blob: 167af586b88673b8c0fc8ba35ec2c00177a2b292 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package metadata implements a mechanism for setting and retrieving metadata
// stored in program binaries.
// Metadata is a flat mapping of unique string identifiers to their associated
// string values. Both the ids and the values should be human-readable strings,
// since many uses of metadata involve textual output for humans; e.g. dumping
// metadata from the program on the command-line, or prepending metadata to log
// files.
// The ids must be unique, and avoiding collisions is up to the users of this
// package; it is recommended to prefix your identifiers with your project name.
// There are typically two sources for metadata, both supported by this package:
// 1) External metadata gathered by a build tool, e.g. the build timestamp.
// 2) Internal metadata compiled into the program, e.g. version numbers.
// External metadata is injected into the program binary by the linker. The Go
// ld linker provides a -X option that may be used for this purpose; see LDFlag
// for more details.
// Internal metadata is already compiled into the program binary, but the
// metadata package must still be made aware of it. Call the Insert function in
// an init function to accomplish this:
// package mypkg
// import ""
// func init() {
// metadata.Insert("myproject.myid", "value")
// }
// The built-in metadata comes pre-populated with the Go architecture, operating
// system and version.
// This package registers a flag -metadata via an init function. Setting
// -metadata on the command-line causes the program to dump metadata in the
// XML format and exit.
package metadata
import (
// T represents the metadata for a program binary.
type T struct {
entries map[string]string
// String returns a human-readable representation; the same as ToXML.
func (x *T) String() string {
return x.ToXML()
// Insert sets the metadata entry for id to value, and returns the previous
// value. Whitespace is trimmed from either end of the value.
func (x *T) Insert(id, value string) string {
if x.entries == nil {
x.entries = make(map[string]string)
old := x.entries[id]
x.entries[id] = strings.TrimSpace(value)
return old
// Lookup retrieves the value for the given id from x.
func (x *T) Lookup(id string) string {
return x.entries[id]
// FromMap returns new metadata initialized with the given entries. Calls
// Insert on each element of entries.
func FromMap(entries map[string]string) *T {
x := new(T)
for id, value := range entries {
x.Insert(id, value)
return x
// ToMap returns a copy of the entries in x. Mutating the returned map has no
// effect on x.
func (x *T) ToMap() map[string]string {
if len(x.entries) == 0 {
return nil
ret := make(map[string]string, len(x.entries))
for id, value := range x.entries {
ret[id] = value
return ret
type xmlMetaData struct {
XMLName struct{} `xml:"metadata"`
Entries []xmlEntry `xml:"md"`
type xmlEntry struct {
ID string `xml:"id,attr"`
// When marshalling only one of Value or ValueCDATA is set; Value is normally
// used, and ValueCDATA is used to add explicit "<![CDATA[...]]>" wrapping.
// When unmarshalling Value is set to the unescaped data, while ValueCDATA is
// set to the raw XML.
Value string `xml:",chardata"`
ValueCDATA string `xml:",innerxml"`
// FromXML returns new metadata initialized with the given XML encoded data.
// The expected schema is described in ToXML.
func FromXML(data []byte) (*T, error) {
x := new(T)
if len(data) == 0 {
return x, nil
var xmlData xmlMetaData
if err := xml.Unmarshal(data, &xmlData); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, entry := range xmlData.Entries {
x.Insert(entry.ID, entry.Value)
return x, nil
// ToXML returns the XML encoding of x, using the schema described below.
// <metadata>
// <md id="A">a value</md>
// <md id="B"><![CDATA[
// foo
// bar
// ]]></md>
// <md id="C">c value</md>
// </metadata>
func (x *T) ToXML() string {
return x.toXML(true)
func (x *T) toXML(indent bool) string {
// Write each XML <md> entry ordered by id.
var ids []string
for id, _ := range x.entries {
ids = append(ids, id)
var data xmlMetaData
for _, id := range ids {
entry := xmlEntry{ID: id}
value := x.entries[id]
if xmlUseCDATASection(value) {
entry.ValueCDATA = cdataStart + "\n" + value + "\n " + cdataEnd
} else {
entry.Value = value
data.Entries = append(data.Entries, entry)
var dataXML []byte
if indent {
dataXML, _ = xml.MarshalIndent(data, "", " ")
} else {
dataXML, _ = xml.Marshal(data)
return string(dataXML)
const (
cdataStart = "<![CDATA["
cdataEnd = "]]>"
func xmlUseCDATASection(value string) bool {
// Cannot use CDATA if "]]>" appears since that's the CDATA terminator.
if strings.Contains(value, cdataEnd) {
return false
// The choice at this point is a heuristic; it only determines how "pretty"
// the output looks.
b := []byte(value)
var buf bytes.Buffer
xml.EscapeText(&buf, b)
return !bytes.Equal(buf.Bytes(), b)
// FromBase64 returns new metadata initialized with the given base64 encoded
// data. The data is expected to have started as a valid XML representation of
// metadata, then zlib compressed, and finally base64 encoded.
func FromBase64(data []byte) (*T, error) {
if len(data) == 0 {
return new(T), nil
dataXML := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(data)))
n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(dataXML, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var b bytes.Buffer
r, err := zlib.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(dataXML[:n]))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, errCopy := io.Copy(&b, r)
errClose := r.Close()
switch {
case errCopy != nil:
return nil, err
case errClose != nil:
return nil, err
return FromXML(b.Bytes())
// ToBase64 returns the base64 encoding of x. First x is XML encoded, then zlib
// compressed, and finally base64 encoded.
func (x *T) ToBase64() string {
var b bytes.Buffer
w := zlib.NewWriter(&b)
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(b.Bytes())
var thisPkgPath = reflect.TypeOf(T{}).PkgPath()
// LDFlag returns the flag to pass to the Go ld linker to initialize the
// built-in metadata with x. Calls LDFlagExternal with the appropriate package
// path and unexported variable name to initialize BuiltIn.
func LDFlag(x *T) string {
return LDFlagExternal(thisPkgPath, "initBuiltIn", x)
// LDFlagExternal returns the flag to pass to the Go ld linker to initialize the
// string variable defined in pkgpath to the base64 encoding of x. See the
// documentation of the -X option at
// The base64 encoding is used to avoid quoting and escaping issues when passing
// the flag through the go toolchain. An example of using the result to install
// a Go binary with metadata x:
// LDFlagExternal("main", "myvar", x) == "-X main.myvar eJwBAAD//wAAAAE="
// $ go install -ldflags="-X main.myvar eJwBAAD//wAAAAE=" mypackage
func LDFlagExternal(pkgpath, variable string, x *T) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("-X %s.%s %s", pkgpath, variable, x.ToBase64())
// Insert sets the built-in metadata entry for id to value, and returns the
// previous value. Whitespace is trimmed from either end of the value.
// The built-in metadata is initialized by the Go ld linker. See the LDFlag
// function for more details.
func Insert(id, value string) string { return BuiltIn.Insert(id, value) }
// Lookup retrieves the value for the given id from the built-in metadata.
func Lookup(id string) string { return BuiltIn.Lookup(id) }
// ToBase64 returns the base64 encoding of the built-in metadata. First the
// metadata is XML encoded, then zlib compressed, and finally base64 encoded.
func ToBase64() string { return BuiltIn.ToBase64() }
// ToXML returns the XML encoding of the built-in metadata. The schema is
// defined in T.ToXML.
func ToXML() string { return BuiltIn.ToXML() }
// ToMap returns a copy of the entries in the built-in metadata. Mutating the
// returned map has no effect on the built-in metadata.
func ToMap() map[string]string { return BuiltIn.ToMap() }
// BuiltIn represents the metadata built-in to the Go program. The top-level
// functions such as Insert, ToBase64, and so on are wrappers for the methods of
// BuiltIn.
var BuiltIn T
// initBuiltIn is expected to be initialized by the Go ld linker.
var initBuiltIn string
func init() {
// First initialize the BuiltIn metadata based on linker-injected metadata.
if x, err := FromBase64([]byte(initBuiltIn)); err != nil {
// Don't panic, since a binary without metadata is more useful than a binary
// that always panics with invalid metadata.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `
metadata: built-in initialization failed (%v) from base64 data: %v
`, err, initBuiltIn)
} else {
BuiltIn = *x
// Now set values from the runtime. These may not be overridden by the
// linker-injected metadata, and should not be overridden by user packages.
BuiltIn.Insert("go.Arch", runtime.GOARCH)
BuiltIn.Insert("go.OS", runtime.GOOS)
BuiltIn.Insert("go.Version", runtime.Version())
flag.Var(metadataFlag{}, "metadata", "Displays metadata for the program and exits.")
// metadataFlag implements a flag that dumps the default metadata and exits the
// program when it is set.
type metadataFlag struct{}
func (metadataFlag) IsBoolFlag() bool { return true }
func (metadataFlag) String() string { return "<just specify -metadata to activate>" }
func (metadataFlag) Set(string) error {
// TODO(toddw): change os.Exit(0) to return ErrFlag instead. This needs to
// wait on a bugfix where the standard Go flag package doesn't check the error
// returned from Set for boolean flags.
return nil