blob: 549ac5bc9e0c07549d63841c6e380959be90aae8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package cmdline implements a data-driven mechanism for writing command-line
// programs with built-in support for help.
// Commands are linked together to form a command tree. Since commands may be
// arbitrarily nested within other commands, it's easy to create wrapper
// programs that invoke existing commands.
// The syntax for each command-line program is:
// command [flags] [subcommand [flags]]* [args]
// Each sequence of flags is associated with the command that immediately
// precedes it. Flags registered on flag.CommandLine are considered global
// flags, and are allowed anywhere a command-specific flag is allowed.
// Pretty usage documentation is automatically generated, and accessible either
// via the standard -h / -help flags from the Go flag package, or a special help
// command. The help command is automatically appended to commands that already
// have at least one child, and don't already have a "help" child.
// Pitfalls
// The cmdline package must be in full control of flag parsing. Typically you
// call cmdline.Main in your main function, and flag parsing is taken care of.
// If a more complicated ordering is required, you can call cmdline.Parse and
// then handle any special initialization.
// The problem is that flags registered on the root command must be merged
// together with the global flags for the root command to be parsed. If
// flag.Parse is called before cmdline.Main or cmdline.Parse, it will fail if
// any root command flags are specified on the command line.
package cmdline
import (
_ "" // for the -metadata flag
// Command represents a single command in a command-line program. A program
// with subcommands is represented as a root Command with children representing
// each subcommand. The command graph must be a tree; each command may either
// have no parent (the root) or exactly one parent, and cycles are not allowed.
type Command struct {
Name string // Name of the command.
Short string // Short description, shown in help called on parent.
Long string // Long description, shown in help called on itself.
Flags flag.FlagSet // Flags for the command.
ArgsName string // Name of the args, shown in usage line.
ArgsLong string // Long description of the args, shown in help.
LookPath bool // Check for subcommands in PATH.
// Children of the command.
Children []*Command
// Runner that runs the command.
// Use RunnerFunc to adapt regular functions into Runners.
// At least one of Children or Runner must be specified. If both are
// specified, ArgsName and ArgsLong must be empty, meaning the Runner doesn't
// take any args. Otherwise there's a possible conflict between child names
// and the runner args, and an error is returned from Parse.
Runner Runner
// Topics that provide additional info via the default help command.
Topics []Topic
// Runner is the interface for running commands. Return ErrExitCode to indicate
// the command should exit with a specific exit code.
type Runner interface {
Run(env *Env, args []string) error
// RunnerFunc is an adapter that turns regular functions into Runners.
type RunnerFunc func(*Env, []string) error
// Run implements the Runner interface method by calling f(env, args).
func (f RunnerFunc) Run(env *Env, args []string) error {
return f(env, args)
// Topic represents a help topic that is accessed via the help command.
type Topic struct {
Name string // Name of the topic.
Short string // Short description, shown in help for the command.
Long string // Long description, shown in help for this topic.
// Main implements the main function for the command tree rooted at root.
// It initializes a new environment from the underlying operating system, parses
// os.Args[1:] against the root command, and runs the resulting runner. Calls
// os.Exit with an exit code that is 0 for success, or non-zero for errors.
// Most main packages should be implemented as follows:
// var root := &cmdline.Command{...}
// func main() {
// cmdline.Main(root)
// }
func Main(root *Command) {
env := EnvFromOS()
err := ParseAndRun(root, env, os.Args[1:])
os.Exit(ExitCode(err, env.Stderr))
// Parse parses args against the command tree rooted at root down to a leaf
// command. A single path through the command tree is traversed, based on the
// sub-commands specified in args. Global and command-specific flags are parsed
// as the tree is traversed.
// On success returns the runner corresponding to the leaf command, along with
// the args to pass to the runner. In addition the env.Usage function is set to
// produce a usage message corresponding to the leaf command.
// Most main packages should just call Main. Parse should only be used if
// special processing is required after parsing the args, and before the runner
// is run. An example:
// var root := &cmdline.Command{...}
// func main() {
// env := cmdline.EnvFromOS()
// os.Exit(cmdline.ExitCode(parseAndRun(env), env.Stderr))
// }
// func parseAndRun(env *cmdline.Env) error {
// runner, args, err := cmdline.Parse(env, root, os.Args[1:])
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// // ... perform initialization that might parse flags ...
// return runner.Run(env, args)
// }
// Parse merges root flags into flag.CommandLine and sets ContinueOnError, so
// that subsequent calls to flag.Parsed return true.
func Parse(root *Command, env *Env, args []string) (Runner, []string, error) {
if globalFlags == nil {
// Initialize our global flags to a cleaned copy. We don't want the merging
// in parseFlags to contaminate the global flags, even if Parse is called
// multiple times, so we keep a single package-level copy.
globalFlags = copyFlags(flag.CommandLine)
// Set env.Usage to the usage of the root command, in case the parse fails.
path := []*Command{root}
env.Usage = makeHelpRunner(path, env).usageFunc
if err := checkTreeInvariants(path, env); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
runner, args, err := root.parse(nil, env, args)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return runner, args, nil
var globalFlags *flag.FlagSet
// ParseAndRun is a convenience that calls Parse, and then calls Run on the
// returned runner with the given env and parsed args.
func ParseAndRun(root *Command, env *Env, args []string) error {
runner, args, err := Parse(root, env, args)
if err != nil {
return err
return runner.Run(env, args)
func trimSpace(s *string) { *s = strings.TrimSpace(*s) }
func cleanTree(cmd *Command) {
for tx := range cmd.Topics {
for _, child := range cmd.Children {
func cleanFlags(flags *flag.FlagSet) {
flags.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
func checkTreeInvariants(path []*Command, env *Env) error {
cmd, cmdPath := path[len(path)-1], pathName(env.prefix(), path)
// Check that the root name is non-empty.
if cmdPath == "" {
Root command name cannot be empty.`)
// Check that the children and topic names are non-empty and unique.
seen := make(map[string]bool)
checkName := func(name string) error {
if name == "" {
Command and topic names cannot be empty.`, cmdPath)
if seen[name] {
Each command must have unique children and topic names.
Saw %q multiple times.`, cmdPath, name)
seen[name] = true
return nil
for _, child := range cmd.Children {
if err := checkName(child.Name); err != nil {
return err
for _, topic := range cmd.Topics {
if err := checkName(topic.Name); err != nil {
return err
// Check that our Children / Runner invariant is satisfied. At least one must
// be specified, and if both are specified then ArgsName and ArgsLong must be
// empty, meaning the Runner doesn't take any args.
switch hasC, hasR := len(cmd.Children) > 0, cmd.Runner != nil; {
case !hasC && !hasR:
At least one of Children or Runner must be specified.`, cmdPath)
case hasC && hasR && (cmd.ArgsName != "" || cmd.ArgsLong != ""):
Since both Children and Runner are specified, the Runner cannot take args.
Otherwise a conflict between child names and runner args is possible.`, cmdPath)
// Check recursively for all children
for _, child := range cmd.Children {
if err := checkTreeInvariants(append(path, child), env); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func pathName(prefix string, path []*Command) string {
name := path[0].Name
for _, cmd := range path[1:] {
name += " " + cmd.Name
if prefix != "" {
return prefix + " " + name
return name
func (cmd *Command) parse(path []*Command, env *Env, args []string) (Runner, []string, error) {
path = append(path, cmd)
cmdPath := pathName(env.prefix(), path)
runHelp := makeHelpRunner(path, env)
env.Usage = runHelp.usageFunc
// Parse flags and retrieve the args remaining after the parse.
args, err := parseFlags(path, env, args)
switch {
case err == flag.ErrHelp:
return runHelp, nil, nil
case err != nil:
return nil, nil, env.UsageErrorf("%s: %v", cmdPath, err)
// First handle the no-args case.
if len(args) == 0 {
if cmd.Runner != nil {
return cmd.Runner, nil, nil
return nil, nil, env.UsageErrorf("%s: no command specified", cmdPath)
// INVARIANT: len(args) > 0
// Look for matching children.
subName, subArgs := args[0], args[1:]
if len(cmd.Children) > 0 {
for _, child := range cmd.Children {
if child.Name == subName {
return child.parse(path, env, subArgs)
// Every non-leaf command gets a default help command.
if helpName == subName {
return runHelp.newCommand().parse(path, env, subArgs)
if cmd.LookPath {
// Look for a matching executable in PATH.
subCmd := cmd.Name + "-" + subName
if lookPath(subCmd, env.pathDirs()) {
return binaryRunner{subCmd, cmdPath}, subArgs, nil
// No matching subcommands, check various error cases.
switch {
case cmd.Runner == nil:
return nil, nil, env.UsageErrorf("%s: unknown command %q", cmdPath, subName)
case cmd.ArgsName == "":
if len(cmd.Children) > 0 {
return nil, nil, env.UsageErrorf("%s: unknown command %q", cmdPath, subName)
return nil, nil, env.UsageErrorf("%s: doesn't take arguments", cmdPath)
// INVARIANT: cmd.Runner != nil && len(args) > 0 && cmd.ArgsName != ""
return cmd.Runner, args, nil
func parseFlags(path []*Command, env *Env, args []string) ([]string, error) {
cmd, isRoot := path[len(path)-1], len(path) == 1
// Parse the merged command-specific and global flags.
var flags *flag.FlagSet
if isRoot {
// The root command is special, due to the pitfall described above in the
// package doc. Merge into flag.CommandLine and use that for parsing. This
// ensures that subsequent calls to flag.Parsed will return true, so the
// user can check whether flags have already been parsed. Global flags take
// precedence over command flags for the root command.
flags = flag.CommandLine
mergeFlags(flags, &cmd.Flags)
} else {
// Command flags take precedence over global flags for non-root commands.
flags = copyFlags(&cmd.Flags)
mergeFlags(flags, globalFlags)
// Silence the many different ways flags.Parse can produce ugly output; we
// just want it to return any errors and handle the output ourselves.
// 1) Set flag.ContinueOnError so that Parse() doesn't exit or panic.
// 2) Discard all output (can't be nil, that means stderr).
// 3) Set an empty Usage (can't be nil, that means use the default).
flags.Init(cmd.Name, flag.ContinueOnError)
flags.Usage = func() {}
if isRoot {
// If this is the root command, we must remember to undo the above changes
// on flag.CommandLine after the parse. We don't know the original settings
// of these values, so we just blindly set back to the default values.
defer func() {
flags.Init(cmd.Name, flag.ExitOnError)
flags.Usage = func() { env.Usage(env.Stderr) }
if err := flags.Parse(args); err != nil {
return nil, err
return flags.Args(), nil
func mergeFlags(dst, src *flag.FlagSet) {
src.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
// If there is a collision in flag names, the existing flag in dst wins.
// Note that flag.Var will panic if it sees a collision.
if dst.Lookup(f.Name) == nil {
dst.Var(f.Value, f.Name, f.Usage)
func copyFlags(flags *flag.FlagSet) *flag.FlagSet {
cp := new(flag.FlagSet)
mergeFlags(cp, flags)
return cp
// ErrExitCode may be returned by Runner.Run to cause the program to exit with a
// specific error code.
type ErrExitCode int
// Error implements the error interface method.
func (x ErrExitCode) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("exit code %d", x)
// ErrUsage indicates an error in command usage; e.g. unknown flags, subcommands
// or args. It corresponds to exit code 2.
const ErrUsage = ErrExitCode(2)
// ExitCode returns the exit code corresponding to err.
// 0: if err == nil
// code: if err is ErrExitCode(code)
// 1: all other errors
// Writes the error message for "all other errors" to w, if w is non-nil.
func ExitCode(err error, w io.Writer) int {
if err == nil {
return 0
if code, ok := err.(ErrExitCode); ok {
return int(code)
if w != nil {
// We don't print "ERROR: exit code N" above to avoid cluttering the output.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "ERROR: %v\n", err)
return 1
type binaryRunner struct {
subCmd string
cmdPath string
func (b binaryRunner) Run(env *Env, args []string) error {
cmd := exec.Command(b.subCmd, args...)
cmd.Stdin = env.Stdin
cmd.Stdout = env.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = env.Stderr
cmd.Env = envvar.MapToSlice(env.Vars)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "CMDLINE_PREFIX="+b.cmdPath)
return cmd.Run()
// lookPath returns a boolean that indicates whether executable <name>
// can be found in any of the given directories.
func lookPath(name string, dirs []string) bool {
for _, dir := range dirs {
fileInfos, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
if err != nil {
for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
if m := fileInfo.Mode(); !m.IsRegular() || (m&os.FileMode(0111)) == 0 {
if fileInfo.Name() == name {
return true
return false
// lookPathAll returns a list of all executables found in the given
// directories whose name starts with "<name>-".
func lookPathAll(name string, dirs []string) (result []string) {
for _, dir := range dirs {
fileInfos, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
if err != nil {
for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
if m := fileInfo.Mode(); !m.IsRegular() || (m&os.FileMode(0111)) == 0 {
if strings.HasPrefix(fileInfo.Name(), name+"-") {
result = append(result, fileInfo.Name())