blob: 15ac73225cb1f81d07394be0bfcc98c903886cb0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build android
package jni
import (
jdplugins ""
jutil ""
jcontext ""
// #include "jni.h"
import "C"
var (
// Global reference for class.
jVClass jutil.Class
func Init(env jutil.Env) error {
var err error
jVClass, err = jutil.JFindClass(env, "io/v/android/v23/V")
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
//export Java_io_v_android_v23_V_nativeInitGlobalAndroid
func Java_io_v_android_v23_V_nativeInitGlobalAndroid(jenv *C.JNIEnv, _ C.jclass, jOptions C.jobject) {
env := jutil.Env(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(jenv)))
jOpts := jutil.Object(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(jOptions)))
if err := Init(env); err != nil {
jutil.JThrowV(env, err)
// Setup logging.
_, _, level, vmodule, err := loggingOpts(env, jOpts)
if err != nil {
jutil.JThrowV(env, err)
// Disable any logging to STDERR.
// This assumes that vlog.Log is the underlying logging system for.
vlog.Log.Configure(vlog.OverridePriorConfiguration(true), vlog.LogToStderr(false), vlog.AlsoLogToStderr(false), level, vmodule)
// Setup discovery plugins.
if err := jdplugins.Init(env); err != nil {
jutil.JThrowV(env, err)
// Setup namespace.
android.SetNamespaceFactory(func(ctx *context.T, ns namespace.T, _ ...string) (namespace.T, error) {
env, freeFunc := jutil.GetEnv()
defer freeFunc()
jContext, err := jcontext.JavaContext(env, ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contextSign := jutil.ClassSign("io.v.v23.context.VContext")
wakeupMountRoot, err := jutil.CallStaticStringMethod(env, jVClass, "getWakeupMountRoot", []jutil.Sign{contextSign}, jContext)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if wakeupMountRoot == "" {
return ns, nil
if !naming.Rooted(wakeupMountRoot) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("wakeup mount root %s must be ... rooted.", wakeupMountRoot)
return &wakeupNamespace{
wakeupMountRoot: wakeupMountRoot,
ns: ns,
}, nil