blob: 637c7ce3826df5b3c459a8287d7acd20c2cfd61a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package gosh provides facilities for running and managing processes: start
// them, wait for them to exit, capture their output streams, pipe messages
// between them, terminate them (e.g. on SIGINT), and so on.
// Gosh is meant to be used in situations where one might otherwise be tempted
// to write a shell script. (Oh my gosh, no more shell scripts!)
// For usage examples, see shell_test.go and internal/gosh_example/main.go.
package gosh
import (
const (
envBinDir = "GOSH_BIN_DIR"
envChildOutputDir = "GOSH_CHILD_OUTPUT_DIR"
envExitAfter = "GOSH_EXIT_AFTER"
envInvocation = "GOSH_INVOCATION"
envWatchParent = "GOSH_WATCH_PARENT"
var (
errAlreadyCalledCleanup = errors.New("gosh: already called Shell.Cleanup")
errDidNotCallInitMain = errors.New("gosh: did not call gosh.InitMain")
errDidNotCallNewShell = errors.New("gosh: did not call gosh.NewShell")
// Shell represents a shell. Not thread-safe.
type Shell struct {
// Err is the most recent error from this Shell or any of its Cmds (may be
// nil).
Err error
// Opts is the Opts struct for this Shell, with default values filled in.
Opts Opts
// Vars is the map of env vars for this Shell.
Vars map[string]string
// Args is the list of args to append to subsequent command invocations.
Args []string
// Internal state.
calledNewShell bool
cleanupDone chan struct{}
cleanupMu sync.Mutex // protects the fields below; held during cleanup
calledCleanup bool
cmds []*Cmd
tempFiles []*os.File
tempDirs []string
dirStack []string // for pushd/popd
cleanupHandlers []func()
// Opts configures Shell.
type Opts struct {
// Fatalf is called whenever an error is encountered.
// If not specified, defaults to panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)).
Fatalf func(format string, v ...interface{})
// Logf is called to log things.
// If not specified, defaults to log.Printf(format, v...).
Logf func(format string, v ...interface{})
// Child stdout and stderr are propagated up to the parent's stdout and stderr
// iff PropagateChildOutput is true.
PropagateChildOutput bool
// If specified, each child's stdout and stderr streams are also piped to
// files in this directory.
// If not specified, defaults to GOSH_CHILD_OUTPUT_DIR.
ChildOutputDir string
// Directory where BuildGoPkg() writes compiled binaries.
// If not specified, defaults to GOSH_BIN_DIR.
BinDir string
// NewShell returns a new Shell.
func NewShell(opts Opts) *Shell {
sh, err := newShell(opts)
return sh
// HandleError sets sh.Err. If err is not nil, it also calls sh.Opts.Fatalf.
func (sh *Shell) HandleError(err error) {
sh.Err = err
if err != nil && sh.Opts.Fatalf != nil {
sh.Opts.Fatalf("%v", err)
// Cmd returns a Cmd for an invocation of the named program. The given arguments
// are passed to the child as command-line arguments.
func (sh *Shell) Cmd(name string, args ...string) *Cmd {
res, err := sh.cmd(nil, name, args...)
return res
// FuncCmd returns a Cmd for an invocation of the given registered Func. The
// given arguments are gob-encoded in the parent process, then gob-decoded in
// the child and passed to the Func as parameters. To specify command-line
// arguments for the child invocation, append to the returned Cmd's Args.
func (sh *Shell) FuncCmd(f *Func, args ...interface{}) *Cmd {
res, err := sh.funcCmd(f, args...)
return res
// Wait waits for all commands started by this Shell to exit.
func (sh *Shell) Wait() {
// Rename renames (moves) a file. It's just like os.Rename, but retries once on
// error.
func (sh *Shell) Rename(oldpath, newpath string) {
sh.HandleError(sh.rename(oldpath, newpath))
// BuildGoPkg compiles a Go package using the "go build" command and writes the
// resulting binary to sh.Opts.BinDir. Returns the absolute path to the binary.
// Included in Shell for convenience, but could have just as easily been
// provided as a utility function.
func (sh *Shell) BuildGoPkg(pkg string, flags ...string) string {
res, err := sh.buildGoPkg(pkg, flags...)
return res
// MakeTempFile creates a new temporary file in os.TempDir, opens the file for
// reading and writing, and returns the resulting *os.File.
func (sh *Shell) MakeTempFile() *os.File {
res, err := sh.makeTempFile()
return res
// MakeTempDir creates a new temporary directory in os.TempDir and returns the
// path of the new directory.
func (sh *Shell) MakeTempDir() string {
res, err := sh.makeTempDir()
return res
// Pushd behaves like Bash pushd.
func (sh *Shell) Pushd(dir string) {
// Popd behaves like Bash popd.
func (sh *Shell) Popd() {
// AddCleanupHandler registers the given function to be called during cleanup.
// Cleanup handlers are called in LIFO order, possibly in a separate goroutine
// spawned by gosh.
func (sh *Shell) AddCleanupHandler(f func()) {
// Cleanup cleans up all resources (child processes, temporary files and
// directories) associated with this Shell. It is safe (and recommended) to call
// Cleanup after a Shell error. It is also safe to call Cleanup multiple times;
// calls after the first return immediately with no effect. Cleanup never calls
// HandleError.
func (sh *Shell) Cleanup() {
if !sh.calledNewShell {
defer sh.cleanupMu.Unlock()
if !sh.calledCleanup {
// Ok panics iff this Shell is in a state where it's invalid to call other
// methods. This method is public to facilitate Shell wrapping.
func (sh *Shell) Ok() {
if !sh.calledNewShell {
// Panic on incorrect usage of Shell.
if sh.Err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("gosh: Shell.Err is not nil: %v", sh.Err))
defer sh.cleanupMu.Unlock()
if sh.calledCleanup {
// Internals
// Note: On error, newShell returns a *Shell with Opts.Fatalf initialized to
// simplify things for the caller.
func newShell(opts Opts) (*Shell, error) {
osVars := sliceToMap(os.Environ())
if opts.Fatalf == nil {
opts.Fatalf = func(format string, v ...interface{}) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
if opts.Logf == nil {
opts.Logf = func(format string, v ...interface{}) {
log.Printf(format, v...)
if opts.ChildOutputDir == "" {
opts.ChildOutputDir = osVars[envChildOutputDir]
// Filter out any gosh env vars coming from outside.
shVars := copyMap(osVars)
for _, key := range []string{envBinDir, envChildOutputDir, envExitAfter, envInvocation, envWatchParent} {
delete(shVars, key)
sh := &Shell{
Opts: opts,
Vars: shVars,
calledNewShell: true,
cleanupDone: make(chan struct{}),
if sh.Opts.BinDir == "" {
sh.Opts.BinDir = osVars[envBinDir]
if sh.Opts.BinDir == "" {
var err error
if sh.Opts.BinDir, err = sh.makeTempDir(); err != nil {
return sh, err
return sh, nil
// cleanupOnSignal starts a goroutine that calls cleanup if a termination signal
// is received.
func (sh *Shell) cleanupOnSignal() {
ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(ch, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGQUIT, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
select {
case sig := <-ch:
// A termination signal was received; the process will exit.
sh.logf("Received signal: %v\n", sig)
defer sh.cleanupMu.Unlock()
if !sh.calledCleanup {
// Note: We hold cleanupMu during os.Exit(1) so that the main goroutine
// will not call Shell.Ok() and panic before we exit.
case <-sh.cleanupDone:
// The user called sh.Cleanup; stop listening for signals and exit this
// goroutine.
func (sh *Shell) logf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if sh.Opts.Logf != nil {
sh.Opts.Logf(format, v...)
func (sh *Shell) cmd(vars map[string]string, name string, args ...string) (*Cmd, error) {
if vars == nil {
vars = make(map[string]string)
c, err := newCmd(sh, mergeMaps(sh.Vars, vars), name, append(args, sh.Args...)...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.PropagateOutput = sh.Opts.PropagateChildOutput
c.OutputDir = sh.Opts.ChildOutputDir
return c, nil
var executablePath = os.Args[0]
func init() {
// If exec.LookPath fails, hope for the best.
if lp, err := exec.LookPath(executablePath); err != nil {
executablePath = lp
func (sh *Shell) funcCmd(f *Func, args ...interface{}) (*Cmd, error) {
// Safeguard against the developer forgetting to call InitMain, which could
// lead to infinite recursion.
if !calledInitMain {
return nil, errDidNotCallInitMain
buf, err := encodeInvocation(f.handle, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vars := map[string]string{envInvocation: string(buf)}
return sh.cmd(vars, executablePath)
func (sh *Shell) wait() error {
// Note: It is illegal to call newCmdInternal concurrently with Shell.wait, so
// we need not hold cleanupMu when accessing sh.cmds below.
var res error
for _, c := range sh.cmds {
if !c.started || c.calledWait {
if err := c.wait(); !c.errorIsOk(err) {
sh.logf("%s (PID %d) failed: %v\n", c.Path, c.Pid(), err)
res = err
return res
func (sh *Shell) rename(oldpath, newpath string) error {
if err := os.Rename(oldpath, newpath); err != nil {
// Concurrent, same-directory rename operations sometimes fail on certain
// filesystems, so we retry once after a random backoff.
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Int63n(1000)) * time.Millisecond)
if err := os.Rename(oldpath, newpath); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (sh *Shell) buildGoPkg(pkg string, flags ...string) (string, error) {
binPath := filepath.Join(sh.Opts.BinDir, path.Base(pkg))
// If this binary has already been built, don't rebuild it.
if _, err := os.Stat(binPath); err == nil {
return binPath, nil
} else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return "", err
// Build binary to tempBinPath, then move it to binPath.
tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(sh.Opts.BinDir, "")
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir)
tempBinPath := filepath.Join(tempDir, path.Base(pkg))
args := []string{"build", "-o", tempBinPath}
args = append(args, flags...)
args = append(args, pkg)
c, err := sh.cmd(nil, "go", args...)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if err :=; err != nil {
return "", err
if err := sh.rename(tempBinPath, binPath); err != nil {
return "", err
return binPath, nil
func (sh *Shell) makeTempFile() (*os.File, error) {
defer sh.cleanupMu.Unlock()
if sh.calledCleanup {
return nil, errAlreadyCalledCleanup
f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sh.tempFiles = append(sh.tempFiles, f)
return f, nil
func (sh *Shell) makeTempDir() (string, error) {
defer sh.cleanupMu.Unlock()
if sh.calledCleanup {
return "", errAlreadyCalledCleanup
name, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
return "", err
sh.tempDirs = append(sh.tempDirs, name)
return name, nil
func (sh *Shell) pushd(dir string) error {
defer sh.cleanupMu.Unlock()
if sh.calledCleanup {
return errAlreadyCalledCleanup
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Chdir(dir); err != nil {
return err
sh.dirStack = append(sh.dirStack, cwd)
return nil
func (sh *Shell) popd() error {
defer sh.cleanupMu.Unlock()
if sh.calledCleanup {
return errAlreadyCalledCleanup
if len(sh.dirStack) == 0 {
return errors.New("gosh: dir stack is empty")
dir := sh.dirStack[len(sh.dirStack)-1]
if err := os.Chdir(dir); err != nil {
return err
sh.dirStack = sh.dirStack[:len(sh.dirStack)-1]
return nil
func (sh *Shell) addCleanupHandler(f func()) error {
defer sh.cleanupMu.Unlock()
if sh.calledCleanup {
return errAlreadyCalledCleanup
sh.cleanupHandlers = append(sh.cleanupHandlers, f)
return nil
// forEachRunningCmd applies f to each running child process.
func (sh *Shell) forEachRunningCmd(f func(*Cmd)) bool {
anyRunning := false
for _, c := range sh.cmds {
if c.isRunning() {
anyRunning = true
if f != nil {
return anyRunning
// Note: It is safe to run Shell.terminateRunningCmds concurrently with the
// waiter goroutine and with Cmd.wait. In particular, Shell.terminateRunningCmds
// only calls c.{isRunning,Pid,signal}, all of which are thread-safe with the
// waiter goroutine and with Cmd.wait.
func (sh *Shell) terminateRunningCmds() {
// Send os.Interrupt first; if that doesn't work, send os.Kill.
anyRunning := sh.forEachRunningCmd(func(c *Cmd) {
if err := c.signal(os.Interrupt); err != nil {
sh.logf("%d.Signal(os.Interrupt) failed: %v\n", c.Pid(), err)
// If any child is still running, wait for 100ms.
if anyRunning {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
anyRunning = sh.forEachRunningCmd(func(c *Cmd) {
sh.logf("%s (PID %d) did not die\n", c.Path, c.Pid())
// If any child is still running, wait for another second, then send os.Kill
// to all running children.
if anyRunning {
sh.forEachRunningCmd(func(c *Cmd) {
if err := c.signal(os.Kill); err != nil {
sh.logf("%d.Signal(os.Kill) failed: %v\n", c.Pid(), err)
sh.logf("Killed all remaining child processes\n")
func (sh *Shell) cleanup() {
sh.calledCleanup = true
// Terminate all children that are still running.
// Close and delete all temporary files.
for _, tempFile := range sh.tempFiles {
name := tempFile.Name()
if err := tempFile.Close(); err != nil {
sh.logf("%q.Close() failed: %v\n", name, err)
if err := os.RemoveAll(name); err != nil {
sh.logf("os.RemoveAll(%q) failed: %v\n", name, err)
// Delete all temporary directories.
for _, tempDir := range sh.tempDirs {
if err := os.RemoveAll(tempDir); err != nil {
sh.logf("os.RemoveAll(%q) failed: %v\n", tempDir, err)
// Change back to the top of the dir stack.
if len(sh.dirStack) > 0 {
dir := sh.dirStack[0]
if err := os.Chdir(dir); err != nil {
sh.logf("os.Chdir(%q) failed: %v\n", dir, err)
// Call cleanup handlers in LIFO order.
for i := len(sh.cleanupHandlers) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
// Public utilities
var calledInitMain = false
// InitMain must be called early on in main(), before flags are parsed. In the
// parent process, it returns immediately with no effect. In a child process for
// a Shell.FuncCmd command, it runs the specified function, then exits.
func InitMain() {
calledInitMain = true
s := os.Getenv(envInvocation)
if s == "" {
name, args, err := decodeInvocation(s)
if err != nil {
if err := callFunc(name, args...); err != nil {