blob: 74fea0bffc8cbc538db40f4960b6fabbbce0db7d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gosh_test
// TODO(sadovsky): Add more tests:
// - effects of Shell.Cleanup
// - Shell.{PropagateChildOutput,ChildOutputDir,Vars,Args}
// - Cmd.{IgnoreParentExit,ExitAfter,PropagateOutput}
// - Cmd.Clone
import (
lib ""
var fakeError = errors.New("fake error")
func fatal(t *testing.T, v ...interface{}) {
func fatalf(t *testing.T, format string, v ...interface{}) {
t.Fatalf(format, v...)
func ok(t *testing.T, err error) {
if err != nil {
fatal(t, err)
func nok(t *testing.T, err error) {
if err == nil {
fatal(t, "nil err")
func eq(t *testing.T, got, want interface{}) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
fatalf(t, "got %v, want %v", got, want)
func neq(t *testing.T, got, notWant interface{}) {
if reflect.DeepEqual(got, notWant) {
fatalf(t, "got %v", got)
func toString(t *testing.T, r io.Reader) string {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
ok(t, err)
return string(b)
func setsErr(t *testing.T, sh *gosh.Shell, f func()) {
continueOnError := sh.ContinueOnError
sh.ContinueOnError = true
nok(t, sh.Err)
sh.Err = nil
sh.ContinueOnError = continueOnError
// Simple registered functions
// Simplified versions of various Unix commands.
var (
catFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("catFunc", func() error {
_, err := io.Copy(os.Stdout, os.Stdin)
return err
echoFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("echoFunc", func() error {
_, err := fmt.Println(os.Args[1])
return err
readFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("readFunc", func() {
// Functions with parameters.
var (
exitFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("exitFunc", func(code int) {
sleepFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("sleepFunc", func(d time.Duration, code int) {
// For TestSignal and TestTerminate.
ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(ch, os.Interrupt)
go func() {
// The parent waits for this "ready" notification to avoid the race where a
// signal is sent before the handler is installed.
gosh.SendVars(map[string]string{"ready": ""})
printFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("printFunc", func(v ...interface{}) {
printfFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("printfFunc", func(format string, v ...interface{}) {
fmt.Printf(format, v...)
// Shell tests
type customTB struct {
t *testing.T
calledFailNow bool
buf *bytes.Buffer
func (tb *customTB) Reset() {
tb.calledFailNow = false
if tb.buf != nil {
func (tb *customTB) FailNow() {
tb.calledFailNow = true
func (tb *customTB) Logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if tb.buf == nil {
tb.t.Logf(format, args...)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(tb.buf, format, args...)
func TestCustomTB(t *testing.T) {
tb := &customTB{t: t}
sh := gosh.NewShell(tb)
defer sh.Cleanup()
// Note, our deferred sh.Cleanup() should succeed despite this error.
nok(t, sh.Err)
eq(t, tb.calledFailNow, true)
func TestPushdPopd(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
startDir, err := os.Getwd()
ok(t, err)
parentDir := filepath.Dir(startDir)
neq(t, startDir, parentDir)
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
ok(t, err)
eq(t, cwd, parentDir)
cwd, err = os.Getwd()
ok(t, err)
eq(t, cwd, startDir)
cwd, err = os.Getwd()
ok(t, err)
eq(t, cwd, parentDir)
cwd, err = os.Getwd()
ok(t, err)
eq(t, cwd, startDir)
// The next sh.Popd() will fail.
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.Popd() })
func evalSymlinks(t *testing.T, dir string) string {
var err error
dir, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(dir)
ok(t, err)
return dir
func getwdEvalSymlinks(t *testing.T) string {
dir, err := os.Getwd()
ok(t, err)
return evalSymlinks(t, dir)
func TestPushdNoPopdCleanup(t *testing.T) {
startDir := getwdEvalSymlinks(t)
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
tmpDir := sh.MakeTempDir()
eq(t, getwdEvalSymlinks(t), evalSymlinks(t, tmpDir))
// There is no matching popd; the cwd is tmpDir, which is deleted by Cleanup.
// Cleanup needs to put us back in startDir, otherwise all subsequent Pushd
// calls will fail.
eq(t, getwdEvalSymlinks(t), startDir)
func TestMakeTempDir(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
name := sh.MakeTempDir()
fi, err := os.Stat(name)
ok(t, err)
eq(t, fi.Mode().IsDir(), true)
func TestMakeTempFile(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
file := sh.MakeTempFile()
fi, err := file.Stat()
ok(t, err)
eq(t, fi.Mode().IsRegular(), true)
func TestMove(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
// TODO(sadovsky): Run all tests twice: once with oldpath and newpath on the
// same volume, and once with oldpath and newpath on different volumes.
src, dst := sh.MakeTempDir(), sh.MakeTempDir()
// Foo files exist, bar files do not.
srcFoo, dstFoo := filepath.Join(src, "srcFoo"), filepath.Join(dst, "dstFoo")
srcBar, dstBar := filepath.Join(src, "srcBar"), filepath.Join(dst, "dstBar")
ioutil.WriteFile(srcFoo, []byte("srcFoo"), 0600)
ioutil.WriteFile(dstFoo, []byte("dstFoo"), 0600)
// Move should fail if source does not exist.
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.Move(srcBar, dstBar) })
// Move should fail if source is a directory.
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.Move(src, dstBar) })
// Move should fail if destination exists, regardless of whether it is a
// regular file or a directory.
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.Move(srcFoo, dstFoo) })
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.Move(srcFoo, dst) })
// Move should fail if destination's parent does not exist.
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.Move(srcFoo, filepath.Join(dst, "subdir", "a")) })
// Move should succeed if source exists and is a file, destination does not
// exist, and destination's parent exists.
sh.Move(srcFoo, dstBar)
if _, err := os.Stat(srcFoo); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Fatalf("got %v, expected IsNotExist", err)
buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(dstBar)
ok(t, err)
eq(t, string(buf), "srcFoo")
func TestShellWait(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
d0 := time.Duration(0)
d200 := 200 * time.Millisecond
c0 := sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, d0, 0) // not started
c1 := sh.Cmd("/#invalid#/!binary!") // failed to start
c2 := sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, d200, 0) // running and will succeed
c3 := sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, d200, 1) // running and will fail
c4 := sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, d0, 0) // succeeded
c5 := sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, d0, 0) // succeeded, called wait
c6 := sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, d0, 1) // failed
c7 := sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, d0, 1) // failed, called wait
c3.ExitErrorIsOk = true
c6.ExitErrorIsOk = true
c7.ExitErrorIsOk = true
// Make sure c1 fails to start. This indirectly tests that Shell.Cleanup works
// even if Cmd.Start failed.
setsErr(t, sh, c1.Start)
// Start commands, then wait for them to exit.
for _, c := range []*gosh.Cmd{c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7} {
// Wait for a bit to allow the zero-sleep commands to exit.
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// It should be possible to run existing unstarted commands, and to create and
// run new commands, after calling Shell.Wait.
sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, d0, 0).Run()
sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, d0, 0).Start()
// Call Shell.Wait again.
// Tests that Shell.Ok panics under various conditions.
func TestOkPanics(t *testing.T) {
func() { // errDidNotCallNewShell
sh := gosh.Shell{}
defer func() { neq(t, recover(), nil) }()
func() { // errShellErrIsNotNil
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
sh.ContinueOnError = true
defer sh.Cleanup()
sh.Err = fakeError
defer func() { neq(t, recover(), nil) }()
func() { // errAlreadyCalledCleanup
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
sh.ContinueOnError = true
defer func() { neq(t, recover(), nil) }()
// Tests that Shell.HandleError panics under various conditions.
func TestHandleErrorPanics(t *testing.T) {
func() { // errDidNotCallNewShell
sh := gosh.Shell{}
defer func() { neq(t, recover(), nil) }()
func() { // errShellErrIsNotNil
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
sh.ContinueOnError = true
defer sh.Cleanup()
sh.Err = fakeError
defer func() { neq(t, recover(), nil) }()
func() { // errAlreadyCalledCleanup
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
sh.ContinueOnError = true
defer func() { neq(t, recover(), nil) }()
// Tests that Shell.Cleanup panics under various conditions.
func TestCleanupPanics(t *testing.T) {
func() { // errDidNotCallNewShell
sh := gosh.Shell{}
defer func() { neq(t, recover(), nil) }()
// Tests that Shell.Cleanup succeeds even if sh.Err is not nil.
func TestCleanupAfterError(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
sh.Err = fakeError
// Tests that Shell.Cleanup can be called multiple times.
func TestMultipleCleanup(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
// Tests that Shell.HandleError logs errors using an appropriate runtime.Caller
// skip value.
func TestHandleErrorLogging(t *testing.T) {
tb := &customTB{t: t, buf: &bytes.Buffer{}}
sh := gosh.NewShell(tb)
defer sh.Cleanup()
// Call HandleError, then check that the stack trace and error got logged.
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
got, wantSuffix := tb.buf.String(), fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d: %v\n", filepath.Base(file), line-1, fakeError)
if !strings.HasSuffix(got, wantSuffix) {
t.Fatalf("got %v, want suffix %v", got, wantSuffix)
if got == wantSuffix {
t.Fatalf("missing stack trace: %v", got)
sh.Err = nil
// Same as above, but with ContinueOnError set to true. Only the error should
// get logged.
sh.ContinueOnError = true
_, file, line, _ = runtime.Caller(0)
got, want := tb.buf.String(), fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d: %v\n", filepath.Base(file), line-1, fakeError)
eq(t, got, want)
sh.Err = nil
// Same as above, but calling HandleErrorWithSkip, with skip set to 1.
sh.HandleErrorWithSkip(fakeError, 1)
_, file, line, _ = runtime.Caller(0)
got, want = tb.buf.String(), fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d: %v\n", filepath.Base(file), line-1, fakeError)
eq(t, got, want)
sh.Err = nil
// Same as above, but with skip set to 2.
sh.HandleErrorWithSkip(fakeError, 2)
_, file, line, _ = runtime.Caller(1)
got, want = tb.buf.String(), fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d: %v\n", filepath.Base(file), line, fakeError)
eq(t, got, want)
sh.Err = nil
// Cmd tests
const (
helloWorldPkg = ""
helloWorldStr = "Hello, world!\n"
// Mirrors ExampleCmd in internal/gosh_example/main.go.
func TestCmd(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
// Start server.
binDir := sh.MakeTempDir()
binPath := gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, binDir, "")
c := sh.Cmd(binPath)
addr := c.AwaitVars("addr")["addr"]
neq(t, addr, "")
// Run client.
binPath = gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, binDir, "")
c = sh.Cmd(binPath, "-addr="+addr)
eq(t, c.Stdout(), helloWorldStr)
var (
getFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("getFunc", lib.Get)
serveFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("serveFunc", lib.Serve)
// Mirrors ExampleFuncCmd in internal/gosh_example/main.go.
func TestFuncCmd(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
// Start server.
c := sh.FuncCmd(serveFunc)
addr := c.AwaitVars("addr")["addr"]
neq(t, addr, "")
// Run client.
c = sh.FuncCmd(getFunc, addr)
eq(t, c.Stdout(), helloWorldStr)
// Tests that Shell.Cmd uses Shell.Vars["PATH"] to locate executables with
// relative names.
func TestLookPath(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
binDir := sh.MakeTempDir()
sh.Vars["PATH"] = binDir + ":" + sh.Vars["PATH"]
relName := "hw"
absName := filepath.Join(binDir, relName)
gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, "", helloWorldPkg, "-o", absName)
c := sh.Cmd(relName)
eq(t, c.Stdout(), helloWorldStr)
// Test the case where we cannot find the executable.
sh.Vars["PATH"] = ""
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.Cmd("yes") })
var (
sendVarsFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("sendVarsFunc", func(vars map[string]string) {
stderrFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("stderrFunc", func(s string) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, s)
// Tests that AwaitVars works under various conditions.
func TestAwaitVars(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
c := sh.FuncCmd(sendVarsFunc, map[string]string{"a": "1"})
eq(t, c.AwaitVars("a")["a"], "1")
c = sh.FuncCmd(stderrFunc, `<goshVars{"a":"1","b":"2"}goshVars>`)
vars := c.AwaitVars("a", "b")
eq(t, vars["a"], "1")
eq(t, vars["b"], "2")
c = sh.FuncCmd(stderrFunc, `<goshVars{"a":"1"}goshVars><gosh`)
eq(t, c.AwaitVars("a")["a"], "1")
c = sh.FuncCmd(stderrFunc, `<goshVars{"a":"1"}goshVars><goshVars{"b":"2"}goshVars>`)
vars = c.AwaitVars("a", "b")
eq(t, vars["a"], "1")
eq(t, vars["b"], "2")
c = sh.FuncCmd(stderrFunc, `<goshVars{"a":"1","b":"2"}goshVars>`)
vars = c.AwaitVars("a")
eq(t, vars["a"], "1")
eq(t, vars["b"], "")
vars = c.AwaitVars("b")
eq(t, vars["a"], "")
eq(t, vars["b"], "2")
c = sh.FuncCmd(stderrFunc, `<g<goshVars{"a":"goshVars"}goshVars>s><goshVars`)
eq(t, c.AwaitVars("a")["a"], "goshVars")
c = sh.FuncCmd(stderrFunc, `<<goshVars{"a":"1"}goshVars>><<goshVars{"b":"<goshVars"}goshVars>>`)
vars = c.AwaitVars("a", "b")
eq(t, vars["a"], "1")
eq(t, vars["b"], "<goshVars")
// Tests that AwaitVars returns immediately when the process exits.
func TestAwaitVarsProcessExit(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
c := sh.FuncCmd(exitFunc, 0)
setsErr(t, sh, func() { c.AwaitVars("foo") })
// Functions designed for TestRegistry.
var (
printIntsFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("printIntsFunc", func(v {
var vi []interface{}
for _, x := range v {
vi = append(vi, x)
printfIntsFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("printfIntsFunc", func(format string, v {
var vi []interface{}
for _, x := range v {
vi = append(vi, x)
fmt.Printf(format, vi...)
// Tests function signature-checking and execution.
func TestRegistry(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
// Variadic functions. Non-variadic functions are sufficiently covered in
// other tests.
eq(t, sh.FuncCmd(printFunc).Stdout(), "")
eq(t, sh.FuncCmd(printFunc, 0).Stdout(), "0")
eq(t, sh.FuncCmd(printFunc, 0, "foo").Stdout(), "0foo")
eq(t, sh.FuncCmd(printfFunc, "").Stdout(), "")
eq(t, sh.FuncCmd(printfFunc, "%v", 0).Stdout(), "0")
eq(t, sh.FuncCmd(printfFunc, "%v%v", 0, "foo").Stdout(), "0foo")
eq(t, sh.FuncCmd(printIntsFunc, 1, 2).Stdout(), "1 2")
eq(t, sh.FuncCmd(printfIntsFunc, "%v %v", 1, 2).Stdout(), "1 2")
// Too few arguments.
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(exitFunc) })
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, time.Second) })
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(printfFunc) })
// Too many arguments.
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(exitFunc, 0, 0) })
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, time.Second, 0, 0) })
// Wrong argument types.
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(exitFunc, "foo") })
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, 0, 0) })
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(printfFunc, 0) })
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(printfFunc, 0, 0) })
// Wrong variadic argument types.
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(printIntsFunc, 0.5) })
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(printIntsFunc, 0, 0.5) })
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(printfIntsFunc, "%v", 0.5) })
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(printfIntsFunc, "%v", 0, 0.5) })
// Unsupported argument types.
var p *int
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(printFunc, p) })
setsErr(t, sh, func() { sh.FuncCmd(printfFunc, "%v", p) })
func TestStdin(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
// The "cat" command exits after the reader returns EOF.
c := sh.FuncCmd(catFunc)
eq(t, c.Stdout(), "foo\n")
// The "cat" command exits after the reader returns EOF, so we must explicitly
// close the stdin pipe.
c = sh.FuncCmd(catFunc)
stdin := c.StdinPipe()
eq(t, c.Stdout(), "foo\n")
// The "read" command exits when it sees a newline, so it is not necessary to
// explicitly close the stdin pipe.
c = sh.FuncCmd(readFunc)
stdin = c.StdinPipe()
// No stdin, so cat should exit immediately.
c = sh.FuncCmd(catFunc)
eq(t, c.Stdout(), "")
// It's an error to call both StdinPipe and SetStdinReader.
c = sh.FuncCmd(catFunc)
setsErr(t, sh, func() { c.StdinPipe() })
c = sh.FuncCmd(catFunc)
setsErr(t, sh, func() { c.SetStdinReader(strings.NewReader("")) })
c = sh.FuncCmd(catFunc)
setsErr(t, sh, func() { c.StdinPipe() })
c = sh.FuncCmd(catFunc)
setsErr(t, sh, func() { c.SetStdinReader(strings.NewReader("")) })
func TestStdinPipeWriteUntilExit(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
// Ensure that Write calls on stdin fail after the process exits. Note that we
// write to the command's stdin concurrently with the command's exit waiter
// goroutine closing stdin. Use "go test -race" catch races.
// Set a non-zero exit code, so that os.Exit exits immediately. See the
// implementation of for details.
c := sh.FuncCmd(exitFunc, 1)
c.ExitErrorIsOk = true
stdin := c.StdinPipe()
for {
if _, err := stdin.Write([]byte("a")); err != nil {
var writeFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("writeFunc", func(stdout, stderr bool) error {
if stdout {
if _, err := os.Stdout.Write([]byte("A")); err != nil {
return err
if stderr {
if _, err := os.Stderr.Write([]byte("B")); err != nil {
return err
if stdout {
if _, err := os.Stdout.Write([]byte("A")); err != nil {
return err
if stderr {
if _, err := os.Stderr.Write([]byte("B")); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func TestStdoutStderr(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
// Write to stdout only.
c := sh.FuncCmd(writeFunc, true, false)
stdoutPipe, stderrPipe := c.StdoutPipe(), c.StderrPipe()
stdout, stderr := c.StdoutStderr()
eq(t, stdout, "AA")
eq(t, stderr, "")
eq(t, toString(t, stdoutPipe), "AA")
eq(t, toString(t, stderrPipe), "")
// Write to stderr only.
c = sh.FuncCmd(writeFunc, false, true)
stdoutPipe, stderrPipe = c.StdoutPipe(), c.StderrPipe()
stdout, stderr = c.StdoutStderr()
eq(t, stdout, "")
eq(t, stderr, "BB")
eq(t, toString(t, stdoutPipe), "")
eq(t, toString(t, stderrPipe), "BB")
// Write to both stdout and stderr.
c = sh.FuncCmd(writeFunc, true, true)
stdoutPipe, stderrPipe = c.StdoutPipe(), c.StderrPipe()
stdout, stderr = c.StdoutStderr()
eq(t, stdout, "AA")
eq(t, stderr, "BB")
eq(t, toString(t, stdoutPipe), "AA")
eq(t, toString(t, stderrPipe), "BB")
var writeMoreFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("writeMoreFunc", func() {
sh := gosh.NewShell(nil)
defer sh.Cleanup()
c := sh.FuncCmd(writeFunc, true, true)
fmt.Fprint(os.Stdout, " stdout done")
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, " stderr done")
// Tests that it's safe to add os.Stdout and os.Stderr as writers.
func TestAddStdoutStderrWriter(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
stdout, stderr := sh.FuncCmd(writeMoreFunc).StdoutStderr()
eq(t, stdout, "AA stdout done")
eq(t, stderr, "BB stderr done")
func TestCombinedOutput(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
c := sh.FuncCmd(writeFunc, true, true)
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
output := c.CombinedOutput()
// Note, we can't assume any particular ordering of stdout and stderr, so we
// simply check the length of the combined output.
eq(t, len(output), 4)
// The ordering must be the same, regardless of how we captured the combined
// output.
eq(t, output, buf.String())
func TestOutputDir(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
dir := sh.MakeTempDir()
c := sh.FuncCmd(writeFunc, true, true)
c.OutputDir = dir
matches, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(dir, "*.stdout"))
ok(t, err)
eq(t, len(matches), 1)
stdout, err := ioutil.ReadFile(matches[0])
ok(t, err)
eq(t, string(stdout), "AA")
matches, err = filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(dir, "*.stderr"))
ok(t, err)
eq(t, len(matches), 1)
stderr, err := ioutil.ReadFile(matches[0])
ok(t, err)
eq(t, string(stderr), "BB")
var replaceFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("replaceFunc", func(old, new byte) error {
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
for {
n, err := os.Stdin.Read(buf)
switch {
case err == io.EOF:
return nil
case err != nil:
return err
rep := bytes.Replace(buf[:n], []byte{old}, []byte{new}, -1)
if _, err := os.Stdout.Write(rep); err != nil {
return err
func TestSignal(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
for _, d := range []time.Duration{0, time.Hour} {
for _, s := range []os.Signal{os.Interrupt, os.Kill} {
fmt.Println(d, s)
c := sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, d, 0)
// Wait for a bit to allow the zero-sleep commands to exit.
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
switch {
case s == os.Interrupt:
// Wait should succeed as long as the exit code was 0, regardless of
// whether the signal arrived or the process had already exited.
case d != 0:
// Note: We don't call Wait in the {d: 0, s: os.Kill} case because doing
// so makes the test flaky on slow systems.
setsErr(t, sh, func() { c.Wait() })
// Signal should fail if Wait has been called.
c := sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, time.Duration(0), 0)
setsErr(t, sh, func() { c.Signal(os.Interrupt) })
func TestTerminate(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
for _, d := range []time.Duration{0, time.Hour} {
for _, s := range []os.Signal{os.Interrupt, os.Kill} {
fmt.Println(d, s)
c := sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, d, 0)
// Wait for a bit to allow the zero-sleep commands to exit.
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// Terminate should succeed regardless of the exit code, and regardless of
// whether the signal arrived or the process had already exited.
// Terminate should fail if Wait has been called.
c := sh.FuncCmd(sleepFunc, time.Duration(0), 0)
setsErr(t, sh, func() { c.Terminate(os.Interrupt) })
func TestExitErrorIsOk(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
// Exit code 0 is not an error.
c := sh.FuncCmd(exitFunc, 0)
ok(t, c.Err)
ok(t, sh.Err)
// Exit code 1 is an error.
c = sh.FuncCmd(exitFunc, 1)
c.ExitErrorIsOk = true
nok(t, c.Err)
ok(t, sh.Err)
// If ExitErrorIsOk is false, exit code 1 triggers sh.HandleError.
c = sh.FuncCmd(exitFunc, 1)
setsErr(t, sh, func() { c.Run() })
nok(t, c.Err)
func TestIgnoreClosedPipeError(t *testing.T) {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
// Since writeLoopFunc will only finish if it receives a write error, it's
// depending on the closed pipe error from closedPipeErrorWriter.
c := sh.FuncCmd(writeLoopFunc)
c.IgnoreClosedPipeError = true
ok(t, c.Err)
ok(t, sh.Err)
// Without IgnoreClosedPipeError, the command fails.
c = sh.FuncCmd(writeLoopFunc)
setsErr(t, sh, func() { c.Run() })
nok(t, c.Err)
var writeLoopFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("writeLoopFunc", func() error {
for {
if _, err := os.Stdout.Write([]byte("a\n")); err != nil {
// Always return success; the purpose of this command is to ensure that
// when the next command in the pipeline fails, it causes a closed pipe
// write error here to exit the loop.
return nil
type errorWriter struct {
func (w errorWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
return 0, w.error
var cmdFailureFunc = gosh.RegisterFunc("cmdFailureFunc", func(nStdout, nStderr int) error {
if _, err := os.Stdout.Write([]byte(strings.Repeat("A", nStdout))); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := os.Stderr.Write([]byte(strings.Repeat("B", nStderr))); err != nil {
return err
return fakeError
// Tests that when a command fails, we log the head and tail of its stdout and
// stderr.
func TestCmdFailureLoggingEnabled(t *testing.T) {
tb := &customTB{t: t, buf: &bytes.Buffer{}}
sh := gosh.NewShell(tb)
defer sh.Cleanup()
const k = 1 << 15
// Note: When a FuncCmd fails, InitMain calls log.Fatal(err), which writes err
// to stderr. In several places below, our expected stderr must accommodate
// this logged fakeError string.
tests := []struct {
nStdout int
nStderr int
wantStdout string
wantStderr string
{0, 0, "[ empty ]", ""},
{1, 1, "A", "B"},
{k, k, strings.Repeat("A", k), strings.Repeat("B", k)},
{k + 1, k + 1, strings.Repeat("A", k+1), strings.Repeat("B", k+1)},
// Stderr includes fakeError.
{2 * k, 2 * k, strings.Repeat("A", 2*k), strings.Repeat("B", k) + "\n[ ... skipping "},
// Stderr includes fakeError.
{2*k + 1, 2*k + 1, strings.Repeat("A", k) + "\n[ ... skipping 1 bytes ... ]\n" + strings.Repeat("A", k), strings.Repeat("B", k) + "\n[ ... skipping "},
sep := strings.Repeat("-", 40)
for _, test := range tests {
sh.FuncCmd(cmdFailureFunc, test.nStdout, test.nStderr).Run()
got := tb.buf.String()
wantStdout := fmt.Sprintf("\nSTDOUT\n%s\n%s\n", sep, test.wantStdout)
if !strings.Contains(got, wantStdout) {
t.Fatalf("got %v, want substring %v", got, wantStdout)
// Stderr includes fakeError.
wantStderr := fmt.Sprintf("\nSTDERR\n%s\n%s", sep, test.wantStderr)
if !strings.Contains(got, wantStderr) {
t.Fatalf("got %v, want substring %v", got, wantStderr)
sh.Err = nil
// Tests that we don't log command failures when ExitErrorIsOk or
// ContinueOnError is set.
func TestCmdFailureLoggingDisabled(t *testing.T) {
tb := &customTB{t: t, buf: &bytes.Buffer{}}
sh := gosh.NewShell(tb)
defer sh.Cleanup()
// If ExitErrorIsOk is set and the command fails, we shouldn't log anything.
c := sh.FuncCmd(exitFunc, 1)
c.ExitErrorIsOk = true
eq(t, tb.calledFailNow, false)
eq(t, tb.buf.String(), "")
// If ContinueOnError is set and the command fails, we should log the exit
// status but not the command stderr.
c = sh.FuncCmd(exitFunc, 1)
sh.ContinueOnError = true
eq(t, tb.calledFailNow, false)
got := tb.buf.String()
if !strings.Contains(got, "exit status 1") {
t.Fatalf("missing error: %s", got)
if strings.Contains(got, "STDERR") {
t.Fatalf("should not log stderr: %s", got)
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// Other tests
// Tests BuildGoPkg's handling of the -o flag.
func TestBuildGoPkg(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
sh := gosh.NewShell(t)
defer sh.Cleanup()
// Set -o to an absolute name.
relName := "hw"
absName := filepath.Join(sh.MakeTempDir(), relName)
eq(t, gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, "", helloWorldPkg, "-o", absName), absName)
c := sh.Cmd(absName)
eq(t, c.Stdout(), helloWorldStr)
// Set -o to a relative name with no path separators.
binDir := sh.MakeTempDir()
absName = filepath.Join(binDir, relName)
eq(t, gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, binDir, helloWorldPkg, "-o", relName), absName)
c = sh.Cmd(absName)
eq(t, c.Stdout(), helloWorldStr)
// Set -o to a relative name that contains a path separator.
relNameWithSlash := filepath.Join("subdir", relName)
absName = filepath.Join(binDir, relNameWithSlash)
eq(t, gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, binDir, helloWorldPkg, "-o", relNameWithSlash), absName)
c = sh.Cmd(absName)
eq(t, c.Stdout(), helloWorldStr)
// Missing location after -o.
setsErr(t, sh, func() { gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, "", helloWorldPkg, "-o") })
// Multiple -o.
absName = filepath.Join(sh.MakeTempDir(), relName)
gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, "", helloWorldPkg, "-o", relName, "-o", absName)
c = sh.Cmd(absName)
eq(t, c.Stdout(), helloWorldStr)
// Use --o instead of -o.
absName = filepath.Join(sh.MakeTempDir(), relName)
gosh.BuildGoPkg(sh, "", helloWorldPkg, "--o", absName)
c = sh.Cmd(absName)
eq(t, c.Stdout(), helloWorldStr)