blob: 6faf513afbfbc7b077f2d68de24f88fc5b5f5d54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package timing
import (
// CompactTimer implements Timer with a memory-efficient implementation.
// Timestamps are only recorded on calls to Push and Finish; the assumption is
// that there is typically a very small delay between a call to Pop and a
// subsequent call to Push or Finish, so the Pop time doesn't need to be
// recorded.
// CompactTimer performs fewer memory allocations and is faster than FullTimer
// for push and pop, but doesn't collect actual end times.
type CompactTimer struct {
points []compactPoint
depth int
zero time.Time
// compactPoint represents a single interval, taking advantage of the fact that
// all intervals are required to be disjoint, and also assuming that all
// intervals are adjacent to each other. Thus instead of holding both a start
// and end time, it only holds a single NextStart time, represented as a delta
// from the zero time for further space savings.
// The NextStart time represents the time that the next interval starts. If the
// next interval is at the same or smaller depth, this is also the end time for
// the current interval.
// The interesting logic is in Push; we rely on each Push call to update
// NextStart for the previous entry, and to create a new entry. This also lets
// us keep a single slice of points in CompactTimer, which is more memory
// efficient than the tree of slices used in FullInterval.
// The trade-off we make for the memory efficiency and simple Push/Pop/Finish
// logic is that we need to do more work in compactInterval to piece-together
// the resulting time intervals.
type compactPoint struct {
Label string
Depth int
NextStart time.Duration
const invalidNext = time.Duration(-1 << 63)
// NewCompactTimer returns a new CompactTimer, with the root interval
// initialized to the given name.
func NewCompactTimer(name string) *CompactTimer {
return &CompactTimer{
points: []compactPoint{{
Label: name,
Depth: 0,
NextStart: invalidNext,
zero: nowFunc(),
// Push implements the Timer.Push method.
func (t *CompactTimer) Push(name string) {
t.points[len(t.points)-1].NextStart = nowFunc().Sub(
t.points = append(t.points, compactPoint{
Label: name,
Depth: t.depth,
NextStart: invalidNext,
// Pop implements the Timer.Pop method.
func (t *CompactTimer) Pop() {
if t.depth > 0 {
// Finish implements the Timer.Finish method.
func (t *CompactTimer) Finish() {
t.depth = 0
t.points[len(t.points)-1].NextStart = nowFunc().Sub(
// String returns a formatted string describing the tree of time intervals.
func (t *CompactTimer) String() string {
return t.Root().String()
// Root returns the root interval.
func (t *CompactTimer) Root() Interval {
return compactInterval{
points: t.points,
children: computeCompactChildren(t.points),
// compactInterval implements Interval using the underlying slice of points
// recorded by CompactTimer. The interesting method is Child, where we
// re-compute the points to use for the next compactInterval.
type compactInterval struct {
points []compactPoint
children []int
zero, start time.Time
// computeCompactChildren returns the indices in points that are immediate
// children of the first point. Points must be a subtree rooted at the first
// point; the depth of every point in points[1:] must be greater than the depth
// of the first point.
func computeCompactChildren(points []compactPoint) (children []int) {
if len(points) < 2 {
target := points[0].Depth + 1
for index := 1; index < len(points); index++ {
if point := points[index]; point.Depth == target {
children = append(children, index)
// Name returns the name of the interval.
func (i compactInterval) Name() string { return i.points[0].Label }
// Start returns the start time of the interval.
func (i compactInterval) Start() time.Time { return i.start }
// End returns the end time of the interval, or zero if the interval hasn't
// ended yet (i.e. it's still open).
func (i compactInterval) End() time.Time {
if next := i.points[len(i.points)-1].NextStart; next != invalidNext {
return time.Time{}
// NumChild returns the number of children contained in this interval.
func (i compactInterval) NumChild() int { return len(i.children) }
// Child returns the child interval at the given index. Valid children are in
// the range [0, NumChild).
func (i compactInterval) Child(index int) Interval {
beg := i.children[index]
var end int
if index+1 < len(i.children) {
end = i.children[index+1]
} else {
end = len(i.points)
points := i.points[beg:end]
return compactInterval{
points: points,
children: computeCompactChildren(points),
// String returns a formatted string describing the tree starting with the
// given interval.
func (i compactInterval) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
IntervalPrinter{}.Print(&buf, i)
return buf.String()