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  1. 366ddcd Update oncall rotation file by Jenkins Veyron · 8 years ago master
  2. bb53412 use lock to protect concurrent accesses to map by Mike Burrows · 8 years ago
  3. 81421cd Update oncall rotation file by Jenkins Veyron · 8 years ago
  4. 4c1d3c1 x/devtools: Add HLAPI Syncbase and Dice Roller Tests by Alex Fandrianto · 8 years ago
  5. 89ca367 Update oncall rotation file by Jenkins Veyron · 8 years ago

This repository contains developer tools used to install and contribute to Vanadium.

For more information, see the installation and contributing instructions.

This repository is fetched and the tools are built as part of the Vanadium installation process for contributors.