blob: b9b3bee78e48adcb15391ac238f8fbebeedd59be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build java android
package channel
import (
jutil ""
// #include "jni.h"
import "C"
var (
// Global reference for class.
jChannelIterableClass jutil.Class
// Global reference for class.
jOutputChannelImplClass jutil.Class
// Global reference for class.
jEOFExceptionClass jutil.Class
// Init initializes the JNI code with the given Java environment. This method
// must be invoked before any other method in this package and must be called
// from the main Java thread (e.g., On_Load()).
func Init(env jutil.Env) error {
var err error
jChannelIterableClass, err = jutil.JFindClass(env, "io/v/impl/google/channel/ChannelIterable")
if err != nil {
return err
jOutputChannelImplClass, err = jutil.JFindClass(env, "io/v/impl/google/channel/OutputChannelImpl")
if err != nil {
return err
jEOFExceptionClass, err = jutil.JFindClass(env, "java/io/EOFException")
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
//export Java_io_v_impl_google_channel_ChannelIterable_nativeReadValue
func Java_io_v_impl_google_channel_ChannelIterable_nativeReadValue(jenv *C.JNIEnv, jChannelIterable C.jobject, goValChanPtr C.jlong, goErrChanPtr C.jlong) C.jobject {
env := jutil.Env(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(jenv)))
valCh := *(*chan jutil.Object)(jutil.NativePtr(goValChanPtr))
errCh := *(*chan error)(jutil.NativePtr(goErrChanPtr))
if jObj, ok := <-valCh; ok {
jObjLocal := jutil.NewLocalRef(env, jObj)
jutil.DeleteGlobalRef(env, jObj)
return C.jobject(unsafe.Pointer(jObjLocal))
// No more results, figure out if gracefully or due to an error.
err, ok := <-errCh
if !ok { // gracefully
jutil.JThrow(env, jEOFExceptionClass, "Channel closed.")
} else { // error
jutil.JThrowV(env, err)
return nil
//export Java_io_v_impl_google_channel_ChannelIterable_nativeFinalize
func Java_io_v_impl_google_channel_ChannelIterable_nativeFinalize(jenv *C.JNIEnv, jChannelIterable C.jobject, goValChanPtr C.jlong, goErrChanPtr C.jlong, goSourceChanPtr C.jlong) {
//export Java_io_v_impl_google_channel_OutputChannelImpl_nativeWriteValue
func Java_io_v_impl_google_channel_OutputChannelImpl_nativeWriteValue(jenv *C.JNIEnv, jOutputChannelClass C.jclass, goChanPtr C.jlong, jObject C.jobject) {
env := jutil.Env(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(jenv)))
outCh := *(*outputChannel)(jutil.NativePtr(goChanPtr))
// The other side of the channel is responsible for deleting this
// global reference.
if err := outCh.ReadFunc(jutil.NewGlobalRef(env, jutil.Object(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(jObject))))); err != nil {
jutil.JThrowV(env, fmt.Errorf("Exception while writing to OutputChannel: %+v", err))
//export Java_io_v_impl_google_channel_OutputChannelImpl_nativeClose
func Java_io_v_impl_google_channel_OutputChannelImpl_nativeClose(jenv *C.JNIEnv, jOutputChannelClass C.jclass, goChanPtr C.jlong) {
env := jutil.Env(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(jenv)))
outCh := *(*outputChannel)(jutil.NativePtr(goChanPtr))
if err := outCh.CloseFunc(); err != nil {
jutil.JThrowV(env, fmt.Errorf("Exception while closing OutputChannel: %+v", err))
//export Java_io_v_impl_google_channel_OutputChannelImpl_nativeFinalize
func Java_io_v_impl_google_channel_OutputChannelImpl_nativeFinalize(jenv *C.JNIEnv, jOutputChannelClass C.jclass, goChanPtr C.jlong) {