v.io/x/lib/nsync: accommodate very slow machines in CV timeout test

The tests of condition variable timeout are testing that something reacts in a
certain real time, since that;''s what the API does.  Our test machines are
sometimes busy, so the test bounds must be quite loose, since the threadds may
not be scheduled promptly.

Change-Id: I7527a0efe7e764b6fec3c31a6a5766b3d3e7b44b
diff --git a/nsync/cv_timeout_stress_test.go b/nsync/cv_timeout_stress_test.go
index 4312424..0cdc871 100644
--- a/nsync/cv_timeout_stress_test.go
+++ b/nsync/cv_timeout_stress_test.go
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
 	// Check that approximately the right number of timeouts have occurred.
 	// The 3 below is the three classes of thread produced before the Sleep().
-	// The factor of 1/2 is to allow for randomness and slow test machines.
-	expectedTimeouts := uint64(threadsPerValue * 3 * sleepSeconds * cvExpectedTimeoutsPerSec / 2)
+	// The factor of 1/4 is to allow for randomness and slow test machines.
+	expectedTimeouts := uint64(threadsPerValue * 3 * sleepSeconds * cvExpectedTimeoutsPerSec / 4)
 	timeoutsSeen := s.timeouts
 	if timeoutsSeen < expectedTimeouts {
 		t.Errorf("expected more than %d timeouts, got %d", expectedTimeouts, timeoutsSeen)