blob: 7ea511b5588071eb557a99237ed131dc9ba2a7b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build java android
package context
import (
jutil ""
// #include "jni.h"
import "C"
type goContextKey string
type goContextValue struct {
jObj jutil.Object
// JavaContext converts the provided Go Context into a Java VContext.
func JavaContext(env jutil.Env, ctx *context.T) (jutil.Object, error) {
jCtx, err := jutil.NewObject(env, jVContextClass, []jutil.Sign{jutil.LongSign}, int64(jutil.PtrValue(ctx)))
if err != nil {
return jutil.NullObject, err
jutil.GoRef(ctx) // Un-refed when the Java context object is finalized.
return jCtx, err
// JavaCancelableContext converts the provided Go Context and its associated cancel function
// into a Java CancelableVContext.
func JavaCancelableContext(env jutil.Env, ctx *context.T, cancel context.CancelFunc) (jutil.Object, error) {
if cancel == nil {
return jutil.NullObject, fmt.Errorf("Cannot create CancelableVContext with nil cancel function")
jCtx, err := jutil.NewObject(env, jCancelableVContextClass, []jutil.Sign{jutil.LongSign, jutil.LongSign}, int64(jutil.PtrValue(ctx)), int64(jutil.PtrValue(&cancel)))
if err != nil {
return jutil.NullObject, err
jutil.GoRef(ctx) // Un-refed when the Java context object is finalized.
jutil.GoRef(&cancel) // Un-refed when the Java context object is finalized.
return jCtx, err
// GoContext converts the provided Java VContext into a Go context.
func GoContext(env jutil.Env, jContext jutil.Object) (*context.T, error) {
if jContext.IsNull() {
return nil, nil
goCtxPtr, err := jutil.CallLongMethod(env, jContext, "nativePtr", nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return (*context.T)(jutil.NativePtr(goCtxPtr)), nil
// JavaCountDownLatch creates a Java CountDownLatch object with an initial count
// of one that counts down (to zero) the moment the value is sent on the
// provided Go channel or if the channel gets closed.
func JavaCountDownLatch(env jutil.Env, c <-chan struct{}) (jutil.Object, error) {
if c == nil {
return jutil.NullObject, nil
jLatch, err := jutil.NewObject(env, jCountDownLatchClass, []jutil.Sign{jutil.IntSign}, int(1))
if err != nil {
return jutil.NullObject, err
// Reference Java CountDownLatch; it will be de-referenced when the goroutine below exits.
jLatchGlobal := jutil.NewGlobalRef(env, jLatch)
go func() {
env, freeFunc := jutil.GetEnv()
defer freeFunc()
if err := jutil.CallVoidMethod(env, jLatchGlobal, "countDown", nil); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error decrementing CountDownLatch: %v", err)
jutil.DeleteGlobalRef(env, jLatchGlobal)
return jLatch, nil
// GoContextKey creates a Go Context key given the Java Context key. The
// returned key guarantees that the two Java keys will be equal iff (1) they
// belong to the same class, and (2) they have the same hashCode().
func GoContextKey(env jutil.Env, jKey jutil.Object) (interface{}, error) {
// Create a lookup key we use to map Java context keys to Go context keys.
hashCode, err := jutil.CallIntMethod(env, jKey, "hashCode", nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
jClass, err := jutil.CallObjectMethod(env, jKey, "getClass", nil, classSign)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
className, err := jutil.CallStringMethod(env, jClass, "getName", nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return goContextKey(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", className, hashCode)), nil
// GoContextValue returns the Go Context value given the Java Context value.
func GoContextValue(env jutil.Env, jValue jutil.Object) (interface{}, error) {
// Reference Java object; it will be de-referenced when the Go wrapper
// object created below is garbage-collected (via the finalizer we setup
// just below.)
jValue = jutil.NewGlobalRef(env, jValue)
value := &goContextValue{
jObj: jValue,
runtime.SetFinalizer(value, func(value *goContextValue) {
env, freeFunc := jutil.GetEnv()
defer freeFunc()
jutil.DeleteGlobalRef(env, value.jObj)
return value, nil
// JavaContextValue returns the Java Context value given the Go Context value.
func JavaContextValue(env jutil.Env, value interface{}) (jutil.Object, error) {
if value == nil {
return jutil.NullObject, nil
val, ok := value.(*goContextValue)
if !ok {
return jutil.NullObject, fmt.Errorf("Invalid type %T for value %v, wanted goContextValue", value, value)
return val.jObj, nil