blob: 83c17aaad24b421983835160efcc301e101a9a93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vdl
import (
// Target represents a generic conversion target; objects that implement this
// interface may be used as the target of a value conversion. E.g.
// ReflectTarget and ValueTarget create targets based on an underlying
// reflect.Value or Value respectively. Other implementations of this
// interface include vom encoding targets, that produce binary and JSON vom
// encodings.
type Target interface {
// FromBool converts from the src bool to the target, where tt represents the
// concrete type of bool.
FromBool(src bool, tt *Type) error
// FromUint converts from the src uint to the target, where tt represents the
// concrete type of uint.
FromUint(src uint64, tt *Type) error
// FromInt converts from the src int to the target, where tt represents the
// concrete type of int.
FromInt(src int64, tt *Type) error
// FromFloat converts from the src float to the target, where tt represents
// the concrete type of float.
FromFloat(src float64, tt *Type) error
// FromComplex converts from the src complex to the target, where tt
// represents the concrete type of complex.
FromComplex(src complex128, tt *Type) error
// FromBytes converts from the src bytes to the target, where tt represents
// the concrete type of bytes.
FromBytes(src []byte, tt *Type) error
// FromString converts from the src string to the target, where tt represents
// the concrete type of string.
FromString(src string, tt *Type) error
// FromEnumLabel converts from the src enum label to the target, where tt
// represents the concrete type of enum.
FromEnumLabel(src string, tt *Type) error
// FromTypeObject converts from the src type to the target.
FromTypeObject(src *Type) error
// FromNil converts from a nil (nonexistent) value of type tt, where tt must
// be of kind Optional or Any.
FromNil(tt *Type) error
// StartList prepares conversion from a list or array of type tt, with the
// given len. FinishList must be called to finish the list.
StartList(tt *Type, len int) (ListTarget, error)
// FinishList finishes a prior StartList call.
FinishList(x ListTarget) error
// StartSet prepares conversion from a set of type tt, with the given len.
// FinishSet must be called to finish the set.
StartSet(tt *Type, len int) (SetTarget, error)
// FinishSet finishes a prior StartSet call.
FinishSet(x SetTarget) error
// StartMap prepares conversion from a map of type tt, with the given len.
// FinishMap must be called to finish the map.
StartMap(tt *Type, len int) (MapTarget, error)
// FinishMap finishes a prior StartMap call.
FinishMap(x MapTarget) error
// StartFields prepares conversion from a struct or union of type tt.
// FinishFields must be called to finish the fields.
StartFields(tt *Type) (FieldsTarget, error)
// FinishFields finishes a prior StartFields call.
FinishFields(x FieldsTarget) error
// ListTarget represents conversion from a list or array.
type ListTarget interface {
// StartElem prepares conversion of the next list elem. The given index must
// start at 0, and be incremented by one by each successive StartElem call.
// FinishElem must be called to finish the elem.
// TODO(toddw): Remove index?
StartElem(index int) (elem Target, _ error)
// FinishElem finishes a prior StartElem call.
FinishElem(elem Target) error
// SetTarget represents conversion from a set.
type SetTarget interface {
// StartKey prepares conversion of the next set key. FinishKey must be called
// to finish the key.
StartKey() (key Target, _ error)
// FinishKey finishes a prior StartKey call. ErrFieldNoExist indicates the
// key doesn't exist on the target.
FinishKey(key Target) error
// MapTarget represents conversion from a map.
type MapTarget interface {
// StartKey prepares conversion of the next map key. FinishKeyStartField must
// be called to finish the key.
StartKey() (key Target, _ error)
// FinishKeyStartField finishes a prior StartKey call, and starts the
// associated field. ErrFieldNoExist indicates the key doesn't exist on the
// target.
FinishKeyStartField(key Target) (field Target, _ error)
// FinishField finishes a prior FinishKeyStartField call.
FinishField(key, field Target) error
// FieldsTarget represents conversion from struct or union fields.
type FieldsTarget interface {
// StartField prepares conversion of the field with the given name.
// FinishField must be called to finish the field. ErrFieldNoExist indicates
// the field name doesn't exist on the target.
StartField(name string) (key, field Target, _ error)
// FinishField finishes a prior StartField call.
FinishField(key, field Target) error
// Convert converts from src to target - it is a helper for calling
// ReflectTarget(reflect.ValueOf(target)).FromReflect(reflect.ValueOf(src)).
func Convert(target, src interface{}) error {
rtarget, err := ReflectTarget(reflect.ValueOf(target))
if err != nil {
return err
return FromReflect(rtarget, reflect.ValueOf(src))
// ValueOf returns the value corresponding to v. It's a helper for calling
// ValueFromReflect, and panics on any errors.
func ValueOf(v interface{}) *Value {
vv, err := ValueFromReflect(reflect.ValueOf(v))
if err != nil {
return vv
// ValueFromReflect returns the value corresponding to rv.
func ValueFromReflect(rv reflect.Value) (*Value, error) {
var result *Value
target, err := ReflectTarget(reflect.ValueOf(&result))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := FromReflect(target, rv); err != nil {
return nil, err
return result, nil
// stringable exists to avoid a call to reflect.Call() to invoke String()
// which results in an allocation
type stringable interface {
String() string
// nameable exists to avoid a call to reflect.Call() to invoke Name()
// which results in an allocation
type nameable interface {
Name() string
// FromReflect converts from rv to the target, by walking through rv and calling
// the appropriate methods on the target.
func FromReflect(target Target, rv reflect.Value) error {
// Special-case to treat interface{}(nil) as any(nil).
if !rv.IsValid() {
return target.FromNil(AnyType)
// Flatten pointers and interfaces in rv, and handle special-cases. We track
// whether the final flattened value had any pointers via hasPtr, in order to
// track optional types correctly.
hasPtr := false
for rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || rv.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
// Handle special-case for errors.
if rv.Type().ConvertibleTo(rtError) && !rv.IsNil() {
return fromError(target, rv)
// Handle marshaling from native type to wire type.
if ni := nativeInfoFromNative(rv.Type()); ni != nil {
newWire := reflect.New(ni.WireType)
if err := ni.FromNative(newWire, rv); err != nil {
return err
if hasPtr {
return FromReflect(target, newWire)
return FromReflect(target, newWire.Elem())
hasPtr = rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr
switch rt := rv.Type(); {
case rv.IsNil():
tt, err := TypeFromReflect(rv.Type())
if err != nil {
return err
switch {
case tt.Kind() == TypeObject:
// Treat nil *Type as AnyType.
return target.FromTypeObject(AnyType)
case tt.Kind() == Union && rt.Kind() == reflect.Interface:
// Treat nil Union interface as the value of the type at index 0.
return FromValue(target, ZeroValue(tt))
return target.FromNil(tt)
case rt.ConvertibleTo(rtPtrToType):
// If rv is convertible to *Type, fill from it directly.
return target.FromTypeObject(rv.Convert(rtPtrToType).Interface().(*Type))
case rt.ConvertibleTo(rtPtrToValue):
// If rv is convertible to *Value, fill from it directly.
return FromValue(target, rv.Convert(rtPtrToValue).Interface().(*Value))
rv = rv.Elem()
// Handle special-case for errors.
if rv.Type().ConvertibleTo(rtError) {
return fromError(target, rv)
// Handle marshaling from native type to wire type.
if ni := nativeInfoFromNative(rv.Type()); ni != nil {
newWire := reflect.New(ni.WireType)
if err := ni.FromNative(newWire, rv); err != nil {
return err
if hasPtr {
return FromReflect(target, newWire)
return FromReflect(target, newWire.Elem())
// Initialize type information. The optionality is a bit tricky. Both rt and
// rv refer to the flattened value, with no pointers or interfaces. But tt
// refers to the optional type, iff the original value had a pointer. This is
// required so that each of the Target.From* methods can get full type
// information, including optionality.
rt := rv.Type()
tt, err := TypeFromReflect(rv.Type())
if err != nil {
return err
ttFrom := tt
if tt.CanBeOptional() && hasPtr {
ttFrom = OptionalType(tt)
// Recursive walk through the reflect value to fill in target.
// First handle special-cases enum and union. Note that TypeFromReflect
// has already validated the methods, so we can call without error checking.
switch tt.Kind() {
case Enum:
label := rv.Interface().(stringable).String()
return target.FromEnumLabel(label, ttFrom)
case Union:
// We're guaranteed rv is the concrete field struct.
name := rv.Interface().(nameable).Name()
fieldsTarget, err := target.StartFields(ttFrom)
if err != nil {
return err
key, field, err := fieldsTarget.StartField(name)
if err != nil {
return err // no ErrFieldNoExist special-case; union field is required
// Grab the "Value" field of the concrete field struct.
rvFieldValue := rv.Field(0)
if err := FromReflect(field, rvFieldValue); err != nil {
return err
if err := fieldsTarget.FinishField(key, field); err != nil {
return err
return target.FinishFields(fieldsTarget)
// Now handle special-case bytes.
if isRTBytes(rt) {
return target.FromBytes(rtBytes(rv), ttFrom)
// Handle standard kinds.
switch rt.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
return target.FromBool(rv.Bool(), ttFrom)
case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uintptr:
return target.FromUint(rv.Uint(), ttFrom)
case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Int:
return target.FromInt(rv.Int(), ttFrom)
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return target.FromFloat(rv.Float(), ttFrom)
case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
return target.FromComplex(rv.Complex(), ttFrom)
case reflect.String:
return target.FromString(rv.String(), ttFrom)
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
listTarget, err := target.StartList(ttFrom, rv.Len())
if err != nil {
return err
for ix := 0; ix < rv.Len(); ix++ {
elem, err := listTarget.StartElem(ix)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := FromReflect(elem, rv.Index(ix)); err != nil {
return err
if err := listTarget.FinishElem(elem); err != nil {
return err
return target.FinishList(listTarget)
case reflect.Map:
if tt.Kind() == Set {
setTarget, err := target.StartSet(ttFrom, rv.Len())
if err != nil {
return err
for _, rvkey := range rv.MapKeys() {
key, err := setTarget.StartKey()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := FromReflect(key, rvkey); err != nil {
return err
switch err := setTarget.FinishKey(key); {
case err == ErrFieldNoExist:
continue // silently drop unknown fields
case err != nil:
return err
return target.FinishSet(setTarget)
mapTarget, err := target.StartMap(ttFrom, rv.Len())
if err != nil {
return err
for _, rvkey := range rv.MapKeys() {
key, err := mapTarget.StartKey()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := FromReflect(key, rvkey); err != nil {
return err
field, err := mapTarget.FinishKeyStartField(key)
switch {
case err == ErrFieldNoExist:
continue // silently drop unknown fields
case err != nil:
return err
if err := FromReflect(field, rv.MapIndex(rvkey)); err != nil {
return err
if err := mapTarget.FinishField(key, field); err != nil {
return err
return target.FinishMap(mapTarget)
case reflect.Struct:
fieldsTarget, err := target.StartFields(ttFrom)
if err != nil {
return err
// Loop through tt fields rather than rt fields, since the VDL type tt might
// have ignored some of the fields in rt, e.g. unexported fields.
for fx := 0; fx < tt.NumField(); fx++ {
name := tt.Field(fx).Name
key, field, err := fieldsTarget.StartField(name)
switch {
case err == ErrFieldNoExist:
continue // silently drop unknown fields
case err != nil:
return err
rvField := rv.FieldByName(name)
if !rvField.IsValid() {
// This case occurs if the VDL type tt has a field name that doesn't
// eixst in the Go reflect.Type rt. This should never occur; it
// indicates a bug in the TypeOf logic. Panic here to give us a
// stack trace to make it easier to debug.
panic(fmt.Errorf("missing struct field %q, tt: %v, rt: %v", name, tt, rt))
if err := FromReflect(field, rvField); err != nil {
return err
if err := fieldsTarget.FinishField(key, field); err != nil {
return err
return target.FinishFields(fieldsTarget)
return fmt.Errorf("FromReflect invalid type %v", rt)
// fromError handles all rv values that implement the error interface.
func fromError(target Target, rv reflect.Value) error {
// Convert to the WireError representation of rv.
ni, err := nativeInfoForError()
if err != nil {
return err
newWire := reflect.New(ni.WireType)
if err := ni.FromNative(newWire, rv); err != nil {
return err
// We know that rv is convertible to error; ensure we end up with the right
// optionality, in case target is an interface.
if rt := rv.Type(); rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && rt.Elem().ConvertibleTo(rtError) {
return FromReflect(target, newWire)
return FromReflect(target, newWire.Elem())
// FromValue converts from vv to the target, by walking through vv and calling
// the appropriate methods on the target.
func FromValue(target Target, vv *Value) error {
tt := vv.Type()
if tt.Kind() == Any {
if vv.IsNil() {
return target.FromNil(tt)
// Non-nil any simply converts from the elem.
vv = vv.Elem()
tt = vv.Type()
if tt.Kind() == Optional {
if vv.IsNil() {
return target.FromNil(tt)
// Non-nil optional is special - we keep tt as the optional type, but use
// the elem value for the actual value below.
vv = vv.Elem()
if vv.Type().IsBytes() {
return target.FromBytes(vv.Bytes(), tt)
switch vv.Kind() {
case Bool:
return target.FromBool(vv.Bool(), tt)
case Byte, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64:
return target.FromUint(vv.Uint(), tt)
case Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64:
return target.FromInt(vv.Int(), tt)
case Float32, Float64:
return target.FromFloat(vv.Float(), tt)
case Complex64, Complex128:
return target.FromComplex(vv.Complex(), tt)
case String:
return target.FromString(vv.RawString(), tt)
case Enum:
return target.FromEnumLabel(vv.EnumLabel(), tt)
case TypeObject:
return target.FromTypeObject(vv.TypeObject())
case Array, List:
listTarget, err := target.StartList(tt, vv.Len())
if err != nil {
return err
for ix := 0; ix < vv.Len(); ix++ {
elem, err := listTarget.StartElem(ix)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := FromValue(elem, vv.Index(ix)); err != nil {
return err
if err := listTarget.FinishElem(elem); err != nil {
return err
return target.FinishList(listTarget)
case Set:
setTarget, err := target.StartSet(tt, vv.Len())
if err != nil {
return err
for _, vvkey := range vv.Keys() {
key, err := setTarget.StartKey()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := FromValue(key, vvkey); err != nil {
return err
switch err := setTarget.FinishKey(key); {
case err == ErrFieldNoExist:
continue // silently drop unknown fields
case err != nil:
return err
return target.FinishSet(setTarget)
case Map:
mapTarget, err := target.StartMap(tt, vv.Len())
if err != nil {
return err
for _, vvkey := range vv.Keys() {
key, err := mapTarget.StartKey()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := FromValue(key, vvkey); err != nil {
return err
field, err := mapTarget.FinishKeyStartField(key)
switch {
case err == ErrFieldNoExist:
continue // silently drop unknown fields
case err != nil:
return err
if err := FromValue(field, vv.MapIndex(vvkey)); err != nil {
return err
if err := mapTarget.FinishField(key, field); err != nil {
return err
return target.FinishMap(mapTarget)
case Struct:
fieldsTarget, err := target.StartFields(tt)
if err != nil {
return err
for fx := 0; fx < vv.Type().NumField(); fx++ {
key, field, err := fieldsTarget.StartField(vv.Type().Field(fx).Name)
switch {
case err == ErrFieldNoExist:
continue // silently drop unknown fields
case err != nil:
return err
if err := FromValue(field, vv.StructField(fx)); err != nil {
return err
if err := fieldsTarget.FinishField(key, field); err != nil {
return err
return target.FinishFields(fieldsTarget)
case Union:
fieldsTarget, err := target.StartFields(tt)
if err != nil {
return err
fx, vvFieldValue := vv.UnionField()
key, field, err := fieldsTarget.StartField(vv.Type().Field(fx).Name)
if err != nil {
return err // no ErrFieldNoExist special-case; union field is required
if err := FromValue(field, vvFieldValue); err != nil {
return err
if err := fieldsTarget.FinishField(key, field); err != nil {
return err
return target.FinishFields(fieldsTarget)
panic(fmt.Errorf("FromValue unhandled %v %v", vv.Kind(), tt))