blob: 22c39b100e62eaff3ef6606dfc030b59ece7471b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* App state manager.
var hg = require('mercury');
var qs = require('qs');
var url = require('url');
module.exports = {
init: init,
getAppState: getAppState,
setAppState: setAppState,
getCurState: getCurState,
* An observable to store app's state which will be encoded in url parameters.
var appState = hg.varhash({});
/** The default app state. */
var defaultAppState = {
// The level of view.
// - global: all (aggregated) metrics in all zones.
// - zone: all metrics in a specific zone.
// - instance: all metrics for a specific instance.
level: 'global',
// The data aggregation type for global view.
// In global view, each metric (e.g. nginx qps) in a certain zone might have
// multiple instances (e.g. multiple nginx workers). We need to aggregate data
// from all those instances to a single one.
// We currently support 'Max' and 'Average'.
globalLevelAggType: 'Max',
// The zone to show in the zone level.
zoneLevelZone: '',
// The type of metrics to show in the zone level.
// This could either be 'CloudServices' or 'Nginx'.
zoneLevelType: '',
// The instance to show in the instance level.
instanceLevelInstance: '',
// The zone of the instance in the instance level.
instanceLevelZone: ''
* A flag indicating whether to trigger history.pushState when
* app state changes.
var pushHistoryState = true;
* Sets up app state and its various event listeners.
* @param {callback} stateChangedListener - The callback that handles app state
* changes.
function init(stateChangedListener) {
// When appState changes, push the state to browser's history.
appState(function(data) {
if (pushHistoryState) {
var str = qs.stringify(data);
window.history.pushState(undefined, '',
window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '?' + str);
// Get the current state from url parameters.
var initState = qs.parse(url.parse(window.location.href).query);
// Fill in default values.
Object.keys(defaultAppState).forEach(function(key) {
if (!initState[key]) {
initState[key] = defaultAppState[key];
// When the history state changes, we update the appState observable
// which will trigger its change listener defined above.
window.addEventListener('popstate', function(event) {
// We don't want to mess with history states in this case.
pushHistoryState = false;
pushHistoryState = true;
* Gets an app state entry for the given name.
* @param {string} name - The name of the app state entry.
* @return {string}
function getAppState(name) {
return appState()[name];
* Sets app state.
* @param {Object} stateObj - The state object to set.
function setAppState(stateObj) {
var curState = appState();
Object.keys(stateObj).forEach(function(key) {
curState[key] = stateObj[key];
* Gets the current app state.
* @return {Object}
function getCurState() {
// For some reason, the object returned by appState() doesn't have
// Object.prototype as its prototype, which will cause issues in some other
// places. To workaround this, we return a cloned object which has
// Object.prototype.
var obj = {};
var curAppState = appState();
Object.keys(curAppState).forEach(function(key) {
obj[key] = curAppState[key];
return obj;