blob: c613586038a0c294d1778fd51b2be91f4d3d383e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package netstate implements utilities for retrieving and filtering network
// interface state.
// There are routines to obtain the available set of of network addresess, for
// determining changes to those addresses, and for selecting from amongst them
// according to some set of policies. Polices are implemented by applying
// simple predicates (functions with names of the form Is<condition>) to filter
// or find the first matching address from a list of addresses. The intent is
// to make it easy to create policies that do things like 'find the first IPv4
// unicast address that is globally routable, failing that use a private IPv4
// address, and failing that, an IPv6 address'.
// A simple usage would be:
// state, _ := netstate.GetAccessibleIPs()
// ipv4 := state.Filter(netstate.IsPublicUnicastIPv4)
// // ipv4 will contain all of the public IPv4 addresses, if any.
// The example policy described above would be implemented using a
// series of calls to Filter with appropriate predicates.
// In some cases, it may be necessary to take IP routing information
// into account and hence the interface hosting the address. The interface
// hosting each address is provided via NetworkInterface. GetAllAddresses and
// GetAccessibleIPs return instances of Address that provide access to the
// network address and the network interface that hosts it.
// GetAll and GetAccessibleIPs cache the state of the network interfaces
// and routing information. This cache is invalidated by the Invalidate
// function which must be called whenever the network changes state (e.g.
// in response to dhcp changes).
// Although most commercial networking hardware supports IPv6, some consumer
// devices and more importantly many ISPs do not, so routines are provided
// to allow developers to easily distinguish between the two and to use
// whichever is appropriate for their product/situation.
// The term 'accessible' is used to refer to any non-loopback IP address.
// The term 'public' is used to refer to any globally routable IP address.
// All IPv6 addresses are intended to be 'public', but any starting with
// fc00::/7 (RFC4193) are reserved for private use, but the go
// net libraries do not appear to recognise this. Similarly fe80::/10
// (RFC 4291) are reserved for 'site-local' usage, but again this is not
// implemented in the go libraries. Any developer who needs to distinguish
// these cases will need to write their own routines to test for them.
// When using the go net package it is important to remember that IPv6
// addresses subsume IPv4 and hence in many cases the same internal
// representation is used for both, thus testing for the length of the IP
// address is unreliable. The reliable test is to use the net.To4() which
// will return a non-nil result if can be used as an IPv4 one. Any address
// can be used as an IPv6 and hence the only reliable way to test for an IPv6
// address that is not an IPv4 one also is for the To4 call to return nil for
// it.
package netstate
import (
var (
ErrUnsupportedProtocol = errors.New("unsupported protocol")
ErrFailedToParseIPAddr = errors.New("failed to parse IP address")
ErrUnspecifiedIPAddr = errors.New("unspecified (i.e. zero) IP address")
ErrFailedToFindInterface = errors.New("failed to find a network interface")
type netAddr struct {
network string
addr string
func (hp *netAddr) Network() string {
func (hp *netAddr) String() string {
return hp.addr
func NewNetAddr(network, protocol string) net.Addr {
return &netAddr{network, protocol}
// address represents a network address and the network interface that
// hosts it. It implements the Address interface.
type address struct {
addr net.Addr
ifc NetworkInterface
// Implements Address
func (a *address) Network() string {
return a.addr.Network()
// Implements Address
func (a *address) String() string {
return a.addr.String()
func (a *address) DebugString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s:%s %s:%d]", a.addr.Network(), a.addr.String(), a.ifc.Name(), a.ifc.Index())
// Implements Address
func (a *address) Interface() NetworkInterface {
return a.ifc
// ipifc represents a network interface and associated routing information for
// IP networks.
type ipifc struct {
// local copies of net.Interface data
name string
index, mtu int
hardwareAddr net.HardwareAddr
flags net.Flags
// copy of addresses so that we don't have to call into
// the net package to get them again
addrs []net.Addr
// The IPRoutes of the network interface this address is hosted on,
// nil if this information is not available.
ipRoutes IPRouteList
// return a comma separated string of network addresses
func addrsToStr(addrs []net.Addr) string {
r := ""
for _, a := range addrs {
r += a.String() + " "
return strings.TrimRight(r, " ")
// Implements NetworkInterface
func (ifc ipifc) String() string {
r := fmt.Sprintf("(%s:%d %s flags[%s], mtu[%d], hw:[%s])",, ifc.index, addrsToStr(ifc.addrs), ifc.flags, ifc.mtu, ifc.hardwareAddr)
if len(ifc.ipRoutes) > 0 {
r += " ["
for _, rt := range ifc.ipRoutes {
src := ""
if rt.PreferredSource != nil {
src = ", src: " + rt.PreferredSource.String()
r += fmt.Sprintf("{%d: net: %s, gw: %s%s}, ", rt.IfcIndex, rt.Net, rt.Gateway, src)
r = strings.TrimSuffix(r, ", ")
r += "]"
return r
// Implements NetworkInterface
func (a ipifc) Addrs() []net.Addr {
return a.addrs
// Implements NetworkInterface
func (a ipifc) Index() int {
return a.index
// Implements NetworkInterface
func (a ipifc) Name() string {
// Implements NetworkInterface
func (a ipifc) MTU() int {
return a.mtu
// Implements NetworkInterface
func (a ipifc) HardwareAddr() net.HardwareAddr {
return a.hardwareAddr
// Implements NetworkInterface
func (a ipifc) Flags() net.Flags {
return a.flags
// Implements NetworkInterface
func (a ipifc) Networks() []net.Addr {
nets := []net.Addr{}
for _, r := range a.ipRoutes {
nets = append(nets, &r.Net)
return nets
// Implements IPNetworkInterface
func (a ipifc) IPRoutes() IPRouteList {
routes := make(IPRouteList, len(a.ipRoutes))
copy(routes, a.ipRoutes)
return routes
// Network interface represents a network interface.
type NetworkInterface interface {
// Addrs returns the addresses hosted by this interface.
Addrs() []net.Addr
// Index returns the index of this interface.
Index() int
// Name returns the name of this interface, e.g., "en0", "lo0", "eth0.100"
Name() string
// MTU returns the maximum transmission unit
MTU() int
// HardwareAddr returns the hardware address in IEEE MAC-48, EUI-48 and EUI-64 form
HardwareAddr() net.HardwareAddr
// Flags returns the flags for the interface e.g., FlagUp, FlagLoopback, FlagMulticast
Flags() net.Flags
// Networks returns the set of networks accessible over this interface.
Networks() []net.Addr
// String returns a string representation of the interface.
String() string
// IPNetworkInterface represents a network interface supporting IP protocols.
type IPNetworkInterface interface {
IPRoutes() IPRouteList
// Address represents a network address and the interface that hosts it.
type Address interface {
// Address returns the network address this instance represents.
Interface() NetworkInterface
DebugString() string
// AddrList is a slice of Addresses.
type AddrList []Address
func (al AddrList) String() string {
r := ""
for _, v := range al {
r += fmt.Sprintf("(%s) ", v)
return strings.TrimRight(r, " ")
// RouteTable represents the set of currently available network interfaces
// and the routes on each such interface. It is index by the index number
// of each interface.
type RouteTable map[int]IPRouteList
type netstateCache struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
current bool
interfaces []NetworkInterface
routes RouteTable
func (cache *netstateCache) invalidate() {
cache.current = false
func (cache *netstateCache) refresh() error {
if cache.current {
return nil
interfaces, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil {
return err
routes := netconfig.GetIPRoutes(false)
cache.interfaces = make([]NetworkInterface, len(interfaces))
for i, ifc := range interfaces {
addrs, err := ifc.Addrs()
if err != nil {
return err
cache.interfaces[i] = &ipifc{
name: ifc.Name,
index: ifc.Index,
mtu: ifc.MTU,
flags: ifc.Flags,
hardwareAddr: ifc.HardwareAddr,
addrs: addrs,
cache.routes = make(RouteTable)
for _, r := range routes {
cache.routes[r.IfcIndex] = append(cache.routes[r.IfcIndex], r)
cache.current = true
return nil
func (cache *netstateCache) getNetState() ([]NetworkInterface, RouteTable, error) {
if err := cache.refresh(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
ifcs := make([]NetworkInterface, len(cache.interfaces))
copy(ifcs, cache.interfaces)
rt := make(RouteTable)
for k, v := range cache.routes {
rt[k] = make(IPRouteList, len(v))
copy(rt[k], v)
return ifcs, rt, nil
// Allow this to be overwritten by tests.
var internalCache *netstateCache
func init() {
internalCache = &netstateCache{}
// InvalidateCache invalidates any cached network state.
func InvalidateCache() {
// GetNetState returns the current set of interfaces and their routes.
func GetNetState() ([]NetworkInterface, RouteTable, error) {
return internalCache.getNetState()
// GetAllAddresses gets all of the available addresses on the device, including
// loopback addresses, non-IP protocols etc. The IP interface addresses
// returned are in CIDR form.
// GetAllAddressses caches the state of network interfaces and route tables to avoid
// expensive system calls (for routing information), the cache is invalidated
// by the Invalidate function which should be called whenever the network state
// may have changed (e.g. following a dhcp change).
func GetAllAddresses() (AddrList, error) {
interfaces, routeTable, err := internalCache.getNetState()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var all AddrList
for _, ifc := range interfaces {
for _, a := range ifc.Addrs() {
na := &address{
addr: a,
ifc: fillInterfaceInfo(ifc, routeTable[ifc.Index()]),
all = append(all, na)
return all, nil
// InterfaceList represents a list of network interfaces.
type InterfaceList []NetworkInterface
func fillInterfaceInfo(ifc NetworkInterface, rl IPRouteList) ipifc {
n := ipifc{
name: ifc.Name(),
index: ifc.Index(),
mtu: ifc.MTU(),
flags: ifc.Flags(),
hardwareAddr: ifc.HardwareAddr(),
addrs: ifc.Addrs(),
if rl != nil {
n.ipRoutes = rl
return n
// GetAllInterfaces returns a list of all of the network interfaces on this
// device. It uses the same cache as GetAllAddresses.
func GetAllInterfaces() (InterfaceList, error) {
interfaces, routeTable, err := internalCache.getNetState()
r := []NetworkInterface{}
for _, ifc := range interfaces {
ipifc := fillInterfaceInfo(ifc, routeTable[ifc.Index()])
r = append(r, &ipifc)
return r, err
func (ifcl InterfaceList) String() string {
r := ""
for _, ifc := range ifcl {
r += fmt.Sprintf("%s, ", ifc)
return strings.TrimRight(r, ", ")
// GetAccessibleIPs returns all of the accessible IP addresses on the device
// - i.e. excluding loopback and unspecified addresses.
// The IP addresses returned will be host addresses.
func GetAccessibleIPs() (AddrList, error) {
all, err := GetAllAddresses()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
convertAccessible := func(a Address) Address {
ah := WithIPHost(a)
if !IsAccessibleIP(ah) {
return nil
return WithIPHost(ah)
return all.Map(convertAccessible), nil
// AsNetAddrs returns al as a slice of net.Addrs by changing the type
// of the slice that contains them and not by copying them.
func (al AddrList) AsNetAddrs() []net.Addr {
r := make([]net.Addr, len(al))
for i, a := range al {
r[i] = a
return r
// ConvertToAddresses attempts to convert a slice of net.Addr's into
// an AddrList. It does so as follows:
// - using type assertion if the net.Addr instance is also an instance
// of Address.
// - using AddressFromAddr.
// - filling in just the address portion of Address without any interface
// information.
func ConvertToAddresses(addrs []net.Addr) AddrList {
r := []Address{}
for _, addr := range addrs {
if a, ok := addr.(Address); ok {
r = append(r, a)
if a, err := AddressFromAddr(addr); err == nil {
r = append(r, a)
} else {
r = append(r, &address{addr: addr})
return r
// AddressPredicate defines the function signature for predicate functions
// to be used with AddrList
type AddressPredicate func(a Address) bool
// Filter returns all of the addresses for which the predicate
// function is true.
func (al AddrList) Filter(predicate AddressPredicate) AddrList {
r := AddrList{}
for _, a := range al {
if predicate(a) {
r = append(r, a)
return r
type Mapper func(a Address) Address
// Map will apply the Mapper function to all of the items in its receiver
// and return a new AddrList containing all of the non-nil results from
// said calls.
func (al AddrList) Map(mapper Mapper) AddrList {
var ral AddrList
for _, a := range al {
if na := mapper(a); na != nil {
ral = append(ral, na)
return ral
// WithIPHost returns an instance of Address with the network
// address component being an instance with a net.Addr that contains an
// IP host address (as opposed to a network CIDR for example).
func WithIPHost(a Address) Address {
aifc := &address{}
aifc.addr = AsIPAddr(a)
aifc.ifc = ipifcFromNetIfc(a.Interface().(IPNetworkInterface))
return aifc
// WithIPHostAndPort returns an instance of Address with the network
// address component being an instance of net.Addr that contains an
// IP host and port in : notation.
func WithIPHostAndPort(a Address, port string) Address {
aifc, ok := a.(*address)
if !ok {
return nil
aifc.addr = AsIPAddr(aifc.addr)
hostAndPort := a.String()
if len(port) > 0 {
hostAndPort = net.JoinHostPort(hostAndPort, port)
aifc.addr = &netAddr{a.Network(), hostAndPort}
return aifc
func ipifcFromNetIfc(ifc IPNetworkInterface) ipifc {
return ipifc{
name: ifc.Name(),
index: ifc.Index(),
mtu: ifc.MTU(),
flags: ifc.Flags(),
hardwareAddr: ifc.HardwareAddr(),
addrs: ifc.Addrs(),
ipRoutes: ifc.IPRoutes(),
// AddressFromAddr creates an instance of Address given the suppied
// net.Addr. It will search through the available network interfaces
// to find the interface that hosts this address.
// It currently supports only IP protocols.
func AddressFromAddr(addr net.Addr) (Address, error) {
if !IsIPProtocol(addr.Network()) {
return nil, ErrUnsupportedProtocol
ip := net.ParseIP(addr.String())
if ip == nil {
return nil, ErrFailedToParseIPAddr
return AddressFromIP(ip)
// AddressFromIP creates an instance of Address given the supplied
// IP address. It will search through the available network interfaces
// to find the interface that hosts this IP address.
func AddressFromIP(ip net.IP) (Address, error) {
if ip.IsUnspecified() {
return nil, ErrUnspecifiedIPAddr
ifcs, _, err := internalCache.getNetState()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, ifc := range ifcs {
for _, ifaddr := range ifc.Addrs() {
if !IsIPProtocol(ifaddr.Network()) {
cip := AsIP(ifaddr)
if ip.Equal(cip) {
addr := &address{addr: &net.IPAddr{IP: ip}}
addr.ifc = ipifcFromNetIfc(ifc.(IPNetworkInterface))
return addr, nil
return nil, ErrFailedToFindInterface
// IsIPProtocol returns true if its parameter is one of the allowed
// network/protocol values for IP. It considers the vanadium specific
// websockect protocols (wsh, wsh4, wsh6) as being IP.
func IsIPProtocol(n string) bool {
// Removed the training IP version number.
n = strings.TrimRightFunc(n, func(r rune) bool { return r == '4' || r == '6' })
switch n {
case "ip+net", "ip", "tcp", "udp", "ws", "wsh":
return true
return false
// AsIPAddr returns its argument as a net.IPAddr if that's possible. If
// the address is an IP in host:port notation it will use the host portion
// only.
func AsIPAddr(a net.Addr) *net.IPAddr {
switch v := a.(type) {
case *net.IPAddr:
return v
case *net.IPNet:
return &net.IPAddr{IP: v.IP}
case *address:
return AsIPAddr(v.addr)
if IsIPProtocol(a.Network()) {
if r := net.ParseIP(a.String()); r != nil {
return &net.IPAddr{IP: r}
if r, _, _ := net.ParseCIDR(a.String()); r != nil {
return &net.IPAddr{IP: r}
host, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(a.String())
if r := net.ParseIP(host); r != nil {
return &net.IPAddr{IP: r}
return nil
// AsIP returns its argument as a net.IP if that's possible.
func AsIP(a net.Addr) net.IP {
ipAddr := AsIPAddr(a)
if ipAddr == nil {
return nil
return ipAddr.IP
// IsUnspecified returns true if its argument is an unspecified IP address
func IsUnspecifiedIP(a Address) bool {
if ip := AsIP(a); ip != nil {
return ip.IsUnspecified()
return false
// IsLoopback returns true if its argument is a loopback IP address
func IsLoopbackIP(a Address) bool {
if ip := AsIP(a); ip != nil && !ip.IsUnspecified() {
return ip.IsLoopback()
return false
// IsAccessible returns true if its argument is an accessible (non-loopback)
// IP address.
func IsAccessibleIP(a Address) bool {
if ip := AsIP(a); ip != nil && !ip.IsUnspecified() {
return !ip.IsLoopback()
return false
// IsUnicastIP returns true if its argument is a unicast IP address.
func IsUnicastIP(a Address) bool {
if ip := AsIP(a); ip != nil && !ip.IsUnspecified() {
// ipv4 or v6
return !(ip.IsMulticast() || ip.IsLinkLocalMulticast() || ip.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast())
return false
// IsUnicastIPv4 returns true if its argument is a unicast IP4 address
func IsUnicastIPv4(a Address) bool {
if ip := AsIP(a); ip != nil && ip.To4() != nil {
return !ip.IsUnspecified() && !ip.IsMulticast()
return false
// IsPublicUnicastIPv4 returns true if its argument is a globally routable,
// public IPv4 unicast address.
func IsPublicUnicastIPv4(a Address) bool {
if ip := AsIP(a); ip != nil && !ip.IsUnspecified() {
if t := ip.To4(); t != nil && IsGloballyRoutableIP(t) {
return !ip.IsMulticast()
return false
// IsUnicastIPv6 returns true if its argument is a unicast IPv6 address
func IsUnicastIPv6(a Address) bool {
if ip := AsIP(a); ip != nil && ip.To4() == nil {
return !ip.IsUnspecified() && !(ip.IsLinkLocalMulticast() || ip.IsInterfaceLocalMulticast())
return false
// IsUnicastIPv6 returns true if its argument is a globally routable IP6
// address
func IsPublicUnicastIPv6(a Address) bool {
if ip := AsIP(a); ip != nil && ip.To4() == nil {
if t := ip.To16(); t != nil && IsGloballyRoutableIP(t) {
return true
return false
// IsPublicUnicastIP returns true if its argument is a global routable IPv4
// or 6 address.
func IsPublicUnicastIP(a Address) bool {
if ip := AsIP(a); ip != nil {
if t := ip.To4(); t != nil && IsGloballyRoutableIP(t) {
return true
if t := ip.To16(); t != nil && IsGloballyRoutableIP(t) {
return true
return false
func diffAB(a, b AddrList) AddrList {
diff := AddrList{}
for _, av := range a {
found := false
for _, bv := range b {
if av.Network() == bv.Network() &&
av.String() == bv.String() {
found = true
if !found {
diff = append(diff, av)
return diff
// FindAdded returns the set addresses that are present in b, but not
// in a - i.e. have been added.
func FindAdded(a, b AddrList) AddrList {
return diffAB(b, a)
// FindRemoved returns the set of addresses that are present in a, but not
// in b - i.e. have been removed.
func FindRemoved(a, b AddrList) AddrList {
return diffAB(a, b)
// SameMachine returns true if the provided addr is on the host
// executing this function.
func SameMachine(addr net.Addr) (bool, error) {
addrs, err := GetAllAddresses()
if err != nil {
return false, err
ips := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, a := range addrs {
ip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(a.String())
if err != nil {
return false, err
ips[ip.String()] = struct{}{}
client, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr.String())
if err != nil {
return false, err
_, islocal := ips[client]
return islocal, nil