blob: e5c650c732a8ff0a0372ca32091e4c2f0191a907 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var hg = require('mercury');
var h = require('mercury').h;
var svg = require('virtual-dom/virtual-hyperscript/svg');
var Consts = require('../../constants');
var MouseMoveHandler = require('../../mousemove-handler.js');
var Util = require('../../util');
module.exports = create;
module.exports.render = render;
var tableRows = [
// Mounttable.
rowHeader: Consts.metricNames.MN_MOUNTTABLE,
columns: [
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_LATENCY,
label: 'LATENCY',
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_MOUNTTABLE,
threshold: 2000
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_QPS,
label: 'QPS',
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_MOUNTTABLE
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_METADATA,
label: 'BUILD AGE (h)',
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_MOUNTTABLE
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_COUNTERS,
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_MT_MOUNTED_SERVERS
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_COUNTERS,
label: 'NODES',
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_MT_NODES
// Roled.
rowHeader: Consts.metricNames.MN_ROLE,
columns: [
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_LATENCY,
label: 'LATENCY',
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_ROLE,
threshold: 2000
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_QPS,
label: 'QPS',
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_ROLE
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_METADATA,
label: 'BUILD AGE (h)',
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_ROLE
// Proxy.
rowHeader: Consts.metricNames.MN_PROXY,
columns: [
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_LATENCY,
label: 'LATENCY',
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_PROXY,
threshold: 2000
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_QPS,
label: 'QPS',
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_PROXY
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_METADATA,
label: 'BUILD AGE (h)',
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_PROXY
// Identityd.
rowHeader: Consts.metricNames.MN_IDENTITY,
columns: [
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_LATENCY,
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_MACAROON,
threshold: 2000
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_LATENCY,
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_BINARY_DISCHARGER,
threshold: 2000
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_QPS,
label: 'QPS',
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_IDENTITY
dataKey: Consts.dataKeys.DK_SERVICE_METADATA,
label: 'BUILD AGE (h)',
metricName: Consts.metricNames.MN_IDENTITY
/** Constructor. */
function create(data) {
if (!data) {
return null;
return hg.state({
// Raw data.
data: hg.struct(,
mouseOffsetFactor: hg.value(-1),
showMetricActionsPanel: hg.value(false),
channels: {
mouseMoveOnSparkline: mouseMoveOnSparkline,
mouseOutOfSparkline: mouseOutOfSparkline,
/** Callback for moving mouse on sparkline. */
function mouseMoveOnSparkline(state, data) {
/** Callback for moving mouse out of sparkline. */
function mouseOutOfSparkline(state) {
/** The main render function. */
function render(globalState, state) {
var data =;
var rows = {
var cols = {
// Create a column for a metric.
var colHeader = h('div.col-header', colData.label);
var metricsData = data[colData.dataKey][colData.metricName];
var sparkLines = {
// 100 is the default logical width of any svg graphs.
var points = '0,100 100,100';
if (metricData && metricData.HistoryTimestamps) {
points = Util.genPolylinePoints(
metricData.HistoryTimestamps, metricData.HistoryValues,
data.MinTime, data.MaxTime,
metricData.MinValue, metricData.MaxValue);
var curValue = Util.formatValue(metricData.CurrentValue);
// Handle error when getting time series.
var hasErrors = metricData.ErrMsg !== '';
var extraColMetricClass = '';
if (hasErrors) {
curValue = '?';
extraColMetricClass = '.err';
// Handle current value over threshold.
var overThreshold = (
colData.threshold && metricData.CurrentValue >= colData.threshold);
var thresholdValue = -1;
if (overThreshold) {
extraColMetricClass = '.unhealthy';
thresholdValue = (colData.threshold-metricData.MinValue)/
// Handle stale data.
var tsLen = metricData.HistoryTimestamps.length;
if (tsLen > 0) {
var lastTimestamp = metricData.HistoryTimestamps[tsLen - 1];
if (data.MaxTime - lastTimestamp > 600) {
extraColMetricClass = '.stale';
} else {
extraColMetricClass = '.unhealthy';
// Mouse line.
var extraCurValueClass = '';
var mouseOffset = 100 * state.mouseOffsetFactor;
if (!hasErrors && mouseOffset >= 0) {
curValue = Util.formatValue(Util.interpolateValue(
metricData.CurrentValue, state.mouseOffsetFactor,
metricData.HistoryTimestamps, metricData.HistoryValues));
extraCurValueClass = '.history';
return h('div.col-metric' + extraColMetricClass, {
'title': hasErrors ?
metricData.ErrMsg : metricData.Instance + ', ' + metricData.Zone,
'ev-click': hg.send(globalState.channels.mouseClickOnMetric, {
metricData: metricData,
serviceName: rowData.rowHeader
}, [
h('div.sparkline', {
'ev-mousemove': new MouseMoveHandler(
'ev-mouseout': hg.send(state.channels.mouseOutOfSparkline)
}, [
h('div.cur-value' + extraCurValueClass, [curValue])
var items = [colHeader];
items = items.concat(sparkLines);
return h('div.col', items);
cols.unshift(h('div.row-header', Consts.getDisplayName(rowData.rowHeader)));
return h('div.row', cols);
return h('div.status-table', rows);
* Renders sparkline for the given points.
* @param {string} points - A string in the form of "x1,y1 x2,y2 ...".
function renderSparkline(points) {
return svg('svg', {
'class': 'content',
'viewBox': '0 0 100 100',
'preserveAspectRatio': 'none'
}, [
svg('polyline', {'points': points}),
* Renders threshold line.
function renderThreshold(value) {
return svg('svg', {
'class': 'threshold',
'viewBox': '0 0 100 100',
'preserveAspectRatio': 'none'
}, [
svg('path', {
'd': 'M 0 ' + value + ' L 100 ' + value,
'stroke-dasharray': '2,2'
* Renders mouse line at the given offset.
* @param {Number} mouseOffset - The logical offset for the mouse line.
function renderMouseLine(mouseOffset) {
return svg('svg', {
'class': 'mouse-line',
'viewBox': '0 0 100 100',
'preserveAspectRatio': 'none'
}, [
svg('polyline', {
'points': mouseOffset + ',0 ' + mouseOffset + ',100'