blob: a58cdb3db45690d2631f846432dfa5d4e16c9093 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build java android
package channel
import (
jutil ""
// #include "jni.h"
import "C"
// JavaInputChannel converts the provided Go channel of C.jobject values into a Java
// InputChannel object.
// NOTE: Because CGO creates package-local types and because this method may be
// invoked from a different package, Java types are passed in an empty interface
// and then cast into their package local types.
func JavaInputChannel(jEnv, chPtr, sourceChanPtr interface{}) (unsafe.Pointer, error) {
jInputChannel, err := jutil.NewObject(jEnv, jInputChannelImplClass, []jutil.Sign{jutil.LongSign, jutil.LongSign}, int64(jutil.PtrValue(chPtr)), int64(jutil.PtrValue(sourceChanPtr)))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
jutil.GoRef(chPtr) // Un-refed when the InputChannel is finalized.
jutil.GoRef(sourceChanPtr) // Un-refed when the InputChannel is finalized.
return jInputChannel, nil
// outputChannel represents the Go-side of a Java OutputChannel. Each time the
// Java side writes an object, the ReadFunc will be called. If the ReadFunc
// returns an error, an exception will be raised on the Java side.
type outputChannel struct {
// ReadFunc is invoked when a C.jobject has been read from Java. The
// input to the function is guaranteed to be of type C.jobject; it is
// represented as an interface{} only because C.jobject is not
// exported.
// The C.jobject passed to this function is globally referenced. It is
// required that the ReadFunc implementation delete the global
// reference via Failure to do so will
// result in a reference leak.
// If the ReadFunc implementation returns an error, that error will be
// passed back to the Java writer in the form of a VException to the
// OutputChannel.writeValue() method.
ReadFunc func(interface{}) error
// CloseFunc is invoked when the Java side has closed its OutputChannel
// and no more values will be written.
// If CloseFunc returns an error, that error will be passed back to the
// Java side in the form of a VException OutputChannel.close() method.
CloseFunc func() error
// JavaOutputChannel converts the provided Go channel of C.jobject values into
// a Java OutputChannel object.
// NOTE: Because CGO creates package-local types and because this method may be
// invoked from a different package, Java types are passed in an empty interface
// and then cast into their package local types.
func JavaOutputChannel(jEnv interface{}, readFunc func(interface{}) error, closeFunc func() error) (unsafe.Pointer, error) {
outCh := outputChannel{
ReadFunc: readFunc,
CloseFunc: closeFunc,
jOutputChannel, err := jutil.NewObject(jEnv, jOutputChannelImplClass, []jutil.Sign{jutil.LongSign}, int64(jutil.PtrValue(&outCh)))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
jutil.GoRef(&outCh) // Un-refed when the OutputChannel is finalized.
return jOutputChannel, nil