blob: 26fdfa9ba974f7a82f15eba7bdc446717a1e037b [file] [log] [blame]
// Package toposort implements topological sort. For details see:
package toposort
// Sorter implements a topological sorter. Add nodes and edges to the sorter to
// describe the graph, and call Sort to retrieve topologically-sorted nodes.
// The zero Sorter describes an empty graph.
type Sorter struct {
values map[interface{}]int // maps from user-provided value to index in nodes
nodes []*node // the graph to sort
// node represents a node in the graph.
type node struct {
value interface{}
children []*node
func (s *Sorter) getOrAddNode(value interface{}) *node {
if s.values == nil {
s.values = make(map[interface{}]int)
if index, ok := s.values[value]; ok {
return s.nodes[index]
s.values[value] = len(s.nodes)
newNode := &node{value: value}
s.nodes = append(s.nodes, newNode)
return newNode
// AddNode adds a node. Arbitrary value types are supported, but the values
// must be comparable; they'll be used as map keys. Typically this is only used
// to add nodes with no incoming or outgoing edges.
func (s *Sorter) AddNode(value interface{}) {
// AddEdge adds nodes from and to, and adds an edge from -> to. You don't need
// to call AddNode first; the nodes will be implicitly added if they don't
// already exist. The direction means that from depends on to; i.e. to will
// appear before from in the sorted output. Cycles are allowed.
func (s *Sorter) AddEdge(from interface{}, to interface{}) {
fromN, toN := s.getOrAddNode(from), s.getOrAddNode(to)
fromN.children = append(fromN.children, toN)
// Sort returns the topologically sorted nodes, along with some of the cycles
// (if any) that were encountered. You're guaranteed that len(cycles)==0 iff
// there are no cycles in the graph, otherwise an arbitrary (but non-empty) list
// of cycles is returned.
// If there are cycles the sorting is best-effort; portions of the graph that
// are acyclic will still be ordered correctly, and the cyclic portions have an
// arbitrary ordering.
// Sort is deterministic; given the same sequence of inputs it always returns
// the same output, even if the inputs are only partially ordered.
func (s *Sorter) Sort() (sorted []interface{}, cycles [][]interface{}) {
// The strategy is the standard simple approach of performing DFS on the
// graph. Details are outlined in the above wikipedia article.
done := make(map[*node]bool)
for _, n := range s.nodes {
cycles = appendCycles(cycles, n.visit(done, make(map[*node]bool), &sorted))
// visit performs DFS on the graph, and fills in sorted and cycles as it
// traverses. We use done to indicate a node has been fully explored, and
// visiting to indicate a node is currently being explored.
// The cycle collection strategy is to wait until we've hit a repeated node in
// visiting, and add that node to cycles and return. Thereafter as the
// recursive stack is unwound, nodes append themselves to the end of each cycle,
// until we're back at the repeated node. This guarantees that if the graph is
// cyclic we'll return at least one of the cycles.
func (n *node) visit(done, visiting map[*node]bool, sorted *[]interface{}) (cycles [][]interface{}) {
if done[n] {
if visiting[n] {
cycles = [][]interface{}{{n.value}}
visiting[n] = true
for _, child := range n.children {
cycles = appendCycles(cycles, child.visit(done, visiting, sorted))
done[n] = true
*sorted = append(*sorted, n.value)
// Update cycles. If it's empty none of our children detected any cycles, and
// there's nothing to do. Otherwise we append ourselves to the cycle, iff the
// cycle hasn't completed yet. We know the cycle has completed if the first
// and last item in the cycle are the same, with an exception for the single
// item case; self-cycles are represented as the same node appearing twice.
for cx := range cycles {
len := len(cycles[cx])
if len == 1 || cycles[cx][0] != cycles[cx][len-1] {
cycles[cx] = append(cycles[cx], n.value)
// appendCycles returns the combined cycles in a and b.
func appendCycles(a [][]interface{}, b [][]interface{}) [][]interface{} {
for _, bcycle := range b {
a = append(a, bcycle)
return a
// DumpCycles dumps the cycles returned from Sorter.Sort, using toString to
// convert each node into a string.
func DumpCycles(cycles [][]interface{}, toString func(n interface{}) string) string {
var str string
for cyclex, cycle := range cycles {
if cyclex > 0 {
str += " "
str += "["
for nodex, node := range cycle {
if nodex > 0 {
str += " <= "
str += toString(node)
str += "]"
return str