blob: ab1f5bd72f275f25cbcad5789dcb3fb0a84be43a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cmdline
import (
const missingDescription = "No description available"
// helpRunner is a Runner that implements the "help" functionality. Help is
// requested for the last command in rootPath, which must not be empty.
type helpRunner struct {
rootPath []*Command
func makeHelpRunner(path []*Command, env *Env) helpRunner {
return helpRunner{path, &helpConfig{
env: env,
width: env.width(),
// helpConfig holds configuration data for help. The style and width may be
// overriden by flags if the command returned by newCommand is parsed.
type helpConfig struct {
env *Env
style style
width int
// Run implements the Runner interface method.
func (h helpRunner) Run(env *Env, args []string) error {
w := textutil.NewUTF8LineWriter(env.Stdout, h.width)
defer w.Flush()
return runHelp(w, env.Stderr, args, h.rootPath, h.helpConfig)
// usageFunc is used as the implementation of the Env.Usage function.
func (h helpRunner) usageFunc(writer io.Writer) {
w := textutil.NewUTF8LineWriter(writer, h.width)
usage(w, h.rootPath, h.helpConfig, h.env.firstCall())
const helpName = "help"
// newCommand returns a new help command that uses h as its Runner.
func (h helpRunner) newCommand() *Command {
help := &Command{
Runner: h,
Name: helpName,
Short: "Display help for commands or topics",
Long: `
Help with no args displays the usage of the parent command.
Help with args displays the usage of the specified sub-command or help topic.
"help ..." recursively displays help for all commands and topics.
ArgsName: "[command/topic ...]",
ArgsLong: `
[command/topic ...] optionally identifies a specific sub-command or help topic.
help.Flags.Var(&, "style", `
The formatting style for help output:
compact - Good for compact cmdline output.
full - Good for cmdline output, shows all global flags.
godoc - Good for godoc processing.
Override the default by setting the CMDLINE_STYLE environment variable.
help.Flags.IntVar(&h.width, "width", h.width, `
Format output to this target width in runes, or unlimited if width < 0.
Defaults to the terminal width if available. Override the default by setting
the CMDLINE_WIDTH environment variable.
// Override default values, so that the godoc style shows good defaults.
help.Flags.Lookup("style").DefValue = "compact"
help.Flags.Lookup("width").DefValue = "<terminal width>"
return help
// runHelp implements the run-time behavior of the help command.
func runHelp(w *textutil.LineWriter, stderr io.Writer, args []string, path []*Command, config *helpConfig) error {
if len(args) == 0 {
usage(w, path, config, config.env.firstCall())
return nil
if args[0] == "..." {
usageAll(w, path, config, config.env.firstCall())
return nil
// Look for matching children.
cmd, subName, subArgs := path[len(path)-1], args[0], args[1:]
for _, child := range cmd.Children {
if child.Name == subName {
return runHelp(w, stderr, subArgs, append(path, child), config)
if helpName == subName {
help := helpRunner{path, config}.newCommand()
return runHelp(w, stderr, subArgs, append(path, help), config)
if cmd.LookPath {
// Look for a matching executable in PATH.
subCmd := cmd.Name + "-" + subName
if lookPath(subCmd, config.env.pathDirs()) {
runner := binaryRunner{subCmd, pathName(config.env.prefix(), path)}
env := config.env.clone()
env.Vars["CMDLINE_STYLE"] =
if len(subArgs) == 0 {
return runner.Run(env, []string{"-help"})
return runner.Run(env, append([]string{helpName}, subArgs...))
// Look for matching topic.
for _, topic := range cmd.Topics {
if topic.Name == subName {
fmt.Fprintln(w, topic.Long)
return nil
fn := helpRunner{path, config}.usageFunc
return usageErrorf(stderr, fn, "%s: unknown command or topic %q", pathName(config.env.prefix(), path), subName)
func godocHeader(path, short string) string {
// The first rune must be uppercase for godoc to recognize the string as a
// section header, which is linked to the table of contents.
switch {
case path == "":
return firstRuneToUpper(short)
case short == "":
return firstRuneToUpper(path)
// Godoc has special heurisitics to extract headers from the comments, from
// which it builds a nice table of contents. Headers must be single
// unindented lines with unindented paragraphs both before and after, and the
// line must not include certain characters.
// We try our best to create a header that includes both the command path and
// the short description, but if godoc won't extract a header out of the line,
// we fall back to just returning the command path.
// For more details see the comments and implementation of doc.ToHTML:
header := firstRuneToUpper(path + " - " + short)
var buf bytes.Buffer
doc.ToHTML(&buf, "before\n\n"+header+"\n\nafter", nil)
if !bytes.Contains(buf.Bytes(), []byte("<h")) {
return firstRuneToUpper(path)
return header
func firstRuneToUpper(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return ""
r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return string(unicode.ToUpper(r)) + s[n:]
func lineBreak(w *textutil.LineWriter, style style) {
switch style {
case styleCompact, styleFull:
width := w.Width()
if width < 0 {
// If the user has chosen an "unlimited" word-wrapping width, we still
// need a reasonable width for our visual line break.
width = defaultWidth
fmt.Fprintln(w, strings.Repeat("=", width))
case styleGoDoc:
// needsHelpChild returns true if cmd needs a default help command to be
// appended to its children. Every command that has children and doesn't
// already have a "help" command needs a help child.
func needsHelpChild(cmd *Command) bool {
for _, child := range cmd.Children {
if child.Name == helpName {
return false
return len(cmd.Children) > 0
// usageAll prints usage recursively via DFS from the path onward.
func usageAll(w *textutil.LineWriter, path []*Command, config *helpConfig, firstCall bool) {
cmd, cmdPath := path[len(path)-1], pathName(config.env.prefix(), path)
usage(w, path, config, firstCall)
for _, child := range cmd.Children {
usageAll(w, append(path, child), config, false)
if cmd.LookPath {
subCmds := lookPathAll(cmd.Name, config.env.pathDirs(), cmd.subNames())
for _, subCmd := range subCmds {
runner := binaryRunner{subCmd, cmdPath}
var buffer bytes.Buffer
env := config.env.clone()
env.Stdout = &buffer
env.Stderr = &buffer
env.Vars["CMDLINE_FIRST_CALL"] = "1"
env.Vars["CMDLINE_STYLE"] =
if err := runner.Run(env, []string{helpName, "..."}); err == nil {
// The binary subcommand supports "help".
if == styleGoDoc {
// The textutil package will discard any leading empty lines
// produced by the child process output, so we need to
// output it here.
fmt.Fprint(w, buffer.String())
if err := runner.Run(env, []string{"-help"}); err == nil {
// The binary subcommand supports "-help".
if == styleGoDoc {
// The textutil package will discard any leading empty lines
// produced by the child process output, so we need to
// output it here.
fmt.Fprint(w, buffer.String())
// The binary subcommand does not support "help" or "-help".
fmt.Fprintln(w, godocHeader(cmdPath+" "+strings.TrimPrefix(subCmd, cmd.Name+"-"), missingDescription))
if firstCall && needsHelpChild(cmd) {
help := helpRunner{path, config}.newCommand()
usageAll(w, append(path, help), config, false)
for _, topic := range cmd.Topics {
fmt.Fprintln(w, godocHeader(cmdPath+" "+topic.Name, topic.Short))
fmt.Fprintln(w, topic.Long)
// usage prints the usage of the last command in path to w. The bool firstCall
// is set to false when printing usage for multiple commands, and is used to
// avoid printing redundant information (e.g. help command, global flags).
func usage(w *textutil.LineWriter, path []*Command, config *helpConfig, firstCall bool) {
cmd, cmdPath := path[len(path)-1], pathName(config.env.prefix(), path)
if == styleShort {
fmt.Fprintln(w, cmd.Short)
children := cmd.Children
if firstCall && needsHelpChild(cmd) {
help := helpRunner{path, config}.newCommand()
children = append(children, help)
var subCmds []string
if cmd.LookPath {
subCmds = lookPathAll(cmd.Name, config.env.pathDirs(), cmd.subNames())
if !firstCall {
fmt.Fprintln(w, godocHeader(cmdPath, cmd.Short))
fmt.Fprintln(w, cmd.Long)
// Usage line.
fmt.Fprintln(w, "Usage:")
cmdPathF := " " + cmdPath
if countFlags(&cmd.Flags, nil, true) > 0 {
cmdPathF += " [flags]"
if cmd.Runner != nil {
if cmd.ArgsName != "" {
fmt.Fprintln(w, cmdPathF, cmd.ArgsName)
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(w, cmdPathF)
hasSubcommands := len(subCmds) > 0 || len(children) > 0
if hasSubcommands {
fmt.Fprintln(w, cmdPathF, "<command>")
// Compute the name width.
const minNameWidth = 11
nameWidth := minNameWidth
for _, child := range children {
if len(child.Name) > nameWidth {
nameWidth = len(child.Name)
for _, subCmd := range subCmds {
length := len(strings.TrimPrefix(subCmd, cmd.Name+"-"))
if length > nameWidth {
nameWidth = length
// Command header.
if hasSubcommands {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "The", cmdPath, "commands are:")
// Print as a table with aligned columns Name and Short.
w.SetIndents(spaces(3), spaces(3+nameWidth+1))
// Built-in subcommands.
if len(children) > 0 {
for _, child := range children {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%-[1]*[2]s %[3]s", nameWidth, child.Name, child.Short)
// Binary subcommands.
if len(subCmds) > 0 {
for _, subCmd := range subCmds {
runner := binaryRunner{subCmd, cmdPath}
var buffer bytes.Buffer
env := config.env.clone()
env.Stdout = &buffer
env.Stderr = &buffer
env.Vars["CMDLINE_STYLE"] = "short"
if err := runner.Run(env, []string{"-help"}); err == nil {
// The binary subcommand supports "-help".
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%-[1]*[2]s %[3]s", nameWidth, strings.TrimPrefix(subCmd, cmd.Name+"-"), buffer.String())
// The binary subcommand does not support "-help".
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%-[1]*[2]s %[3]s", nameWidth, strings.TrimPrefix(subCmd, cmd.Name+"-"), missingDescription)
// Command footer.
if hasSubcommands {
if firstCall && != styleGoDoc {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Run \"%s help [command]\" for command usage.\n", cmdPath)
// Args.
if cmd.Runner != nil && cmd.ArgsLong != "" {
fmt.Fprintln(w, cmd.ArgsLong)
// Help topics.
if len(cmd.Topics) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "The", cmdPath, "additional help topics are:")
nameWidth := minNameWidth
for _, topic := range cmd.Topics {
if len(topic.Name) > nameWidth {
nameWidth = len(topic.Name)
// Print as a table with aligned columns Name and Short.
w.SetIndents(spaces(3), spaces(3+nameWidth+1))
for _, topic := range cmd.Topics {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%-[1]*[2]s %[3]s", nameWidth, topic.Name, topic.Short)
if firstCall && != styleGoDoc {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Run \"%s help [topic]\" for topic details.\n", cmdPath)
flagsUsage(w, path, config, firstCall)
func flagsUsage(w *textutil.LineWriter, path []*Command, config *helpConfig, firstCall bool) {
cmd, cmdPath := path[len(path)-1], pathName(config.env.prefix(), path)
// Flags.
if countFlags(&cmd.Flags, nil, true) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "The", cmdPath, "flags are:")
printFlags(w, &cmd.Flags,, nil, true)
// Only show global flags on the first call.
if !firstCall {
hasCompact := countFlags(globalFlags, nonHiddenGlobalFlags, true) > 0
hasFull := countFlags(globalFlags, nonHiddenGlobalFlags, false) > 0
if != styleCompact {
// Non-compact style, always show all global flags.
if hasCompact || hasFull {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "The global flags are:")
printFlags(w, globalFlags,, nonHiddenGlobalFlags, true)
if hasCompact && hasFull {
printFlags(w, globalFlags,, nonHiddenGlobalFlags, false)
// Compact style, only show compact flags and a reminder if there are more.
if hasCompact {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "The global flags are:")
printFlags(w, globalFlags,, nonHiddenGlobalFlags, true)
if hasFull {
fullhelp := fmt.Sprintf(`Run "%s help -style=full" to show all global flags.`, cmdPath)
if len(cmd.Children) == 0 {
if len(path) > 1 {
parentPath := pathName(config.env.prefix(), path[:len(path)-1])
fullhelp = fmt.Sprintf(`Run "%s help -style=full %s" to show all global flags.`, parentPath, cmd.Name)
} else {
fullhelp = fmt.Sprintf(`Run "CMDLINE_STYLE=full %s -help" to show all global flags.`, cmdPath)
fmt.Fprintln(w, fullhelp)
func countFlags(flags *flag.FlagSet, regexps []*regexp.Regexp, match bool) (num int) {
flags.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if match == matchRegexps(regexps, f.Name) {
func printFlags(w *textutil.LineWriter, flags *flag.FlagSet, style style, regexps []*regexp.Regexp, match bool) {
flags.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if match != matchRegexps(regexps, f.Name) {
value := f.Value.String()
if style == styleGoDoc {
// When using styleGoDoc we use the default value, so that e.g. regular
// help will show "/usr/home/me/foo" while godoc will show "$HOME/foo".
value = f.DefValue
fmt.Fprintf(w, " -%s=%v", f.Name, value)
fmt.Fprintln(w, f.Usage)
func spaces(count int) string {
return strings.Repeat(" ", count)
func matchRegexps(regexps []*regexp.Regexp, name string) bool {
// We distinguish nil regexps from empty regexps; the former means "all names
// match", while the latter means "no names match".
if regexps == nil {
return true
for _, r := range regexps {
if r.MatchString(name) {
return true
return false
var nonHiddenGlobalFlags []*regexp.Regexp
// HideGlobalFlagsExcept hides global flags from the default compact-style usage
// message, except for the given regexps. Global flag names that match any of
// the regexps will still be shown in the compact usage message. Multiple calls
// behave as if all regexps were provided in a single call.
// All global flags are always shown in non-compact style usage messages.
func HideGlobalFlagsExcept(regexps ...*regexp.Regexp) {
// NOTE: nonHiddenGlobalFlags is used as the argument to matchRegexps, where
// nil means "all names match" and empty means "no names match".
nonHiddenGlobalFlags = append(nonHiddenGlobalFlags, regexps...)
if nonHiddenGlobalFlags == nil {
nonHiddenGlobalFlags = []*regexp.Regexp{}