blob: 04810086f12af9e9479f006dec9cb7a60ecab505 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build java android
// Package util provides various JNI utilities shared across our JNI code.
package util
import (
// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include "jni_wrapper.h"
// static jstring CallGetExceptionMessage(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jmethodID id) {
// return (jstring)(*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, obj, id);
// }
import "C"
type skipOptionType struct{}
var (
// Global reference for io.v.v23.vom.VomUtil class.
jVomUtilClass Class
// Global reference for io.v.v23.verror.VException class.
jVExceptionClass Class
// Global reference for io.v.v23.verror.VException$ActionCode class.
jActionCodeClass Class
// Global reference for io.v.v23.verror.VException$IDAction class.
jIDActionClass Class
// Global reference for io.v.v23.vdl.VdlValue class.
jVdlValueClass Class
// Global reference for io.v.v23.vdl.VdlTypeObject class.
jVdlTypeObjectClass Class
// Global reference for org.joda.time.DateTime class.
jDateTimeClass Class
// Global reference for org.joda.time.Duration class.
jDurationClass Class
// Global reference for java.util.Arrays class
jArraysClass Class
// Global reference for java.util.ArrayList class.
jArrayListClass Class
// Global reference for java.lang.Throwable class.
jThrowableClass Class
// Global reference for java.lang.System class.
jSystemClass Class
// Global reference for java.lang.Object class.
jObjectClass Class
// Global reference for java.lang.String class.
jStringClass Class
// Global reference for java.util.HashMap class.
jHashMapClass Class
// Global reference for class.
jHashMultimapClass Class
// Global reference for []byte class.
jByteArrayClass Class
// Cached Java VM.
jVM *C.JavaVM
// SkipOption is a special error that should be returned by the option
// processing function passed to GoOptions. It indicates that the
// option being processed should be skipped.
SkipOption = skipOptionType{}
func (skipOptionType) Error() string {
return "ignored option"
// Init initializes the JNI code with the given Java environment. This method
// must be invoked before any other method in this package and must be called
// from the main Java thread (e.g., On_Load()).
func Init(env Env) error {
var err error
jVomUtilClass, err = JFindClass(env, "io/v/v23/vom/VomUtil")
if err != nil {
return err
jVExceptionClass, err = JFindClass(env, "io/v/v23/verror/VException")
if err != nil {
return err
jActionCodeClass, err = JFindClass(env, "io/v/v23/verror/VException$ActionCode")
if err != nil {
return err
jIDActionClass, err = JFindClass(env, "io/v/v23/verror/VException$IDAction")
if err != nil {
return err
jVdlValueClass, err = JFindClass(env, "io/v/v23/vdl/VdlValue")
if err != nil {
return err
jVdlTypeObjectClass, err = JFindClass(env, "io/v/v23/vdl/VdlTypeObject")
if err != nil {
return err
jDateTimeClass, err = JFindClass(env, "org/joda/time/DateTime")
if err != nil {
return err
jDurationClass, err = JFindClass(env, "org/joda/time/Duration")
if err != nil {
return err
jArraysClass, err = JFindClass(env, "java/util/Arrays")
if err != nil {
return err
jArrayListClass, err = JFindClass(env, "java/util/ArrayList")
if err != nil {
return err
jThrowableClass, err = JFindClass(env, "java/lang/Throwable")
if err != nil {
return err
jSystemClass, err = JFindClass(env, "java/lang/System")
if err != nil {
return err
jObjectClass, err = JFindClass(env, "java/lang/Object")
if err != nil {
return err
jStringClass, err = JFindClass(env, "java/lang/String")
if err != nil {
return err
jHashMapClass, err = JFindClass(env, "java/util/HashMap")
if err != nil {
return err
jHashMultimapClass, err = JFindClass(env, "com/google/common/collect/HashMultimap")
if err != nil {
return err
jByteArrayClass, err = JFindClass(env, "[B")
if err != nil {
return err
if status := C.GetJavaVM(env.value(), &jVM); status != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get Java VM from the (Java) environment")
return nil
// CamelCase converts ThisString to thisString.
func CamelCase(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return ""
r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return string(unicode.ToLower(r)) + s[n:]
// UpperCamelCase converts thisString to ThisString.
func UpperCamelCase(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return ""
r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return string(unicode.ToUpper(r)) + s[n:]
// GoString returns a Go string given the Java string.
func GoString(env Env, str Object) string {
if str.IsNull() {
return ""
cString := C.GetStringUTFChars(env.value(), C.jstring(str.value()), nil)
defer C.ReleaseStringUTFChars(env.value(), C.jstring(str.value()), cString)
return C.GoString(cString)
// GetClass returns the class of the given object.
func GetClass(env Env, obj Object) Class {
return WrapClass(C.GetObjectClass(env.value(), obj.value()))
var envRefs = newSafeRefCounter()
// GetEnv returns the Java environment for the running thread, creating a new
// one if it doesn't already exist. This method also returns a function which
// must be invoked when the returned environment is no longer needed. The
// returned environment can only be used by the thread that invoked this method,
// and the function must be invoked by the same thread as well.
func GetEnv() (env Env, free func()) {
// Lock the goroutine to the current OS thread. This is necessary as
// *C.JNIEnv must not be shared across threads. The scenario that can break
// this requrement is:
// - goroutine A executing on thread X, obtaining a *C.JNIEnv pointer P.
// - goroutine A gets re-scheduled on thread Y, maintaining the pointer P.
// - goroutine B starts executing on thread X, obtaining pointer P.
// By locking the goroutines to their OS thread while they hold the pointer
// to *C.JNIEnv, the above scenario can never occur.
var jenv *C.JNIEnv
if C.GetEnv(jVM, &jenv, C.JNI_VERSION_1_6) != C.JNI_OK {
// Couldn't get env - attach the thread. Note that we never detach
// the thread so the next call to GetEnv on this thread will succeed.
C.AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon(jVM, &jenv, nil)
env = WrapEnv(jenv)
//env := Env{jenv}
// GetEnv is called by Go code that wishes to call Java methods. In
// this case, JNI cannot automatically free unused local refererences.
// We must do it manually by pushing a new local reference frame. The
// frame will be popped in the env's cleanup function below, at which
// point JNI will free the unused references.
// states
// that the JNI implementation is only required to provide a local
// reference table with a capacity of 16, so here we provide a table of
// that size.
localRefCapacity := 16
if newCapacity := PushLocalFrame(env, localRefCapacity); newCapacity < 0 {
panic("PushLocalFrame(" + string(localRefCapacity) + ") returned < 0 (was " + string(newCapacity) + ")")
// Reference-count *env. This is necessary to make GetEnv() re-entrant:
// same goroutine should be allowed to call GetEnv() multiple times and
// the OS thread should only be released after the last call to the free
// function.
return env, func() {
PopLocalFrame(env, NullObject)
if envRefs.unref(jenv) == 0 {
// Last call to free the env out of possibly many successive
// GetEnv() calls by the same goroutine: it is now safe to release
// the thread.
// IsInstanceOf returns true iff the provided Java object is an instance of the
// provided Java class.
func IsInstanceOf(env Env, obj Object, class Class) bool {
return C.IsInstanceOf(env.value(), obj.value(), class.value()) == C.JNI_TRUE
// JString returns a Java string given the Go string.
func JString(env Env, str string) Object {
cString := C.CString(str)
return WrapObject(C.NewStringUTF(env.value(), cString))
// JThrow throws a new Java exception of the provided type with the given message.
func JThrow(env Env, class Class, msg string) {
s := C.CString(msg)
C.ThrowNew(env.value(), class.value(), s)
// JThrowV throws a new Java VException corresponding to the given error.
func JThrowV(env Env, err error) {
if err == nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't throw exception: nil error")
obj, e := JVomCopy(env, err, jVExceptionClass)
if e != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't throw exception %q: %v", err, e)
C.Throw(env.value(), C.jthrowable(obj.value()))
// JVException returns the Java VException given the Go error.
func JVException(env Env, err error) (Object, error) {
if err == nil {
return NullObject, nil
return JVomCopy(env, err, jVExceptionClass)
// JExceptionMsg returns the exception message as a Go error, if an exception
// occurred, or nil otherwise.
func JExceptionMsg(env Env) error {
eObj := WrapObject(C.ExceptionOccurred(env.value()))
if eObj.IsNull() { // no exception
return nil
if IsInstanceOf(env, eObj, jVExceptionClass) {
// VException: convert it into a verror.
// Note that we can't use CallStaticObjectMethod below as it may lead to
// an infinite loop.
jmid, jArgArr, freeFunc, err := setupStaticMethodCall(env, jVomUtilClass, "encode", []Sign{ObjectSign, TypeSign}, ByteArraySign, eObj, jVExceptionClass)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error converting VException: " + err.Error())
defer freeFunc()
dataObj := C.CallStaticObjectMethodA(env.value(), jVomUtilClass.value(), jmid, jArgArr)
if e := C.ExceptionOccurred(env.value()); e != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error converting VException: exception during VomUtil.encode()")
data := GoByteArray(env, WrapObject(dataObj))
var verr error
if err := vom.Decode(data, &verr); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error converting VException: " + err.Error())
return verr
// Not a VException: convert it into a Go error.
// Note that we can't use CallObjectMethod below, as it may lead to an
// infinite loop.
jmid, jArgArr, freeFunc, err := setupMethodCall(env, eObj, "getMessage", nil, StringSign)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error converting exception: " + err.Error())
defer freeFunc()
strObj := C.CallObjectMethodA(env.value(), eObj.value(), jmid, jArgArr)
if e := C.ExceptionOccurred(env.value()); e != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error converting exception: exception during Throwable.getMessage()")
return errors.New(GoString(env, WrapObject(strObj)))
// JObjectField returns the value of the provided Java object's Object field, or
// error if the field value couldn't be retrieved.
func JObjectField(env Env, obj Object, field string, sign Sign) (Object, error) {
fid, err := jFieldID(env, GetClass(env, obj), field, sign)
if err != nil {
return NullObject, err
return WrapObject(C.GetObjectField(env.value(), obj.value(), fid)), nil
// JBoolField returns the value of the provided Java object's boolean field, or
// error if the field value couldn't be retrieved.
func JBoolField(env Env, obj Object, field string) (bool, error) {
fid, err := jFieldID(env, GetClass(env, obj), field, BoolSign)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return C.GetBooleanField(env.value(), obj.value(), fid) != C.JNI_FALSE, nil
// JIntField returns the value of the provided Java object's int field, or
// error if the field value couldn't be retrieved.
func JIntField(env Env, obj Object, field string) (int, error) {
fid, err := jFieldID(env, GetClass(env, obj), field, IntSign)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
return int(C.GetIntField(env.value(), obj.value(), fid)), nil
// JStringField returns the value of the provided Java object's String field, or
// error if the field value couldn't be retrieved.
func JStringField(env Env, obj Object, field string) (string, error) {
strObj, err := JObjectField(env, obj, field, StringSign)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return GoString(env, strObj), nil
// JStringArrayField returns the value of the provided object's String[] field,
// or error if the field value couldn't be retrieved.
func JStringArrayField(env Env, obj Object, field string) ([]string, error) {
arrObj, err := JObjectField(env, obj, field, ArraySign(StringSign))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return GoStringArray(env, arrObj)
// JByteArrayField returns the value of the provided object's byte[] field, or
// error if the field value couldn't be retrieved.
func JByteArrayField(env Env, obj Object, field string) ([]byte, error) {
arrObj, err := JObjectField(env, obj, field, ArraySign(ByteSign))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return GoByteArray(env, arrObj), nil
// JByteArrayArrayField returns the value of the provided object's byte[][]
// field, or error if the field value couldn't be retrieved.
func JByteArrayArrayField(env Env, obj Object, field string) ([][]byte, error) {
arrObj, err := JObjectField(env, obj, field, ArraySign(ArraySign(ByteSign)))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return GoByteArrayArray(env, arrObj)
func JStaticObjectField(env Env, class Class, field string, sign Sign) (Object, error) {
fid, err := jStaticFieldID(env, class, field, sign)
if err != nil {
return NullObject, err
return WrapObject(C.GetStaticObjectField(env.value(), class.value(), fid)), nil
// JStaticStringField returns the value of the static String field of the
// provided Java class, or error if the field value couldn't be retrieved.
func JStaticStringField(env Env, class Class, field string) (string, error) {
strObj, err := JStaticObjectField(env, class, field, StringSign)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return GoString(env, strObj), nil
// JObjectArray converts the provided slice of objects into a Java object
// array of the provided element type.
func JObjectArray(env Env, arr []Object, elemClass Class) (Object, error) {
arrObj := C.NewObjectArray(env.value(), C.jsize(len(arr)), elemClass.value(), nil)
for i, elem := range arr {
C.SetObjectArrayElement(env.value(), arrObj, C.jsize(i), elem.value())
if err := JExceptionMsg(env); err != nil {
return NullObject, err
return WrapObject(arrObj), nil
// GoObjectArray converts a Java object array to a Go slice of Java objects.
func GoObjectArray(env Env, arr Object) ([]Object, error) {
if arr.IsNull() {
return nil, nil
length := int(C.GetArrayLength(env.value(), C.jarray(arr.value())))
ret := make([]Object, length)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
ret[i] = WrapObject(C.GetObjectArrayElement(env.value(), C.jobjectArray(arr.value()), C.jsize(i)))
if err := JExceptionMsg(env); err != nil {
// Out-of-bounds index.
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// JObjectList converts the provided slice of Java objects into a Java List
// of the provided element type.
func JObjectList(env Env, arr []Object, elemClass Class) (Object, error) {
arrObj, err := JObjectArray(env, arr, elemClass)
if err != nil {
return NullObject, err
listObj, err := CallStaticObjectMethod(env, jArraysClass, "asList", []Sign{ArraySign(ObjectSign)}, ListSign, arrObj)
if err != nil {
return NullObject, err
return NewObject(env, jArrayListClass, []Sign{CollectionSign}, listObj)
// GoObjectList converts the provided Java list of objects into a Go slice
// of Java objects.
func GoObjectList(env Env, list Object) ([]Object, error) {
if list.IsNull() {
return nil, nil
arrObj, err := CallObjectMethod(env, list, "toArray", nil, ArraySign(ObjectSign))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return GoObjectArray(env, arrObj)
// GoStringList converts the provided Java List<String> Strings into a Go slice of
// strings.
func GoStringList(env Env, list Object) ([]string, error) {
if list.IsNull() {
return nil, nil
strArr, err := GoObjectList(env, list)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := make([]string, len(strArr))
for i, strObj := range strArr {
ret[i] = GoString(env, strObj)
return ret, nil
// JStringArray converts the provided slice of Go strings into a Java array of
// strings.
func JStringArray(env Env, strs []string) (Object, error) {
strArr := make([]Object, len(strs))
for i, str := range strs {
strArr[i] = JString(env, str)
return JObjectArray(env, strArr, jStringClass)
// GoStringArray converts a Java string array to a Go string slice.
func GoStringArray(env Env, arr Object) ([]string, error) {
if arr.IsNull() {
return nil, nil
strArr, err := GoObjectArray(env, arr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := make([]string, len(strArr))
for i, strObj := range strArr {
ret[i] = GoString(env, strObj)
return ret, nil
// JByteArray converts the provided Go byte slice into a Java byte array.
func JByteArray(env Env, bytes []byte) (Object, error) {
arr := C.NewByteArray(env.value(), C.jsize(len(bytes)))
if len(bytes) > 0 {
C.SetByteArrayRegion(env.value(), arr, 0, C.jsize(len(bytes)), (*C.jbyte)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes[0])))
if err := JExceptionMsg(env); err != nil {
return NullObject, err
return WrapObject(arr), nil
// GoByteArray converts the provided Java byte array into a Go byte slice.
func GoByteArray(env Env, arr Object) (ret []byte) {
if arr.IsNull() {
return nil
length := int(C.GetArrayLength(env.value(), C.jarray(arr.value())))
ret = make([]byte, length)
bytes := C.GetByteArrayElements(env.value(), C.jbyteArray(arr.value()), nil)
defer C.ReleaseByteArrayElements(env.value(), C.jbyteArray(arr.value()), bytes, C.JNI_ABORT)
ptr := bytes
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
ret[i] = byte(*ptr)
ptr = (*C.jbyte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) + unsafe.Sizeof(*ptr)))
// GoLongArray converts the provided Java long array into a Go int64 slice.
func GoLongArray(env Env, arr Object) (ret []int64) {
if arr.IsNull() {
length := int(C.GetArrayLength(env.value(), C.jarray(arr.value())))
ret = make([]int64, length)
elems := C.GetLongArrayElements(env.value(), C.jlongArray(arr.value()), nil)
defer C.ReleaseLongArrayElements(env.value(), C.jlongArray(arr.value()), elems, C.JNI_ABORT)
ptr := elems
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
ret[i] = int64(*ptr)
ptr = (*C.jlong)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) + unsafe.Sizeof(*ptr)))
// JByteArrayArray converts the provided [][]byte value into a Java array of
// byte arrays.
func JByteArrayArray(env Env, arr [][]byte) (Object, error) {
objArr := make([]Object, len(arr))
for i, elem := range arr {
var err error
if objArr[i], err = JByteArray(env, elem); err != nil {
return NullObject, err
return JObjectArray(env, objArr, jByteArrayClass)
// GoByteArrayArray converts the provided Java array of byte arrays into a Go
// [][]byte value.
func GoByteArrayArray(env Env, arr Object) ([][]byte, error) {
objArr, err := GoObjectArray(env, arr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := make([][]byte, len(objArr))
for i, obj := range objArr {
ret[i] = GoByteArray(env, obj)
return ret, nil
// JVDLValueArray converts the provided Go slice of *vdl.Value values into a
// Java array of VdlValue objects.
func JVDLValueArray(env Env, arr []*vdl.Value) (Object, error) {
objArr := make([]Object, len(arr))
for i, val := range arr {
var err error
if objArr[i], err = JVomCopy(env, val, jVdlValueClass); err != nil {
return NullObject, err
return JObjectArray(env, objArr, jVdlValueClass)
// GoVDLValueArray converts the provided Java array of VdlValue objects into a
// Go slice of *vdl.Value values.
func GoVDLValueArray(env Env, arr Object) ([]*vdl.Value, error) {
objArr, err := GoObjectArray(env, arr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vals := make([]*vdl.Value, len(objArr))
for i, obj := range objArr {
var err error
if vals[i], err = GoVomCopyValue(env, obj); err != nil {
return nil, err
return vals, nil
// JObjectMap converts the provided Go map of Java objects into a Java
// object map.
func JObjectMap(env Env, m map[Object]Object) (Object, error) {
mapObj, err := NewObject(env, jHashMapClass, nil)
if err != nil {
return NullObject, err
for keyObj, valObj := range m {
if _, err := CallObjectMethod(env, mapObj, "put", []Sign{ObjectSign, ObjectSign}, ObjectSign, keyObj, valObj); err != nil {
return NullObject, err
return mapObj, nil
// GoObjectMap converts the provided Java object map into a Go map of Java
// objects.
func GoObjectMap(env Env, mapObj Object) (map[Object]Object, error) {
if mapObj.IsNull() {
return nil, nil
keysObj, err := CallObjectMethod(env, mapObj, "keySet", nil, SetSign)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keysArr, err := CallObjectArrayMethod(env, keysObj, "toArray", nil, ObjectSign)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := make(map[Object]Object)
for _, keyObj := range keysArr {
valObj, err := CallObjectMethod(env, mapObj, "get", []Sign{ObjectSign}, ObjectSign, keyObj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret[keyObj] = valObj
return ret, nil
// JObjectMultimap converts the provided Go map of Java objects into a Java
// object multimap.
func JObjectMultimap(env Env, goMap map[Object][]Object) (Object, error) {
mapObj, err := NewObject(env, jHashMultimapClass, nil)
if err != nil {
return NullObject, err
for keyObj, vals := range goMap {
for _, valObj := range vals {
if _, err := CallBooleanMethod(env, mapObj, "put", []Sign{ObjectSign, ObjectSign}, keyObj, valObj); err != nil {
return NullObject, err
return mapObj, nil
// GoObjectMultimap converts the provided Java Multimap object into a Go map
// of Java objects.
func GoObjectMultimap(env Env, multiMap Object) (map[Object][]Object, error) {
if multiMap.IsNull() {
return nil, nil
keysObj, err := CallObjectMethod(env, multiMap, "keySet", nil, SetSign)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keysArr, err := CallObjectArrayMethod(env, keysObj, "toArray", nil, ObjectSign)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := make(map[Object][]Object)
for _, keyObj := range keysArr {
valsObj, err := CallObjectMethod(env, multiMap, "get", []Sign{ObjectSign}, CollectionSign, keyObj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
valsArr, err := CallObjectArrayMethod(env, valsObj, "toArray", nil, ObjectSign)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret[keyObj] = valsArr
return ret, nil
// JFindClass returns the global reference to the Java class with the
// given pathname, or an error if the class cannot be found.
func JFindClass(env Env, name string) (Class, error) {
cName := C.CString(name)
class := C.FindClass(env.value(), cName)
if err := JExceptionMsg(env); err != nil || class == nil {
return NullClass, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find class %s: %v", name, err)
obj := NewGlobalRef(env, WrapObject(class))
return WrapClass(C.jclass(obj.value())), nil
// GoOptions converts a Java io.v.v23.Options instance into a slice of Go
// options (stored as interface{}).
// For each entry in the Java Option map, the user-supplied
// optionFunc is called to turn the entry into its corresponding Go option. It
// is up to the caller to cast the returned value to the appropriate Go type.
// If optionFunc returns a non-nil error, the err and a nil slice will be
// returned.
// The only exception to this rule is the special SkipOption error:
// if optionFunc returns this, the option will not be added to the result and
// option processing will continue.
func GoOptions(env Env, opts Object, optionFunc func(env Env, key string, opt Object) (interface{}, error)) ([]interface{}, error) {
if opts.IsNull() {
return []interface{}{}, nil
mapObj, err := CallMapMethod(env, opts, "asMap", []Sign{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var result []interface{}
for keyObj, valObj := range mapObj {
key := GoString(env, keyObj)
value, err := optionFunc(env, key, valObj)
if err == SkipOption {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result = append(result, value)
return result, nil
// JTime converts the provided Go time.Time value into a Java DateTime
// object.
func JTime(env Env, t time.Time) (Object, error) {
millis := t.UnixNano() / 1000000
return NewObject(env, jDateTimeClass, []Sign{LongSign}, millis)
// GoTime converts the provided Java DateTime object into a Go time.Time value.
func GoTime(env Env, timeObj Object) (time.Time, error) {
if timeObj.IsNull() {
return time.Time{}, nil
millis, err := CallLongMethod(env, timeObj, "getMillis", nil)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
sec := millis / 1000
nsec := (millis % 1000) * 1000000
return time.Unix(sec, nsec), nil
// JDuration converts the provided Go time.Duration value into a Java
// Duration object.
func JDuration(env Env, d time.Duration) (Object, error) {
millis := d.Nanoseconds() / 1000000
return NewObject(env, jDurationClass, []Sign{LongSign}, int64(millis))
// GoDuration converts the provided Java Duration object into a Go time.Duration
// value.
func GoDuration(env Env, duration Object) (time.Duration, error) {
millis, err := CallLongMethod(env, duration, "getMillis", nil)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return time.Duration(millis) * time.Millisecond, nil
// PushLocalFrame pushes a new local reference frame onto the reference frame
// stack. If the return value is >= 0, the new frame will have capacity for at
// least the specified number of local references. If the return value is < 0,
// the reference frame could not be created.
func PushLocalFrame(env Env, capacity int) int {
return int(C.PushLocalFrame(env.value(), C.jint(capacity)))
// PopLocalFrame pops the most recent local reference frame off the reference
// frame stack. Returns a local reference in the previous reference frame to
// the given jFramePtr object. If you do not require a reference to the
// previous frame, you may pass nil for the jFramePtr parameter.
func PopLocalFrame(env Env, result Object) Object {
if result.IsNull() {
return WrapObject(C.PopLocalFrame(env.value(), nil))
return WrapObject(C.PopLocalFrame(env.value(), result.value()))
// jFieldID returns the Java field ID for the given object (i.e., non-static)
// field, or an error if the field couldn't be found.
func jFieldID(env Env, class Class, name string, sign Sign) (C.jfieldID, error) {
cName := C.CString(name)
cSign := C.CString(string(sign))
fid := C.GetFieldID(env.value(), class.value(), cName, cSign)
if err := JExceptionMsg(env); err != nil || fid == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find field %s: %v", name, err)
return fid, nil
// jStaticFieldID returns the Java field ID for the given static field,
// or an error if the field couldn't be found.
func jStaticFieldID(env Env, class Class, name string, sign Sign) (C.jfieldID, error) {
cName := C.CString(name)
cSign := C.CString(string(sign))
fid := C.GetStaticFieldID(env.value(), class.value(), cName, cSign)
if err := JExceptionMsg(env); err != nil || fid == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find field %s: %v", name, err)
return fid, nil
func callOnFailure(env Env, callback Object, err error) {
if err := CallVoidMethod(env, callback, "onFailure", []Sign{VExceptionSign}, err); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't call Java onFailure method: %v", err))
func callOnSuccess(env Env, callback Object, obj Object) {
if err := CallVoidMethod(env, callback, "onSuccess", []Sign{ObjectSign}, obj); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't call Java onSuccess method: %v", err))
// DoAsyncCall invokes the given fnToWrap in a goroutine. If fnToWrap returns an
// error, the given callback's onFailure method is invoked with the error as a
// parameter. If fnToWrap succeeds, its Object result is passed as a
// parameter to the callback's onSuccess method.
// The caller of doAsyncCall must take care that no local JNI references are
// used in fnToWrap's closure. For example:
// func myNativeCall(env Env, callback Object, someJObject C.jobject) {
// doAsyncCallback(env, callback, func(env Env) (Object, error) {
// callSomeMethodOn(someJObject) // not OK, someJObject is a local JNI reference
// // in the caller's scope.
// ...
// }
// }
// fnToWrap is run in on an arbitrary thread and local
// JNI references are only valid in the scope of a particular thread. You are
// free to capture any pure-Go variables and we recommend that you use that
// approach to pass parameters through to fnToWrap.
func DoAsyncCall(env Env, callback Object, fnToWrap func(env Env) (Object, error)) {
go func(callback Object) {
env, freeFunc := GetEnv()
defer freeFunc()
defer DeleteGlobalRef(env, callback)
if result, err := fnToWrap(env); err != nil {
callOnFailure(env, callback, err)
} else {
callOnSuccess(env, callback, result)
}(NewGlobalRef(env, callback))