (s implBinaryServerStub) Download(ctx *context.T, call *BinaryDownloadServerCallStub, i0 int32) error {
return s.impl.Download(ctx, call, i0)
func (s implBinaryServerStub) DownloadUrl(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) (string, int64, error) {
return s.impl.DownloadUrl(ctx, call)
func (s implBinaryServerStub) Stat(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) ([]binary.PartInfo, MediaInfo, error) {
return s.impl.Stat(ctx, call)
func (s implBinaryServerStub) Upload(ctx *context.T, call *BinaryUploadServerCallStub, i0 int32) error {
return s.impl.Upload(ctx, call, i0)
func (s implBinaryServerStub) Globber() *rpc.GlobState {
func (s implBinaryServerStub) Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc {
return []rpc.InterfaceDesc{BinaryDesc, permissions.ObjectDesc}
// BinaryDesc describes the Binary interface.
var BinaryDesc rpc.InterfaceDesc = descBinary
// descBinary hides the desc to keep godoc clean.
var descBinary = rpc.InterfaceDesc{
Name: "Binary",
PkgPath: "",
Doc: "// Binary can be used to store and retrieve vanadium application\n// binaries.\n//\n// To create a binary, clients first invoke the Create() method that\n// specifies the number of parts the binary consists of. Clients then\n// uploads the individual parts through the Upload() method, which\n// identifies the part being uploaded. To resume an upload after a\n// failure, clients invoke the UploadStatus() method, which returns a\n// slice that identifies which parts are missing.\n//\n// To download a binary, clients first invoke Stat(), which returns\n// information describing the binary, including the number of parts\n// the binary consists of. Clients then download the individual parts\n// through the Download() method, which identifies the part being\n// downloaded. Alternatively, clients can download the binary through\n// HTTP using a transient URL available through the DownloadUrl()\n// method.\n//\n// To delete the binary, clients invoke the Delete() method.",
Embeds: []rpc.EmbedDesc{
{"Object", "", "// Object provides access control for Vanadium objects.\n//\n// Vanadium services implementing dynamic access control would typically embed\n// this interface and tag additional methods defined by the service with one of\n// Admin, Read, Write, Resolve etc. For example, the VDL definition of the\n// object would be:\n//\n// package mypackage\n//\n// import \"\"\n// import \"\"\n//\n// type MyObject interface {\n// permissions.Object\n// MyRead() (string, error) {access.Read}\n// MyWrite(string) error {access.Write}\n// }\n//\n// If the set of pre-defined tags is insufficient, services may define their\n// own tag type and annotate all methods with this new type.\n//\n// Instead of embedding this Object interface, define SetPermissions and\n// GetPermissions in their own interface. Authorization policies will typically\n// respect annotations of a single type. For example, the VDL definition of an\n// object would be:\n//\n// package mypackage\n//\n// import \"\"\n//\n// type MyTag string\n//\n// const (\n// Blue = MyTag(\"Blue\")\n// Red = MyTag(\"Red\")\n// )\n//\n// type MyObject interface {\n// MyMethod() (string, error) {Blue}\n//\n// // Allow clients to change access via the access.Object interface:\n// SetPermissions(perms access.Permissions, version string) error {Red}\n// GetPermissions() (perms access.Permissions, version string, err error) {Blue}\n// }"},
Methods: []rpc.MethodDesc{
Name: "Create",
Doc: "// Create expresses the intent to create a binary identified by the\n// object name suffix consisting of the given number of parts. The\n// mediaInfo argument contains metadata for the binary. If the suffix\n// identifies a binary that has already been created, the method\n// returns an error.",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"nparts", ``}, // int32
{"mediaInfo", ``}, // MediaInfo
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Write"))},
Name: "Delete",
Doc: "// Delete deletes the binary identified by the object name\n// suffix. If the binary that has not been created, the method\n// returns an error.",
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Write"))},
Name: "Download",
Doc: "// Download opens a stream that can used for downloading the given\n// part of the binary identified by the object name suffix. If the\n// binary part has not been uploaded, the method returns an\n// error. If the Delete() method is invoked when the Download()\n// method is in progress, the outcome the Download() method is\n// undefined.",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"part", ``}, // int32
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Read"))},
Name: "DownloadUrl",
Doc: "// DownloadUrl returns a transient URL from which the binary\n// identified by the object name suffix can be downloaded using the\n// HTTP protocol. If not all parts of the binary have been uploaded,\n// the method returns an error.",
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"url", ``}, // string
{"ttl", ``}, // int64
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Read"))},
Name: "Stat",
Doc: "// Stat returns information describing the parts of the binary\n// identified by the object name suffix, and its RFC 2046 media type.\n// If the binary has not been created, the method returns an error.",
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"Parts", ``}, // []binary.PartInfo
{"MediaInfo", ``}, // MediaInfo
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Read"))},
Name: "Upload",
Doc: "// Upload opens a stream that can be used for uploading the given\n// part of the binary identified by the object name suffix. If the\n// binary has not been created, the method returns an error. If the\n// binary part has been uploaded, the method returns an error. If\n// the same binary part is being uploaded by another caller, the\n// method returns an error.",
InArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"part", ``}, // int32
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Write"))},
// BinaryDownloadServerStream is the server stream for Binary.Download.
type BinaryDownloadServerStream interface {
// SendStream returns the send side of the Binary.Download server stream.
SendStream() interface {
// Send places the item onto the output stream. Returns errors encountered
// while sending. Blocks if there is no buffer space; will unblock when
// buffer space is available.
Send(item []byte) error
// BinaryDownloadServerCall represents the context passed to Binary.Download.
type BinaryDownloadServerCall interface {
// BinaryDownloadServerCallStub is a wrapper that converts rpc.StreamServerCall into
// a typesafe stub that implements BinaryDownloadServerCall.
type BinaryDownloadServerCallStub struct {
// Init initializes BinaryDownloadServerCallStub from rpc.StreamServerCall.
func (s *BinaryDownloadServerCallStub) Init(call rpc.StreamServerCall) {
s.StreamServerCall = call
// SendStream returns the send side of the Binary.Download server stream.
func (s *BinaryDownloadServerCallStub) SendStream() interface {
Send(item []byte) error
} {
return implBinaryDownloadServerCallSend{s}
type implBinaryDownloadServerCallSend struct {
s *BinaryDownloadServerCallStub
func (s implBinaryDownloadServerCallSend) Send(item []byte) error {
return s.s.Send(item)
// BinaryUploadServerStream is the server stream for Binary.Upload.
type BinaryUploadServerStream interface {
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the Binary.Upload server stream.
RecvStream() interface {
// Advance stages an item so that it may be retrieved via Value. Returns
// true iff there is an item to retrieve. Advance must be called before
// Value is called. May block if an item is not available.
Advance() bool
// Value returns the item that was staged by Advance. May panic if Advance
// returned false or was not called. Never blocks.
Value() []byte
// Err returns any error encountered by Advance. Never blocks.
Err() error
// BinaryUploadServerCall represents the context passed to Binary.Upload.
type BinaryUploadServerCall interface {
// BinaryUploadServerCallStub is a wrapper that converts rpc.StreamServerCall into
// a typesafe stub that implements BinaryUploadServerCall.
type BinaryUploadServerCallStub struct {
valRecv []byte
errRecv error
// Init initializes BinaryUploadServerCallStub from rpc.StreamServerCall.
func (s *BinaryUploadServerCallStub) Init(call rpc.StreamServerCall) {
s.StreamServerCall = call
// RecvStream returns the receiver side of the Binary.Upload server stream.
func (s *BinaryUploadServerCallStub) RecvStream() interface {
Advance() bool
Value() []byte
Err() error
} {
return implBinaryUploadServerCallRecv{s}
type implBinaryUploadServerCallRecv struct {
s *BinaryUploadServerCallStub
func (s implBinaryUploadServerCallRecv) Advance() bool {
s.s.errRecv = s.s.Recv(&s.s.valRecv)
return s.s.errRecv == nil
func (s implBinaryUploadServerCallRecv) Value() []byte {
return s.s.valRecv
func (s implBinaryUploadServerCallRecv) Err() error {
if s.s.errRecv == io.EOF {
return nil
return s.s.errRecv
// ProfileClientMethods is the client interface
// containing Profile methods.
// Profile abstracts a device's ability to run binaries, and hides
// specifics such as the operating system, hardware architecture, and
// the set of installed libraries. Profiles describe binaries and
// devices, and are used to match them.
type ProfileClientMethods interface {
// Label is the human-readable profile key for the profile,
// e.g. "linux-media". The label can be used to uniquely identify
// the profile (for the purpose of matching application binaries and
// devices).
Label(*context.T, ...rpc.CallOpt) (string, error)
// Description is a free-text description of the profile, meant for
// human consumption.
Description(*context.T, ...rpc.CallOpt) (string, error)
// ProfileClientStub adds universal methods to ProfileClientMethods.
type ProfileClientStub interface {
// ProfileClient returns a client stub for Profile.
func ProfileClient(name string) ProfileClientStub {
return implProfileClientStub{name}
type implProfileClientStub struct {
name string
func (c implProfileClientStub) Label(ctx *context.T, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (o0 string, err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "Label", nil, []interface{}{&o0}, opts...)
func (c implProfileClientStub) Description(ctx *context.T, opts ...rpc.CallOpt) (o0 string, err error) {
err = v23.GetClient(ctx).Call(ctx,, "Description", nil, []interface{}{&o0}, opts...)
// ProfileServerMethods is the interface a server writer
// implements for Profile.
// Profile abstracts a device's ability to run binaries, and hides
// specifics such as the operating system, hardware architecture, and
// the set of installed libraries. Profiles describe binaries and
// devices, and are used to match them.
type ProfileServerMethods interface {
// Label is the human-readable profile key for the profile,
// e.g. "linux-media". The label can be used to uniquely identify
// the profile (for the purpose of matching application binaries and
// devices).
Label(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) (string, error)
// Description is a free-text description of the profile, meant for
// human consumption.
Description(*context.T, rpc.ServerCall) (string, error)
// ProfileServerStubMethods is the server interface containing
// Profile methods, as expected by rpc.Server.
// There is no difference between this interface and ProfileServerMethods
// since there are no streaming methods.
type ProfileServerStubMethods ProfileServerMethods
// ProfileServerStub adds universal methods to ProfileServerStubMethods.
type ProfileServerStub interface {
// Describe the Profile interfaces.
Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc
// ProfileServer returns a server stub for Profile.
// It converts an implementation of ProfileServerMethods into
// an object that may be used by rpc.Server.
func ProfileServer(impl ProfileServerMethods) ProfileServerStub {
stub := implProfileServerStub{
impl: impl,
// Initialize GlobState; always check the stub itself first, to handle the
// case where the user has the Glob method defined in their VDL source.
if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(stub); gs != nil { = gs
} else if gs := rpc.NewGlobState(impl); gs != nil { = gs
return stub
type implProfileServerStub struct {
impl ProfileServerMethods
gs *rpc.GlobState
func (s implProfileServerStub) Label(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) (string, error) {
return s.impl.Label(ctx, call)
func (s implProfileServerStub) Description(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) (string, error) {
return s.impl.Description(ctx, call)
func (s implProfileServerStub) Globber() *rpc.GlobState {
func (s implProfileServerStub) Describe__() []rpc.InterfaceDesc {
return []rpc.InterfaceDesc{ProfileDesc}
// ProfileDesc describes the Profile interface.
var ProfileDesc rpc.InterfaceDesc = descProfile
// descProfile hides the desc to keep godoc clean.
var descProfile = rpc.InterfaceDesc{
Name: "Profile",
PkgPath: "",
Doc: "// Profile abstracts a device's ability to run binaries, and hides\n// specifics such as the operating system, hardware architecture, and\n// the set of installed libraries. Profiles describe binaries and\n// devices, and are used to match them.",
Methods: []rpc.MethodDesc{
Name: "Label",
Doc: "// Label is the human-readable profile key for the profile,\n// e.g. \"linux-media\". The label can be used to uniquely identify\n// the profile (for the purpose of matching application binaries and\n// devices).",
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"", ``}, // string
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Read"))},
Name: "Description",
Doc: "// Description is a free-text description of the profile, meant for\n// human consumption.",
OutArgs: []rpc.ArgDesc{
{"", ``}, // string
Tags: []*vdl.Value{vdl.ValueOf(access.Tag("Read"))},