blob: 06fdc9fdfd19813561b390bf00e78ce42a534874 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package textutil
import (
type lp struct {
line, para string
var (
allIndents = [][]int{nil, {}, {1}, {2}, {1, 2}, {2, 1}}
allIndents1 = [][]int{{1}, {2}, {1, 2}, {2, 1}}
func TestLineWriter(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
Width int
Indents [][]int
In string // See xlateIn for details on the format
Want string // See xlateWant for details on the format
// Completely blank input yields empty output.
{4, allIndents, "", ""},
{4, allIndents, " ", ""},
{4, allIndents, " ", ""},
{4, allIndents, " ", ""},
{4, allIndents, " ", ""},
{4, allIndents, " ", ""},
{4, allIndents, " ", ""},
{4, allIndents, "F N R V L P ", ""},
// Single words never get word-wrapped, even if they're long.
{4, allIndents, "a", "0a."},
{4, allIndents, "ab", "0ab."},
{4, allIndents, "abc", "0abc."},
{4, allIndents, "abcd", "0abcd."},
{4, allIndents, "abcde", "0abcde."},
{4, allIndents, "abcdef", "0abcdef."},
// Word-wrapping boundary conditions.
{4, allIndents, "abc ", "0abc."},
{4, allIndents, "abc ", "0abc."},
{4, allIndents, "abcN", "0abc."},
{4, allIndents, "abcN ", "0abc."},
{4, allIndents, "abcd ", "0abcd."},
{4, allIndents, "abcd ", "0abcd."},
{4, allIndents, "abcdN", "0abcd."},
{4, allIndents, "abcdN ", "0abcd."},
{4, [][]int{nil}, "a cd", "0a cd."},
{4, [][]int{nil}, "a cd ", "0a cd."},
{4, [][]int{nil}, "a cdN", "0a cd."},
{4, allIndents1, "a cd", "0a.1cd."},
{4, allIndents1, "a cd ", "0a.1cd."},
{4, allIndents1, "a cdN", "0a.1cd."},
{4, allIndents, "a cde", "0a.1cde."},
{4, allIndents, "a cde ", "0a.1cde."},
{4, allIndents, "a cdeN", "0a.1cde."},
{4, [][]int{nil}, "a d", "0a d."},
{4, [][]int{nil}, "a d ", "0a d."},
{4, [][]int{nil}, "a dN", "0a d."},
{4, allIndents1, "a d", "0a.1d."},
{4, allIndents1, "a d ", "0a.1d."},
{4, allIndents1, "a dN", "0a.1d."},
{4, allIndents, "a de", "0a.1de."},
{4, allIndents, "a de ", "0a.1de."},
{4, allIndents, "a deN", "0a.1de."},
// Multi-line word-wrapping boundary conditions.
{4, allIndents, "abc e", "0abc.1e."},
{4, allIndents, "abc.e", "0abc.1e."},
{4, allIndents, "abc efgh", "0abc.1efgh."},
{4, allIndents, "abc.efgh", "0abc.1efgh."},
{4, allIndents, "abc efghi", "0abc.1efghi."},
{4, allIndents, "abc.efghi", "0abc.1efghi."},
{4, [][]int{nil}, "abc e gh", "0abc.1e gh."},
{4, [][]int{nil}, "", "0abc.1e gh."},
{4, allIndents1, "abc e gh", "0abc.1e.2gh."},
{4, allIndents1, "", "0abc.1e.2gh."},
{4, allIndents, "abc e ghijk", "0abc.1e.2ghijk."},
{4, allIndents, "abc.e.ghijk", "0abc.1e.2ghijk."},
// Verbatim lines.
{4, allIndents, " b", "0 b."},
{4, allIndents, " bc", "0 bc."},
{4, allIndents, " bcd", "0 bcd."},
{4, allIndents, " bcde", "0 bcde."},
{4, allIndents, " bcdef", "0 bcdef."},
{4, allIndents, " bcdefg", "0 bcdefg."},
{4, allIndents, " b de ghijk", "0 b de ghijk."},
// Verbatim lines before word-wrapped lines.
{4, allIndents, " b.vw yz", "0 b.1vw.2yz."},
{4, allIndents, " bc.vw yz", "0 bc.1vw.2yz."},
{4, allIndents, " bcd.vw yz", "0 bcd.1vw.2yz."},
{4, allIndents, " bcde.vw yz", "0 bcde.1vw.2yz."},
{4, allIndents, " bcdef.vw yz", "0 bcdef.1vw.2yz."},
{4, allIndents, " bcdefg.vw yz", "0 bcdefg.1vw.2yz."},
{4, allIndents, " b de ghijk.vw yz", "0 b de ghijk.1vw.2yz."},
// Verbatim lines after word-wrapped lines.
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. b", "0vw.1yz.2 b."},
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. bc", "0vw.1yz.2 bc."},
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. bcd", "0vw.1yz.2 bcd."},
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. bcde", "0vw.1yz.2 bcde."},
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. bcdef", "0vw.1yz.2 bcdef."},
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. bcdefg", "0vw.1yz.2 bcdefg."},
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. b de ghijk", "0vw.1yz.2 b de ghijk."},
// Verbatim lines between word-wrapped lines.
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. pq", "0vw.1yz.2 b.2mn.2pq."},
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. pq", "0vw.1yz.2 bc.2mn.2pq."},
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. pq", "0vw.1yz.2 bcd.2mn.2pq."},
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. pq", "0vw.1yz.2 bcde.2mn.2pq."},
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. pq", "0vw.1yz.2 bcdef.2mn.2pq."},
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. pq", "0vw.1yz.2 bcdefg.2mn.2pq."},
{4, allIndents, "vw yz. b de pq", "0vw.1yz.2 b de ghijk.2mn.2pq."},
// Multi-paragraphs via explicit U+2029, and multi-newline.
{4, allIndents, "ab de ghPij lm op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "ab de gh Pij lm op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, " Pij.lm.op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "ab de ghNNij lm op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "ab de ghNNNij lm op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "ab de gh N Nij lm op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, " N Nij.lm.op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "ab de gh N N Nij lm op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, " N N Nij.lm.op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
// Special-case /r/n is a single EOL, but may be combined.
{4, allIndents, "ab de ghRNij lm op", "0ab.1de.2gh.2ij.2lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "", "0ab.1de.2gh.2ij.2lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "ab de gh RNij lm op", "0ab.1de.2gh.2ij.2lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, " RNij.lm.op", "0ab.1de.2gh.2ij.2lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "ab de ghRNRNij lm op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "ab de gh RN RNij lm op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, " RN RNij.lm.op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, "ab de ghR Nij lm op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
{4, allIndents, " Nij.lm.op", "0ab.1de.2gh.:0ij.1lm.2op."},
// Line separator via explicit U+2028 ends lines, but not paragraphs.
{4, allIndents, "aLcd", "0a.1cd."},
{4, allIndents, "a Lcd", "0a.1cd."},
{4, allIndents, "aLLcd", "0a.1cd."},
{4, allIndents, "a LLcd", "0a.1cd."},
// 0 width ends up with one word per line, except verbatim lines.
{0, allIndents, "a c e", "0a.1c.2e."},
{0, allIndents, "a cd fghij", "0a.1cd.2fghij."},
{0, allIndents, "a. cd fghij.l n", "0a.1 cd fghij.2l.2n."},
// -1 width ends up with all words on same line, except verbatim lines.
{-1, allIndents, "a c e", "0a c e."},
{-1, allIndents, "a cd fghij", "0a cd fghij."},
{-1, allIndents, "a. cd fghij.l n", "0a.1 cd fghij.2l n."},
for _, test := range tests {
// Run with a variety of chunk sizes.
for _, sizes := range [][]int{nil, {1}, {2}, {1, 2}, {2, 1}} {
// Run with a variety of line terminators and paragraph separators.
for _, lp := range []lp{{}, {"\n", "\n"}, {"L", "P"}, {"LLL", "PPP"}} {
// Run with a variety of indents.
if len(test.Indents) == 0 {
t.Errorf("%d %q %q has no indents, use [][]int{nil} rather than nil", test.Width, test.In, test.Want)
for _, indents := range test.Indents {
var buf bytes.Buffer
w := newUTF8LineWriter(t, &buf, test.Width, lp, indents)
lineWriterWriteFlush(t, w, xlateIn(test.In), sizes)
if got, want := buf.String(), xlateWant(test.Want, lp, indents); got != want {
t.Errorf("%q sizes:%v lp:%q indents:%v got %q, want %q", test.In, sizes, lp, indents, got, want)
func TestLineWriterForceVerbatim(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
In string // See xlateIn for details on the format
Want string // See xlateIn for details on the format
{"", ""},
{"a", "a."},
{"a.", "a."},
{"ab", "ab."},
{"ab.", "ab."},
{"abc", "abc."},
{"abc.", "abc."},
{"a c", "a c."},
{"a c.", "a c."},
{"a cde", "a cde."},
{"a cde.", "a cde."},
{"a c e", "a c e."},
{"a c e.", "a c e."},
{"a c ef", "a c ef."},
{"a c ef.", "a c ef."},
{"a c f", "a c f."},
{"a c f.", "a c f."},
{"a f", "a f."},
{"a f.", "a f."},
{"a c e.g i k", "a c e.g i k."},
{"a c e.g i k.", "a c e.g i k."},
for _, test := range tests {
// Run with a variety of chunk sizes.
for _, sizes := range [][]int{nil, {1}, {2}, {1, 2}, {2, 1}} {
var buf bytes.Buffer
w := newUTF8LineWriter(t, &buf, 1, lp{}, nil)
lineWriterWriteFlush(t, w, xlateIn(test.In), sizes)
if got, want := buf.String(), xlateIn(test.Want); got != want {
t.Errorf("%q sizes:%v got %q, want %q", test.In, sizes, got, want)
// xlateIn translates our test.In pattern into an actual input string to feed
// into the writer. The point is to make it easy to specify the various control
// sequences in a single character, so it's easier to understand.
func xlateIn(text string) string {
text = strings.Replace(text, "F", "\f", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "N", "\n", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, ".", "\n", -1) // Also allow . for easier reading
text = strings.Replace(text, "R", "\r", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "V", "\v", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "L", "\u2028", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "P", "\u2029", -1)
return text
// xlateWant translates our test.Want pattern into an actual expected string to
// compare against the output. The point is to make it easy to read and write
// the expected patterns, and to make it easy to test various indents.
func xlateWant(text string, lp lp, indents []int) string {
// Dot "." and colon ":" in the want string indicate line terminators and
// paragraph separators, respectively.
line := lp.line
if line == "" {
line = "\n"
text = strings.Replace(text, ".", line, -1)
para := lp.para
if para == "" {
para = "\n"
text = strings.Replace(text, ":", para, -1)
// The numbers in the want string indicate paragraph line numbers, to make it
// easier to automatically replace for various indent configurations.
switch len(indents) {
case 0:
text = strings.Replace(text, "0", "", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "1", "", -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "2", "", -1)
case 1:
text = strings.Replace(text, "0", spaces(indents[0]), -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "1", spaces(indents[0]), -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "2", spaces(indents[0]), -1)
case 2:
text = strings.Replace(text, "0", spaces(indents[0]), -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "1", spaces(indents[1]), -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "2", spaces(indents[1]), -1)
case 3:
text = strings.Replace(text, "0", spaces(indents[0]), -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "1", spaces(indents[1]), -1)
text = strings.Replace(text, "2", spaces(indents[2]), -1)
return text
func spaces(count int) string {
return strings.Repeat(" ", count)
func newUTF8LineWriter(t testing.TB, buf io.Writer, width int, lp lp, indents []int) *LineWriter {
w := NewUTF8LineWriter(buf, width)
if lp.line != "" || lp.para != "" {
if err := w.SetLineTerminator(lp.line); err != nil {
t.Errorf("SetLineTerminator(%q) got %v, want nil", lp.line, err)
if err := w.SetParagraphSeparator(lp.para); err != nil {
t.Errorf("SetParagraphSeparator(%q) got %v, want nil", lp.para, err)
if indents != nil {
indentStrs := make([]string, len(indents))
for ix, indent := range indents {
indentStrs[ix] = spaces(indent)
if err := w.SetIndents(indentStrs...); err != nil {
t.Errorf("SetIndents(%v) got %v, want nil", indentStrs, err)
return w
func lineWriterWriteFlush(t testing.TB, w *LineWriter, text string, sizes []int) {
// Write chunks of different sizes until we've exhausted the input.
remain := []byte(text)
for ix := 0; len(remain) > 0; ix++ {
var chunk []byte
chunk, remain = nextChunk(remain, sizes, ix)
got, err := w.Write(chunk)
if want := len(chunk); got != want || err != nil {
t.Errorf("%q Write(%q) got (%d,%v), want (%d,nil)", text, chunk, got, err, want)
// Flush the writer.
if err := w.Flush(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%q Flush() got %v, want nil", text, err)
func benchUTF8LineWriter(b *testing.B, width int, sizes []int) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
var buf bytes.Buffer
w := newUTF8LineWriter(b, &buf, width, lp{}, nil)
lineWriterWriteFlush(b, w, benchText, sizes)
func BenchmarkUTF8LineWriter_Sizes_0_Width_0(b *testing.B) {
benchUTF8LineWriter(b, 0, nil)
func BenchmarkUTF8LineWriter_Sizes_0_Width_10(b *testing.B) {
benchUTF8LineWriter(b, 10, nil)
func BenchmarkUTF8LineWriter_Sizes_0_Width_Inf(b *testing.B) {
benchUTF8LineWriter(b, -1, nil)
func BenchmarkUTF8LineWriter_Sizes_1_Width_0(b *testing.B) {
benchUTF8LineWriter(b, 0, []int{1})
func BenchmarkUTF8LineWriter_Sizes_1_Width_10(b *testing.B) {
benchUTF8LineWriter(b, 10, []int{1})
func BenchmarkUTF8LineWriter_Sizes_1_Width_Inf(b *testing.B) {
benchUTF8LineWriter(b, -1, []int{1})
func BenchmarkUTF8LineWriter_Sizes_1_2_3_Width_0(b *testing.B) {
benchUTF8LineWriter(b, 0, []int{1, 2, 3})
func BenchmarkUTF8LineWriter_Sizes_1_2_3_Width_10(b *testing.B) {
benchUTF8LineWriter(b, 10, []int{1, 2, 3})
func BenchmarkUTF8LineWriter_Sizes_1_2_3_Width_Inf(b *testing.B) {
benchUTF8LineWriter(b, -1, []int{1, 2, 3})